CIS 110 - Intro to Computer Logic and Programming

09/17/14WKO – 106Workplace SkillsPlan Of InstructionCOURSE DESCRIPTION This course emphasizes the foundational information to develop knowledge and skills to prepare individuals for employment following completion of technical and academic programs. At the conclusion of this course, students will have knowledge and skills relevant to work ethic, communication, resume writing, job interviewing, dress and appearance, behavior, problem solving, decision making, and project management. CREDIT HOURSTheory 3 credit hours Lab0 credit hour Total3 credit hoursNOTE: Theory credit hours are a 1:1 contact to credit ratio. Programs may schedule practical lab hours as 3:1 or 2:1 contact to credit ratio; Clinical hours are 3:1 contact to credit ratio; and Preceptorships may be scheduled as 3:1 (P3) or 5:1 (P5) (Ref Board Policy 705.01).PREREQUISITE COURSES Determined by college unless stated otherwise.CO-REQUISITE COURSES Determined by college unless stated otherwise.INDUSTRY COMPETENCIES:Comprehend the need for positive work ethics in the workplace.Demonstrate effective communication skillsDemonstrate effective problem solving prehend the need for preventing workplace prehend elements of goal setting.Demonstrate effective job preparation skills. Comprehend the need for Diversity in the prehend interpersonal skills applicable in the workplaceComprehend the need for team member training in the prehend the need for the appropriate use of time management techniques in the workplace.Demonstrate effective decision making prehend the need for sexual harassment prevention in the prehend the need for conflict management skills in the workplace.INSTRUCTIONAL GOALSCognitive – Comprehend foundational knowledge of issues related to personal and professional success in the workplace.Psychomotor – apply foundational knowledge of issues related to personal and professional success in the workplace.Affective – Value the importance of positive work ethic and interpersonal relations.STUDENT OBJECTIVESCondition Statement: Unless otherwise indicated, evaluation of student’s attainment of objectives is based on knowledge gained from this course. Specifications may be in the form of, but not limited to, cognitive skills diagnostic instruments, manufacturer’s specifications, technical orders, regulations, national and state codes, certification agencies, locally developed lab/clinical assignments, or any combination of specifications.STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMESModule A – Positive Work Ethics Professional CompetenciesPerformance ObjectivesKSAA1.0 Comprehend the need for positive work ethics in the workplace.A1.1This competency is measured cognitively.2Learning Objectives A1.1.1Explain consistent punctuality and attendance. A1.1.2Identify examples of regular attendance, punctuality, diligence, and honest qualities demonstrating dependability.A1.1.3Describe loyalty, respect, and effective strategies for dealing with one’s boss.A1.1.4Describe the appropriate use of social media in industry.A1.1.5Explain the need to properly document attendance as prescribed standards.A1.1.6Explain the need for maintaining confidentiality and sensitivity of company information.A1.1.7Identify examples of productive workplace cooperation.A1.1.8Identify appropriate strategies for avoiding involvement with personal problems and gossip in the workplace.A1.1.9Identify responsible behavior in the workplace.A1.1.10Identify examples of initiative in the workplace.A1.1.11Identify appropriate dress and hygiene for the workplace.A1.1.12Identify behaviors that demonstrate good judgment in separating work and personal life.A1.1.13Identify appropriate strategies to use when asking for time off, a raise, or more responsibility at work.2123121111111Module A Topics:Punctuality and attendance Demonstrating dependabilityLoyalty, respect, and dealing with one’s boss(es)Social media in industryAttendance Confidentiality and sensitivity of company informationProductive workplace cooperationAvoiding personal problems and gossip in the workplaceResponsible behavior in the workplaceInitiative in the workplaceAppropriate dress and hygiene for the workplaceSeparating work and personal lifeTime off, raises, and more responsibility Module B – Effective Communication SkillsProfessional CompetenciesPerformance ObjectivesKSAB1.0Demonstrate effective communication skills.B1.1This competency is measured cognitively.3Learning Objectives B1.1.1Describe how to improving listening skills.B1.1.2Construct effective written communication.B1.1.3Describe the gap between intended and actual communication.B1.1.4Explain the importance of communication time and timeliness.B1.1.5Explain how perception affects