Biomes of the World - Research and Logbook

Biomes of the World - Research and Logbook

Name __________________________________

Directions: You have two days to complete your research and logbook. You will need to go to biomes. to access the movie and information you will need.

After you watch the movie, click on the link that will take you to the information pages. Read each page and fill in the blanks in this logbook with the answers.

Our Planet’s Biomes

1. In order to better understand the world we live in, biologists have divided our planet into what they call ________________.

2. A biome is a big word that simply means ________________________________________________________.

3. Although there is some debate about how to divide the regions of the Earth, there are currently six commonly accepted biomes. They are___________________,_________________,_______________,

_________________,________________,and _________________

4. A biome in one part of the Earth will be ___________ but not _____________ to a biome in another part of the Earth.

The Tundra Biome

5. Tundras can be found circling the _____________ throughout North America and _____________.

6. A tundra is like a very cold _________, getting less then 25 cm (9.8 inches) of rain and snow per year.

7. The moisture that the Tundra does receive ends up locked in a layer of permanent frost called the _____________. Even in spring, summer and fall, which all together only last about three months, this layer of permafrost never __________.

8. In the summer, the __________________ melts, creating pools of water, which are used by many plants and animals. During this short warm season, the tundra comes to life. Many ___________________ __________________can be seen. Very quickly, summer ends, and it is back to the long, harsh, cold __________.

The Coniferous Forest (Taiga) Biome

9. This biome is made up of several different kinds of ______________ called _____________.

10. This biome enjoys ______________than the tundra regions, but it can still get very _________

11. Exploring the coniferous forest biome, you are likely to find many interesting plants and animals, including ___________, ___________, _______________, and many other types of_______________, and a variety of ___________

The Deciduous Forest Biome

12. Traveling still further _________, we find what is called the deciduous forest biome. These forests cover much of the _________________ and most of _____________.

13. The trees of a deciduous forest shed their leaves in the ________, and grow new leaves each __________.

14. This along with the _____________ and ____________ means that the soil of a deciduous forest is _________ than that of the coniferous forest biome.

15. Also, because more sunlight reaches the forest floor, the ground is covered with a variety of ____________, __________, and ___________.

Trees Top the Greenhouse Effect

16. Animals, including people, need ___________ to breathe. Without it, we cannot live. We breathe in oxygen and exhale _______________. Trees need carbon dioxide to survive and create oxygen. We each create what the other needs just by being ___________. In fact, one acre of trees takes care of six tons of carbon dioxide and produce four tons of oxygen! That’s enough clean air for _________ people to breathe for one whole ________!

17. The quality of air in places with lots of trees is much better than air quality in cities or in areas with a sparse tree population. That’s because trees and other plants filter out __________ and _________ like carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide.

The Tropical Rainforest Biome

18. Moving further south, we come upon an area which scientists call the __________________ Biome. This name comes from the fact that these forests receive a very large amount of ________ each year. All of this water, along with a constant year round supply of warmth and sunlight, have helped the rainforests grow into beautiful rich gardens covered with plants, flowers, insects, _______, and _________.

19. Rainforests can be found throughout the world. The largest, known as the __________________, is found in __________________.

20. Rainforests contain a wide variety of diverse life forms. Almost ________ of all living things on Earth can be found living inside these amazing habitats. The plants and animals here have become highly specialized, depending on each other to survive. Certain species of insects have evolved specifically to care for and _____________ a specific species of plant.

The Grassland Biome

21. The grassland biomes of Earth support many different kinds of large and small _____________ animals, as well as ________________ animals who feed on them. From the large African __________, to the tiny field mouse, lions, ___________, hippopotamuses, ______________, and more.

22. In North American grasslands, you might find a herd of American __________, antelope, a variety of bird life, _____________, also known as mountain lions, ____________, and more.

The Desert Biome

23. Because deserts receive very little _________, plants and animals have become specialized to _____________ under extreme conditions. _________have evolved unique techniques of storing large amounts of water within their bodies. Likewise, ________ and other desert plants have learned that to survive they must store the water they need so that it is available during the ______ seasons.

24. The desert biomes often experience very ________ days and very _______ nights. Creatures that live here have to do well in both extreme _________and _____________ cold.

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Marine Biome

25. The marine biome is the ___________biome in the world! It covers about ______of the earth. It includes five main oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Southern, as well as many smaller Gulfs and Bays. Marine regions are usually very _______! There is about one _____ of salt per gallon of water in the ocean.

26. Over ___________ species of plants and animals have been discovered in the oceans, and scientists say there may be as many as __________ species we haven't found yet.

27. The Earth's oceans are home to most of the planet’s ____________. Here we can find mollusks, fish, _______, crustaceans, ________, fungi, sea anemones and many other animals. Animals have to deal with unique living situations in all zones of the ocean. The ocean is a salty place that is often cold. Many animals have special _______________ to handle this difficult environment.

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Freshwater Biomes

28. Freshwater is defined as having a low _________ concentration—usually less than 1%. Plants and animals in freshwater regions are adjusted to the low salt content and would not be able to survive in areas of high salt concentration (i.e, ___________).

29. There are different types of freshwater regions: ____________ and __________, ______________ and _____________, and ______________.

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Facts about Biomes

1.  Biomes are the world's major ___________________ where insects, animals, plants

and people live in a certain type of ____________.

2.  The __________ and _____________ of an area determines what type of biome can exist in that region.

3.  Each biome consists of many ________________.

4.  Here are the commonly grouped biomes:_____________, __________________ Forest, _______________ Forest, __________ Tundra, Tropical _______________, _________________, ______________.

5.  There are also _____________ and _______________ ecosystems that could be considered the water biomes.

6.  The Marine and Freshwater biomes are extremely important because water is the basis of all _______________.

7.  The earth's coldest biome is the ________________ which has permanently frozen subsoil, called permafrost.

8.  All of the biomes need to be protected. Over the past several years, human activity has ______________, exploited, or ________________ many of the biomes.

9.  All living things are closely related to their environment and any change in a part, like an increase or decrease in one type of ___________ or ____________, can cause a ripple effect of _____________ through the entire biome.

10. Biomes have ______________ and ______________ many times throughout the history of the ______________.

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Another Link in the Food Chain

30. As you study more about ________________ and ____________in life, you will see the terms food chains and ____________________. They describe the same series of events that happen when one organism ______________ another to survive. Food web is a more accurate term since every organism is involved with several other organisms.

31. ____________________are the beginning of a simple food chain. Producers are _______________ and ________________. Plants are at the beginning of every food chain that involves the Sun. All energy comes from the ___________ and plants are the ones who make food with that energy. They use the process of ___________________.

32. __________________are the next link in a food chain. There are three levels of consumers. The levels start with the organisms that eat plants. Scientists named this first group of organisms the _____________________. They are also called _________________.

33. _________________ eat the primary consumers. A mouse might be a primary consumer and a cat might be the secondary. Secondary consumers are also called ________________. Carnivore means "________________."

34. There are also consumers called ____________. Omnivores can either be secondary or tertiary consumers. Humans and bears are considered omnivores: we eat _________, _____________, and just about anything

35. The last links in the chain are the _________________. If you die, they eat you. If you poop, they eat that. If you lose a leaf, they eat it. Whenever something that was alive dies, the decomposers get it. Decomposers _____________ _____________ __________________ in the dead "stuff" and return it to the _____________.


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Draw a Food Chain with at least 5 parts below:

Draw a Food Web with at least 6 parts below:


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