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For the adult child, becoming part of a stepfamily poses complex dilemmas and requires multiple adjustments.

--Sarah Corrie (2002, p. 137)

A review of the stepfamily literature would lead one to conclude that stepfamily life ends when the children turn 18. As discussed in previous chapters, the vast majority of stepfamily research focuses on remarried couples with nonadult (under age 18) children. Focusing only on stepfamilies with younger children is a problem for two reasons. The first is the aging of society. The Baby Boom generation, the nearly 80 million Americans born between 1946 and 1964, are beginning to enter later adulthood. For example, Bill Clinton (b. August 19, 1946), the first baby boomer elected president, is approaching our society's traditional retirement age of 65. Baby boomers grew up in a time of more liberal social values and are less adverse to divorce (and subsequent repartnering) than were previous generations (Cornman & Kingston, 1996). Therefore, although it is the case that divorce, cohabitation, and remarriage are more common among younger than older people, these trends will become increasingly common among older Americans. This was the situation for Rosemary and James, described in the fifth scenario of Chapter 1, who at the time of their marriage had four adult children between them. 190

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Stepfamilies With Adult Stepchildren


Photo 9.1

Stepfamilies today often involve adult stepchildren.

? Pool/Tim Graham Picture Library /Corbis.

A second reason why it is a problem to focus solely on stepfamilies with younger children is that stepfamilies formed during the "divorce revolution" of the 1970s and 1980s are themselves aging. Millions of children who have grown up in stepfamilies are making the transition to adulthood or are adults in the midst of balancing career and family responsibilities. Likewise, this is the first time the American population has seen substantial numbers of older adults and elderly people who have experienced stepfamily living and longterm stepfamily relationships. Subsequent generations of elderly Americans will have even more experience with stepfamily living (Wachter, 1995).

Stepfamilies with adult stepchildren therefore include two groups: (1) stepfamilies formed when couples' children are adults, and (2) stepfamilies formed when couples' children were young but who are now adults. This chapter reviews what is currently known about "older" stepfamilies with respect to relationship quality and dynamics, social support, and well-being. With a few exceptions, most notably research by family sociologist Lynn White, this is a relatively new area of study with potential for growth. I close by making suggestions for future research topics.

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The Aging of Society

The aging of society has had a massive impact on family life, including stepfamily life. Population aging refers to two related trends: (1) an increase in the percentage of the population that is elderly (i.e., age 65+), and (2) an increase in the actual number of elderly Americans. In 2000, 12% of the population was 65 years of age or older, compared with 10% in 1970 (Himes, 2001). The difference sounds small, but it amounts to 35 million people. It is projected that by 2040, one in five Americans or roughly 20% will be age 65 or older (Himes, 2001). Whereas the former trend is primarily the result of low fertility and couples having smaller families (i.e., fewer children around means more old people), the latter trend is more the result of improvements in health, including new medicines, medical technologies and treatments, and changes in lifestyle (e.g., better nutrition, exercise) that allow older people to live longer. In 1970, the average length of life was 71 years, 67 for men and 75 for women (National Center for Health Statistics [NCHS], 2006). In 2003, the average length of life was 78 years, 75 for men and 80 for women (NCHS, 2006).

That American society is becoming older has a number of implications for family life. People will spend more years in family relationships; they will spend a smaller proportion of their lives parenting young children and a larger proportion as parents of adult children, and grandparenting will increase in prominence (Bianchi & Casper, 2000). The aging of society has important effects on stepfamilies as well, namely that an increasing proportion of stepfamilies will contain adult stepchildren. While understanding younger children and their well-being is extremely important, our attention needs to turn toward adult stepfamily relationships and the concerns of older stepfamily members.


