Abnormal Psych - Weebly

Abnormal Psych


1. Which of the following statements is false?

a. Many behavioral and cognitive changes accompany depression.

b. Someone suffering from depression will set better only with therapy or medication.

c. Compared with men, women are nearly twice as vulnerable to depression.

d. Stressful events related to work, marriage, and close relationships often precede depression.

e. With each new generation, depression is striking earlier and affecting more people.

2. The risk of major depression and bipolar disorder dramatically increases if you

a. Have suffered a debilitating injury

b. Have an adoptive parent that has the disorder

c. Have a parent or sibling with the disorder

d. Have a life-threatening illness

e. Have above-average intelligence

3. What do mental health workers call patterns of thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that are deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional?

a. Interactions of nature and nurture

b. Physiological states

c. Genetic predispositions

d. Psychological factors

e. Psychological disorders

4. Adolescent mood swings are often misdiagnosed as

a. Schizophrenia

b. A phobia

c. Depression

d. Bipolar disorder

e. Anxiety

5. A split from reality that shows itself in disorganized thinking, disturbed perceptions, and inappropriate emotions and actions is called

a. Schizophrenia

b. A phobia

c. Depression

d. Bipolar disorder

e. Anxiety

6. The nearly 1-in-100 odds of any person being diagnosed with schizophrenia become about 1-in-10 among those

a. Who also suffer anxiety disorder

b. Whose sibling or parent has the disorder

c. Who have been diagnosed with depression

d. Who live with someone diagnosed with schizophrenia

e. Whose identical twin has schizophrenia

7. Which of the following is not an anxiety disorder?

a. Generalized anxiety disorder

b. Phobias

c. Bipolar disorder

d. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

e. Post-traumatic stress disorder

8. Sensory experiences with out sensory stimulation are called

a. Word salads

b. Delusions

c. Paranoid thoughts

d. Ruminations

e. Hallucinations

9. The number one reason people seek mental health services is

a. Depression

b. Bipolar disorder

c. Post-traumatic stress disorder

d. Dissociative identity disorder

e. Hypochondriasis

10. Brain-scanning techniques reveal that people with chronic schizophrenia tend to have

a. Abnormally high brain activity in the frontal lobes

b. A noticeable increase in the brain waves that reflect synchronized neural firing

c. Abnormal activity in multiple brain areas

d. Decreased activity in the amygdala

e. Normal amounts of cerebral tissue

11. People with __________ show little regret over violating others’ rights

a. Antisocial personality disorder

b. Avoidant personality disorder

c. Schizoid personality disorder

d. Histrionic personality disorder

e. Narcissistic personality disorder

12. Our way of thinking—who or what we blame for our successes and failures—is called

a. Stability

b. Emotional memory

c. The social-cognitive perspective

d. Explanatory style

e. Dissociative reasoning

13. Although some psychological disorders are culture-bound, others are universal. For example, in every known culture some people suffer from

a. Bulimia nervosa

b. Anorexia nervosa

c. Susto

d. Schizophrenia

e. Taijin-kyofusho

14. Today’s psychologists contend that all behavior, whether it is called normal or disordered, arises from the interaction of

a. Genetics and physiology

b. Children and parents

c. Symptoms and therapy

d. Diagnosis and cure

e. Nature and nurture

15. Generalized anxiety disorder is diagnosed when a person

a. Is unexplainably and continually tense and uneasy

b. Experiences sudden episodes of intense dread

c. Feels irrationally and intensely afraid of a specific object or situation

d. Is troubled by repetitive thoughts or actions

e. Has nightmares for weeks after a severe, uncontrollable event

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16. Jimmy and Rich are identical twins who share a genetic predisposition for major depression. Jimmy lives a fast-paced lifestyle that involves a challenging career, travel, and not much time for rest and relaxation. Rich, on the other hand, lives a more relaxed life and enjoys a simpler lifestyle. When they turned 35, Jimmy alone showed symptoms of major depression. Which approach may explain why Jimmy, but not Rich, became depressed?

