Doerre Intermediate Band Handbook - Charms Office

Doerre Intermediate Band Handbook

Table of Contents

Doerre Band Directors and Contact Numbers .………2

Schedule of Classes ........................................….…..3

Sectional Schedule .........................................…..…..3

Private Lessons ............................................…..….…4

Daily Practice .....................................................…… 5

Sample Practice Record .................………….….5


Uniforms .................………………………………….....7

Contest or Concert Uniform ......................…...7


UNIFORM CLEANING ........................................…….7


Website Information…………..…………………………8


Doerre Band Parent Volunteer Form....................…....8

Braces Information………………………………………9

Private Lesson Return Form…………………………...9 detachable

Handbook Signature Form (REQUIRED) .........……..10 detachable

Doerre Band Directors

Mr. Matt Fehl is the Director of Bands for the Doerre Intermediate Band Program. The Associate Directors is Mrs. Jennifer Wren. Mr. Towner from Klein HS also assists with the program. Each director has specific band and beginner assignments as follows:

Mr. Fehl....…………….............Symphonic Band, assists with Concert I Band, splits Concert II Band Beginning Trumpet, Clarinet, and Percussion

Mrs. Wren ........................Concert I Band, assists with Symphonic Band, and splits Concert II Band

Beginning Low Brass, Oboe, Flute, and French Horn

Mr. Towner……………………Beginning Saxophone and Bassoon

How to Contact the Directors

With about 225 students in the band program, the band directors receive numerous phone calls and messages. Our goal is to respond to every message in a timely manner. You are encouraged to contact us in one of the following manners:

via email ............................... Fehl: mfehl@

Wren: jwren2@

Towner: btowner1@

via written note .................... Please include a phone number where you may be reached and the best time(s) to call, or may also include an email address or fax number.

via telephone ....................... Please call during our conference period (3:05 - 3:55). We are not always near a phone during this time, but it is the best time to call. We have an answering machine to take your message at any time. One of the band directors will return your call as soon as possible. Band hall hours are generally between 7:30 AM and 5:00 PM.

Doerre Band Office: (832) 249-5780

Fehl Main Line: (832) 249-5787

WREN MAIN LINE: (832) 249-5783


Schedule of Classes

Period Time Class

1 8:58 – 9:49 Beginning Low Brass, Trumpet

2 9:54 – 10:43 Beginning Percussion, French Horn

3 10:53 – 11:42 Concert I Band

4 11:47 – 12:46 Symphonic Band

5 1:18 – 2:07 Concert II Band; Beginning Saxophone, Bassoon

6 2:07 – 2:56 Beginning Clarinet, Flute, Oboe

7 3:06 – 3:55 Conference Period

Sectional Schedule

All Symphonic and Concert I Band members are required to attend a weekly practice for one hour either before school (7:45 — 8:45 AM) or after school (4:10 — 5:10 PM). Each section has voted and approved this rehearsal schedule according to their personal schedule conflicts. It is during sectionals when playing tests are administered and individualized help on material covered in band is given. It is most important that students make every effort to participate in these sectionals. Failure to attend sectionals will affect chair placement and grade. Repeated unexcused absences may result in reassignment to another band.

Sectional rehearsals are probably the single most critical factor that has contributed to the success of the Doerre Band over the years, and attendance is very important. Please do not schedule appointments during sectional time. The Doerre coaches and other academic teachers work closely with the Band Department to help solve conflicts for student’s schedules. Communication is the key! Let the Band Director know about a problem and he/she will assist in finding a solution.

If for some reason a section rehearsal must be missed, please make every effort to contact your child’s band director BEFORE the day of the sectional. In most cases, there are make-up sectionals that your son/daughter may attend to make-up the grade. However, many of the section rehearsals also include chair tests. If your child misses a section rehearsal, and there is a chair test, they can attend the make-up sectional for a grade, but they may not necessarily be included in the chair test results. Comparing one performance to another is much easier when they are heard back-to-back.

Private Lessons

The value of private, or “one-on-one’ instruction has long been recognized as an important asset in the musical development of young students. It is the one time when a student receives the full attention of a professional musician/teacher to work on a special problem unique to the student or his/her instrument. Band members who are involved in the private lesson program tend to maintain a greater interest level, practice longer, and generally progress faster and reach a higher level of proficiency than other students.

Private lessons are available to all band students at Doerre, and are held each week before or after school. Days and times are arranged individually by the private instructor in order to avoid conflicts.

The Klein Independent School District is pleased to be able to provide qualified private teachers. Their instruction is coordinated to enhance and complement classroom instruction. Although students are under no obligation to take lessons and special consideration in placement will not be given to a student enrolling, we highly recommend this program and hope every serious student will take advantage of this opportunity. If you have any questions, or would like the name and phone number of a private teacher, please call us during school hours (see Page 2 for “Contacting Directors”).


Students should commit to study for the entire semester in which they enroll unless extenuating circumstances require them to withdraw.


