Texas History Fall Semester Exam Review Worksheet

Texas History Fall Semester Exam Review Worksheet 2016-2017Define the following words using complete textbook definitions:1. Escarpment – 2. Region – 3. Location – 4. Environment – 5. Mesa –6. Basin – 7. Erosion – 8. Plain – 9. Aquifer - 10. Nomad –11. Adobe – 12. Civilization – 13. Canal – 14. Shaman– 15. Conquistadores – 16. Missions –17. Provinces – 18. Viceroy – 19. Stockade – 20. Friar – 21. Militia – 22. Republic – 23. Empresario – 24. Filibuster – 25. Land Title –26. Provision –27. Alliances –28. Extinction –29. Presidios –30. Centralists –31. Compromise –32. Vaqueros –33. Allegiance –34. Duty –35. Resolution –36. Federalist –37. Ad interim – 38. What are the 5 themes of geography?_________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 39. What 4 states border Texas?_________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________40. Describe a map scale?41. Which region of Texas had the largest concentration of Native American Tribes living in Texas?42. Native tribes in Texas varied greatly. Some hunted, some farmed, some gathered food and some did a little of all three. With that in mind, what can we say about the lifestyles of Native American tribes in Texas?43. How did Native Americans who lived on the plains hunt buffalo before they had horses? 44. How did the Mesoamerican influence spread north to the Native Texans living in Texas? 45. What development allowed Native Americans to build villages and become a more stable culture and civilization?46. What is one illness that the Europeans brought with them to the New World that killed millions of Native Texans?47. What made the Spanish eager to continue exploration of New Spain? 48. Why did Christopher Columbus set sail in 1492 - what was his hoping to accomplish on his journey across the Atlantic Ocean?49. What explorer mapped the coastline of Texas? (full name)50. What river was the unofficial boundary between French Louisiana and Spanish Texas?51. What was the name of the Spanish province that included South Texas – the cattle industry started here?52. What country did the explorer La Salle claimed all of Louisiana for?53. Where did La Salle start his colony in Texas?54. What happened to La Salle on the last rescue expedition attempt?55. Beside converting the Native Texans to Christianity and teaching them the Catholic faith, what was the other purpose for a mission in Spanish Texas during the late 1700s and early 1800s?56. Why did Moses Austin come to Texas in the 1820s?57. Who is considered the first empresario in Texas?58. What were the requirements to live in Stephen F. Austin’s colony? 59. What was the capital city of Austin’s first colony?60. How much was Austin charging per acre to settle in his colony?61. Who is known as the “Father of Texas”?62. What were some of the reasons people wanted to come to Texas? _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ _______________________________63. What was the Fredonian Rebellion about? How did it make Mexico feel?64. Who reported to the Mexican government that there was a growing U.S. influence in Texas and that many of the Texans were ignoring laws against trading with the U.S.?65. What was Stephen F. Austin imprisoned for in Mexico City?66. What was the official religion of the Mexican government?67. What were the provisions of the Law of April 6, 1830?68. What did “G.T.T.” mean in the 1820s and 1830s?69. Which Mexican military commander surrendered at the Alamo to the Texans in December 1835? (He was also Santa Anna’s brother in law!)70. What was the official first battle of the Texas Revolution and was did the fight start over?What is significant about this battle? ................

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