a. Medical model

b. Diathesis-stress model

c. Biological model

d. Humanistic model

e. Psychodynamic model

17. According to the biopsychosocial model, genetic predispositions would be an example of which factor(s)?

a. Biological and social

b. Psychological and social

c. Biological

d. Psychological

e. Social

18. Substance-abuse disorders would be listed on which axis in the DSM-IV?

a. Axis I

b. Axis II

c. Axis III

d. Axis IV

e. Axis V

19. Mental retardation would be listed on which axis in the DSM-IV?

a. Axis I

b. Axis II

c. Axis III

d. Axis IV

e. Axis V

20. A phobia is

a. A repetitive thought followed by a compulsive act

b. Free-floating anxiety that is displayed in many situations

c. A delusional belief that impairs reality

d. An inaccurate perception

e. An unjustified, irrational fear

21. Sally says she experiences anxiety throughout the day. She has no idea why, and lately it has become more persistent. Sally most likely would be diagnosed with

a. A phobia

b. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

c. Post-traumatic stress disorder

d. Generalized anxiety disorder

e. Schizophrenia

22. Luke experienced a sudden loss of memory that resulted in his forming a new identity, traveling to a new location and beginning a new life with no memory of his previous life. Luke would most likely be diagnosed with

a. Dissociative identity disorder

b. Dissociative amnesia

c. Dissociative fugue

d. Schizophrenia

e. Generalized anxiety disorder

23. Dysthymic disorder is characterized by

a. Major depression, including loss of appetite, feelings of worthlessness, and difficulty functioning at home and at work

b. Fluctuations between periods of major depression and extreme feelings of euphoria

c. Delusions and hallucinations

d. Mild depression that persists for more than two years

e. Irrational fears with no justifiable cause

24. One difference between bipolar I and bipolar II disorder includes

a. A longer period of mania

b. More severe periods of mania

c. Less severs periods of mania

d. Shorter periods of mania

e. No periods of mania

25. A problem on chromosome _________ seems to be connected with the production of serotonin, which may be linked to the development of mood disorders.

a. 13

b. 12

c. 14

d. 8

e. 7

26. “Split mind,” used to describe schizophrenia, refers to

a. Anxiety-arousing thoughts

b. Multiple personalities

c. Disorganized thinking patterns

d. An inability to function properly

e. Catatonic behavior

27. James believes that he is God and that he therefore has tremendous powers. This would be an example of which characteristic of schizophrenia?

a. Delusions of grandeur

b. Delusions of persecution

c. Clang associations

d. Hallucinations

e. Flat effect

28. A type of schizophrenia that is characterized by total immobility and the holding of the body in a fixed position for a long period of time, referred to as waxy flexibility, is ________ schizophrenia.

a. Paranoid

b. Disorganized

c. Undifferentiated

d. Residual

e. Catatonic

29. Excessive receptors of the neurotransmitter ___________ have been linked to the development of schizophrenia.

a. Serotonin


c. Dopamine

d. Glutamine

e. Norepinephrine

30. ______________ personality disorder is characterized by and excessive need to be taken care of, difficulty making decisions, and clinging behavior.

a. Histrionic

b. Antisocial

c. Narcissistic

d. Dependent

e. Obsessive-compulsive


31. In the DSM-IV, multiple personality disorder is categorized as a(n)

a. Schizophrenic disorder

b. Dissociative disorder

c. Anxiety disorder

d. Somatoform disorder

e. Personality disorder

32. Franco hears voices and believes he is waned by the CIA. You would probably diagnose him with

a. Schizophrenic disorder

b. Dissociative disorder

c. Anxiety disorder

d. Somatoform disorder

e. Personality disorder

33. Suzanne reports persistent irrational thoughts that produce tension and repetitive impulses to perform certain acts that cause significant impairment. She would most likely by diagnosed with

a. Schizophrenia

b. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

c. Tourett’es syndrome

d. Schizoid personality disorder

e. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

34. A lack of responsiveness to others, gross impairment in communication skills, and repetitive behavior are all symptoms of

a. Autism

b. Schizophrenia

c. Anorexia nervosa

d. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

e. Dissociative disorder

35. Amnesia that accompanies an unexpected move away from ones’ home or location of usual daily activities is normally associated with