Each month’s lessons should be paid for in advance, usually on or by the first lesson of each month. When an account becomes in arrears, lessons will be suspended until payments are brought current.

The financial agreement is between the teacher and the student and his/her parents. In order to guarantee that teachers will be available and that the continuity of lessons will occur, students will be expected to pay for any lessons they miss unless advance notification is made to the teacher. Make-up dates will be scheduled, if possible and at the discretion of the teacher.

Established Rates

Following are the established rates for teachers giving lessons in KISD facilities:

Teachers with a Masters Degree or teachers with a Bachelors Degree who taught for two full consecutive years at a Klein ISD secondary campus

$20.00 per ½ hour lesson

Degreed teachers or teachers with commensurate professional experience $17.50 per ½ hour lesson

Non-degreed teachers $15.00 per ½ hour lesson


The student is responsible for notifying the private teacher at least 48 hours in advance of a lesson to be missed (do not ask the Band Directors to inform the instructor; this is your responsibility). Also, it is the student’s responsibility to reschedule any make-up lessons within a month of the cancelled lesson or forfeit the payment for that lesson.


Daily Practice

Following a consistent, daily practice schedule helps to ensure that a student will progress at an acceptable rate on his/her instrument. Parents, encourage your student to adopt a schedule of 30 minutes per day, six to seven days per week. Past experience has shown us that students who are practicing and making noticeable progress on their instruments are more likely to enjoy band than those who do not practice. Always check your Objective sheet for specific assignments and test dates.

Keep the following guidelines in mind when establishing a practice routine:

1. Practice for results, not just for the sake of “putting in time.”

2. Keep distractions to a minimum: no radio or television.

3. Set up a daily schedule and stick to it! Treat practice as a part of your homework.

4. Always use a metronome. This greatly enhances your sense of pulse.

5. Always use a music stand. This helps avoid the formation of bad habits.

6. Try to follow a daily routine:

– Warm up exercises used in class each day.

– Fundamentals (such as scales or exercises).

– Review material covered in class that day.

– Practice assigned material.

– Look ahead in your book or music to material not yet covered.

Preactice Records must be turned in on the day it is due – signed or un-signed; filled out or not. 10 points will be deducted for each day it is late.

Thirty (30) minutes per day is a typical amount that the average player will set aside for home practice, but DAILY practice is necessary to continue to improve on your instrument. The better you perform the more fun you will have!

Sample Practice Card.

|Mon. Aug. 22 |Daily Drill Parts 1, 2, 3. Bflat, Eflat, and Dflat scales. The Hey Song. First ½ of region etude |30 m |

|Tue. Aug. 23 |Daily Drill Parts 1, 4, 6. Chorale. Eflat, Dflat, Gflat scales. Fight Song. Second half of region etude |15 m |

|Wed. Aug. 24 |Daily Drill Part 1, 5, 4. Dflat, Gflat, F scales. All of region etude number one. First half of region etude number |18 m |

| |two | |

|Thu. Aug. 25 |Daily Drill Parts 1, 2, 3, 4. Glfat, F, Aflat scales. Dynamite. Second half of region etude number two. |35 m |

|Fri. Aug. 26 |Daily Drill Parts 1, 3, 6. Lip slurs A, B, C. Chromatic scale. F, Aflat, and G scales. All of region etude #2. |40 m |

|Sat. Aug. 27 |Daily Drill Parts 1, 2, 4. B flat technical exercise. Lip Slurs A. Aflat, G, and D scales. Chromatic scale. Dynamite. |20 m |

|Sun. Aug. 28 |Daily Drill Parts 1, 2. G, D, A scales. Chromatic scale. Both all-region etudes. Dynamite, Hey Song, Fight Song. |20 m |

|Parent Sig. |Mother Goose |105 |


Daily practice may lead to the following:

A love of music

Improved self-esteem

Better grades in school

Improved organizational skills

More fun, fun, fun!

Course Objectives and Grading Procedures

Course Objectives


— self- and group-discipline through the preparation and practice of individual parts.

— leadership skills, responsibility, diligence and an ability to cooperate with others as a team member.

— strength, stamina, endurance and coordination.

— an ability to make musical value judgments through critical listening. The student shall be provided opportunities to recognize quality of sound, pitch, style, tempo, rhythm, blend, balance, phrasing, dynamics and articulation skills in using and understanding note values, rests, key signatures, scales, musical terms, signs and symbols.

— the ability to recognize and tune intervals, unisons, harmony and train the ear.

— proper instrumental technique, care for instrument, correct posture and playing position, embouchure, good tone, correct breathing, technical proficiency and rhythmic skill.

— music reading skills and hand-eye coordination.

— musical sensitivity through performance and listening. The student shall be provided opportunities to internalize generally accepted, authentic performance styles and techniques in music played and heard.

— creative self-expression in every performance experience.

To interpret ...

