Name: CHAPTER 8 - FOR THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE HR:The following terms are found in bold print in Chapter 8. Their definitions are found in the glossary (pgs 379 - 382). Match each term with its definition by writing the correct number beside the term. TERMSDEFINITIONS______ ocelot1. dealing with a law-breakers by punishing them______ calpolli2. mandatory military service______ artisans3. brilliantly coloured bird in tropical rainforests of Central/South America______ quetzal4. a nocturnal wildcat that has a grayish or yellow coat with black spots______ glyphs5. dealing with law-breaker by requiring offender to repair the harm done ______ retributive justice6. pictures or symbols used in writing______ restorative justice7. a sign of something going to happen______ omens8. the Aztec school for nobles______ telpochcalli9. units of organization in Aztec society______ conscription10. a skilled craft worker______ calmecac11. Aztec school for commoners2. The Aztec Social Hierarchy (Pg. 172) – Label the hierarchyIn the Aztec social hierarchy there were two main classes; ____________ and __________. A person’s position in society was generally determined by which class he or she was _________ into. True or False People were able to work their way to a higher level through their own efforts.The commoners’ class was made up of three levels; the lowest level was the ______; the second level was composed of ______, _______, and _______; the highest level was reserved for the __________, __________, and ___________.The noble class was made up of two levels; the lower of the two levels were the __________ and _________. The highest class was reserved for the ________.True or False The role of the emperor was hereditary, it was passed from father to son.True or False The emperor could be a man or a woman.3. The Role of the Emperor (Pg. 173)The title given to the emperor was _____ ________; which is pronounced as ____ _____ - ____ - ___ - ____ which means _______ _________. List three privileges given to the emperor.1. ______________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________3. ______________________________________________________List the emperor’s three main responsibilities.1. ______________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________3. ______________________________________________________4. Family Clans (Pg. 174, 175)Aztec society was organized into units called ________ whose members lived in the _______ ______________ and worshipped at the same ___________.Calpolli were usually based on the ________ that people did or people who had close _________ ties.Describe three responsibilities fulfilled by the council of the calpolli. 1. ______________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________3. ______________________________________________________Who made up the richest calpolli in Tenochtitlan? _________________What are three services farmers provided for Tenochtitlan’s population?1. ______________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________3. ______________________________________________________Artisans were skilled craft workers. The three most respected groups of artisans were ______ _______, __________, and __________ ___________.The most prized feathers were from the _______ bird and they were worked into _______, __________, and ___________.Explain why these feathers were sacred.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Tlatelolco Market (Pg. 176)The pronunciation of Tlatelolco is ______ - ____ - _____ - ____ Describe the Tlatelolco market. Include the following:When was the market held? ________________________________________________________Where was the market held? ________________________________________________________How many people visited the market?________________________________________________________What goods were on display at the market? ________________________________________________________Who kept order at the market? ________________________________________________________5. Signs of Status (Pg. 178, 179)What were the 3 most common ways of indicating your position in Aztec society?1. ______________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________3. ______________________________________________________Read the Exploring Sources section “Clothing and Housing Laws”Answer the two questions from the bullets in that section.1.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________What was the greatest benefit of going to war? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How many prisoners did a warrior have to capture to move to a higher social status? _________________6. Aztec Education (Pg. 180 – 183)Education was valued in Aztec society. How much did schooling cost for an Aztec student? ____________________________________________________Who went to school in Aztec society? ____________________________________________________There were two types of schools; the first was the school for nobles and it was called _______; the second was for commoners and it was called ___________.True or False Religious training was an important part of education.Read Mandatory Military on Pg. 181Define conscription ________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write a paragraph giving your support or opposition to conscription as it relates to Canada in modern times. Your paragraph must consist of at least three points to back up your support or opposition to conscription.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Aztecs based all of their higher education on the ability to read and write using a system of pictures, called __________, instead of letters. Only __________learned how to read and write. Commoners received all their instruction by the ____________ word, rather than ______________.The Aztec counting system was based on the number ________.At school, all boys trained as ___________. Boys became warriors at age _____. The most prestigious military orders were the __________ and ___________.The commoners’ school was called _______________.True or False Commoners did not learn to read or write.Teachers gave lessons in _______ _______, ________, and ________ ______.True or False Girls were provided a good education.Every young girl attended _____________. By age ________ most Aztec girls got married and moved in with their husbands.Name three roles women could play in Aztec society. 1. _____________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________7. Contributing to Society (Pg. 185)Read the first paragraph on page 185. Of the three mottos pick the one that best represents your worldview. Write a paragraph to explain and defend your choice.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The primary focus of Aztec society was producing _______________ who would contribute to the _________________.In your own words sum up the virtues of the ideal Aztec citizen.Courage _________________________________________________________________________________________________________Self- sacrifice _____________________________________________________________________________________________________Modesty__________________________________________________________________________________________________________Clean Living ______________________________________________________________________________________________________Obedience________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Aztec people had their ________ protected by a system of written ____. The legal system reminded people of their ______________ as citizens to be ______ and obedient. True or False Nobles did not have to obey the law, they were above the law.For lesser crimes a guilty person was __________ or sentenced to __________. For serious crimes the punishment was often ____________.True or False Nobles who broke the law would never be put to death; they would be sentenced to prison.Any noble who beat a slave so severely that the slave died could be ________. If a slave who was being sold in the marketplace could escape and run to the emperor's palace they were set _________. Slaves could keep their property and if they paid off their debts they were set __________. Give two reasons why most Aztec citizens followed the laws of their society.1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read pg 189 “What Kind of Justice?”On the following page list one pro and one con for retributive justice and one pro and one con for restorative justice. List one crime that you believe would best be dealt with by restorative justice and one crime that you believe would best be dealt with by retributive justice. Retributive justicePro______________________________________________________Con_____________________________________________________Restorative justicePro______________________________________________________Con_____________________________________________________Appropriate crime for retributive justice ________________________________________________________Appropriate crime for restorative justice________________________________________________________ ................

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