Rules & Authority Figures

|Lesson Synopsis: |

Lesson two introduces the students to authority figures in the community who make and enforce rules. They come to understand that, just like home and school, the community has rules that provide order, security, and safety.


|K.8 |Government. The student understands the purpose of rules. The student is expected to: |

|K.8A |Identify purposes for having rules. |

|K.8B |Identify rules that provide order, security, and safety in the home and school. |

|K.9 |The student understands the role of authority figures. The student is expected to: |

|K.9A |Identify authority figures in the home, school, and community. |

|K.9B |Explain how authority figures make and enforce rules. |

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Social Studies Skills TEKS:

|K.15 |Social studies skills. The student communicates in oral and visual forms. The student is expected to: |

|K.15B |Create and interpret visuals. Including pictures and maps. |

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|Getting Ready for Instruction |

|Performance Indicator(s): |

• Illustrate and identify three authority figures in the community and name a rule each enforces. (K.9A, K.9B, K.15B)

[pic] 1C, 2E, 3D

|Key Understandings and Guiding Questions: |

• Los líderes crean las reglas y leyes y las hacen cumplir para establecer el orden y proveer seguridad y protección a las personas de la comunidad.

— ¿Cuáles son las reglas de nuestra comunidad?

— ¿Por qué son importantes las reglas?

— ¿Cómo mantienen las reglas seguras a las personas?

— ¿Quiénes son las personas que hacen cumplir las leyes?

— ¿Cómo hacen cumplir las leyes?

— ¿Quién ayuda a las personas a seguir las reglas?

— ¿Por qué se tienen que cumplir las reglas?

|Vocabulary of Instruction: |

• reglas

• seguridad

• protección

• orden

• persona que representa la autoridad

• líderes

• gobernantes

• hacer cumplir

• decisión

• oficial de policía

• salvavidas

• guardia de cruce

• chofer de autobús

|Materials: |

• Refer to the Notes for Teacher section for materials.

|Attachments: |

• Handout: Authority Figure Cards

|Resources and References: |

• None identified

|Advance Preparation: |

1. Become familiar with content and procedures for the lesson, especially the idea that we have rules in our community which provide order, security, and safety.

2. Refer to the Instructional Focus Document for specific content to include in the lesson.

3. Select appropriate sections of the textbook and other classroom materials that support the learning for this lesson.

4. Preview materials and websites according to district guidelines.

5. Gather books.

6. Collect pictures of various community workers who help others follow rules including, but not limited to, a police officer, a lifeguard and a crossing guard.

7. Take photographs of local authority figures enforcing rules (police, sheriff, crossing guard, lifeguard, park ranger, etc.).

8. Print Authority Figure cards on cardstock (if desired). There should be one Authority Figure card per student.

9. Prepare materials and handouts as needed.

|Background Information: |

Authority figures – set standards, enforce the law, or maintain social order in the absence of laws. Most people respect authority and comply with the written or spoken rules. Authority figures include parents and grandparents, school teachers and principals, police officers, clergy, military officers, and others in positions of authority. Authority figures are those who “know what to do” when you need help.

Social Studies Center [defunct]. (2000). Glossary. Austin: Texas Education Agency.

|Getting Ready for Instruction Supplemental Planning Document |

Instructors are encouraged to supplement and substitute resources, materials, and activities to differentiate instruction to address the needs of learners. The Exemplar Lessons are one approach to teaching and reaching the Performance Indicators and Specificity in the Instructional Focus Document for this unit. Instructors are encouraged to create original lessons using the Content Creator in the Tools Tab located at the top of the page. All originally authored lessons can be saved in the “My CSCOPE” Tab within the “My Content” area.

|Instructional Procedures |

|Instructional Procedures |Notes for Teacher |

|ENGAGE – Remembering rules at home & in the classroom |NOTE: 1 Day = 30 minutes |

| |Suggested Day 1 – 5 minutes |

|Facilitate a discussion about rules at home and at school from previous lessons. Revisit |Purpose: |

|the rules posted on the classroom wall and discuss the purpose for rules. Ask: |The purpose of this section is to focus students’ attention on rules |

|Why do we have rules at home and at school? (to provide order, security, and safety.) |they have learned in previous lessons. |

|Who enforces rules at home? At school? (an authority figure, which could be a parent, | |

|grandparent, teacher, principal, police officer, clergy, military officer, and others in |TEKS: K.8A; K.8B; K.9A; K.9B; K.15B |

|positions of authority) | |

| |Instructional Note: |

| |Remind students that rules are created to establish order, provide |

| |security and manage conflict. |

|EXPLORE – What are rules of our community? |Suggested Day 1 (continued) – 20 minutes |

|Continue the discussion by asking: |Materials: |

|Who are the authority figures in our community? |Picture of policemen: |

| |Chart/Butcher paper for chart |

|Display a picture of a police officer and ask: | |

|Who is in the picture? (Police officer) |Purpose: |

|What the police officer’s job? (To maintain order, provide security, and manage |The purpose of this section is to introduce rules of the community. |

|conflict.) | |

|How does the police officer help others follow rules in the neighborhood community? (By |TEKS: K.8A; K.8B; K.9A; K.9B; K.15B |

|patrolling areas at various times of the night and day, intervening if there is an | |

