Layered Curriculum Lesson Plan Form

Name: Date:Teacher:T. RazoSubject:Human Development II Chapter 13Implementation Dates:February7 – 18, 2011Assignments and points assignedLayer C – Mandatory requirements (50 points)Describe biological aging or senescence. (432)Cite the weaknesses of the wear and tear theory of aging. (432)Explain the relationship between telomere length and illness. (433)Describe three reasons why rates of heart disease have declined considerable since the mid-twentieth century.(436)Explain why many women experience a decline in fertility across early and middle adulthood. (437-438)What are the reasons why SES disparities in health and mortality are larger in the United States than in other industrialized nations? (438)Summarize the detrimental effects of excess dietary fat consumption, noting specific consequences of saturated fat. (441)What societal factors that encourage widespread, rapid weight gain? (442-443)What are the common abused substances in early adulthood? (444) Contemporary men and women differ (little/greatly) in average number of lifetime sexual partners. Why is this?(446)Explain how homosexual sex follows many of the same rules as heterosexual sex. (447)Describe cultural forces that contribute to sexual coercion. (448)Explain why young adults more often report depressive feelings than middle-aged people. (450)Describe psychological changes that take place during the college years. (454-455)Layer B - (10 points ea) Choose twoPenny is a long-distance runner for her college track team. She wonders what her running performance will be like 30 years from now. What factors will affect Penny’s future athletic skill? (pp. 436–437)Tom had been going to a health club three days a week after work, but job pressures convinced him that he no longer had time for regular exercise. Explain to Tom why he should keep up his exercise regimen, and suggest ways to fit it into his busy life. (pp. 441, 443–444)Describe your progress in choosing a vocation. What personal and environmental factors have been influential? (pp. 455–459)How do heredity and environment jointly contribute to age-related changes in cardiovascular, respiratory, and immune system functioning? (pp. 434–436, 437)Layer A – (20 pts) Choose oneBefore reading this chapter, had you thought of early adulthood as a period of aging? Why is it important for young adults to be conscious of factors that contribute to biological aging? (pp. 432–434)The discussion in Chapter 9 noted that emotional intelligence is associated with life satisfaction and success in the workplace. How might cognitive-affective complexity contribute to these favorable outcomes? (pp. 452–453)What have you learned in previous chapters about development of gender stereotypes that helps explain why women’s progress in entering and excelling at male-dominated professions has been slow? (Hint: See Chapter 10, pages 342–343, and Chapter 11, page 390.) (pp. 457–458)Points EarnedA = 90 B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 D = 60 – 69 F = 59 – below ................

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