Georgetown High School

Unit 10 Vocabulary WordsDefinitions: Note carefully the spelling, pronunciation, and definition of each of the following words. Then write the word in the blank space in the illustrative phrase following.WordDefinitions1.acquiesce(ak wē ‘es)(v.) to accept without protest; to agree or submit______________ to their demands2.allure(a ‘lür)(v.) to entice, tempt; (n.) a strong attraction______________ with promises of great wealth3.askew(? ‘skyü)(adj., adv.) twisted to one side, crooked; disapprovinglywith his tie all ____________________4.blithe(blīth)(adj.) cheerful, lighthearted; casual, unconcernedthe __________________ optimism of youth5.contentious(k?n ‘ten sh?s)(adj.) quarrelsome, inclined to argueannoyed by his ________________ manner6.covet(‘k?v ?t)(v.) to wish for enviously; to desire something belonging to another_______________ his videocassette collection7.crestfallen(‘krest f? l?n)(adj.) discouraged, dejected, downcastcomfort the ___________________ losers8.disheveled(di ‘shev ?ld)(adj.) rumpled, mussed; hanging in disorderalways seemed to be untidy and ________________9.exponent(ek ‘spō n?nt)(n.) one who advocates, speaks for, or explainsan ardent ______________ of modern art10.garrulous(‘gar ? l?s)(adj.) given to much talking, tediously chattyimpatient with the __________________ old women11.insuperable(in ‘sü p?r ? b?l)(adj.) incapable of being overcomean _________________ obstacle to success12.lamentable(‘lam ?n t? b?l)(adj.) to be regretted or pitiedvictim of a _________________ accident13.misnomer(mis ‘nō m?r)(n.) an unsuitable or misapplied namefelt that the title was a ______________14.profess(pr? ‘fes)(v.) to affirm openly; to state belief in; to claim, make a pretense of __________________ satisfaction in our work15.respite(‘res pit)(n.) a period of relief and restseek ________________ from worry16.retribution(re tr? ‘byü sh?n)(n.) a repayment; a deserved punishmentsuffered _______________ for his crimes17.sinuous(‘sin yü ?s)(adj.) winding, having many curves; lithe and flexiblethe dancer’s _________________ movements18.sonorous(s? ‘nōr ?s)(adj.) full, deep, or rich in sound; impressive in stylesoothed by the _________________‘van g?rd)(n.) the foremost part of an army; the leading position in any fieldbe in the ___________________ of progress20.wastrel(‘wās tr?l)(n.) a wasteful person, spendthrift; a good-for-nothingthe self-destructive life of a _________________________ ................

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