For Immediate Release

For Immediate Release

Contact Jane Robinson at 770-207-1130 – cell, 770-789-8189 or e-mail wjrprpr1@. Publicist – Cate Cummings, Cate Cummings Publicity & Promotion Group, Phone: 816-767-0396 e-mail cumings@

A New Spiritual Declaration of Independence

In Time For The Fourth-of- July

ATLANTA, GA, June 2006 – As the July 4th holiday approaches bringing national acknowledgement, history and celebration of America’s freedom, motivational speaker Jane Robinson is helping individuals revolutionize their personal lives, step into their power and achieve emotional freedom by providing them an indispensable declaration to guide them in awakening to their own divine inner power. In her lectures, consisting of integrating spiritual beliefs with active techniques, Jane guides people to take powerful steps in connecting with their personal power and achieving emotional freedom.

Growing up in the state foster care system, Jane discovered her divine potential, and by tapping into that inner power, she was able to transform her life, achieving her goals and desires. Jane triumphed over the odds and kept her own life from becoming a statistic.

Jane notes there is an incredible personal energy residing within each of us. And, like the Declaration of Independence, she has written a creed that guides the reader to take powerful steps in connecting with their personal power and achieving emotional freedom.

She has created this easy-to-follow roadmap for negotiating the path to the divine power that resides within each of us. Here are some key points to guide you in discovering the incredible energy that is all around and inside us just waiting to be tapped:

Tips to guide you in discovering the incredible energy that is all around and inside us just waiting to be tapped:

1. We are all divine beings and live in a world supported by divine energy.

2. We must be courageous, face our fears directly and not blame others or ourselves.

3. Everything you think, do, and say is creating your life.

4. Your spiritual and emotional thoughts create and contribute to your physical health and well-being.

5. You are in charge of your life and you can decide from this point forward to choose things that elevate your life.

6. Build your support system and continuously improve your connection to your divine inner power.

7. Tap into your divine inner power to learn how to love yourself.

8. Focus on being grateful.

9. Choose success.

10. Open your heart, soul, and mind to all good things, the abundance of the universe, and discover how you attract them into your life.

11. Choose to awaken to your divine inner power and use it to pursue your own path.

12. Stand tall today and every day.

Choose to awaken your divinity, lovability and emotional freedom and power. This is your Divine Declaration.

The twelve key points are excerpts from The Divine Declaration: Awaken To Your Divine Inner Power - Your Life Depends On It, by W. Jane Robinson. Available nationwide in your local bookstore and online bookstores.

About the Author

Jane Robinson grew up in the state of Georgia foster care system. Having grown up in this system, she learned about self-reliance, emotional resilience and personal power at an early age. With steadfast perseverance and determination, she triumphed over the odds and statistics. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia. Human behavior, motivation and spirituality have been the central focus of her education and life experience for twenty years. She has studied both areas academically and experientially. Jane is also co-author with Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn and Denis Waitley and 97 other leading experts in the book

101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life

What others are saying about The Divine Declaration

Midwest Book Review – “An indispensable, accessible knowledge of how to recognize divine inner power and why it is so important...”

“The Divine Declaration is one of those rare books that doesn't only tell you why, but actually shows you how to free yourself from limiting beliefs...”

- John Harricharan, award winning author of the bestseller, When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat and other books.

"An excellent book that will be helpful to thousands of readers.”

- Hal Zina Bennett, author of Writing Spiritual Books and other books.

The Divine Declaration and Jane Robinson as featured:

Television Appearances

"iOnAtlanta" – ion Media - 30 minute interview broadcast with host Andrea Cinque - WPBA - Atlanta - taped March 16, 2006 to air July 18th 6:00am, October 14th 6:00am

Radio Interviews

May 29, 2006 - "On The Air" with Mike Bunge - News/Talk Radio 1540 -  KXEL Radio, Waterloo, IA

May 30, 2006 - The Kelli Gorr Show - AM 1240 - WJON Radio, St. Cloud, MN

June 17, 2006 - "Consulting Eve", 790 AM, WLBE Radio, Central Florida

Summer 2006 - Oregon Public Broadcasting - "Golden Hours" Literature & Entertainment preview shows. 10-15 minute reading from The Divine Declaration.

Print Interviews and Articles

Aquarius News - Atlanta, GA - Article, Upcoming Issue

The Rockdale Citizen – newspaper – Feature article currently in process

Jane Robinson is available for interviews. Media kits and review copies available on request. Special feature story inquiries welcome.

The Divine Declaration:

Awaken to Your Inner Divine Power – Your Life Depends On It

By W. Jane Robinson

Infinite Endeavors Publishing, $19.95 Hardcover - ISBN 0-9760921-7-4 $14.95 Trade paper - ISBN 0-9760921-0-7 - Available in bookstores nationwide and online. For more information -



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