'Flowers for Algernon'

"Flowers for Algernon"

Student Activities




|Progress Report |Summary  |

|Progress Report 1 |Charlie begins keeping a journal. |

|Progress Report 2 | |

|Progress Report 3 | |

|Progress Report 4 | |

|Progress Report 5 | |

|Progress Report 6 | |

|Progress Report 7 | |

|Progress Report 8 | |

|Progress Report 9 | |

|Progress Report 10 | |

|Progress Report 11 | |

|Progress Report 12 | |

|Progress Report 13 | |






1.  Why is Charlie chosen for the operation?

2. Why does Charlie believe he failed the Rorschach test?

3.  Define "pull a Charlie".

4.  Does Charlie understand commas at first?  How do you know?

5.  Why is Miss Kinnian worried on April 15?

6.  Is it better that Charlie doesn't know all that Miss Kinnian does on April 15?  Why or why not?

7.  Why is Charlie ashamed on April 20?

8.  Did the man act differently when giving the second Rorschach test?

9.  What is the conflict between the doctors on April 27?

10.  What does Charlie think of Dr. Nemur and Dr. Strauss on May 15?  Be specific.






Please consider the following questions.  Your responses should be at least three paragraphs long.

1.  Is it a good idea to make everyone smart?  WHy or why not?

2.  Choose one day from Charlie's life to look at from another point of view.

    Write a progress report about the events on that day from the point of view of Miss Kinnian or one      of the doctors. Be sure to include the date and details that show how your report relates to Charlie's.

3.  Summarize the results of Charlie's research.







    1.  Create an ink blot in class

    2.  Record the responses of at least three people who see your blot.

    3. Answer the following questions:

        Did all of the people respond in the same way?

        Could you see all of the pictures that other people did?

        Do you think that what the people saw says anything about them?







"Rorschach Test" and "Psychological Testing"

    You will listen to two passages, then you will answer two questions to show how well you understood what was read.

    You will listen to the passages twice.  As you listen, you may take notes. Use the space below for your notes.

Vocabulary words to help you:

Abstract  - designs or shapes that do not represent any recognizable person or thing





















1.  Complete the diagram using specific details from the passages.


2.  Why do psychiatrists and psychologists use tests like the Rorschach and the Thematic Apperception Test?  Support your answer with details from the passages.
















    Modern intelligence tests are based largely on the work of Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon who created a test in 1905 called the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale.  They worked with public school children and mentally challenged children at a local hospital, trying to establish criteria for average physical and mental abilities.

    They created a test to assign children to appropriate class groups and to predict their abilities in the classroom.  The test was composed of questions and activities ranging from easy to difficult.  A child was first asked questions designed for someone his or her age or younger.  The tester asked increasingly difficult questions until the child could no longer answer them; that level was considered the child's mental age.

    The term Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is used to describe the results of intelligence testing.  The average IQ score is 100. MEntally challenged people like Charlie usually score below 70.  Over the years, people have criticized IQ tests for different reasons.  Some people doubt that the tests are meaningful or challenging to all people because of cultural differences.  OThers argue that some people are intelligent in some areas but less so in others and tests cannot possibly measure all the different qualities of intelligence.  Today, psychologists favor tests that measure special abilities and personality.

1.  Do you think we should pursue artificial intelligence as shown in the Algernon and Charlie experiment?  Why or why not?


2.  Was Charlie happier when he became smarter?  Explain your answer.


3.  Why might IQ tests be helpful?


4.  Why might IQ tests be harmful?








    You work for a book company which will soon be publishing a new edition of the short story version of "Flowers for Algernon".  Please design a book jacket that will catch the attention of customers as well as give important information about the story.  Your book jacket should also include:

        a creative and interesting cover

        a summary of the story

        information about the author

As your editor, I would like to see your first and final draft so I can note the changes you have made.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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