Oguard62 | In pursuit of the perfect replay

PENALTY & SCORING Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)Q. Time of Possession – is a punt on 4th down attributed to the kicking team’s Time of Possession?A. Yes.? Time of possession after a punt starts on the first offensive play from scrimmage.? It is, however, different on kick-offs.? Since the clock does not start until the receiving team touches the ball, time of possession begins on a kick-off as soon as a return starts.?Q. Is a sack and the minus yardage its own stat or does it come off the passing or rushing stats?A. OK, sacks are an actual NFL stat, and so are the yards lost.? But, when tabulating the team stats at the end of a game, you would subtract sack yardage from passing yardage to determine the total number of passing yards to credit each team.Now, if, in the opinion of the official scorer, the quarterback was attempting a run and was tackled behind the line of scrimmage, it is NOT a sack.? The exception to this is when it is clear that the team was attempting a pass and the quarterback scrambled and got tackled for no gain or a loss.? This is still a sack.? So, when you’re playing APBA Football and you get a scramble number and it results in either no gain or a loss, you should count that as a sack.If you are playing APBA college teams, it is completely different.? The NCAA does not recognize sacks.? Any yardage lost when a passer is tackled behind the line of scrimmage is considered RUSHING yardage.? So, the quarterback would be given one rushing attempt for whatever negative yardage occurs on the play.?Q. Last, a QB scramble, I assume, is a rushing stat, correct?A. Again, not necessarily.? If the scramble results in 0 yards or lost yardage, it is not a run, it is a sack.? If, however, the quarterback gets positive yardage on his scramble, it is considered a rushing attempt.Q. Do fair catches count as a punt return for stat purposes?A. No.? Fair catches are a separate statistical category.Q. How do you treat running into kicker (5-yard penalty) and illegal block on return team?A. Since both penalties are on the receiving team, it is the kicking team’s choice.??They can select either penalty, whichever they feel is most beneficial to them.Q. How do you score Time of Possession (TOP) when punt returner fumbles and offensive team recovers?A. Since time-of-possession does not start until the first offensive play following a punt, and since the punt receiving team did not, in this example, actually run a play from scrimmage, the kicking team is credited for all the time-of-possession as if they never gave up the ball.Q. How would you score net yardage for a 41 yard punt with holding on the offensive team during the return?A. No penalty yardage is taken into consideration when calculating the “net” punting yardage.? So, if the punter kicks a 41 yarder and the receiving team returns it 10 yards, normally that would be a net punt of 31 yards.? If, however, a holding penalty (illegal block) occurred 7 yards into the 10 yard return, here’s how you score it.? The return man now only gets credited for a 7 yard return – the additional 3 yards are ignored.? Then, the ten yard penalty for the Hold is marked off from the spot of the foul, which would end up 3 yards behind where the punt was fielded.? But, since penalties are ignored when calculating net punting average,?this would result in a net punt of 34 yards (41 minus 7).Q. Are all defensive penalties on an offensive scoring play assessed on the ensuing kickoff?A. No. If a personal foul or unsportsmanlike conduct by the defense on a TD, the foul is enforced on the ensuing kickoff. If they are committed on a successful FG, offense could have them be enforced from the previous spot with the offense retaining the ball with no score. Any 5-yard defensive penalty would be declined by the offense unless it is on a FG attempt and it would result in a first down if accepted, with the offense retaining the ball with no score.If any penalties on the defense happen during the PAT, the penalty can be enforced on the ensuing kickoff if the PAT was successful. However, the penalty can be accepted and enforced on the opponent's 2 yard line. This happened this past Thursday night during the Carolina/Philadelphia game. Philadelphia kicked a successful PAT and Carolina was flagged for illegal formation during the PAT. Philadelphia accepted the penalty and the penalty was enforced from the 2 yard line with the ball being placed on the 1. Philadelphia then tried for a 2-point conversion and they were successful.During the seasons before the 2-point conversion was instituted, all penalties by the defense on all scoring plays were enforced on the ensuing kickoff. However, if the scoring play was a FG try, the penalty could be accepted and enforced from the previous spot with the offense retaining possession of the ball with no score, if the enforcement of the penalty would result in a first down.Q. If the punt returner fumbles after a 17-yard gain and the fumble is recovered by the kicking team, is any Time of Possession awarded to the receiving (punt return) team?A. None of it is.? Time-of-possession does not begin for the team receiving a punt until they actually?run an offensive play from scrimmage.Q. How much net yardage does the punter receive whenever a fair catch interference penalty occurs?A. Fair catch interference assumes that the punt returner would have caught the ball at a particular yard line, so, net yardage, in this case, would be equal to the punt distance.? The penalty has no impact.Q. Can defensive offsides (kicking team) be declined on a kickoff?A. Yes.Q. How do you score a play when a player recovers a fumble and runs for a touchdown?A. Fumble return yardage is not counted as rushing or passing yardage – it is miscellaneous yardage and has no impact on total offense or total defense.? The only exception to this is if