10 Things I Hate About You CAMERON - Ivana Chubbuck

[Pages:2]10 Things I Hate About You (Lab Scene)

MICHAEL: You're in school for one day and you ask out the most beautiful girl? Do you

have no concept of the high school social code?

CAMERON: I teach her French, get to know her, dazzle her with charm and she falls in

love with me.

MICHAEL: Unlikely, but even so, she still can't

go out with you. So what's the point?

(Cameron motions with his head toward Patrick, a few lab tables away. He's wearing biker glasses instead of goggles

as he tries to revive his frog.)

CAMERON: What about him?

MICHAEL (confused) You wanna go out with him?

CAMERON: (impatient) No - he could wrangle with the sister.

MICHAEL: What makes you think he'll do it?

CAMERON: He seems like he thrives on danger.

MICHAEL: No kidding. He's a criminal. I heard he lit a state trooper on fire. He just

got out of Alcatraz...

CAMERON: They always let felons sit in on Honors


MICHAEL: I'm serious, man, he's whacked. He sold his own liver on the black market

so he could buy new speakers.

CAMERON: Forget his reputation. Do you think

we've got a plan or not?

MICHAEL: Did she actually say she'd go out with


CAMERON: That's what I just said.

MICHAEL: You know, if you do go out with Bianca, you'd be set. You'd outrank everyone. Strictly A-list. With me by your side.

CAMERON: I thought you hated those people.

MICHAEL: Hey -- I've gotta have a few clients

when I get to Wall Street.

CAMERON: So now all we gotta do is talk to him.

MICHAEL: I'll let you handle that.


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