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chapter 17 Reconstruction: North and South - Practice Test Items / QUIZ21.In the North, the Civil War especially elevated the power farmersC.ministersD.teachersE.corporate workers22.Emancipation had what impact on the South?A.It ended cotton cultivation throughout the regionB.It left the South’s labor system in disarrayC.It resulted in the immediate rebound of tobacco productionD.It eliminated racial prejudice in many statesE.It encouraged reconciliation with the North23.Which of the following was NOT a task of the Freedmen’s Bureau?A.negotiating labor contractsB.providing medical careC.setting up schoolsD.arming the freedmenE.distributing food24.At the end of the Civil War, the newly freed slaves were given:A.small plots of land confiscated from southern plantersB.forty acres and a muleC.medical and legal assistance from the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned LandsD.$5 for every year they had served in tuition in any public school or college25.Under Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction:A.loyal governments appeared in five states, but Congress refused to recognize themB.loyal governments were recognized by Congress in three southern statesC.10 percent of elected officials in a state had to be blackD.10 percent of the 1860 voters had to take an oath of allegiance to the UnionE.leading Confederates would be sent to prison26.Why was Johnson picked as Lincoln’s running mate in 1864?A.They were both lifelong Republicans.B.They held identical political positions.C.They agreed on the need for strict terms to readmit southern states into the Union.D.As a gesture of unity, they combined to create a National Union ticket.E.Johnson and Lincoln had already served together in the Illinois state government.27.The “black codes” enacted by southern legislatures:A.were accepted by CongressB.showed the South’s spirit of conciliationC.tried to restore key elements of slaveryD.proved the success of Johnson’s Reconstruction planE.forbade blacks to marry28.Southern efforts to recreate a society that looked similar to the Confederacy had what political impact?A.Slavery became legal once more.B.The Fourteenth Amendment was repealed.C.The Democratic party ceased to function.D.President Johnson was removed from office.E.Moderate Republicans moved to support Radical Republicans’ Reconstruction policies.29.Why did the Radical-led Congress pass the Civil Rights Act of 1866?A.It was a response to the “black codes” and the neo-slavery system created by unrepentant southern legislatures.B.It was to foster national reconciliation and genuine feelings of patriotism among all Americans.C.It was a part of a plan to ease the requirements on the readmission of southern states to the Union.D.It enjoyed the support of President Johnson.E.Southern states requested the bill to clarify the rights of their citizens before rejoining the Union.30.The Military Reconstruction Act:A.was overturned by the Supreme CourtB.showed the decline of Radical powerC.required new state constitutions in the SouthD.removed federal troops from the SouthE.wiped out the “black codes”31.Andrew Johnson was:A.impeached and immediately removed from officeB.threatened with impeachment but never actually impeachedC.impeached by the Supreme CourtD.impeached then imprisonedE.impeached by the House but not convicted by the Senate32.During Reconstruction, all of the following are true about African American involvement in the political arena during Reconstruction EXCEPT:A.their lack of education and inexperience in politics put them at a disadvantageB.within a few years of the end of the Civil War, former slaves were voting in large numbersC.several African Americans were elected as governorsD.few African Americans served as the new state governments, African American participation was a novelty33.Most carpetbaggers were:A.corrupt and greedyB.illiterateC.wealthy business ownersD.Union veteransE.former Confederates34.Most scalawags were white southerners who had:A.owned slavesB.served in the Union armyC.changed their minds about race relationsD.become educatedE.opposed secession35.Many former Confederates resented the new state Constitutions imposed by Radical Republicans because:A.all former Confederates were denied the right to voteB.their provisions allowed for black voting and civil rightsC.former Confederates were uniformly banned from holding any public officeD.their provisions granted universal female suffrageE.state governments were dismantled and replaced by direct federal administration36.“Hard-money” advocates argued that government war bonds should be:A.paid off in goldB.paid off in copperC.paid off in greenbacksD.canceledE.handed out to Union veterans37.The primary objective of the Ku Klux Klan was:A.national unityB.upholding southern honorC.starting a new civil warD.oppressing blacks and white RepublicansE.raising money for Confederate widows38.Why was the 1876 Supreme Court decision in United States v. Cruikshank (which pertained to the Colfax Massacre) significant?A.It confirmed that the federal government exercised final authority when protecting freed blacks from white terrorists.B.It placed the responsibility for protecting freed blacks from white terrorists on town and county governments.C.It decided that states’ rights trumped federal authority when it came to protecting freed blacks from white terrorists.D.It determined the president as commander-in-chief was the only one with the authority to protect freed blacks from white terrorists.E.It ruled that the judiciary had no role to play in Reconstruction.39.The Compromise of 1877:A.gave the White House to TildenB.ended North–South divisionC.protected the civil rights of ex-slavesD.ended ReconstructionE.kept federal troops in the Deep South40.What happened after the end of Reconstruction?A.The freedmen remained a powerful force in southern politics.B.Women filled the power vacuum that Reconstruction had created.C.The South embarked on a path toward rapid industrial development.D.The protections of black civil rights crumbled under the pressure of restored white rule and unfavorable Supreme Court decisions.E.The majority of blacks migrated out of the South. ................

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