Planets Project

Colonize a Planet (exoplanet, comet, or a planet’s moon) Name _________________________ Per_____

Mrs. Zeiders

Congratulations! Your team has been awarded the colonization research grant for the planet_______________.

The focus of this initial investigation is colonization (landing and establishing a small community).

Be sure to include at least the following in your presentation.

The Planet Basics

□ The distance from Earth

□ Diameter of the planet

□ Orbit length (time to go around the sun)

□ Rotation length (one day and one night)

□ Temperature ranges (°C)

□ Axis tilt

□ Moon info if applicable

□ A color picture of your planet and colony

□ At least 10 interesting facts IN YOUR OWN WORDS!

Life Requirements

□ What essentials needed for human life are already present? Which are lacking?

□ What barriers would we have to overcome to colonize this planet?

□ What materials, technology, etc. is needed to live on the planet/overcome barriers?


□ Time it would take to travel there—show your calculation! Hint** you need to know how fast spacecraft typically fly and then calculate

□ How would you get all the materials to the planet?

□ Would your voyagers come back to Earth or remain on the planet and WHY?

□ Other interesting details are included

Display Quality

□ Info is clearly presented and organized

□ Pictures/drawings are interesting and labeled

Sources Cited

□ CITE YOUR 4 (or more) SOURCES—which facts from which source?

□ Uses

The science class federation will convene on________________.

During this time your peers will view your project and judge it based on the details and colonization strategy. This presentation is open-ended and could include a large poster, PowerPoint, Prezi, model or video (that you have made) that will highlight the above information.

May the force be with you!

Grading Rubric: Colonize Project Name _____________________________________ Per _____

|Segment |Points |Requirements (missing items circled) |

|Planet | |Distance from Earth |

|Basics | |Diameter of the planet |

|1 pt/ea | |Orbit length |

| | |Rotation length |

| | |Temperature ranges °C |

| | |Axis tilt |

| | |Moon info if applicable |

| | |Color picture of planet and colony |

| | |At least 10 interesting facts |


|Life Requirements | |Essentials for humans present |

|2 pts/ea | |Essentials are lacking |

| | |Barriers to overcome to colonize |

| |8 |Materials, tech, etc. is needed to overcome barriers |

|Depth of | |Travel Time |

|Plan Detail | |Show your calculation! |

|1 pt/ea | |Getting materials to the planet |

| | |Voyagers come back to Earth? |

| |6 |WHY or why not? |

| | |Other interesting details |

|Display Quality | |Info is clearly planned, organized, and presented |

|2 pts/ea | |Pictures/drawings are interesting and labeled |

| |6 |Creativity is helpful |

|Sources | |4 (or more) (2pts) |

|Cited | |CITE YOUR SOURCES (4pts) |

| | |Which facts from which source (2pts) |

| |10 |Uses (2pts) |

|TOTAL | |Comments |

| | | |

| | | |

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| |40 | |

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How should I divide the points?

Take 100% and then give X% to Person 1 and Y% to Person 2.

Person 1_________________________= Percent of total points___________%

Person 2_________________________= Percent of total points___________%

|The Planet Basics |CITE YOUR SOURCES—which facts from which source? |

|The distance from Earth | |

| | |

|Diameter of the planet | |

| | |

|Orbit length (time to go around the sun) | |

|Rotation length (one day and one night) | |

| | |

|Temperature ranges | |

| | |

|Axis tilt | |

|Moon info if applicable | |

| | |

|At least 10 interesting facts IN YOUR OWN WORDS! | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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|Life Requirements |CITE YOUR SOURCES—which facts from which source? |

|Essentials for human life present? Lacking? | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|What barriers would we have to overcome to colonize | |

|this planet? | |

| | |

| | |

|What technology, materials, etc is needed to live on | |

|the planet? | |

| | |

|The Plan |CITE YOUR SOURCES—which facts from which source? |

|Time it would take to travel there—show your | |

|calculation! Hint** you need to know how fast | |

|spacecraft typically fly and then calculate | |

| | |

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| | |

|How would you get all the materials to the planet? | |

| | |

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| | |

| | |

|Would your voyagers come back to Earth or remain on the| |

|planet and WHY? | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Other interesting details | |

| | |

| | |

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