Chapter 10: Ethics for Employees

Chapter 8: Ethics for EmployeesHard Choices –pg. 116What Do You Think? If Moira came to you as a friend, what would you suggest she do? Why? Would you seek to make others better employees? If so, how?Checkpoint 8-1 -pg. 119 In your own words, explain what main issues are involved in the following employee misdeeds and why those issues are important to employers.Employee TheftWasted TimeMisuse of TechnologyDisclosure of Confidential Information Which of the ethical lapses described in this section have you engaged in yourself? Do you feel guilty about your actions? Which of the ethical lapses described in this section have you seen others engage in most frequently?Checkpoint –pg. 124 Explain what each of these employee virtues means to you.HonestyRespectIntegrityIndustriousnessLoyalty2. Reconsider Moira’s story at the beginning of the chapter. Assume that you are hired to replace the current ineffective department manager. What three steps could you implement to improve the efficiency and morale of the department?Which employee virtue do you see as your biggest strength? Which do you see as your biggest weakness? Explain how you could turn that weakness into another area of personal strength.What Do You Think? -pg 127 Rate the degree to which you find “don’t be a hero” policies sensible in the following types of businesses.111569577470Completely Reasonable Completely Unreasonable00Completely Reasonable Completely Unreasonable207264088901 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 001 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BankLiquor StoreGrocery Store Do you agree with this general criticism of “don’t be a hero” policies?If robbers and shoplifters expected to be confronted by clerks, and perhaps by armed clerks, then there would be far fewer robbers and shoplifters. Should Hank be fired, disciplined without being fired, or commended? Should Blake be fired, disciplined without being fired, or commended? If you had been shopping at the store when the incidents presented in the scenario unfolded, would you have wanted the clerks to act as they did, or would you have preferred them to do nothing? Assume Hank and Blake are fired. If you saw a news report of the incidents and the firings, would you be angry at the store in either case? If you were a regular customer, would you be less likely to shop there?494411045720A. honestyB. industriousnessC. integrityD. loyaltyE. respectF. whistle-blowing00A. honestyB. industriousnessC. integrityD. loyaltyE. respectF. whistle-blowingKey Terms and Concepts -pg. 128Match each definition with a key term or concept.1. FORMTEXT ????? The act of reporting unethical or illegal actions by one’s superiors or peers to authorities or to the media.2. FORMTEXT ????? The character trait of consistently demonstrating perseverance and hard work.3. FORMTEXT ????? The character trait of consistently telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.4. FORMTEXT ????? The character trait of maintaining adherence to a strict personal ethical code.5. FORMTEXT ????? The character trait of maintaining allegiance to a person, an organization, a cause, or an idea6. FORMTEXT ????? The character trait of showing consideration and appreciation for others.Review –pg. 129True / False 1. For most U.S. retail stores, losses from employee theft exceed those from shoplifting.2. List three examples of ways that employees waste time.3. List three examples of ways that employees misuse office technology.True / False 4. Breaches of confidentiality are usually deliberate.5. Give a work-related example of each of the five ethical virtues described in the chapter.Critical Thinking -pg. 1296. Zeke works for a large carpet-cleaning company. He and his partner, Estela, are dispatched by the company to businesses and residences. Zeke and Estela take a lot of pride in their work and professionalism. Customer evaluations score them very high in efficiency, quality of work, and curtesy. Even the pay is good. Their problem is with their supervisor.While Ms. Patterson treats Zeke well enough, she is consistently hostile and abusive toward Estela. The supervisor belittles and yells at Estela in front of other employees and customers. She has used words such as stupid and useless when talking about Estela to others. No matter what Estela does, she can’t please Ms. Patterson.Zeke considers Estela a friend, and it’s hard for him to watch her being mistreated. He tried to talk with Ms. Patterson once about the issue. “This is between me and Estela,” she warned. “Unless you want to get on my bad list, too, you’d better mind your own business.”Zeke is considering going over Ms. Patterson to report the matter to the vice president, but he isn’t sure that would do any good, and it would probably make matters worse for him. Estela has talked many times about quitting, but doesn’t want to give Ms. Patterson the satisfaction.What should Zeke do?Applications –pg. 1307. You are a supervisor managing seven employees. Layoffs are coming, and you must decide which employees to cut first. Rank the following employees from 1 (most valuable) to 7 (least valuable). FORMTEXT ????? Kia is talented and energetic, but uses crude and offensive language. Coworkers and customers have complained. FORMTEXT ????? Sam works hard, but has been caught taking office supplies and company products for personal use. FORMTEXT ????? Although unattractive in appearance, this employee is very dependable when you need something done. This person is always on time, is rarely absent, and never fails to follow through on a project. FORMTEXT ????? Sumiko is one of the most honest people you’ve ever known, although not terribly talented. You have never known her to lie. You would trust her with your personal bank account number, but not with your most important sales account. FORMTEXT ????? Mantero is a follower. When others are working hard and being productive, he is doing the same. When others are wasting time or engaging in unethical conduct, though, Mantero joins in. FORMTEXT ????? Ana is an average worker with a lot of potential, but rarely seems to have much motivation. Although very smart and good with people, she is frequently late and has the most absences in your department. FORMTEXT ????? Patrick makes friends easily with coworkers and customers, but has a serious drinking problem. FORMTEXT ????? Maggie never seems to make a mistake. Reports and documents are painstakingly written and errorless. However, you recently caught the employee gambling online using a company computer.8. Imagine that you are ready to invest a lot of money to start your own business. Your plan is to hire five employees to help get the company off the ground. You know that your success or failure will depend, as much as anything else, on the quality of their work. First, list character traits that you would want in these people. Then list traits you would consider unacceptable.Preferred traits Unacceptable traitsThe Bottom Line –pg. 13010. What is the most important characteristic of a good employee? What is the worst habit of a bad employee? Why? ................

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