MU Moodle Customisation Project - hkmastudent

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary 3

2. Introduction 4

3. Approach and Methodology 4

4. Project Deliverables 6

5. Detailed and Itemised Pricing 11

6. Support & Maintenance Details 12

Appendix I: Supplier Company Overview 17

Appendix II: References of previous work 17

Appendix III: Account Management & Contacts 18

Appendix IV: Quality Assurance 19

Appendix V: Detailed specifications of the product 21

Student Information

|Student Name |Student ID |

|Stanley Leung |M00501661 |

|Patrick Au |M00501624 |

|Jemy Tang |M00501665 |

|Raymond Tse |M00501669 |

|Samuel Fong |M00501702 |

Job Allocation

|SDLC Role |1st Responsible Person |2nd Responsible Person |

|Development |Stanley Leung |Samuel Fong |

|Analyst |Patrick Au | |

|Tester |Jemy Tang |Raymond Tse |

|PM Role |1st Responsible Person |2nd Responsible Person |

|Time Management |Jemy Tang |Raymond Tse |

|Scope Management |Patrick Au |Stanley Leung |

|Cost Management |Stanley Leung |Samuel Fong |

|Risk Management |Raymond Tse |Jemy Tang |

|Quality Management |Samuel Fong |Patrick Au |

Contribution List

|Responsible Person |Responsible of the topics |

|Jemy Tang |Executive Summary, SDLC methodology, Project Gantt Chart, Time Management, Detailed |

| |specification |

|Patrick Au |Introduction, Project Approach, Project Deliverables, Detailed specifications |

|Stanley Leung |Detailed cost & itemized pricing, Support & Maintenance details, Detailed specifications |

|Samuel Fong |Quality Assurance, Detail specifications |

|Raymond Tse |Supplier Company Overview, Reference of previous work, Account Management & Contacts, |

| |Contribution List, Detailed specifications |

Response to Request for Proposal


Customising Moodle for Middleshire University

Mail to:

Middleshire University FAO: E. Duncker Procurement Manager By way of OASISplus/MyUnihub

1. Executive Summary

Our Company SOSA (Services for Open Source Applications) provides services and special developments for many open source applications including Moodle. The aim of this proposal is to bid for an IT project which is offered from the Middleshire University. The IT project is to customize ‘Moodle’ platform as an usable and deliverable platform for the professors, staff, and students.

The ‘Moodle’ platform will have a series of features after our customization works. The main functions are being developed to be a platform for providing information, managing the assignments, and communication backend between the users. The customized ‘Moodle’ will develop on top of a robust database system so that it can also absorb large volume of files from students in particular the frequent rate of assignments’ submission. Before the grading of assignments, the ‘Moodle’ will integrate with specific systems to conduct plagiarism check. It provides a plagiarism free environment in the initial stage of assignments’ submission. In addition, professors can rate with the assignments by using rubrics, traditional direct grading. And, the most important is the way to give feedback.

Students will have a easy access interface to reach their subject’s assignment, and to collect all necessary materials that are relation to the course modules. For the knowledge intakes, the ‘Moodle’ platform will provide the useful materials for students. A tailor made academic calendar, student’s blog and dairy will also be developed into the system.

For the information security, the ‘Moodle’ will design in the way of hierarchical levels to gain access to the individual course modules to both related professors and students. The control of user access is crucial to the system as the course materials and students’ assignments will be developed from time to time. Remember, students will complete the course phrase by phrase and university staffs will have constant changed and replaced periodically.

2. Introduction

This document is prepared in response to the request for proposal (RFP) that published by Middleshire University on 28th Jan 2014, which requires migrating and customising the Virtual learning environments (VLEs) from Webboard to Moodle-based system.

We (SOSA) have been providing open source developments including Moodle for 10 years and have numerous satisfying records in fulfilling customer expectations. Besides, we won IT awards in software development competitions like Google Code Jam and Top Coder on 2012 and 2013 respectively. These awards recognized our skills and qualifications, we are truly proud and honored by this recognitions.

We confidently say that we have sufficient resources and technical experience to perform the work specified in the scope of the project.

3. Approach and Methodology

3.1 Project Approach

This project will adopt PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), the traditional method to develop the Studynet. Having considered the fixed requirements mentioned in RFP, we believe this is the most effective approach for this project.

PMBOK is process-based; it gives numerous standards and guidelines for managing projects. It also helps stakeholders tracking the project progress by providing document on each stage, with sign-off involved so as to ensure user satisfaction. Our PMP Certified Project Managers will tailor-make each project process to fit your needs based on PMBOK’s process.

