Syllabus - Boston University


CS 682: Systems Analysis and Design Methods

Fall 2019

Sections A2


System Analysis & Design W/UML 5th edition by Dennis, Wixom & Tegarden, Wiley & Co. Publishers. ISBN-9781119030263


Angelo Guadagno

Phone: 617-266-1028

Cell: 617-283-6680

Email: angelo0527 @


Normally I am available during business hours at 617-283-6680 (cell). If not, you can leave a voice message or contact me via email.


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The focus of the class will be to interactively discuss contemporary issues and methods of systems analysis and design. The methodology will include lecture, group discussion, minicase studies, and presentation of your group project. The assumption is that each student brings professional experience and background which contributes to the analysis and discussion of the material.

Course Objectives:

Successful contemporary information systems analysis, design, implementation and evaluation are a complex endeavor. It requires not only technical understanding, business acumen, and knowledge of systems analysis theory and methods, but also the ability to be an effective change agent within multifaceted organizations.

At the end of this course, students will have demonstrated:

1) Understanding of the basic building blocks that encompass the systems analysis and design effort, including the systems development life cycle, systems planning techniques, and the precise modeling of data, processes and networks.

2) Ability to evaluate and communicate technical information in the context of a formal presentation targeted to a management audience.


Based on the assumption that the majority of the attendees of this class are balancing a professional career, personal life and educational commitment, I have tried to structure the workload to minimize work outside the classroom. However, each student will be required to read the chapter assigned, be prepared to discuss the minicases contained therein and complete the group project assigned. In addition, each student can gain additional, optional credit by submitting written answers to the study questions assigned each week. There will be a total of approximately 100 questions assigned during the semester and around 1/20 of a point will be earned for each correct answer submitted. Thus each student can increase his / her final grade by one half of a full letter. (i.e. a C to a C+, a B to a B+, an A- to an A, etc.)

Class Structure:

The classes will be divided into three segments – lecture, interactive discussion of the minicases and presentation of group projects.

Academic Conduct Code:

Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated in any Metropolitan College course. They will result in no credit for the assignment or examination and may lead to disciplinary actions. Please take the time to review the Student Conduct Code:

Note: This should not be understood as a discouragement for discussing the material or your particular approach to a problem with other students in the class. On the contrary – you should share your thoughts, questions and solutions.

Absences / Missed Assignments:

Class Participation accounts for 5% of the overall grade. Students who miss a class will not receive participation points for that class. If the absence is on an exam night, the exam points will be lost unless a make up exam has been scheduled in advance. Since we will review all homework assignments on the day they are due, no late assignments will be accepted.

Grading Policy:

The class grade will be based on the following formula:

✓ Class Participation…………………….…...…...05 Points

✓ Mid Term Exam………………………………..25 Points

✓ Final Exam…………………….…………….….35 Points

✓ Business Requirements Presentation / Paper…...10 Points

✓ Project Proposal Presentation / Paper…………..15 Points

✓ Presentations (2 at 5 Points each)..…….……….10 Points

✓ Study Questions (Optional)…………………….05 Points

Grading: Class participation, the mid term exam and final exam will represent 60% of your grade. Your two papers will represent 25% of your grade and the presentation will be worth 10% for a total of 100% or 100 points. The answers to your weekly questions will be corrected and returned to you and will have an extra credit impact only. If all your answers are correct, your grade can increase by one half of a full letter. If all your answers are incorrect, your grade score remains unaffected. If your answers are somewhere in between, your grade score will increase accordingly. All optional written homework assignments are to be handed in, in hard copy, before the beginning of class on the day there are due. No email or electronic submissions will be graded. However, if a TA has been assigned to the course in lieu of submitting a hard copy of your assignment, it must be emailed to the TA.

Grading scale: Based on a 100 point scale

% Grade % Grade

95+ A 76-78 C+

91-94 A- 73-75 C

87-90 B+ 70-72 C-

83-86 B 67-69 D+

79-82 B- 65-66 D


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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