communication.B1.1.6Describe how to separate fact from inference.B1.1.7Describe the communication process.B1.1.8Identify methods for getting the receiver’s attention.B1.1.9Explain techniques for overcoming barriers.B1.1.10Describe the A.C.T. of listening (Attending, Considering, Talking).B1.1.11Explain how to clearly communicate ideas in front of a group.B1.1.12Describe the impact of nonverbal messages.B1.1.13Identify appropriate industrial writing (use appropriate language, spelling, and stick to the specifics).B1.1.14Explain the encoding process.B1.1.15Explain the influence of space and geography on communication.B1.1.16Describe methods for getting the receiver’s attention.B1.1.17Identify misconceptions about listening.33333322232222223Module B Topics:Improving Listening SkillsEffective written communicationThe gap between intended and actual communicationCommunication time and timelinessHow perception affects communicationSeparating fact from inferenceThe communication processGetting the receiver’s attentionTechniques for overcoming barriersThe A.C.T. of listening (Attending, Considering, Talking)Group communicationNonverbal messagesIndustrial writing The encoding processThe influence of space and geographyGetting the receiver’s attentionMisconceptions about listeningModule C – Problem Solving SkillsProfessional CompetenciesPerformance ObjectivesKSAC1.0Demonstrate effective problem solving skills.C1.1This competency is measured cognitively.3Learning Objectives C1.1.1Describe the reflective problem solving process.C1.1.2Differentiate between various problem solving tools. C1.1.3Describe the elements of creative thinking.C1.1.4Discuss barriers to creative thinking.C1.1.5Explain the creative thinking process.33333Module C Topics:Reflective problem solving processProblem solving tools Elements of creative thinkingBarriers to creative thinkingThe creative thinking processModule D – Preventing Workplace ViolenceProfessional CompetenciesPerformance ObjectivesKSAD1.0 Comprehend the need for preventing workplace violence.D1.1This competency is measured cognitively.1Learning Objectives D1.1.1Identify measures you can take to prevent workplace violence.D1.1.2Identify the warning signs that lead to actual workplace violence.D1.1.3Describe the actions an employee must take if he/she notices another employee with the warning signs.D1.1.4Define workplace violence.D1.1.5Identify the stages of violence.D1.1.6Identify the different categories of threats that may lead to workplace violence.D1.1.7Identify the various causes of workplace violence.1121111Module D Topics:What You can do to Prevent Workplace ViolenceRecognizing the warning signs of workplace violenceKnowing the actions an employee must take if he/she notices another employee with the warning signsWorkplace violence definedStages of violenceCategories of threats that may lead to workplace violenceCauses of workplace violenceModule E – Goal Setting Professional CompetenciesPerformance ObjectivesKSAE1.0Comprehend elements of goal setting.E1.1This competency is measured cognitively.2Learning Objectives E1.1.1Describe the process of setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals (Specific, Measurable, Agreed Upon, Realistic, Timed).E1.1.2Define goal setting.E1.1.3Identify the benefits of setting goals.E1.1.4Explain how goal setting can go wrong.3112Module E TopicsSetting S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Agreed Upon, Realistic, Timed)Goal setting definedBenefits of goal settingWhere goal setting can go wrongModule F – General Employability SkillsProfessional CompetenciesPerformance ObjectivesKSAF1.0Comprehend appropriate professional dress etiquette. F1.1Demonstrate appropriate dress for a job interview.2F2.0Comprehend appropriate resume and job interview skills and techniques.F2.1Develop an effective resume.2Learning Objectives F1.1.1Explain the generally accepted rules for appropriate dress.F1.1.2Explain techniques for making a good impression.F1.1.3Identify apparel not appropriate for a professional environment.F1.1.4Describe appropriate grooming tips and techniques.F1.1.5Identify appropriate dress tips for men.F1.1.6Identify appropriate dress tips for women.223211F2.1.1Explain interview preparation techniques.F2.1.2Identify resume essentials.F2.1.3Explain appropriate resume content.F2.1.4Identify techniques for a resume check-up.F2.1.5Identify various types of resumes.F2.1.6Explain how to prepare for interview questions.F2.1.7Describe techniques for handling improper questions.2331122Module F Topics:Appropriate DressGeneral rules for appropriate dressMaking a good impressionWhat not to wearGrooming tipsDress tips for menDress tips for womenJob ApplicationPreparing or an interviewResume essentialsResume contentResume check-upTypes