Middle School Quizbowl Packet Archive

Packet 2 (TU/B)1. In 2 Kings 5, this army commander was told by a girl from Israel that the prophet in Samaria could heal him. This man first rejected Elisha’s directions, but was persuaded by his own servants to comply. For 10 points, name this leper who was made clean by washing seven times in the Jordan River.ANSWER: Naaman2. This president once said that "speak softly and carry a big stick" described his foreign policy. He was a sponsor of the national park system, and is known for founding the Bull Moose Party. For 10 points, name this president whose face is on Mt. Rushmore and who also has a toy bear named after him. ANSWER: Theodore (“Teddy”) Roosevelt3. In this book, Mae kills a man wearing a yellow suit after he threatens to reveal her family’s secret. This book takes place near a spring in the town of Treegap that flows with water which grants immortality. For 10 points, name this book in which Winnie Foster meets Jesse.ANSWER: Tuck Everlasting4. This country’s city of Aleppo has had many of its historic buildings destroyed in the war raging in this country. Rebels in this country are fighting against Bashar al-Assad as well as ISIS. For 10 points, name this Middle Eastern country in the midst of a civil war, creating thousands of refugees.ANSWER: Syria5. This term is used in biology to mean the way our bodies take in nutrients through the intestines or the way that chemicals enter through the skin. This term is also used to describe what dark colors do to light and heat. For 10 points, give this term for how a sponge collects water.ANSWER: absorption [accept word forms like absorb, absorbing, etc.]6. COMPUTATION: Jamal needs to know how many total snowglobes he has collected. He has 3 cases, each case has 5 shelves, and each shelf has 3 rows of snowglobes. Jamal could count them all, or he could multiply the three numbers together. For 10 points, how many snowglobes does Jamal have?ANSWER: 45 snowglobes7. One emperor of this empire supposedly played his violin as the capital burned. Another emperor of this empire legalized Christianity and split the Byzantine Empire off from this empire. For 10 points, name this empire, ruled by Nero, Caligula, and Constantine, centered in an Italian city.ANSWER: Roman Empire [accept Rome]8. In this book, the Cloud Men throw hail at the main characters as they are traveling across the Atlantic Ocean. Those characters include James Henry Trotter and Miss Spider. For 10 points, name this Roald Dahl book about bugs who travel with a boy inside a very large fruit.ANSWER: James and the Giant Peach9. This city is located on the Thames [tims] River. West End theatres are located in this city. The prime meridian runs through Greenwich [grin-itch] in this city. This city is home to famous landmarks such as Westminster Abbey. For 10 points, name this British city which is the capital of the United Kingdom.ANSWER: London10. COMPUTATION: Tobias needs to find the total number of vertices on a pyramid with a hexagonal base. Tobias knows that every point two edges meet will be a vertex, and there are six vertices on the hexagonal base. For 10 points, how many total vertices are on Tobias’s pyramid?ANSWER: 7 vertices11. This type of cloud may form along a squall line. They can reach altitudes as high as 22,900 meters with an “anvil” shape at the top. These clouds are often found along cold fronts. For 10 points, name these clouds that are associated with severe storms that can produce lightning and tornadoes. ANSWER: cumulonimbus clouds12. This man said that the “alternating domination” of political parties is “frightful.” He commanded troops at the Battle of Trenton and trained his forces at Valley Forge during the American Revolution. For 10 points, name this military leader who became the first President of the United States.ANSWER: George Washington13. This author wrote a book in which Ben Gunn becomes part of a crew with Jim Hawkins. In another book by this author, David Balfour allies with Alan Breck. For 10 points, name this Scottish-born author who wrote of a transforming potion in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.ANSWER: Robert Louis Stevenson14. This instrument developed from the sackbut. To change the pitch of this instrument, players move part of the instrument to one of 7 positions about 3 inches apart. This instrument represents the adults’ voices in Charlie Brown cartoons. For 10 points, name this brass instrument with a slide.ANSWER: trombone15. This process is defined as the movement of soil or sediment from one location to another by means of water flow, wind or gravity. The Grand Canyon was formed by this process. Trees and plants help hold soil in place to help prevent this process. For 10 points, name this geological process.ANSWER: erosion16. This Greek goddess is commonly associated with owls and olive trees. This goddess was said to have been born from the brain of Zeus. After winning a competition with Poseidon, a major Greek city-state was named after her. For 10 points, name this Greek goddess of wisdom and justice. ANSWER: Athena17. In this novel, a chain of restaurants is renamed “Hoo’s on First” after an Olympic championship. Sixteen seemingly random heirs are chosen in this novel to live in Sunset Towers and compete for millions of dollars. For 10 points, name this novel about the murdered paper mogul Sam.ANSWER: The Westing Game18. COMPUTATION: Sara’s teacher asked her to write her grade in lowest terms, and her grade is 24 out of 40. Sara knows she needs to take the greatest common factor out of the fraction to get her answer. For 10 points, what is Sara’s grade of 24 out of 40 written in lowest terms?ANSWER: 3/5 [three out of five or three-fifths]19. This place was formerly a U.S. military building called Fort Gibson. About 5,000 people a day passed through this place in New York each year, and the first was a girl from Ireland. People coming through here passed by the Statue of Liberty. For 10 points, name this immigration station from the early 20th century.ANSWER: Ellis Island20. This scientist explained his discoveries and theories through the Annus Mirabilis papers. He further explained the photoelectric effect and developed the theories of special and general relativity. For 10 points, name this German-American physicist, best known for his equation E=mc2.ANSWER: Albert EinsteinTiebreaker:21. This person was the only woman to ever serve as the British Prime Minister, and she earned the nickname “The Iron Lady” for her tough negotiation skills with the Soviets. For 10 points, name this leader of the Conservative Movement in the UK and friend to Ronald Reagan.ANSWER: Margaret ThatcherBonuses1. In one book in this series, Mr. Meaner develops a product that causes all children to listen and follow the rules. For 10 points each:[10] Name this book series in which George and Harold turn their principal into a superhero through hypnosis.ANSWER: Captain Underpants[10] When he is not acting as Captain Underpants, this is the principal’s real name.ANSWER: Benjamin “Benny” Krupp [10] The series was created by this author, who also wrote the Ricky Ricotta’s Mighty Robot series.ANSWER: Dav Pilkey2. Answer these questions about trees, for 10 points each.[10] The tallest known single tree on Earth is named Hyperion, and is a member of this species of tree in California.ANSWER: sequoia sempervirens [accept coast redwood] [10] The sequoia is this type of tree whose leaves remain on the tree year-round. Other examples are fir and pine.ANSWER: evergreens[10] Trees that are not evergreen, who lose their leaves during cold temperatures, are known by this other name.ANSWER: deciduous trees3. This politician says that he is proud to be a feminist. For 10 points each:[10] Name this current prime minister of Canada.ANSWER: Justin Trudeau[10] Trudeau is the son of a former Canadian prime minister with this first name shared by the capital of South Dakota. ANSWER: Pierre Trudeau[10] Because Trudeau was born during his father’s term as prime minister, he was born in this city, the capital of Canada.ANSWER: Ottawa, Ontario4. This composer was known for his only opera, Fidelio. For 10 points each:[10] Name this German composer who spent much of his life nearly completely deaf.ANSWER: Ludwig van Beethoven[10] Beethoven wrote nine of this kind of musical work for orchestras. The third, fifth and ninth may be his most famous of these works.ANSWER: Beethoven’s nine symphonies [accept symphony][10] The ninth symphony by Beethoven contained a vocal setting of this poem by Friedrich Schiller.ANSWER: Ode to Joy5. COMPUTATION: Sam needs your help doing some calculations of time for a project on leap years. For 10 points each:[10] Sam asks you to calculate this number of days in 2 years, with 1 leap year included. ANSWER: 731 days[10] Sam also needs you to find out how many days there are in 7 years if there is one leap year included. ANSWER: 2,556 days[10] Sam’s last request is for you to calculate this number of days in 9 years, including 2 leap years.ANSWER: 3,287 days6. This Greek goddess was fed pomegranate seeds by the god who abducted her. For 10 points each:[10] Name this queen of the underworld and wife of Hades.ANSWER: Persephone[10] Persephone is the daughter of this main Greek god who rules over Mount Olympus.ANSWER: Zeus[10] Persephone’s mother is this Greek goddess of agriculture, who became so upset over Persephone’s abduction that nothing grew on Earth. ANSWER: Demeter7. This character is burned while trying to distract a dragon with a rock he turned into a dog. For 10 points each:[10] Name this student who, alongside Harry Potter, represented Hogwarts in the Triwizard Cup.ANSWER: Cedric Diggory [accept either underlined name][10] Cedric was a member of this Hogwarts house, known for their values of hard work and patience.ANSWER: Hufflepuff[10] During Goblet of Fire, Cedric is killed by this wizard, a friend of James Potter who becomes a Death Eater and who can transform into a rat.ANSWER: Peter Pettigrew [accept Wormtail]8. For 10 point each, answer some questions about a biological process.[10] Name this slow process of change in a species over time to better suit its environment.ANSWER: adaptation [accept word forms like adapting][10] Adaptation may include changes to this characteristic of an organism, such as the ability of a chameleon to change this characteristic to match its background.ANSWER: color [accept word forms like coloration or coloring][10] When a species cannot adapt quickly enough, it may suffer this fate, the loss of all members of a species.ANSWER: extinction [accept going extinct]9. This man collaborated with Freidrich Engels for his most well known work. For 10 points each:[10] Name this thinker who wrote Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto, best known as the “father of communism.”ANSWER: Karl Marx[10] Marx sorted people into these groups, based on their participation in the economy. The “upper” kind of this group is very rich, while the “middle” and “lower” have less money. ANSWER: class [accept socioeconomic class][10] Marx thought that this kind of economic system would eventually collapse, to be replaced by socialism. This is the type of system the U.S. is currently using.ANSWER: capitalism [accept word forms]10. Mount Mitchell is the tallest point in this mountain range. For 10 points each:[10] Name this mountain range, the oldest one in North America, stretching from Canada to Alabama along the east coast.ANSWER: Appalachian Mountains [accept Appalachians][10] Mount Mitchell is in this U.S. state, just northeast of Asheville and about 120 miles from Charlotte.ANSWER: North Carolina[10] The tallest point in the United States is this mountain in Alaska, formerly known as Mount McKinley before being restored to its native name.ANSWER: Denali11. Answer these questions about libraries, for 10 points each.