1. The scientist is well known for her research. We met her yesterday.

2. She lectured on a topic. I know very little about it.

3. The students missed the assignment. They were absent from class.

4. Yesterday, I ran into an old friend. I hadn’t seen him for years.

5. I explained my absence to the teacher. I had missed his class.

6. The young women are from Japan. We met them at the meeting.

7. The city was beautiful. We spent our vacation in that city.

8. I am reading a book. It was written by William Faulkner.

9. The man gave me good advice. I spoke to him.

10. That is the restaurant. I will meet you at that restaurant.

11. The instructor gives difficult tests. I failed her course.

12. The tape recorder was made in England. I bought it.

13. The people are very kind. I am staying at their house.

14. The man is standing over there. I was telling you about him.

15. The town is small. I grew up in that town.

16. The secretary can give you the information. She sits at the first desk.

17. The students raised their hands. Their names were called.

18. Did you hear about the storm? We are supposed to have it tomorrow.

19. The girl was very helpful. She explained the chemistry formula to me.

20. I returned the money. I had borrowed it from my friend.

21. That is the drawer. I keep my jewellery in that drawer.

22. The student is in one of my classes. You just met her parents.

23. I talked to the child. His father is the mayor of the city.

24. The speech was informative. We listened to it last night.

25. The room is very large. The examination will be given in that room.


1. The bus is always crowded. I take it to school every morning.

2. I have a class. It begins at 8:00 A.M.

3. The woman predicted my future. She read my palm.

4. A globe is a ball. It has a map of the world on it.

5. Where can I catch the bus? It goes downtown.

6. The people live on Elm Street. Ann is visiting them.

7. The woman was feeding the pigeons. I saw her in the park.

8. Do you like the boy? He is talking to Eleanor.

9. The chair is comfortable. I’m sitting in it.

10. I met the people. You told me about them.

11. The university is in New York. I want to go to it.

12. The man is dark and handsome. My sister goes out with him.

13. I talked to the people. They were sitting next to me.

14. Biographies are books. They tell the stories of people’s lives.

15. Cake is a desert. It is made of flour, eggs, milk and sugar.

16. Water is a chemical compound. People need it to survive.

17. People need water to survive. Water is a chemical compound.

18. The students come from many different countries. They are in my class


1. The pub __________ he spends most of his money is always full of people.

2. The old man __________ suitcase I carried gave money.

3. Mr.Webb is interviewing the man __________ applied for the job.

4. We do not have to be friendly with the people __________ we do not like.

5. The key __________ you gave me did not lock the bedroom door.

6. The man with __________ Tom fought last night is in the hospital now.

7. The child __________ broke the window escaped.

8. The painting about __________ we are talking is still in the gallery.

9. The shop __________ we usually buy cakes from is closed today.

10. The meat __________ we had for dinner wasn’t tasty.

11. I want to take the children to the park __________ there are some swings.

12. The people __________ live in the houses __________ they are going to pull down want a lot of money from the company.

13. Can you name the king __________ mother poisoned him?

14. Here comes the girl from __________ I am hiding.

15. The song __________ my uncle composed last year became very popular.

A- Combine these sentences by using WHO, WHOM, WHICH, THAT. Write those which can be omitted IN PARANTHESIS.

1. The mechanic __________ sold you that car was dishonest.

2. The woman __________ you see at the desk is the secretary.

3. The news __________ the radio announced surprised everybody.

4. The gentleman with __________ she had dinner was her uncle.

5. Everything __________ he does is foolish.

6. The roses __________ he gave Mary were really beautiful.

7. The doctor __________ usually attends her is away on holiday.

8. Large dogs, of __________ she used to be afraid, are now her favourite animals.

9. Newspapers, in __________ we read the news, are seldom reliable.

10. Songs __________ are sung at Christmas are called carols.

B- ADD COMMAS where necessary. Change the adjective clause pronoun to THAT if possible.

1. Only people who speak Russian should apply for the job.

2. Matthew who speaks Russian applied for the job.

3. Allan and Jackie who did not come to school yesterday explained their absence to the instructor.

4. The geologist who lectured at Browning Hall last night predicted another earthquake.

5. A river which is polluted is not safe for swimming.

6. I have found memories of my hometown which is situated in a valley.

7. I live in a town which has lots of lovely lakes.

8. Rice which is grown in many countries is a staple food throughout much of the world.

9. The students who did not study for the exam failed.

10. The Mississippi river which flows south from Minnesota to the Gulf is the longest river in the world.


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