of resumesInterview questionsHandling improper questionsModule G – DiversityProfessional CompetenciesPerformance ObjectivesKSAG1.0 Comprehend the need for Diversity in the workplace.G1.1This competency is measured cognitively.2Learning Objectives G1.1.1Explain techniques for influencing people to work together.G1.1.2Define diversity.G1.1.3Differentiate between “common ground” and “sameness”.G1.1.4Identify barriers to reaching common ground.G1.1.5Identify characteristics of a diverse workplace.G1.1.6Determine the importance of a diverse workplace.213213Module G Topics:Influencing people to work togetherDiversity definedCommon ground and samenessBarriers to reaching common groundCharacteristics of a diverse workplaceImportance of a diverse workplaceModule H – Interpersonal SkillsProfessional CompetenciesPerformance ObjectivesKSAH1.0Comprehend interpersonal skills applicable in the workplace.H1.1This module is measured cognitively.2Learning Objectives H1.1.1Explain the importance of constructive criticism.H1.1.2Explain the need for understanding human nature.H1.1.3Describe techniques for making a good impression.H1.1.4Describe techniques for making people feel important.H1.1.5Explain how to agree when you really disagree.H1.1.6Explain how to be convincing in a position.H1.1.7Explain the importance of delivering a pat on the back.2222222Module H Topics:Importance of constructive criticismUnderstanding human natureMaking a good impressionMaking people feel importantAgreeing when you really disagreeConvincing people to say yes to youDelivering a pat on the backModule I – Team Member TrainingProfessional CompetenciesPerformance ObjectivesKSAI1.0 Comprehend the need for team member training in the workplace.I1.1This competency is measured cognitively.3Learning Objectives I1.1.1Describe the importance of collaboration to enhance goal accomplishment.I1.1.2Identify team member attributes that enhance goal accomplishment.I1.1.3Predict the impact of the team on goal accomplishment based on given scenarios.313Module I Topics:Importance of collaboration Team member attributes that enhance goal accomplishmentTeam impact on goal accomplishment Module J – Time ManagementProfessional CompetenciesPerformance ObjectivesKSAJ1.0 Comprehend the need for the appropriate use of time management techniques in the workplace.J1.1This competency is measured cognitively.2Learning Objectives J1.1.1Identify time management techniques that contribute to accomplishing goals.J1.1.2Explain how to develop personal goals and objectives for the short and long-term.J1.1.3Describe how to stay task oriented.122Module J Topics:Time management techniquesShort and long-term goals and objectives Task orientationModule K – Decision Making Skills Professional CompetenciesPerformance ObjectivesKSAK1.0Demonstrate effective decision making skills.K1.1This competency is measured cognitively.3Learning Objectives K1.1.1Define decision making.K1.1.2Identify various types of decisions.K1.1.3Explain the process for who makes a decision.K1.1.4Explain the nature of change.K1.1.5Determine the most appropriate decision based on facts provided.K1.1.6Identify adverse consequences that may impact the decision.112333Module K Topics:Define decision makingTypes of decisionsDeciding who should decideThe nature of changeFact based decisionsAdverse consequences impacting a decisionModule L – Preventing Sexual HarassmentProfessional CompetenciesPerformance ObjectivesKSAL1.0 Comprehend the need for sexual harassment prevention in the workplace.L1.1This competency is measured cognitively.2Learning Objectives L1.1.1Define sexual harassment.L1.1.2Explain what you should do if you are harassed.L1.1.3Determine the company and the individual liability in given sexual harassment scenarios.L1.1.4Identify verbal and non-verbal behaviors that may indicate sexual harassment.L1.1.5Identify actions an employee should take if they feel they are being sexually harassed.L1.1.6Identify subtle sexual harassment in the workplace.123321Module L Topics:Sexual harassment definedWhat to do if you are harassedDetermining the company and the individual liability Recognizing verbal and non-verbal sexual harassmentWhat to do if you are being sexually harassedSubtle sexual harassmentModule M – Conflict ManagementProfessional CompetenciesPerformance ObjectivesKSAM1.0 Comprehend the need for conflict management skills in the workplace.M1.1This competency is measured cognitively.3Learning Objectives M1.1.1Define conflict management.M1.1.2Identify sources of conflict.M1.1.3Describe the pattern of conflict.M1.1.4Describe levels of conflict.M1.1.5Discuss conflict outcomes and resolution strategies.M1.1.6Identify the different conflict resolution styles used in scenarios.M1.1.7Explain how appropriate