PMBOK separate project into 5 process groups:

1. Initiating

- Defines Objectives and kick off the project by receiving project sponsor approval.

2. Planning

- Describes how and what is the planning for the project

3. Executing

- Describes how the project team completes the task

4. Monitoring and Controlling

- Tracks the progress of the project and fixes problems.

5. Closing

- Closes the project formally by receiving closure approval for the project

In order to establish a successful project, a thoughtful planning is a must. Applying PMBOK as methodology of project facilitates all tasks to be clearly identified, project progress to be well tracked, and ensures project or work could be completed within an estimated time.

3.2 Methodology


4. Project Deliverables

Once the project proposal is awarded, the following items will be delivered to Middleshire University within 20 weeks. The tentative schedule of the deliverables is enclosed for your overview.

|Week |Deliverables |Deliverables Descriptions |

|1-20 |Weekly report |The weekly report will be provided for reporting the project progress over the 20 weeks. |

|1-2 |Project Plan |Detailed project plan will be submitted on week 1, which includes following documents, Project Schedule|

| | |and Milestones, Scope Statement, Risk Analysis Plan, Cost Control Plan, Quality Control Plan and |

| | |Organization Structure of Project Team. |

|3 |Requirement Workshop |Individual workshop will arrange for collecting requirements from different users group (teachers, |

| | |students and system administrators of Middleshire University) and understand their needs. |

|3 |Software installation for |The following software are required to install for this project: |

| |Prototype |Ubuntu Server 12.04.4 LTS will be installed to database |

| | |& web server. |

| | |- Moodle 2.4 and PHP will be installed to web server |

| | |- MySQL database server will be installed |

| | |- Apache 2 web server will be installed |

| | |Suggested hardware requirements for this project are mentioned at Appendix V - Detailed specifications |

| | |of the product. |

|4-8 |1st Prototype |During the 1st round of prototype, there will be a simple demonstration given on interface, features |

| | |and access role; it is a partially functional system on each area. The aim of this prototype is to |

| | |collect feedback from users, determine if the design is moving in the right direction and for |

| | |requirement sign off. |

|9-13 |Final prototype |The final prototype will be a fully functional prototype. It is customized version based on user |

| | |feedback from 1st prototype. |

|14-16 |Test Report |Detailed test report includes unit testing, component testing, integration testing, user acceptance |

| | |testing and usability evaluation will be provided for signing off the development. |

|17 |System Deployment |System installation and configuration |

|18 |User Training |Individual training and training guide for different users (teachers, students, moderators and system |

| | |administrators of Studynet) will be provided. Detailed training schedule are as follow: |

| | |- Teacher Training (1 days) focuses on course management, grading system and communication in Studynet|

| | |- Student Training (1 days) focuses on course enrollment, assignment submission and communication in |

| | |Studynet |

| | |- Moderators and Administrators training (3 days) focus on how to customize and configure Studynet, |

| | |module and roles management. |

|19 |Project Evaluation Report |Project evaluation and will be held at the end of project to measure the performance of each project |

| | |process like project scope, project planning and control of each critical element. It offers lessons |

| | |learnt and benefit future projects. |

|20 |Project Closeout Meeting |Project closeout meeting will be held with stakeholders to ensure the product met its objectives and |

| | |identify if any remaining activities. |

Project Schedule

In connection to the project management planning, we have defined the project schedule as follows:

|Items |Defi| |From |

| |ned | | |

| |Proj| | |

| |ect | | |

| |Plan| | |

|1.1 |Define Project | |5.2.2014 |17.2.2014 |

|1.2 |Scope Statement | |5.2.2014 |6.2.2014 |

|1.3 |Establish Project Team | |7.2.2014 |7.2.2014 |

|1.4 |Identify Tasks | |10.2.2014 |10.2.2014 |

|1.5 |Project Schedule | |11.2.2014 |11.2.2014 |

|1.6 |Establish Budget & Control | |12.2.2014 |12.2.2014 |

|1.7 |Perform Risk Analysis | |13.2.2014 |13.2.2014 |

|1.8 |Perform Quality Assurance & Control | |14.2.2014 |14.2.2014 |

|2.0 System Development | |22.4.2014 |30.6.2014 |

|2.1 |Requirement Specification | |22.4.2014 |23.4.2014 |

|2.2 |Requirement Analysis | |24.4.2014 |24.4.2014 |

|2.3 |Software Installation | |25.4.2014 |25.4.2014 |

|2.4 |Interface Prototyping I | |28.4.2014 |12.5.2014 |

|2.5 |Features Prototyping I | |13.5.2014 |22.5.2014 |

|2.6 |Access Role Prototyping I | |23.5.2014 |27.5.2014 |

|2.7 |Interface Prototyping II | |28.5.2014 |11.6.2014 |

|2.8 |Features Prototyping II | |12.6.2014 |23.6.2014 |

|2.9 |Access Role Prototyping II | |24.6.2014 |30.6.2014 |

|2.10 |Risk & Quality Control | |22.4.2014 |30.6.2014 |

|3.0 System Testing | |2.7.2014 |25.7.2014 |

|3.1 |Unit Testing | |2.7.2014 |8.7.2014 |

|3.2 |Component Test | |9.7.2014 |11.7.2014 |

|3.3 |Integration Test | |14.7.2014 |16.7.2014 |

|3.4 |System Performance Test | |17.7.2014 |18.7.2014 |

|3.5 |User Acceptance Test | |21.7.2014 |25.7.2014 |

|3.6 |Risk & Quality Control | |2.7.2014 |25.7.2014 |

|4.0 System Deployment | |28.7.2014 |8.8.2014 |

|4.1 |System Installation & Configuration | |28.7.2014 |1.8.2014 |

|4.2 |Training Materials | |28.7.2014 |30.7.2014 |

|4.3 |User Training | |4.8.2014 |8.8.2014 |

|5.0 Project Closure | |11.8.2014 |19.8.2014 |

|5.1 |Support & Maintenance | |11.8.2014 |15.8.2014 |

|5.2 |Post Implementation Review | |14.8.2014 |19.8.2014 |

Project Milestone

|Milestone |Completion Date |Verification |

|Gathering Requirements |TBC |Ready for develop 1st Prototype |

|1st Prototype |TBC |Approval for requirement |

|Final Prototype |TBC |Ready for system testing |

|System Testing |TBC |Approval for deployment |

|Project End |TBC |Approval for close project |

Project Gantt Chart


5. Detailed and Itemised Pricing

|(A) |Cost (Labor) |

|Item |Description |Man-hour |Hourly Rate |Amount |

|1 |Project Manager |324 | £30.00 | £9,720.00 |

|2 |System Analyst |472 | £30.00 | £14,160.00 |

|3 |Program Developer |524 | £50.00 | £26,200.00 |

|4 |System & Network Administrator |80 | £30.00 | £2,400.00 |

|4 |Training Manager |24 | £30.00 | £720.00 |

| | | |Subtotal | £53,200.00 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|(B) |Cost (Consumables) |

|Item |Description |Expense |

|1 |Internet Access Link | £2,500.00 |

|2 |Office Appliance | £2,500.00 |

|3 |Rent | £5,000.00 |

|4 |Office Furniture | £2,000.00 |

| | | |Subtotal | £12,000.00 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|(C) |Cost (Capital Equipment) |

|Item |Description |Qty |Unit Cost |Amount |

|1 |Desktop PC |10 | £700.00 | £7,000.00 |

|2 |Microsoft Office License for PC |10 | £200.00 | £2,000.00 |

| | | |Subtotal | £9,000.00 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|(D) |Cost (Indirect Expense) |

|Item |Description |Amount |

|1 |Training Room rental | £500.00 |

|2 |Delivery cost of equipment |  |  | £300.00 |

| | | |Subtotal | £800.00 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Summary of the total pricing |

|(i) |Cost (A + B + C + D) | £75,000.00 |

|(ii) |Overhead of Cost (A + B + C + D) (on 40% of the cost) | £30,000.00 |

|(iii) |Total Cost (i + ii) | £105,000.00 |

|(iv) |Contingency Allowance (10% of the total cost) | £10,500.00 |

|(v) |Profit (50% of the (iii + iv)) | £57,750.00 |

|(vi) |Total Pricing (iii + iv + v) | £173,250.00 |

| | | | | |

|Support and Maintenance (Per Annum) |

|Description |Amount |

|1st Year Support and maintenance of Software Support | £34,650.00 |

|2nd Year Support and maintenance of Software Support | £34,650.00 |

|3rd Year Support and maintenance of Software Support | £34,650.00 |

|4th Year Support and maintenance of Software Support | £34,650.00 |

|5th Year Support and maintenance of Software Support | £34,650.00 |

1. The pricing is only valid for 30 days from 24th of March, 2013

2. All pricing is quoted in UK Pounds Sterling

3. All work will be performed during office hour (09:00 – 18:00, Monday to Friday)

6. Support & Maintenance Details

For the supporting of the software and the system management, SOSA Company shall provide the emergency maintenance services for specific period which according to the ordering of support plan. Generally, we shall provide the basic of a Services Level Agreement (SLA) of 7 x 24. You can escalate to our 24-hours support hotline if there is any problem.

