Warm-Up Exercise 1: Identify Strengths and Weaknesses

Warm-Up Exercise 1: Identify Strengths and Weaknesses

Please write down your answers to the question that follows. Identify two to three people, preferably from a work context, who have known you well over a period of time. What would they think are your three greatest strengths and your three greatest weaknesses? If you limit your thinking to one person’s perceptions, you will likely write down characteristics that would be only that person’s point of view. If you use your perceived perspectives of several people, the information is likely to be more accurate and useful.

Three Strengths Three Weaknesses

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

This exercise may look simple, but it is actually revealing something about your Enneagram style.

Warm-Up Exercise 2: Charting the Emotional Index

Because we are human beings, we all have emotions. However, we do not all have an identical range of emotions, nor do we all feel with the same degree of intensity. Feelings actually fall into four main groupings: Mad, Sad, Glad, and Afraid. All human emotions are variations on these basic categories.

Feelings vary in strength and can be sorted into low, medium, or high intensities. Please read the emotions checklist and place a check next to every feeling you frequently experience. Think about this as a checklist of your emotional repertoire—not just feelings you may have experienced in the last week or month, but emotions you have tended to feel fairly regularly over your life.

Larger Patterns

• Overall, do you have many checks (over 50%) or very few (under 25%)?

• Which of the four feeling categories have the most checks, and which have the least?

• Do your checks show that you generally favor a particular intensity level?

More Detailed Patterns

• Within each of the four feeling categories, do you notice any patterns regarding your intensity level?

• Comparing the checks within one category to those in another, do you notice any particular differences or similarities?[1]


[1] Lapid-Bogda, Ginger, Ph.D. Bringing Out the Best in Yourself at Work: How to Use the Enneagram System for Success. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004, p 2-4.


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