Foods Module 2170 – International Cuisine

International Cuisine

Name: ____________________ Partners: ____________________ Country: ___________________


Module Description:

Students discover other cultures by exploring their cuisine. They will learn a variety of international cooking techniques, and use specialized tools to prepare food for a typical day or for a cultural event.

Objectives – You will be able to:

• Describe the relationship of food to culture.

• Identify and compare the foods of a variety of cultures.

• Prepare food representative of a variety of cultures.

• Describe the personal or career relevance of what has been learned in the module.

• Demonstrate basic competencies.


• 40% Research Project – PowerPoint Presentation and RECIPES - due end of class May 30

• 50% Practical Labs and Participation – 5 days to complete 5 labs – start June 1 last day is June 13

• 10% Professionalism/Work Habits – Group Evaluation

The Assignment:

You will prepare and present a 10-15 minute PowerPoint presentation that relates the food of the country you have chosen to the people, culture and traditions of the country. Your presentation should include specific exams and be supported with photos and examples. You will plan six labs that represent the cuisine of the country. All PowerPoint presentations and recipes will be due on the same day. Countries are chosen on a first come, first served basis. Groups will be randomly chosen to present their PowerPoint and given a lab day to lead cooking.

• PowerPoint Presentation

• Six TYPED recipes that can be prepared in 60 minutes or less – see format…

|Recipe #1 Ingredients |Recipe #1 Method |

|Recipe #2 Ingredients |Recipe #2 Method |

|Recipe #3 Ingredients |Recipe #3 Method |

• Order sheets (consolidated grocery list) for five labs

• Timeline To Complete Project: 5 class periods


• Plagiarism of any material or representing other’s work as your own will result in a zero on the project.

Resources – at minimum you must use the following resources and reference them accordingly:

• One encyclopedia article - online or print (NOT just Wikipedia)

• One book

• One website – ask Mr. Lerouge for resources

Research/Preparation (40%)

You will prepare and present a PowerPoint presentation that examines international cultures with specific examples. Overall, you need to present the culture of the country you have chosen and relate it to the food of that country. Please ask if you are unsure. Below are guidelines to help you complete the project, not all areas may have information:

• factors that affect availability of foods

▪ climate, geography

▪ economy and infrastructure

▪ technology

▪ food preparation and preservation techniques

• factors that affect the acceptability of foods

▪ religion

▪ values

▪ superstitions, taboos, beliefs

▪ history

• role of food in transmitting culture

▪ significance of food in maintaining traditions

▪ traditional meal patterns

▪ traditional gender roles in gathering and preparing food

• you must explain why you have chosen the recipes you have chosen in your presentation

• nutritional role of food by comparing the manner in which the culture satisfies nutritional needs (carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals)

Practical Labs (50%)

In the preparation and presentation of the country you have chosen, you will need to:

• analyze and apply principles of cookery in the preparation of cultural foods

• describe food aesthetics with cultures considering seasonings and characteristic food and flavour combinations

• demonstrate preparation techniques characteristic of various cultures

• describe specialized equipment used in food preparation

• compare types of foods across cultures

You will need to prepare and present the following labs (6 products in total). You are expected to plan for 4-5 servings and type the recipes for the class to use as well as order the ingredients you need for the labs.

1. Choose a preparation technique that is characteristic of your country. For example, stir frying and deep-frying is common in Chinese cooking.

2. Choose a different preparation technique that is characteristic of your country. For example, stewing and braising is common in French cuisine.

3. Choose a food representative of your country that has a minimum of two food groups. For example, a meat and vegetable stir-fry would satisfy this lab.

4. Choose a food representative of your country that has a minimum of three food groups. For example, tacos with meat, cheese and vegetables would satisfy this lab.

5. Choose a dish that is symbolic of the country you have chosen. For example, BBQ steak or boiled lobster would be symbolic foods in Canada.



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