Regarding to the cost of maintenance, please kindly refer to the section of “Detailed and Itemized Pricing”. The supporting charge will be £34,650.00 each year; there are five years projections of maintenance for your reference and budgetary planning.

Distribution of Man Hours

|Distribution of the Man Hours |

|Week No. |Project Management |System Analyst |Developer |System Administrator |Training Manager |

|Week 1 |24 |16 |0 |0 |0 |

|Week 2 |40 |16 |0 |8 |0 |

|Week 3 |20 |8 |12 |8 |0 |

|Week 4 |16 |24 |40 |8 |0 |

|Week 5 |24 |32 |40 |8 |0 |

|Week 6 |0 |8 |40 |8 |0 |

|Week 7 |32 |40 |40 |8 |0 |

|Week 8 |8 |24 |40 |8 |0 |

|Week 9 |8 |16 |40 |8 |0 |

|Week 10 |8 |16 |40 |8 |0 |

|Week 11 |8 |24 |32 |8 |0 |

|Week 12 |8 |24 |32 |0 |0 |

|Week 13 |24 |32 |16 |0 |0 |

|Week 14 |8 |32 |8 |0 |0 |

|Week 15 |16 |32 |8 |0 |0 |

|Week 16 |16 |40 |32 |0 |0 |

|Week 17 |8 |8 |16 |0 |12 |

|Week 18 |8 |24 |32 |0 |12 |

|Week 19 |24 |32 |32 |0 |0 |

|Week 20 |24 |24 |24 |0 |0 |

|Total |324 |472 |524 |80 |24 |


Diagram 1

Distribution of Cost



Diagram 2

Appendix I: Supplier Company Overview

SOSA (Services for Open Source Applications) is a leading provider of integrated IT solutions in School, College and University. In past 10 years, we are focus on developed the best software and IT solution for education institution. SOSA has pioneered new territory in virtual learning environments, school administration & management systems and academic software. Through the new technologies and our rich experiences, more teacher and education institutions will able to effectively reduce time for carrying out the normal routine processes and students can have more efficiency to learn and access the knowledge.

SOSA (Services for Open Source Applications) in Europe is the one of the largest IT services vendors which providing comprehensive IT solutions and services in education institution. Today SOSA has more than 80 branch offices located in each major Europe cities likes London, Paris, Hamburg, Vienna and Rome…etc. We have more than 200 software developers and IT professional experts that provide 7 x 24 x 365 support services. We care our customer need and guarantee delivers our best and high quality services to our customer.

Appendix II: References of previous work

University of Birmingham Case

Aug – Nov, 1990 Success implemented SOSA e-learning system and upgraded internal university administration and HR systems in University of Birmingham within three months. After that project, the annual report shows the new e-learning model has over 1,000 applications and enrollment, this really over the estimation from school management and they are very appreciated our contribution on new education method.

University of London Case

Nov, 2010 – May, 2012.The project aim to upgrade and integrate exiting virtual learning environment from University of London. The exiting virtual learning systems were already over 10 years ago, therefore school board decided to upgrade their e-learning system with few new special features. Moreover, they also wish to consolidate 20 faculties’ virtual learning systems to become single one. In order to make sure this project can running smooth and successfully, we form a project group by selected our best team members from different branch offices. After the 1.5 years, our project team finally finished all systems upgrade and migration tasks without any major issues. Besides this original project need time is 2 years for completion, but eventually our professional team was only spend 1.5 years to complete it, that make University able to resumed their e-learning service early. Ultimately, this project is our one of the best successful case, according the feedback from the customer, it is very positive and they are both satisfied in our products and services.

Appendix III: Account Management & Contacts

SOSA Personal Account Managers:

Sales Manager Central Europe (DE): Dave Jone

Senior Account Manager Central Europe (DE): Christian Cartmell

Account Manager Central Europe (DE): Gavin Atherton

Junior Account Manager Central Europe (DE): Noko Islam

Account Manager West Europe (FR & IT): Harry Wilson


Toll-free phone number: 00800 12 34 56 78

General phone number (non toll-free): +49 (0)6100 888 888

General fax number (non toll-free): +49 (0)6100 100 100

E-mail Account Managers: saleaccount@

E-mail Customer Service:

English customerinfo_e@

German customerinfo_g@

French customerinfo_f@

Appendix IV: Quality Assurance

Our quality assurance

For ensuring every deliverables can be achieved to client’s expectation in time. A qualified quality assurance is adopted to provide approach and methodologies for checking the processes to be fulfilled the quality requirements during the project development.

