Chart of the Day

Quek Ser Leang Quek.SerLeang@ Global Economics & Markets Research Email: GlobalEcoMktResearch@ URL: .sg/research Thursday, 06 December 2022

Chart of the Day

US 10-year treasury yield: 1.710% Breach of major resistance levels coupled with weekly momentum turning positive bodes well for further advance in the 10-year yield.

At the time of writing in early Jan 2022, US 10-year treasury yield has edged above the solid and major resistance levels at 1.705% and 1.707%. Note that 1.707% was the high in May last year and 1.705%, the high in Oct. While the week has yet to end, weekly MACD appears poised to turn positive. The breach of the major resistance coupled with weekly MACD turning positive bodes well for further advance in the 10-year yield. That said, as weekly momentum is only beginning to build, the 10-year has to extend its gains quickly. To look at it another way, the 10-year yield has to continue to march higher or it could give rise to a possible `false break' of the major resistance. Looking ahead, the next resistance level is at last April's peak of 1.776%. On the downside, key support is at the rising trendline and 55-week exponential moving average, both currently near 1.400%. However, in order to maintain the current strong momentum, the 10-year yield should not drop below 1.525%, or the prospect for an advance to 1.776% (and beyond) within these couple of months would diminish considerably. Looking ahead, the next resistance level of note above 1.776% is at 1.973%.

Chart of the Day Thursday, 06 January 2022 1|P age

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Chart of the Day Thursday, 06 January 2022 2|P age


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