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Unit 10 Personality Practice TestMultiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.____1.The concept of personality most clearly embodies the notion ofa.moral integrity.b.self-consciousness.c.behavioral consistency.d.self-actualization.e.gender identity.____2.Mark typically responds to stress in a calm and thoughtful manner. Chandler usually becomes agitated. The reactions of Mark and Chandler indicate that each has a distinctivea.reaction formation.b.collective unconscious.c.Oedipus complex.d.self-serving bias.e.personality.____3.Free association is a method designed toa.reduce anxiety.b.explore the unconscious.c.give priority to group total acceptance of another person.e.form close relationships between group members.____4.Georg often acts on impulse, without taking time to consider the consequences. A psychoanalyst would suggest that Georg shows signs of aa.strong ego.b.strong superego.c.weak id.d.weak ego.e.strong collective unconscious.____5.According to Freud's theory, the the executive part of personality.b.develops before the id.c.operates on the pleasure the major source of guilt feelings.e.operates only on a conscious level.____6.Freud believed that personality forms as fulfillment in a hierarchy of physical and psychological needs.b.demonstrate personality factors on five main dimensions.c.pass through a series of psychosexual stages.d.experience the reciprocal forces of internal and external forces.e.conquer feelings of inferiority and anxiety.____7.During the early psychosexual stages, the id's psychic energy is focused associations.b.defense mechanisms.c.erogenous zones.d.attributional styles.plexes.____8.According to Freud, boys are most likely to experience the Oedipus complex during the ________ stage.a.analb.phallicc.orald.latencye.regression____9.Four-year-old John is very competitive with his father in trying to gain more attention from his mother. Freud would have suggested that John is going through the ________ stage of development.a.phallicb.latencyc.anald.orale.displacement____10.Mrs. Smith, who is White and unconsciously in favor of racial segregation, tells her friends that most Blacks prefer to live in residential neighborhoods inhabited predominantly by Blacks. According to psychoanalytic theory, Mrs. Smith best illustratesa.fixation.b.reaction formation.c.projection.d.displacement.e.regression.____11.Although Eduardo has repressed his own homosexual desires, he is distressed by a false suspicion that many men frequently stare lustfully at his body. According to psychoanalytic theory, Eduardo's thinking best illustratesa.displacement.b.regression.c.projection.d.reaction formation.e.rationalization.____12.Unconsciously motivated by miserliness, Mr. Rioja refused to send his son money to buy the books he needs for his college courses. In defending his actions, Mr. Rioja explained that “parental financial aid prevents teenagers from developing into mature, independent adults.” Mr. Rioja's explanation is an example ofa.fixation.b.rationalization.c.projection.d.displacement.e.reaction formation.____13.While Mr. Gomez was going through a painful divorce, he tended to create unnecessarily difficult tests and gave his students unusually low grades. A psychoanalyst would be most likely to view Mr. Gomez's treatment of students as an example ofa.reaction formation.b.rationalization.c.displacement.d.projection.e.regression.____14.Carl Jung referred to a shared reservoir of memory traces from our species history as thea.self-reference phenomenon.b.defense mechanism.c.collective unconscious.d.psychosexual stages.e.external locus of control.____15.The Thematic Apperception Test requires people to respond toa.incomplete sentences.b.ambiguous pictures.c.unfamiliar melodies.d.meaningless inkblots.e.focus questions.____16.Contemporary psychologists are LEAST likely to agree with Freud's belief thata.conscience and gender identity form during the process of resolving the Oedipus complex.b.conscious awareness of our own mental processes is very limited.c.memories are often distorted and incomplete.d.defense mechanisms help protect individuals from anxiety.e.sexual experiences and thoughts influence development.____17.Which of the following Freudian ideas is most consistent with contemporary psychological research findings?a.The conscience is largely formed in the process of resolving the Oedipus complex.b.People generally protect themselves by projecting their own undesirable traits onto others.c.Most memory loss results from unconsciously motivated repression.d.Conscious awareness of what goes on in our own minds is very limited.e.Children mature through distinct psychosexual stages.____18.Carl Rogers believed that in order to be a fully-functioning individual, you musta.have a strong ego.b.possess an optimistic explanatory style.c.challenge your feelings of inferiority.d.receive unconditional positive regard.e.perceive an internal locus of control.____19.Carl Rogers suggested that the ________ is a central feature of personality.a.collective unconsciousb.inferiority complexc.Barnum effectd.self-concepte.trait____20.In assessing a client's personal growth, Carl Rogers measured the correspondence betweena.the pleasure principle and the reality principle.b.ideal self and actual self.c.the client's values and the therapist's values.d.internal locus of control and external locus of control.e.introversion and extraversion.____21.Which personality theorists have most clearly been credited with encouraging the popular belief that a positive self-concept is the key to happiness and success?a.psychoanalytic theoristsc.humanistic theoristsd.trait theoristse.terror-management theorists____22.A consistent tendency to be shy is best described as a(n)a.trait.b.projection.c.Oedipus complex.d.false consensus effect.e.defense mechanism.