Quality assurance approach

To achieve the quality of client’s requirement, a set of quality plans will be produced after evaluated the scope statement, project schedule, budget and user’s requirements during project planning phase. Those quality plans have activities to review and evaluate the processes of three phases of the project: Project Planning, System Development and System Testing.

Quality assurance plan

During the project planning phase, reviews will be hold to identify all planned scope, schedule and budget are fulfilled user requirements and stakeholder expectations.

Regular weekly reviews will be hold during the system development and system testing phases for monitoring the progresses of each element development are in schedule. Evaluations on each element for both phases will be executed on the scheduled date to control the quality of deliverables are produced before going to test by users. Any unqualified elements will be recorded into log for rectifying.

A review for each element of system deployment phase will be hold for monitoring the progresses are in schedule. Evaluations on each element of the phase will be executed on the scheduled date to control the quality of deliverables are produced before providing to users. Any unqualified elements will be recorded into log for rectifying. Below table is showing the detail processes of three phases with corresponding quality assurance activities:

|Phases |Processes |Activities |

|Project Planning |Scope |Reviews will be hold to identify all planned scope, schedule and budget |

| | |are fulfilled user requirements |

| |Schedule | |

| |Budget | |

|System Development |Requirement specification and |Two reviews for monitoring the progress of requirement specification and |

| |analysis |analysis |

| | |Evaluate the final requirement can be achieved user requirements and |

| | |stakeholders expectation |

| |Software installation |A review for monitoring the progress of software installation for |

| | |prototype building and testing |

| | |Software installation evaluation |

| |1st prototype |Regular weekly review for monitoring the progress of the 1st prototype |

| | |development |

| | |1st prototype evaluation to meet the required deliverable |

| | |This prototype will show a certain percent of whole system for users |

| | |comment |

| |Final prototype |Regular weekly review for monitoring the progress of the final prototype |

| | |development |

| | |Final prototype evaluation with prepared criteria |

| | |This prototype will show whole system to user for confirmation of system |

| | |architecture. |

|System Testing |Unit testing |Regular weekly review for monitoring the progress of each unit |

| | |development |

| | |Unit test evaluation with prepared criteria |

| |Component testing |Regular weekly review for monitoring the progress of each component |

| | |development |

| | |Component test evaluation with prepared criteria |

| |Integration testing |A review for monitoring the progress of integration test after all unit |

| | |and component tests are passed |

| | |Integration test evaluation with prepared criteria |

| |System Performance testing |A review for monitoring the progress of system performance test after the|

| | |integration test is passed |

| | |System performance test evaluation with production like criteria |

| |UAT testing |A review for monitoring the progress of UAT test after the system |

| | |performance test is passed |

| | |UAT test evaluation with prepared criteria |

Appendix V: Detailed specifications of the product

The functions or features will be delivered as the following.

1. Customized the instance name and school logo

2. Plagiarism checking

➢ Automatic plagiarism check


➢ Similarity index

➢ Detailed report

3. Grading of assignments

➢ Direct grading


➢ Rubrics



➢ Written feedback


4. Communication with module participants

➢ Email



➢ Blogging


➢ Commenting and feedback



5. A system of user accounts with advanced access level

➢ Administrator can assign the right for the specific user to manage their own module


6. Knowledge base of the module content

7. Diary and a calendar support


Before the installation of Moodle version 2.4 platform, the following prerequisites of the infrastructure system must be ready in advance.

1. Ubuntu Server 12.04.4 LTS

2. PHP 5

3. MySQL Database Server

4. Apache 2 Web Server

Regarding to the hardware of the project, we would suggest the equipment as below which is the basic requirements that we have tested before.

|Item |Description |Purpose |Quantity |

|1 |Dell PowerEdge R620 (Web Server) |The Moodle software will be installed on the servers |2 |

| | |which providing the resilience function on hardware | |

| | |level | |

|2 |Juniper SRX240 Firewall |Provide the security guard function from external |1 |

| | |network | |

|3 |Dell PowerVault TL2000 Tape Library |For the data backup purpose |1 |

|4 |Dell OptiPlex 3020 Business Desktop |For the demo and testing purpose for the Moodle |1 |

| | |evaluation | |


MU Moodle Customisation Project Reponses to RFP

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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