Handout: Chance Poems #1

Handout: Chance Poems #1 Name: ___________________________________

Write a “chance” poem by using only the list of words below.

Chance Poetry: Word List #1

the take bleed drive white see pure twilight fight your

fortunate ache labor school dance cold couch cloudless pepper game pleasure dream

a steal run home moon blue friend look

confront let poignant keen diamond learn fence frost sleep itch

fly pattern hate journey

if love jump words water

borrow jaded inside zephyr live agonize call place book want thread and

ion whistle simple smack claim

when hate skip green allow hallow broken reach

I life

entry jagged are drove girl less tainted facade screech injure bounce road

we speak red light eyes sparkle yearn convert because create dine emerald is

hit boy

wrinkle peel smile gale sane snap cement

you scream glisten gold glare soar for

stillness or fabricate abate

he to

touch sand need crimson wisp force vein ache grain

go dizzy desolate light heart sodden endless peace never ecstatic above she

complete tear shore measure close hand junk forest laugh hand

Copyright © 2002-2010, T. Orman


Handout: Chance Poems #2 Name: ___________________________________

Write a “chance” poem by using only the list of words below.

Copyright © 2002-2010, T. Orman


Handout: Number Poem Name: ________________________________ For this poem, you will use a number (telephone, social security, birthday, etc.) that has some meaning

for you. This will determine the number of syllables per line. You must have at least six lines, and zeros (0) count as ten (10).

Example: 254-5672 Line 1: 2 syllables Line 2: 5 syllables Line 3: 4 syllables Line 4: 5 syllables Line 5: 6 syllables Line 6: 7 syllables Line 7: 2 syllables


To feel like myself I’m looking back Not moving forward

Like a leaf falling down Slowly, drifting, fluttering Stalling...

(Syllables) Chang·ing To·feel·like·my·self I’m·look·ing·back

Not·mov·ing·for·ward Like·a·leaf·fall·ing·down Slow·ly·drift·ing·flut·ter·ing Stall·ing

Write your number poem below:

Number: _____________________________________________________

Line 1: _____________________________________________________________________________

Line 2: _____________________________________________________________________________

Line 3: _____________________________________________________________________________

Line 4: _____________________________________________________________________________

Line 5: _____________________________________________________________________________

Line 6: _____________________________________________________________________________

Line 7: _____________________________________________________________________________

Line 8: _____________________________________________________________________________

Line 9: _____________________________________________________________________________

Copyright © 2002-2010, T. Orman


Handout: Bio Poem Name: ________________________________ Answer the prompts and finish the statements to form your Bio Poem. (May be used for a character from literature, as well.)

Line 1: (Your Name): _________________________________________________________________

Line 2: (Three words describing you): ____________________________________________________

Line 3: Who lives with: ________________________________________________________________

Line 4: Who loves (three things/people): __________________________________________________


Line 5: Who feels (three things/feelings): __________________________________________________


Line 6: Who needs (three things): ________________________________________________________


Line 7: Who gives (three things/feelings): _________________________________________________


Line 8: Who fears (three things): ________________________________________________________


Line 9: Who'd like to see: ______________________________________________________________

Line 10: Who dreams of: _______________________________________________________________

Line 11: A student of: _________________________________________________________________

Line 12: (Nickname or repeat your first name): _____________________________________________

Copyright © 2002-2010, T. Orman


Handout: Circle Poem Name: ________________________________

· Write a poem where your title "triggers" the word or phrase of your first line, which in turn "triggers" the next line, and so on.

· Try to surprise us with each new line, taking us each time to a new place or new feeling.

· Your poem will end when your last line "circles back" to the beginning, approximating your title. · Your poem should have at least 10 words.

First Word/Phrase: ___________________________________________________________

Next Related Word/Phrase: _________________________________________________

Next Related Word/Phrase: _________________________________________________

Next Related Word/Phrase: _________________________________________________

Next Related Word/Phrase: _________________________________________________

Next Related Word/Phrase: _________________________________________________

Next Related Word/Phrase: _________________________________________________

Next Related Word/Phrase: _________________________________________________

Next Related Word/Phrase: _________________________________________________

Next Related Word/Phrase: _________________________________________________

Next Related Word/Phrase: _________________________________________________

Last Related Word/Phrase: _____________________________________________________ (Should relate back to the first word/phrase)

Copyright © 2002-2010, T. Orman


Handout: Emotions/Feelings Poems Name: ________________________________ Sometimes it is hard to put your emotions and feelings on paper. The following patterns for poems are designed to allow you to get used to putting your emotions into writing.