____23.A frontal lobe area involved in ________ is ________ active in extraverts than in introverts.a.restraining behavior; lessb.addictive cravings; morec.empathy; lessd.aggression; moree.attraction; less____24.A personality inventory that utilizes only those items that have been shown to differentiate particular groups of people is called a(n) ________ test.a.factor analyticb.self-reportc.aptituded.projectivee.empirically derived____25.In convincing people that they can accurately assess their personalities, astrologers, palm readers, and graphologists take advantage ofa.the spotlight effect.b.the self-reference phenomenon.c.the Barnum association.e.factor analysis.____26.The Big Five is the term currently used to refer to basica.psychosexual stages.b.defense mechanisms.c.trait dimensions.d.sensory modalities.e.reaction formations.____27.People are especially likely to demonstrate an increase in ________ during their twenties.a.conscientiousnessb.extraversionc.opennessd.emotional instabilitye.reaction formation____28.The person-situation controversy involves a debate regarding the influence of ________ and ________ on behavior.a.self-concept; self-esteemb.optimism; pessimismc.environments; traitsd.the real self; the ideal selfe.the id; the superego____29.Trait theorists have been criticized fora.underestimating the potential influence of biological factors on personality development.b.underestimating the extent to which people differ from one another.c.overestimating the consistency of behavior from one situation to another.d.overestimating the importance of reciprocal determinism on adult personality traits.e.underestimating the impact of psychosexual stages on personality development.____30.To assess how optimistic or pessimistic your classmates are, you would be best advised to discovera.what grades they anticipate receiving in future they explain their academic failures and relationship difficulties.c.the words they use when texting their many people they consider to be their close friends.e.what scholarships they plan to apply for.____31.Martin Seligman's positive psychology differs from the humanistic perspective in that ita.denies humankind's capacity for evil.b.focuses more on a person's defense mechanisms.c.emphasizes the use of scientific methods.d.has less application to educational settings.e.concentrates on research regarding self-transcendence.Unit 10 Practice TestAnswer SectionMULTIPLE CHOICE1.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 55-1TOP:PersonalitySKL:Conceptual2.ANS:EPTS:1DIF:EasyOBJ:Unit X | 55-1TOP:PersonalitySKL:Conceptual/Application3.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 55-1TOP:Psychoanalytic theory’s core ideasSKL:Factual/Definitional4.ANS:DPTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 55-2TOP:Personality structureSKL:Conceptual/Application5.ANS:APTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 55-2TOP:Personality structureSKL:Factual/Definitional6.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 55-2TOP:Personality structureSKL:Factual/Definitional7.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:EasyOBJ:Unit X | 55-3TOP:Personality developmentSKL:Factual/Definitional8.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 55-3TOP:Personality developmentSKL:Factual/Definitional9.ANS:APTS:1DIF:DifficultOBJ:Unit X | 55-3TOP:Personality developmentSKL:Conceptual/Application10.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:DifficultOBJ:Unit X | 55-4TOP:Defense mechanismsSKL:Conceptual/Application11.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:DifficultOBJ:Unit X | 55-4TOP:Defense mechanismsSKL:Conceptual/Application12.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 55-4TOP:Defense mechanismsSKL:Conceptual/Application13.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 55-4TOP:Defense mechanismsSKL:Conceptual/Application14.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 56-1TOP:The neo-Freudian and psychodynamic theoristsSKL:Factual/Definitional15.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:EasyOBJ:Unit X | 56-2TOP:Assessing unconscious processesSKL:Factual/Definitional16.ANS:APTS:1DIF:EasyOBJ:Unit X | 56-3TOP:The modern unconscious mindSKL:Factual/Definitional17.ANS:DPTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 56-3TOP:The modern unconscious mindSKL:Factual/Definitional18.ANS:DPTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 57-1TOP:Carl Rogers' person-centered perspectiveSKL:Factual/Definitional19.ANS:DPTS:1DIF:EasyOBJ:Unit X | 57-1TOP:Carl Rogers' person-centered perspectiveSKL:Factual/Definitional20.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 57-2TOP:Assessing the selfSKL:Factual/Definitional21.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 57-3TOP:Evaluating the humanistic perspectiveSKL:Factual/Definitional22.ANS:APTS:1DIF:EasyOBJ:Unit X | 58-1TOP:Trait theoriesSKL:Conceptual/Application23.ANS:APTS:1DIF:DifficultOBJ:Unit X | 58-1TOP:Exploring traitsSKL:Factual/Definitional24.ANS:EPTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 58-2TOP:Assessing traitsSKL:Factual/Definitional25.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 58-2TOP:How to be a “successful” astrologer or palm readerSKL:Factual/Definitional26.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:EasyOBJ:Unit X | 58-3TOP:The Big Five factorsSKL:Factual/Definitional27.ANS:APTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 58-3TOP:The Big Five factorsSKL:Factual/Definitional28.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:EasyOBJ:Unit X | 58-4TOP:Evaluating trait theoriesSKL:Factual/Definitional29.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 58-4TOP:Evaluating trait theoriesSKL:Factual/Definitional30.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:DifficultOBJ:Unit X | 59-1TOP:Optimism versus pessimismSKL:Conceptual/Application31.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:MediumOBJ:Unit X | 59-1TOP:Toward a more positive psychologySKL:Factual/Definitional ................

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