Indirect Object Pronouns

Indirect Object Pronouns PracticeEjercicio AIn the following sentences, identify the direct object and the indirect object. Remember: Direct is “what”, Indirect is “who or for whom”. Direct Indirect John tells me a story. ________________She buys him nothing.________ ________They send us food. ________________The chef cooks us a meal. ________________The cannibal cooks us for his friends. ________________He tells you a story.________________I bought you a ring. ________________He buys drinks for everyone. ________________You write me a letter every week. ________ ________They sold the diamonds to her. ________________Ejercicio BWrite following sentences using an indirect object pronouns.Jorge compra flores. (a mí). _______________________________________________________Marta dice la historia. (a nosotros) _______________________________________________________Los padres dan el libro. (al ni?o) _______________________________________________________Escribo una carta, (a mis abuelos) _______________________________________________________Felipe da un anillo. (a Juana) _______________________________________________________Vendemos la casa. (a Marta)_______________________________________________________Traigo el maquillaje. (a mi amiga) _______________________________________________________Preparamos la cena. (a Guillermo) _______________________________________________________Compras la falda. (a mí) _______________________________________________________Martín planta un árbol. (a nosotros) _______________________________________________________Ella escribe una carta. (a ustedes) _______________________________________________________Mandamos el regalo. (a vosotros) _______________________________________________________El arquitecto dise?a una casa. (a ti)_______________________________________________________Ejercicio CTranslate the following sentences to English using Indirect Object Pronouns. To tell – decir (yo go)To give – dar I tell him the truth (la verdad). _______________________________________________________He tells lies (mentiras) to me all the time. _______________________________________________________We always give her flowers (flores). _______________________________________________________4. I write them a letter (una carta) every (cada) week. _______________________________________________________5. They write to us very month. _______________________________________________________She sings him a song (canción). _______________________________________________________I always tell her that (que) she’s pretty. _______________________________________________________I give them a card (una tarjeta) for their anniversary every year. _______________________________________________________ ................

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