Formula 1

Line #1: What if ___________________________________________________________________

Line #2: I might ___________________________________________________________________

Line #3: What if ___________________________________________________________________

Line #4: I could ____________________________________________________________________

Line #5: What if ____________________________________________________________________

Line #6: I would____________________________________________________________________

Line #7: Ask a question: ______________________________________________________________

kκ Formula 2

Line #1: (describe an action) When I _____________________________________________________

Line #2: (describe where action takes place)_______________________________________________

Line #3: (Write 2 to 3 words that describe how you feel) _____________________________________


Line #4: (describe an action) I wish I could________________________________________________

Line #5: (Tell the reason why) __________________________________________________________

Copyright © 2002-2010, T. Orman


Handout: Emotions/Feelings Poems Name: ________________________________ Sometimes it is hard to put your emotions and feelings on paper. The following patterns for poems are designed to allow you to get used to putting your emotions into writing.

Formula 3

Title: (EMOTION) ___________________________________________________________________

Line #1: (describe what you did to show how you were feeling) I ______________________________


Line #2: (Write 3 words that describe how you felt) _________________________________________


Line #3: (Make a statement or ask a question with regard to what is written in the first two lines)


kκ Formula 4

Line #1: If I could be _________________________________________________________________

Line #2: (describe what you would do) I'd _________________________________________________


Line #3: (describe how you would do it)__________________________________________________


Line #4: (describe where you would do it) _________________________________________________

Line #5: (Exclamation that shows how you would feel) ______________________________________

Copyright © 2002-2010, T. Orman


Handout: Emotion Poem Name: ________________________________ Choose any emotion as a subject. (happy, angry, love, nervous, jealous, etc.) Think about that emotion and fill in the blanks for your poem.

Line 1: (Emotion:) ____________________________________________________________________

Line 2: If ________________________________________________ (emotion in line #1) were a color,

Line 3: It would be ___________________________________________________________________

Line 4: As _____________________________ as a _________________________________________.

Line 5: If ________________________________________________ (emotion in line #1) were a taste,

Line 6: It would be just like ____________________________________________________________.

Line 7: If ______________________________________________ (emotion in line #1) were a feeling,

Line 8: It would be ______________________ as a _________________________________________.

Line 9: If ________________________________________________ (emotion in line #1) were a smell,

Line 10: It would be _____________________ as a _________________________________________.

Line 11: If ______________________________________________ (emotion in line #1) were a sound,

Line 12: It would be _____________________ as a _________________________________________.

Copyright © 2002-2010, T. Orman


Handout: IAM... Poem Name: ________________________________ Use the prompts to finish the statements about yourself (or can be used for a character in a novel, story, movie, etc.).

I am (two special characteristics) _________________________________________________________

I wonder (something you are actually curious about) _________________________________________

I hear (an imaginary sound) ____________________________________________________________

I see (an imaginary sight) ______________________________________________________________

I want (an actual desire) _______________________________________________________________

I am (the first line of the poem restated) ___________________________________________________

I pretend (something you actually pretend to do) ____________________________________________

I feel (a feeling about something imaginary) _______________________________________________

I touch (an imaginary touch) ____________________________________________________________

I worry (something that really bothers you) ________________________________________________

I cry (something that makes you very sad) _________________________________________________

I am (the first line of the poem repeated) __________________________________________________

I understand (something you know is true) _________________________________________________

I say (something you believe in) _________________________________________________________

I dream (something you actually dream about) _____________________________________________

I try (something you really make an effort about) ___________________________________________

I hope (something you actually hope for) __________________________________________________

I am (the first line of the poem repeated) __________________________________________________

Copyright © 2002-2010, T. Orman


Handout: Bio Poem (Variation) Name: ________________________________ Use the prompts to finish the statements about yourself (or can be used for a character in a novel, story, movie, etc.).

Line 1: (First name) ___________________________________________________________________

Line 2: (four words that describe you) ____________________________________________________

Line 3: Relative of (list close family members) _____________________________________________

Line 4: Resident of (place where you live) ________________________________________________

Line 5: Who reads (four books, magazines, and or newspapers) _______________________________


Line 6: Who likes (three things you like) __________________________________________________

Line 7: Who loves (three things you love) _________________________________________________

Line 8: Who fears (three things) ________________________________________________________

Line 9: Who wishes (three things) _______________________________________________________

Line 10: Who admires (three) __________________________________________________________

Line 11: Who needs (three things you need) _______________________________________________

Line 12: Who aspires to (at least two aspirations) ___________________________________________

Line 13: (Last name) __________________________________________________________________

Copyright © 2002-2010, T. Orman


Handout: Diamante Poem Name: ________________________________

Use the prompts to fill in the blanks for your “Diamante” poem. It should look like a diamond when completed. (Note: It may be easier to come up with lines 1 and 7 first before writing lines 2-6.)

Line 1: Noun or subject - one word

Line 2: Two Adjectives that describe line 1

Line 3: Three 'ing words that describe line 1

Line 4: Four nouns - the first two are connected

with line 1; the last two are connected with line 7

Line 5: Three 'ing words that describe line 7

Line 6: Two adjectives that describe line 7

Line 7: Noun synonym for the subject


_____________________ _____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

_____________________ _____________________


Copyright © 2002-2010, T. Orman


Handout: Acrostic Poem Name: ________________________________

An acrostic poem consists of using the letters of a word or name--which is the subject of the poem--to begin each line of the poem. See the examples for “Joe” and “Sky.” The lines in each poem describe the subject, which is spelled downward. You DO NOT have to use the first letter for each line as the letter of your subject (see “JOE”).