conflict resolution styles enhance effectiveness.1122333Module M Topics:Defining conflict managementSources of conflictKnowing the pattern of conflictLevels of conflictConflict outcomes and resolution strategiesConflict resolution styles LEARNING OUTCOMES Table of specificationsThe table below identifies the percentage of learning objectives for each module. Instructors should develop sufficient numbers of test items at the appropriate level of evaluation.?Limited Knowledge and ProficiencyModerate Knowledge and ProficiencyAdvanced Knowledge and ProficiencySuperior Knowledge and ProficiencyKSA1234Module A69%23%8%Module B53%47%Module C100%Module D86%14%Module E50%25%25%Module F31%46%23%Module G33%33%33%Module H100%Module I33%66%Module J33%66%Module K 33%17%50%Module L33%33%33%Module M28.5%28.5%43%Learner’s Knowledge, Skills and AbilitiesIndicatorKey TermsDescription1Limited Knowledge and ProficiencyRecognize basic information about the subject including terms and nomenclature.Students must demonstrate ability to recall information such as facts, terminology or rules related to information previously taught. Performs simple parts of the competency. Student requires close supervision when performing the competency.2Moderate Knowledge and ProficiencyDistinguish relationships between general principles and facts. Adopts prescribed methodologies and concepts.Students must demonstrate understanding of multiple facts and principles and their relationships, and differentiate between elements of information. Students state ideal sequence for performing task. Performs most parts of the competency with instructor assistance as appropriate.3Advanced Knowledge and ProficiencyExamines conditions, findings, or other relevant data to select an appropriate response. The ability to determine why and when a particular response is appropriate and predict anticipated outcomes. Students demonstrate their ability to seek additional information and incorporate new findings into the conclusion and justify their answers.Able and willing to perform tasks independently.4Superior Knowledge and ProficiencyAssessing conditions, findings, data, and relevant theory to formulate appropriate responses and develop procedures for situation resolution. Involves higher levels of cognitive reasoning. Requires students to formulate connections between relevant ideas and observations. Students apply judgments to the value of alternatives and select the most appropriate response. Can instruct others how to do the competency.Performs competency quickly and accurately.AAffective ObjectiveDescribes learning objectives that emphasize a feeling tone, an emotion, or a degree of acceptance or rejection. Objectives vary from simple attention to selected phenomena to complex but internally consistent qualities of character and conscience. Expressed as interests, attitudes, appreciations, values, and emotional sets or biases.Northeast Alabama Community CollegeEvaluation of Program Learning OutcomesProgram Learning Outcomes FormWKO 106 (Workplace Skills)Faculty annually review the extent to which the program learning outcomes identified in a course syllabus are being attained by students who complete the course. Each syllabus identifies the assessment method that will be used to demonstrate student mastery of the desired program learning outcomes. Before teaching a course, faculty should review the syllabus to understand how the learning outcomes will be evaluated. Once the course is complete, this form is used by the instructor to report how well students demonstrated mastery of those program learning outcomes.Course Prefix & No.: WKO 106Course Title: Workplace SkillsInstructor:Date:Semester:Section Number(s):Type of Delivery – Mark One*: FORMCHECKBOX Dual Enrollment FORMCHECKBOX Online FORMCHECKBOX Traditional*Double click on the appropriate box. When the form field menu appears, select “checked” under Default value..General Education/Program Learning Outcome Institutional Evaluation Method and BenchmarkEvaluation ResultsOf the students who completed the assessment, how many demonstrated attainment of the stated outcomes? (For example, 22/28, 19/28)Suggested ImprovementsBased on an analysis of the evaluation results, what improvements can be made in the program? You must include something specific in this section, even if all of the students demonstrated attainment of the outcomes.The student will exhibit a positive work ethic.In WKO 106, the student’s work ethic will be assessed by scoring at least 30 points on a standardized Workplace Readiness Skills Test.*Reviewed: Division Director or Program Supervisor Date*To be completed by Division Director or Program Supervisor Only ................

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