Ed 508 Technology Portfolio

ED505 Kim Smith 5E Lesson Plan Ideas

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|Subject area/course/grade level (2 points): |

|Social Studies/2nd grade |

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|Standards (State and ISTE Standards for Students) (2 points): |

|Alabama State Standards for Social Studies: |

|AL SS 10. Identify ways people throughout the country are affected by their human and physical environments. |

|*Identifying positive and negative ways people affect the environment |

|Examples: positive—restocking fish in lakes, reforesting cleared land |

|Example:negative—polluting water, littering roadways, eroding soil |

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|ISTE Standards: |

|3c. Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or |

|conclusions. |

|3d. Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions. |

|5d. Students understand how automation works and use algorithmic thinking to develop a sequence of steps to create and test automated solutions. |

|6b. Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations. |

|6c. Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations. |

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|Objectives (2 points): |

|TSW be able to discuss positive and negative ways people affect the environment (AL SS 10, ISTE 3d). |

|TSW be able to identify and explain the 5 R’s of Recycling: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot. (AL SS 10, ISTE 3d) |

|TSW be able to provide examples of how they can use the 5 R’s of Recycling in everyday life (AL SS 10, ISTE 3c, 3d). |

|TSW be able to use technology to understand how the automation of a MRF aids in the recycling process (ISTE 5d). |

|TSW be able to create and present, with a group, a video about one of the 5 R’s of Recycling (AL SS 10, ISTE 3c, 6b). |

|TSW be able to create a Wordle that accurately portrays their learning about the 5 R’s of Recycling (AL SS 10, ISTE 6c) |

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|Differentiation Strategies (2 points): |

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|How will the lesson address the various learning styles of the students and the needs of those with special needs? |

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|Learning Styles: |

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|Students who are kinesthetic can print off the pictures they would like to use and manipulate those pictures to create a storyboard to aid them in the completion of their |

|Animoto video. |

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|Students who are auditory learners can listen to videos or recordings that provide extra research information needed for their Animoto and Wordle projects. Oral learners |

|can also record themselves as a voiceover for their Animoto video. |

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|Visual learners can watch videos and read books to find extra research information needed for their Animoto and Wordle projects. |

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|Special Needs: |

|Students with special needs can use technology tools to aid in their completion of the projects. Some examples are the Big Mac (a mouse with one large button that helps |

|select objects on the screen) and a touchscreen for the computer monitor that allows students to drag items around on the screen. |

|Accomodations can be made such as pre-saving the images the students can choose from when making their Animoto video. For the Wordle, an accommodation would be to have |

|the students cut the words they want to use from a list in a Word document and then paste those words into the Wordle. They could also have an aide or partner read the |

|possible words from the list if they are unable to read on their own. If they like the word, they can then cut and paste it into the Wordle. |

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|ENGAGEMENT (18 points): |

|Day 1 (AL SS 10, ISTE 3c, 3d) |

|TTW bring in a trash bag full of items that can and cannot be recycled (water bottle, old catalog, aluminum can, foil, plastic bag, paper bag, soup can, old phone, old |

|headphones, toothpaste tube, cool whip container, Styrofoam, paper, plastic fork, etc). |

|TTW ask students to be thinking about why she brought these items to class (don’t discuss before hand, but let them discuss after watching the first video). |

|TSW watch the video clip from “Wall-E” showing the negative effect people can have on the environment. |

|TSW discuss with a partner why they think the teacher brought in these items. TSW share their ideas with the class. |

|TTW guide the discussion (if needed) to how people can impact the environment in a negative way (pollution, littering, erosion due to cutting down trees *refer back to |

|erosion lessons and The Lorax from earlier in the year) |

|TTW ask students to discuss ways that they can have a positive effect on the environment. TSW share their ideas with the class. |

|TTW write down those ideas on an anchor chart and then show the video about 8 ways kids can help the environment. |

|*TTW introduce the concepts of the 5 R’s of recycling: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycling, and Rot by showing posters of the action and what each “R” means. |

|*TSW discuss each part of the second video and try and determine which “R” each idea belongs to (ex. turning soda bottles into bird feeders is an example of reusing). |

|EXPLORATION (18 points): |

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|Day 2 and 3 |

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|Day 2 (AL SS 10, ISTE 3d) |

|TTW discuss the 5 “R’s” of Recycling from Day 1. TTW discuss that some items can be recycled “R for recycle” (aluminum, glass, paper, plastic, electronics). Some items |

|can be composted “R for rot” (leaves, egg shells, food products, tea bags). Some items can be recycled or composted (paper and cardboard). Lastly, some items cannot be |

|recycled or composted (broken dishes, diapers). |

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|TSW then play game 1 on the iPads or computers: |

|Game 1: National Geographic Kids Recycle Roundup Game |

|During game 1, TSW work with a partner to sort the trash into the correct bins. Students must sort the items into either a recycling bin, a composting bin, or a bin for |

|things that cannot be recycled. |

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|After playing the game, TTW begin a discussion about the items that cannot be recycled, using the items from the game as an example. What should we do to try and limit |

|these “landfill” items? TSW discuss with their partner (hopefully they will talk about reusing items, reducing the use of “landfill” items, or refusing to use them). If |

|the students don’t bring up the other 3 “R’s” of recycling, refusing, reducing, and reusing, the teacher will pose questions to the group to help them come to those |

|possible ideas. |

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|TSW then look at the items in the trash bag from Day 1 and determine what items can be recycled, composted or neither. |

