Ten-Minute BNI (Networking Group) Presentation

Ten-Minute BNI (Networking Group) Presentation

Posted to the message boards on Oct 1, 2007

By Galel Fajardo

I had my 10 minute presentation (not at BNI, but at my local Chamber event) and used all 10 minutes to talk to them about my heroes - my Mom and Dad.

I told them that they could learn all they wanted regarding mortgages, the Federal Reserve, and what was happening in the market if they called my office, but that I wanted them to know who had influenced me to become the person I am today.

I spoke for 10 minutes with no notes, just from the heart about my parents, how they came to the US the right way (legally), how my Dad worked 5 jobs to sustain my fat baby ass, as well as my Mom. I mentioned that my Mom went back to college after I started Kindergarten, and that she is now a doctor with her own practice, and what it taught me about not giving up, being an entrepreneur, etc. etc.

They loved it, and it was a ton of fun. I got many compliments because people enjoyed hearing about the "personal" side of me, not the "business" side that was talking about being a mortgage planner.

People have come up to me, now 3-4 weeks after my presentation to tell me how much they were touched by it, and as a result - I am forming deeper relationships with them, and am building partnerships with their businesses.

A little change from the norm does help sometimes!

Best of luck,

Galel Fajardo


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