Biological Parents and Stepparents

Given the older ages of the children in stepfamilies with adult stepchildren, it is not surprising that they tend to be couple- rather than child-focused (Berger, 1995). In fact, adult children sometimes perceive a remarried parent as too

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couple-focused and not concerned enough about their needs and the needs of their children (i.e., the grandchildren and stepgrandchildren of the older couple). This may become a more pressing issue for families, because children are taking longer make the transition to adulthood and establish their own careers, homes, and families (N. R. White, 2002). Yet there has been little research specifically on the couple relationship in stepfamilies with adult stepchildren, especially on couples who remarry or cohabit after their children are grown up.

Cohabitatation is an important aspect of stepfamilies with adult stepchildren. It appears that older couples who cohabit are more likely to view their relationship as an alternative to marriage than are younger cohabitors (see Chapter 5). King and Scott (2005) found, using data from the two waves of the National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH), that older cohabitors are less likely than younger cohabitors to have plans to marry their partner and are less likely to list assessing compatibility for marriage as a reason for cohabiting, despite having higher-quality and more stable relationships. The fact that these couples felt good about their relationship yet did not intend to marry is telling. Although the reasons aren't clear, older couples may eschew marriage in favor of cohabitation out of concern for their adult children's feelings, to protect their assets (i.e., children's inheritances), to avoid social security and tax penalties, and other financial reasons (King & Scott, 2005).

Another living arrangement increasingly being seen among older couples (but not limited to older couples) is living apart together (LAT). LAT couples are couples that "retain their own separate homes and one-person households, but from time to time live together" (De Jong Gierveld & Peeters, 2003, p. 189). Awareness of this trend is very new, and so far what is known about LAT is based on studies from Scandinavia, England, Europe (e.g., Italy, France, Germany), and Canada (Levin, 2004; Milan & Peters, 2003). LAT couples generally have children from previous relationships and might be considered a new kind of stepfamily. "Caring for others" (e.g., children) is a common reason why couples choose LAT, according to the Canadian General Social Survey (Milan & Peters, 2003). De Jong Gierveld and Peeters (2003), who studied older LAT couples in the Netherlands, indicate that the phenomenon is also driven by couples' desires to retain their independence with respect to their day-to-day activities, by personality conflicts and practical concerns like losing a pension or dividing inheritances, as well as by the desire for the comfort and companionship of a steady partner (De Jong Gierveld & Peeters, 2003). These data indicate that previously married adults who were older than 55 when their marriage

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ended are three time more likely to form LAT relationships than adults who were under 55, and adults who were married twice or more are twice as likely to form LAT relationships as adults who were only married once (De Jong Gierveld, 2004). A report on LAT from the Italian National Institute of Statistics (2005) states that, "In the USA, the discussion about LAT relationships has just begun" (p. 11). LAT relationships needs to be incorporated into discussions of American marriage and cohabitation patterns, especially when investigating intimate relationships among older couples.

Relationships Between Biological Parents and Their Adult Children

Adult Stepchildren and Parental "Neglect"

Family therapist Patricia Papernow (1993), the inventor of the stepfamily cycle, argues that stepfamily dynamics can be just as complicated and stressful in stepfamilies with grown children as stepfamilies with young children. In her practice, Papernow has seen "children" as old as 50 having trouble accepting the changes resulting from a parent's remarriage, such as new holiday traditions. For example,

Because the parents of these young adults may feel freer to confide in them as equals, loyalty binds can be intense. Graduations, weddings, and other life-cycle events that should be sources of pride become painful reminders of a divided household, or worse, battlegrounds for warring ex-spouses. (p. 365)

Other family therapists have noticed "a significant increase in the number of adult children requesting help with adjusting to parental remarriage" (Corrie, 2002, p. 136).

Children who are young adults still have many developmental tasks to accomplish, and experiencing a parent's divorce or remarriage at this time can be unsettling. Young adults also need their parent to be interested in and supportive of their activities and to celebrate their achievements. Young adult children with divorcing and/or remarrying parents can at times feel neglected. One woman, a graduate student finishing her master's thesis, explains, "I have accomplished a lot. But it's like there's no place to take it to! My dad's acting like a teenager in love and my mom is going nuts. They're both too selfabsorbed to notice" (Papernow, 1993, p. 366). Corrie (2002) identified eight


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