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|Day 3 (ISTE 3d, 5d) |

|TSW quickly review the 5 “R’s” of Recycling using the posters from Day 1. TTW explain that today the students will play a second game in which they work at a MRF |

|(materials recovery facility) to sort the different types of trash that can be recycled. |

|TTW show a video of how a MRF operates and will then show the students how to play the game. |

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|Game 2: Super Sorter |

|TSW work with a partner to determine what type of sorting machine is needed based on the type of materials coming down the conveyor belt. They will earn money as they |

|recycle and will have to purchase other sorting machines as the game goes along. TSW have to discuss with their partner what type of machine they will need to purchase |

|based on the amount and type of recycled materials. |

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|After playing the game, TSW discuss the different types of machines in the game that they had also seen in the video of the MRF. TSW share with the class if they had to |

|replay any sections of the game due to poor planning, lack of materials, or a tricky conveyor belt. TSW try to relate this game to what it might be like to work in a MRF |

|(fast-paced, very busy, dirty, hard work). TSW try to answer the question “Why is recycling important?” after playing game 1 and game 2. What might happen if we don’t |

|continue recycling? How could we change the impact on the environment from negative to positive? |

|EXPLANATION (18 points): |

|Day 4 (ISTE 3c, 3d) |

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|TTW review any misconceptions students may have regarding the 5 “R’s” of recycling by reviewing important vocabulary: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot. |

|TTW ask high order thinking questions included on the prezi. |

|TSW participate in a whole group discussion of major concepts, vocabulary, and higher order thinking questions related to recycling. TSW engage in turn and talk |

|discussions with a partner focusing on higher order thinking questions. |

|TSW answer the 5 review questions at the end of the Prezi to see if they can identify the 5 “R’s” of recycling, when given simple scenarios. |

|TSW complete the Plickers formative assessment. |

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|ELABORATION (18 points): |

|Days 5, 6, 7, & 8 |

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|Day 5 & 6 (AL SS 10, ISTE 6b) |

|Group Assignment: Animoto example |

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|TSW work in groups of 4 to create an Animoto video for one of the 5 “R’s” of recycling. TSW use research materials along with the Prezi, posters, and books about the 5 |

|“R’s” to create a video, at least one minute in length. The video should contain at least 5 images and 5 captions related to the images. It should also have a title |

|slide identifying the “R” they are focusing on. The conclusion slide should include the name of the group members and should explain how using the “R” from their project |

|can impact their lives. The video must effectively explain what the “R” stands for and must show what they students have learned about it over the course of the unit. |

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|Day 7 (AL SS 10, ISTE 6b, 6c) |

|TSW present their videos to the class. TTW assess using the rubric. |

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|Day 8 (AL SS 10, ISTE 6c) |

|Individual Assignment: Wordle (see example attached) |

|[pic] |

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|TSW create a Recycle Wordle using important words from the unit on the 5 “R’s” of recycling. TSW create a wordle using ten words (in addition to the word Recycle) from |

|the unit. Students will be graded on their creativity (color, font, layout, size), word choice, spelling, and having the required number of words. The wordle should |

|reflect the most important terms from the unit on recycling. TTW assess using the rubric. |

|EVALUATION (18 points): |

|Day 9 (AL SS 10, ISTE 3d) |

|Plickers- TTW use Plickers as a formative assessment. TSW be given the Plickers assessment at the beginning of the unit on the 5 R’s of Recycling. TTW look at results to|

|determine areas of mastery (from previous teaching) and areas of need. TSW be given the Plickers assessment again after the Day 4 Explanation Lesson. After looking at |

|data received from the second assessment, TTW reteach any missed or unclear concepts. Attached is the score report from actual classroom use of the Plickers assessment for|

|the 5 R’s. This is the initial assessment. |

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|[pic] [pic] |

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|Rubric for Animoto Video-TTW use the rubric to assess each group’s Animoto video. The students will be assessed in 7 categories: photos, captions, title & conclusion, |

|mechanics, organization, workload, and attractiveness. |

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|Rubric for Wordle Project- TTW use the rubric to assess individual Wordle projects. Each student will be assessed in 5 categories: creativity, number of terms used, |

|spelling, word choice, and use of class time. |

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|[pic] |


The Ad Council. (2017). Super Sorter [Flash game]. Retrieved 17 April 2017 from

Alabama Department of Education. (2010). Social Studies Course of Study, 2nd grade. Retrieved from

Gibbons, Gail. (1996). Recycle! A Handbook for Kids. New York: Little Brown Books for Young Readers.

Homewood Disposal. (2015, July 20). Sorting and Recycling Facility-Follow the Process. [Video File]. Retrieved from

International Society for Technology in Education. (2016). ISTE Standards for Students. Retrieved from

National Geographic Kids. (n.d.) Recycle Roundup [Flash game]. Retrieved 17 April 2017 from

National Energy Technology Lab. (2015, January 9). 8 Ways Kids Can Help the Environment-NETL Day. [Video File]. Retrieved from

Peterson, Michaela. (n.d.). Earth Day Fun with the 5 R’s Team. Available from

Petruccelli, Megan. (2015, March 25). PSA for Pollution-Wall-E Remix. [Video File]. Retrieved from

Wonder Grove Kids. (2014, June 26). Recycle. [Video File]. Retrieved from

Wonder Grove Kids. (2014, October 14). Save Water to Help the Earth. [Video File]. Retrieved from


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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