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Assignment X: Oral Presentation (XX%)Due: Add date or see course outline for specific dateINSTRUCTIONS: Instructor, please edit the text that is highlighted. You may also need to edit the assignment description and instructions (below). Once complete, remove all highlights and these instructions and, if you are a new instructor or developing a new course, forward to your program manager for approval.InstructionsProvide assignment details. For example, in a Geophysics oral presentation: Each student draws a location from a hat. You have two weeks to research the area and prepare an oral presentation about its plate tectonics and geophysical information.Oral presentations test understanding, preparation and communication skills.Your presentation must be distilled into a one-page written report with references and a 10-minute class presentation, including visual aids such as PowerPoint (PPT). Please refer to the rubric at the end of this document for evaluation details.GuidanceStart your presentation planning well in advance. Choose a topic that interests you.Research your topic, define a clear purpose, and prepare an outline for your presentation. Determine what type of visual aids will be required. Respect copyright.Rehearse your presentation by recording yourself or watching yourself in a mirror. Test your visual aids and check that you do not exceed 10 minutes.RequirementsThe paper should be 250 words or 1 page double-spaced (not including references and title page).Formatting: 12 point Times New Roman font1 inch document margins Numbered pagesThe submitted paper and presentation must consistently follow APA style. For help with the APA style, visit the OWL – Purdue’s Online Writing Lab. Upload your completed paper and presentation to the Assignment X Dropbox.Evaluation This assignment is graded out of 20 points using the following rubric and is worth XX% of the final grade.Learners may receive partial scores or a zero for unacceptable work.CriteriaDoes Not Meet Expectations1Partially Meets Expectations2MeetsExpectations3Exceeds Expectations4Max PointsQuality of AnalysisInadequate comprehension of concepts or theories presented in course materials. Includes irrelevant external resources and/or few or no course materials.Partial comprehension of concepts or theories presented in course materials. Includes course materials and external resources with limited relevance.Adequate comprehension of concepts or theories presented in course materials. Includes course materials and relevant external resources.Broad and in-depth comprehension of concepts or theories presented in course materials and relevant external resources.4Required ComponentsResponse is missing/does not address required components indicated in the instructions.Response is missing/does not address some of the required components indicated in the instructions.Response includes all components and meets the requirements indicated in the instructions.Response includes and exceeds the requirements indicated in the instructions.4Support for IdeasOffers simplistic or little support for ideas. Ideas are irrelevant to course. Connections between ideas are unclear.Ideas are partially supported/relevant, too broad, or repetitive. Includes some examples. Inconsistent connections between ideas.Ideas are supported by appropriate examples that lead to logical conclusions. Consistent connections between ideas.Substantial and logical development of new ideas and insights. Conclusions are original, compelling, and topical.4Presentation SkillsEye contact, gestures, use of voice (volume, clarity and tone), visual aids (PPT) and word choice do not reinforce important ideas Eye contact, gestures, use of voice (volume, clarity and tone), visual aids (PPT) and word choice seldom reinforce important ideas.Eye contact, gestures, use of voice (volume, clarity and tone), visual aids (PPT) and word choice often reinforce important ideas.Eye contact, gestures, use of voice (volume, clarity and tone), visual aids (PPT) and word choice reinforce all important ideas.4APA StyleAPA style is followed a few times in the document. No sources or mostly not cited in APA.APA style is followed sometimes in the document. Some sources are missing (or not cited in APA).Most of the document follows APA style. Most sources are cited in APA with few errors.The entire document follows APA formatting and all sources are properly cited in APA.4 ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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