a. Autism

b. Schizophrenia

c. Tourette’s syndrome

d. Dissociative fugue

e. Antisocial personality disorder

36. Which of the following is NOT a common symptom of schizophrenia?

a. Delusions

b. Auditory hallucinations

c. Inappropriate affect

d. Panic attacks

e. Disorganized thought

37. A person who alternates between periods of depression and periods of mania is probably suffering from

a. Depression

b. Schizophrenia

c. Bipolar disorder

d. Amnesia

e. Post-traumatic stress disorder

38. The disorder that is marked by auditory hallucinations and a fear of persecution is

a. Catatonic schizophrenia

b. Clinical depression

c. Hypochondriasis

d. Antisocial personality disorder

e. Paranoid schizophrenia

39. According to Myers, ______ people worldwide are suffering from some form of a psychological disorder.

a. 400 million

b. 1 billion

c. 4 million

d. 1 million

e. 100 thousand

40. Loss of muscle tone at unexpected times and auditory hallucinations are hallmarks of

a. Catatonic schizophrenia

b. Clinical depression

c. Hypochondriasis

d. Antisocial personality disorder

e. Paranoid schizophrenia

41. Richie is having problems with his hip, but doctors can find nothing wrong with it. As an athlete, Richie is preparing for the biggest race of the year. This hip problem is likely going to keep him from competing. Richie most likely suffers from

a. Schizophrenia

b. A conversion disorder

c. Depression

d. Hypochondriasis

e. An anxiety disorder

42. Fred has no regard for the rights or privileges of others and consistently violates those rights with no remorse. He probably suffers from

a. Schizophrenia

b. Antisocial personality disorder

c. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

d. Bipolar disorder

e. Somatoform disorder

43. Which of the following disorders is more likely to be found in women than men?

a. Depression

b. Post-traumatic stress disorder

c. Obsessive compulsive disorder

d. Bipolar disorder

e. Hypochondriasis

44. Jane wakes up one morning and can’t remember where she is from. She struggles with even simple chores because she doesn’t know where anything is in her own house. Eventually, she realizes that she can’t remember who she is and simply leave and wanders around for several days. She eventually starts a new identity. Jane is a victim of

a. Psychogenic amnesia

b. Schizoid personality disorder

c. Psychogenic fugue

d. Multiple personality disorder

e. Hypochondriasis

45. Which of the following disorders is most associated with Freudian psychology?

a. Anxiety disorders

b. Schizophrenia

c. Depression

d. Bipolar disorder

e. Catatonia

46. Someone who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia is NOT likely to experience

a. Extreme suspicion

b. Delusions of grandeur

c. Auditory hallucinations

d. Loosening of associations

e. Depression

47. While at school, Joel experiences an acute onset of anxiety. His heart rate increases, his blood pressure increases, and he feels jittery. Joel is probably experiencing a(n)

a. Heart attack

b. Panic attack

c. Episode of mania

d. Psychotic break

e. Catatonic experience

48. Carla and her best friend Cutis, both aged 25, have been close since third grade, but Curtis said something unkind about Carla’s latest haircut. Carla decided he was a mean and evil person, and she didn’t want anything to do with him. Curtis complains that this is a pattern with Carla-that she consistently identifies people as being bad or good. Carla is likely to be experiencing symptoms of

a. Anxiety disorder

b. Antisocial personality disorder

c. Borderline personality disorder

d. Depressive disorder

e. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

49. According to Myers, what percentage of people in the United States are treated for some form of a psychological disorder?

a. 1%

b. 15%

c. 50%

d. 70%

e. 90%

50. Karen is afraid of heights. This fear inhibits her daily life. This is an example of

a. Phobic disorder

b. Panic disorder

c. Somatoform disorder

d. Schizophrenia disorder

e. Anxiety disorder

The Princeton Review

51. A physical condition, such as vitamin B-12 deficiency or exposure to neurotoxin, that can have effects on the brain, the nervous system, or behavior, would most likely to be noted on which axis of the DSM-IV-TR during a psychological evaluation?