[10] The Thomas Jefferson Building in Washington, D.C., is home to this library which keeps many of America’s historical records.ANSWER: Library of Congress [prompt on Congress][10] The American Library Association gives out the Caldecott Medal to a person who has this kind of job in a children’s book.ANSWER: illustrator [accept equivalents][10] One of the most famous and extensive libraries in the world was in Alexandria, an ancient city of this country, until it was destroyed.ANSWER: Egypt12. Answer some questions about a popular horror author, for 10 points each.[10] This man from Maine wrote the horror novel The Shining.ANSWER: Stephen King[10] King wrote this story about a town that gets sealed off from the outside world by a large mysterious piece of glass.ANSWER: Under the Dome [10] Another famous story by Stephen King was written as The Body, and was turned into this hit movie about four boys who discover a dead body.ANSWER: Stand by Me13. COMPUTATION: Vicky needs to know the area of her 3 inch by 5 inch phone screen that is not defective. For 10 points each:[10] At first, the defective area is a 1 inch square box. How much of her phone screen is not defective?ANSWER: 14 square inches[10] When Vicky tries to work on her phone, the defective area grows to a 1 inch by 2 inch rectangle. How much of her phone screen is not defective in this case?ANSWER: 13 square inches[10] Vicky ends up buying a new phone whose screen is 4.5 inches by 7 inches. What is the area of Vicky’s new phone screen?ANSWER: 31.5 inches14. In 1962, this man was imprisoned for life at Robben Island. For 10 points each:[10] Name this civil rights leader who became the first black president of South Africa.ANSWER: Nelson Mandela[10] In 1990, Mandela was set free and worked with F.W. de Klerk to end this South African system of segregating white and black residents. ANSWER: apartheid[10] Mandela received this honor in 1993, and other recent recipients include Barack Obama and Malala Yousafzai. It is given to those who work for “fraternity between nations.”ANSWER: Nobel Peace Prize15. This force explains why your hands become hot when you rub them together. For 10 points each:[10] Name this force that slows down motion when sliding something along a surface.ANSWER: friction[10] Friction can be divided into two types: static, which occurs when the objects are not moving; and this type, which occurs when at least one of the objects is moving.ANSWER: kinetic friction[10] One way to reduce friction is to place a substance such as oil between the surfaces, a process known by this name.ANSWER: lubrication [accept word forms]16. This singer was 16 when her self-titled debut album was released in 2006. For 10 points each:[10] Name this singer, who started in country music but has moved into pop, such as her recent hits “Out of the Woods” and “Wildest Dreams.”ANSWER: Taylor Swift[10] Swift released this album in 2014 when she was almost 25 years old. It includes “Style” and “Shake It Off.”ANSWER: 1989[10] This song with a long title was the first single from Swift’s album Red and features the lyrics “you go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me.”ANSWER: “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”17. This game’s reigning world champion is Magnus Carlsen. For 10 points each:[10] Name this board game. A famous match of this game was between Boris Spassky and Bobby Fischer during the Cold War. ANSWER: chess[10] This chess piece is allowed to move only along the diagonals of the chess board, meaning it always remains on the same color.ANSWER: bishop[10] The objective of a game of chess is to create this situation, where your opponent’s king has no possible moves.ANSWER: checkmate18. Answer some questions about a character created by Esther Forbes, for 10 points each.[10] This character is a spy for the Sons of Liberty and delivers papers for the Boston Observer.ANSWER: Johnny Tremain [prompt on Johnny][10] Johnny takes the delivery job after damaging his hand while working in this occupation as an apprentice to Ephraim Lapham.ANSWER: silversmithing[10] While at the Observer, Johnny meets this older boy whom he helps to get a musket and who is killed in battle during the American Revolution.ANSWER: Rab Silsbee19. This man sold his personal library to the government in 1814. For 10 points each:[10] This man served as the third U.S. president.ANSWER: Thomas Jefferson[10] Jefferson was the first person to hold this government position, in charge of American foreign affairs.ANSWER: U.S. Secretary of State[10] Jefferson came in second place in the election of 1796, and back then, that meant he was given this government position under John Adams.ANSWER: Vice President of the United States [accept VP]20. The Curiosity rover provided evidence that this planet has liquid water. For 10 points each:[10] Name this planet, a neighbor of Earth known as the “Red Planet.”ANSWER: Mars[10] Mars is home to this volcano, said to be the largest one in the solar system at two-and-a-half times the size of Mt. Everest.ANSWER: Olympus Mons[10] Mars has two moons. Name both of them for 10 points.ANSWER: Phobos and Deimos ................

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