Example for “JOE”

Example for “SKY”

Just a simple guy who

Sparkling blue, white clouds, red

listens Only to country music and

Kite sailing,

Eats meat and potatoes every day.

Yearning to swallow it up.

Your Turn: Choose a subject or name and spell it down the page. Then create a line for each letter that relates to or describes that subject. Use additional paper if you need more room.

Copyright © 2002-2010, T. Orman


Handout: Five Senses Poem

Name: __________________________________ Directions: Think of a noun. Then write one word that describes that noun for each of our five senses. Any order will work. If one of the senses does not apply, you do not have to use it. For example, “taste” is skipped in Example #2, FIRE.









Repeat Noun:

Example #1








Example #2







Example #3 SCHOOL Brick Rough Chattering

Bubble Gum Sterile SCHOOL

Now it’s your turn! Fill in a word for each blank. (You can change the order of the senses, as well.)













Repeat Noun:


Copyright © 2002-2010, T. Orman


Handout: Number Poem (VARIATION) Name: ________________________________

This is a variation of the number poem. For this poem, you will use a number (telephone, social security, birthday, etc.) that has some meaning for you just like the first example. However, your numbers this time will determine

how many words you will use on each line. You must have at least six lines and if you have a zero, you may choose any number of words for that line. The example uses a birth date.

Example: 10-14-1971 Line 1: 1 word

Line 2: Any number Line 3: 1 word

Line 4: 4 words Line 5: 1word Line 6: 9 words Line 7: 7 words Line 8: 1 word

(Words) I

search for clues

about my birth parents but

never get the answers I seek or seemingly want which are hidden inside me, not yet


Write your number poem below:

Number: _____________________________________________________

Line 1: _____________________________________________________________________________

Line 2: _____________________________________________________________________________

Line 3: _____________________________________________________________________________

Line 4: _____________________________________________________________________________

Line 5: _____________________________________________________________________________

Line 6: _____________________________________________________________________________

Line 7: _____________________________________________________________________________

Line 8: _____________________________________________________________________________

Line 9: _____________________________________________________________________________

Copyright © 2002-2010, T. Orman


Handout: Group Poem

For a Group of 3 or More

Group Members: ______________________________________



Directions: Each student should write one line of the following poem, following the instructions for what that line should include. If you still have blanks to fill after each student has written one line, continue to pass it around until all the lines are filled. Your actual title will be a collaborative effort AFTER your group has completed the poem.

1st Line - include a subject:


2nd Line - include a verb:


3rd Line - use alliteration:


4th Line - use a comparison of the subject with something else (simile or metaphor):


5th Line - use at least three adjectives:


6th Line - use personification:


7th Line - repeat your subject in the last line:


TITLE (discuss as a group & decide on a title): ___________________________________________________

Copyright © 2002-2010, T. Orman


Handout: Group Poem

For a Group of 3 or More

Group Members: ______________________________________



Directions: Each student should write one line of the following poem. If you still have blanks to fill after each student has written one line, continue to pass it around until all the lines are filled. Your actual title will be a collaborative effortAFTER your group has completed the poem.

1st Line:_____________________________________________________________________________

2nd Line:____________________________________________________________________________

3rd Line:_____________________________________________________________________________

4th Line:_____________________________________________________________________________

5th Line:_____________________________________________________________________________

6th Line:_____________________________________________________________________________

7th Line:_____________________________________________________________________________

8th Line:_____________________________________________________________________________

9th Line:_____________________________________________________________________________

10th Line:____________________________________________________________________________

11th Line:____________________________________________________________________________

12th Line:____________________________________________________________________________

13th Line:____________________________________________________________________________

14th Line:____________________________________________________________________________

TITLE (discuss as a group & decide on a title): ___________________________________________________

Copyright © 2002-2010, T. Orman


Literature Connections Handouts

Literature Connections: Character Acrostic Poems

An acrostic poem consists of using the letters of a word, which is the subject of the poem, to begin each line of the poem. In this case, the character’s name will be the subject of the poem. Each line

may contain one word or multiple words that relate to the character.


Literature Connection:

Connect Setting & Symbols Acrostic Poems

An acrostic poem consists of using the letters of a word, which is the subject of the poem, to begin

each line of the poem. In this case, the setting or a symbolic item will be the subject of the poem. Each line may contain one word or multiple words that relate to the subject.


Literature Connections: Someday... Poem

Pretend YOU are one of the characters from the novel. Begin each line with the word “Someday” and complete it with a wish you (the character) have. Make the first two or three lines say something about your everyday wishes and slowly move away from yourself to the world in general. You may end the poem with the word Someday....


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