the fumbling player recovers his own fumble.? In that case all fumble return yardage would just be an extension of the rushing, receiving or return yardage he is already credited for on that play.Always keep in mind the “Dave Casper-Marv Hubbard” rule.? On a play from scrimmage, if an offensive player fumbles anywhere on the field during fourth down, only the fumbling player is permitted to recover and/or advance the ball.? Also, if any player fumbles after the two-minute warning in a half, only the fumbling player is permitted to recover and/or advance the ball. If recovered by any other offensive player, the ball is dead at the spot of the fumble unless it is recovered behind the spot of the fumble.? In that case, the ball is dead at the spot of recovery.? Any defensive player may recover and/or advance any fumble at any time.Q. Would a punter receive zero or -3 net yards on a 40-yard punt with a 43-yard return?A. -3 net yards.Q. Is holding on a punt return enforced at the spot of the foul or where the punt was caught?A. From the spot of the foul.? And, keep in mind that the returner only gets credit to a return up to the spot of the foul.? So, if a punt returner had a 50 yard return, but the foul occurred 9 yards downfield, he would only be credited with a 9-yard return.? If the foul happened 9 yards downfield, but the returner only had a 4-yard return, he gets credited for a 4 yard return.Q. QB mishandles snap, ball pops loose and, after mad scramble, he recovers it for 33 yd lossA. Because the QB never had control of the ball, it is scored as one rushing attempt for the QB for zero yards and a TEAM fumble.? All other lost yardage is incidental.Q. Loose fumbled handoff is picked up by o6 (o6 attempts pass etc.)A. Because the QB had control of the ball and the running-back did not, the QB is given one rushing attempt for zero yards and a fumble.? The fumble yardage is incidental.?Q. QB slips and falls while attempting handoff, loses 3 ydsA. QB is?charged with one rushing attempt for -3 yards.Q. Broken play, QB collides with another back and fumbles, d3 recovers 8 yds behind lineA. This is a judgment call for the official scorer.? If he believes that the quarterback’s intention was to hand the ball off to a running-back, then the QB is charged with one rushing attempt for zero yards and a fumble.?? If, however, the scored believed the QB was the intended runner and inadvertently collided with another player, then the QB would be charged with a rushing attempt for whatever yardage was lost at the spot of the fumble.? All other yardage is incidental, and not accounted for.?NOTE:? The player who last had clear possession of the ball is always credited with a fumble.? This is why quarterbacks routinely lead the league in fumbles, and, with the exception of the Rare Plays, APBA really has no efficient way to replicate this.? They give extra fumble numbers to the QB in his Run column, which isn’t really fair.? Because, if a QB takes a snap, controls the ball, and then pitches it to another player who fails to maintain control and fumbles it, it is the quarterback who gets credited with the fumble!Q. QB fumbles snap, picks ball up & laterals in desperation to o2, who attempts passA. For the QB to lateral the ball, he had to have control of it, and if the o2 received the lateral it is implied that is was a legal backwards pass.? And, any player is allowed to attempt a forward pass, so the pass would be legal.? This would be scored simply as one passing attempt by the offensive tackle.Q. While faking handoff, QB bumps into another back, he retains possession but loses 4 ydsA. Again, this will be an official?scorer’s judgment call.? If he believes that the fake handoff was on a play designed to be a pass, then the QB is charged with one sack for -4 yards.? If, however, the scorer believes the QB was attempting a rush,?the QB would be given one rushing attempt for -4 yards.Q. Ball carrier fumbles in backfield, ball bounces away, he recovers it while running towards own goal, is tackled for 20 yd lossA. Since the ball carrier had possession, fumbled and recovered his own fumble, he is charged with one rushing attempt for -20 yards.Q. Ballcarrier gains 13 yds, then fumbles; ball bounces 12 more yds towards defense’s goal, recovered there by o5.Ballcarrier gets on rushing attempt for 13 yards and a fumble.? The other yardage is incidental.Q. Bad snap goes through QB’s legs, o11 recovers for 3 yd lossA. This is actually a fumble charged to the center!? The QB gets credited for one run for zero yards (there has to be a run, pass or sack on every offensive play).? All yardage is incidental.? Now, if the snap had gone 10 yards behind the line of scrimmage and the Fullback recovered?it and ended up with a 3 yard loss, he would be credited with fumble recovery yardage, but there is no offensive yardage calculated on that play!Q. QB fumbles snap, o4 falls on ball for 1 yd gainA. One rushing attempt for the QB for?zero yards and a fumble.? The fact that the ball was advanced one yard before the center recovered it is counted as incidental yardage.Q. Center snaps ball one count early, ball pops into air and is caught by d2 at line, and he returns it 1 ydA. One run for zero yards for the QB and a fumble lost.??The defensive tackle gets credited with a fumble recovery and a one-yard fumble return.Q. Ballcarrier fumbles handoff, ball rolls behind him, he falls on it in end zone, safetyA. One rushing attempt for the QB for zero yards and a fumble.? The remaining yardage is incidental and not counted for statistical purposes.Q. The kicking team is penalized with “Twisting Face Mask” – Defense – 15 from gain and first down’ during the return, is it correct to award the receiving team a first down by penalty?A. No.? There is never a “First Down” awarded on a return, only a play from scrimmage. ................

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