|altercation, responding to 911 calls in case of an emergency, etc.) |Instructional Note: |

| |A visit from a police officer to talk about rules for keeping people |

|Attach a picture of the police officer on a piece of chart paper and write a brief |safe would be a good extension to this lesson. |

|description. (Section off the chart – perhaps a 4-square chart – for the number of | |

|Authority Figures you will study. The number of squares that are needed depends on your | |

|community and the pictures you have available.) | |

| | |

|Extend the discussion to include ways police officers keep people safe. | |

|EXPLAIN – Role play police officer |Suggested Day 1 (continued) – 5 minutes |

|Students role-play police officers performing their duties. Model, with a student, a scene|Purpose: |

|where a police officer is helping keep people safe. (Provide students with the actions and|The purpose of this section is to tole-play a police officer enforcing |

|words to say.) |rules in order to keep people safe. |

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|Then, give student pairs a scene to act out. Have students switch roles. |TEKS: K.8A; K.8B; K.9A; K.9B; K.15B |

| | |

| |Instructional Note: |

| |Students can do the same scene you just modeled or brainstorm other |

| |scenarios. |

|ENGAGE – Read aloud |Suggested Day 2 – 5 minutes |

|Review learning about police officers from yesterday. Read aloud a “pattern book” such as|Materials: |

|Police Officers A to Z. |Possible read aloud: Police Officers A to Z by Jean Johnson. |

| | |

| |Purpose: |

| |The purpose of this section is to focus on police officers and provide |

| |more content information on police officers as authority figures. |

| | |

| |TEKS: K.8A; K.8B; K.9A; K.9B; K.15B |

| | |

| |Instructional Note: |

| |Police Officers A to Z by Jean Johnson, part of the Community Helper |

| |Series, ISBN 0802766145. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a topic|

| |relating to police officers and their jobs. |

|EXPLORE – Introduce other authority figures |Suggested Day 2 (continued) – 15 minutes |

|Introduce other people in the neighborhood who help others follow rules that keep us safe,|Materials: |

|provide security and establish order. |Books to read aloud |

| | |

|Show pictures of a crossing guard, a mayor, a school bus driver and a life guard. (Use |Purpose: |

|pictures of the actual people from your town if possible.) |The purpose of this section is to introduce other authority figures. |

|Say: | |

|These are other people in the neighborhood who help us follow rules. |TEKS: K.8A; K.8B; K.9A; K.9B; K.15B |

| | |

|Add these pictures to the chart along with the picture of the policeman. You may discuss | |

|and add additional people to the chart as needed. | |

| | |

|Ask students to turn and talk to one another. Brainstorm a list of rules that people in | |

|the neighborhood should follow – rules to keep people safe and keep order. | |

|EXPLAIN – Role play authority figures |Suggested Day 2 (continued) – 10 minutes |

|Distribute the Handout: Authority Figure Cards and have students pretend to be that |Attachments: |

|person. |Handout: Authority Figure Cards |

| | |

|Say: | |

|Look at your card. Think about that authority figure and how he/she keeps people in the | |

|community safe. | |

|Explain to two other students how you keep people safe in the community. (Samples | |

|attached. Create others as needed.) | |

|ENGAGE/ELABORATE – Summarize |Suggested Day 3 (continued) – 10 minutes |

|Think about what might happen if people did not follow a rule in the neighborhood. For |Purpose: |

|example: |The purpose of this section is to make predictions as to what might |

|What might happen if people were speeding and did not follow the rules posted on the signs|happen if rules are not followed and summarize learning. |

|such as a speed limit? | |

|What might the neighborhood be like without people helping others to follow the rules, |TEKS: K.8A; K.8B; K.9A; K.9B; K.15B |

|such as not having lifeguards at the pool? | |

| | |

|Lead students to create a summary statement of the importance of rules in the neighborhood| |

|that ties back to the key understanding for this lesson. Examples: | |

|Neighborhoods have rules, made by the leaders of the community, to keep people safe. | |

|Neighborhoods need rules to keep people safe. | |

|Neighborhoods need people who help others to follow those rules. | |

|Neighborhoods need people to help keep us safe. | |

|EVALUATE – Determine mastery |Suggested Day 3 (continued) – 20 minutes |

|Illustrate and identify three authority figures in the community and name a rule each |Materials: |

|enforces. (K.9A, K.9B, K.15B) |Paper, 8 ½ X 11 (or 11 X 14), one sheet per child |

|1C, 2E, 3D | |

| |Purpose: |

|Distribute paper to students. Demonstrate how to fold paper into thirds. |The purpose of this section is to determine mastery of content on rules |

| |and authority figures. |

|Create an illustration of three community authority figures enforcing a rule (Example: | |

|policeman enforcing the speed limit and verbally explain a rule the figure enforces. |TEKS: K.8A; K.8B; K.9A; K.9B; K.15B |

| | |

|Illustrations can be bound together to make pages for a class book of rules and authority |Instructional Note: |

|figures. |The teacher will need to have an example of what the finished product |

| |will look like for students. |

| | |

| |Some students may need assistance folding the paper, or the teacher may |

| |have paper pre-folded for students who struggle. |

| | |

| |Example of the folded paper: |

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