a. Axis I

b. Axis II

c. Axis III

d. Axis IV

e. Axis V

52. The term used by most contemporary psychologists to refer to psychological difficulties that manifest themselves as physical symptoms is

a. Bipolar disorder

b. Conversion disorder

c. Organic disorder

d. Undifferentiated disorder

e. Paranoid disorder

53. Which of the following are most characteristic of a dissociative disorder?

a. A persistent, irrational fear of objects or situations

b. Difficulties in forming lasting personal relationships

c. Involuntary and persistent thoughts that interfere with daily activity

d. Auditory and tactile hallucinations

e. Memory or dysfunction and/or altered perceptions of identity

54. Depressions has been associated with low levels of the neurotransmitter

a. Acetylcholine


c. Serotonin

d. Chlorpromazine

e. Dopamine

55. Which of the following is NOT characterized by the DSM-IV-TR as an anxiety disorder?

a. Post-traumatic stress disorder

b. Panic disorder

c. Agoraphobia

d. Seasonal affective disorder

e. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

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56. Hani was unable to tell the difference right and wrong. Which of the following definitions of abnormal behavior is described in this example?

a. Maladaptive

b. Insanity

c. Commitment

d. Statistical

e. Personal

57. The behavioral approach attributes the cause of abnormal behavior to

a. Internal conflict from early childhood trauma

b. The result of neurochemical imbalances

c. Poor self-concept

d. Reinforcement of maladaptive behaviors learned through experience

e. Irrational and illogical perceptions of reality

58. Which of the following best characterizes a person experiencing obsessive-compulsive disorder?

a. Anna, who hyperventilates whenever she is trapped in an elevator

b. Be, who returns home seven times to see if he has turned off the stove

c. Katia, who complains constantly about feeling sick and goes to many different doctors

d. Kabir, who complains constantly about feeling sick and goes to many different doctors

e. Miguel, who wanders around town in a daze, not sure who he is or how he got there

59. A soldier who experiences sudden blindness after seeing his buddies killed in battle is best diagnosed with

a. A phobic disorder

b. Hypochondriasis

c. Bipolar disorder

d. Dissociative disorder

e. Conversion disorder

60. A common feature among people diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder is

a. Early childhood sexual or physical abuse

b. Repeated physical complaints

c. Relatives suffering from bipolar disorder

d. Excess of dopamine

e. Hallucinations and delusions

61. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the manic stage of bipolar disorder?

a. Inflated ego

b. Excessive talking

c. Shopping sprees

d. Fearlessness

e. Too much sleep

62. Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by

a. Unwarranted suspiciousness and mistrust of other people

b. Lack of interest on social relationships

c. Unusual preoccupation wit rules and schedules

d. Instability revolving around problems of mood and thought processes

e. Pleasure-seeking, shallow feelings, lack of conscience

63. When Herb physically abuses his dates, he considers himself good with the ladies, has little remorse for his actions, and has had repeated trouble with authority figures. His likely diagnosis is

a. Autism

b. Narcissistic personality disorder

c. Antisocial personality disorder

d. Borderline personality disorder

e. Schizophrenia

64. A delusion is a

a. Phobia of being in social situations

b. Misperception of auditory and visual stimuli

c. Faculty and disordered thought pattern

d. First indication of dissociative disorders

e. Characteristic of people suffering from dependent personality disorder

65. DSM-IV is most helpful for

a. Identifying the causes of psychological disorders

b. Recommending treatment for psychological disorders

c. Classifying psychological disorders

d. Distinguishing between sanity and insanity

e. Suggesting where consumers can get help for mental health issues

66. All of the following are classified as anxiety disorders EXCEPT

a. Phobias

b. Post-traumatic stress

c. Panic

d. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

e. Hypochondriasis

67. Which of the following is a negative symptom of schizophrenia?

a. Delusional thinking

b. Incoherent speech

c. Hyperexcitability

d. Hearing voices

e. Flat effect

68. Which of the following disorders is most closely associated with excessive levels of dopamine?

a. Histrionic personality

b. Dependent personality

c. Paranoid schizophrenia

d. Bipolar disorder

e. Major depression

69. Estrella always goes shopping with Maria. Because she has no confidence in her own decisions, she lets Maria decides what she should buy, and pays for clothes for Maria with money she was saving for a haircut. Estrella shows signs of which of the following personality disorders?

a. Histrionic

b. Dependent

c. Antisocial

d. Obsessive-compulsive

e. Narcissistic


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