— sound, musical symbols and terms from the printed page.

To evaluate ...

— the quality of musical performance. The student shall be provided opportunities to evaluate progress toward self-established musical goals, evaluate solo and group rehearsals and performances, and recognize quality of sound, pitch, style, tempo, rhythm, blend, balance, phrasing, dynamics and articulation.

Grading Guidelines and Procedures


40% Daily Grades — 40% of the six weeks’ grade will be based on daily grades including homework assignments, daily quizzes, class work and participation. Participation and attitude in daily rehearsals, sectionals, extra rehearsals and performances are very important. Being in band is like being in a team sport: everyone must participate in order for the group to be successful. A student’s daily grade will be based on the following: all music neatly in band binder every day, pencil on music stand, all necessary supplies available, good posture, actively participating, and day-to-day improvement.

10% Practice Record — 10% of the six weeks’ grade will be based on keeping a record of student’s weekly practice. Practice records are written records of what a student practices on his/her instrument each week. The primary goal of the directors is to help instill consistent practice habits in band students. This in turn will help each student become more successful as a musician.

Attendance at ALL concerts AND section rehearsals are required and will comprise a portion of the student’s average for the grading period.

Uniform Requirements

Symphonic, Concert I, and Concert II Band have a formal uniform. White tuxedo shirt, Black pants (no jeans), black dress shoes (no tennis shoes) and black socks (ladies may wear hosiery). Ladies may wear a black skirt, but they must be able to tuck in their tuxedo shirts and they must be at least mid-calf in length. Symphonic Band is also required to wear a black bow tie, and Concert I Band will wear red bow ties. This can be purchased the same day as the tuxedo shirt in the Fall semester.

Concert II and Concert I Band will receive a red vest or cummerbund from the school. Students are to maintain them and they must be either: 1) dry cleaned before the last day of school, or 2) returned to the directors with a $2.00 cleaning fee before the last day of school.

Symphonic Band will receive a black vest from the school. Students are to maintain them and they must be either: 1) dry cleaned before the last day of school, or 2) returned to the directors with a $2.00 cleaning fee before the last day of school.

For Pep-Rallies, Symphonic, Concert I, and Concert II Band students will wear their 2012-2013 Doerre Band Spirit Shirt and either jeans or shorts (depending on the weather).

Beginning Band students will be required to wear their 2012-2013 Doerre Band Spirit Shirt at the Winter Concert, Band Picture Day, and the Solo Contest. The spring concert is a semi-formal event, so tennis shoes, shorts, and jeans will not be allowed.

Instrument Insurance



School-Provided Instrument Users

If your child plays a school-owned instrument, you are strongly recommended to obtain instrument insurance.

In addition to the above mentioned instrument insurance agent, you may also look at your home owner’s policy and see if your child’s instrument can be covered that way.

Check out our Website!!

We are now trying to streamline all of the important information into one place.

is your one-stop-shop for all of the important information you will need as a member of the Doerre Band.

1. IMPORTANT: Follow the link on the homepage to update your information on Charms. Please complete this by Tuesday, September 4, 2012.

2. You can find information or links to most of the information you will need throughout the school year

3. SHARE this page with your friends, family, neighbors, and future Doerre Band members!


Doerre Band Parent Volunteers

Parents play a very important role in the success of the intermediate school band program.

There are many events throughout the year that we need volunteers for to help make them a success for our students.

If you are interested in volunteering for the Doerre Band, please follow these easy steps:

1. Visit

2. Click on the “Become a Volunteer” tab

a. From here, you may fill in your contact information and volunteer for specific events

b. IMPORTANT: You must be an approved Klein ISD volunteer to help us out. If you are not an approved Klein ISD volunteer, please follow the link on this page to get started. (If you were a volunteer at an elementary school, you may need to transfer your volunteer status to Doerre for us to find you in the system)

An important note about braces

We know that middle school is the time where many students get braces. Any dental appliance can affect a student’s performance on their instrument. To reduce the stress and frustration of your child in preparation for auditions and contests, please contact your child’s band teacher and check the calendar handout to see what time of the year would be the best to get braces.


Please detach and return this bottom portion

Private Lesson Information Form

_______ YES! I would like to enroll my child in private lessons.

_______ MAYBE! I would like more information about the private lesson program.

_______ No. I am not interested in my child taking private lessons at this time.

Student’s Name__________________________________________

(Please Print)

Parent’s Name___________________________________________

(Please Print)

Instrument______________________________ Phone # ________________________

My child took private lessons from ________________________________ last year.

_______ We would like to continue taking lessons from the above mentioned teacher.

_______ We would like to take lessons from another teacher.

Handbook and Publicity Signature Form – REQUIRED FROM EACH STUDENT

This form must be returned to the band directors upon receiving your copy of the Doerre Intermediate Band Handbook.

Due to the active nature of the program, there will be many times that pictures of your child will be taken and may be used in venues such as the band website, bulletin boards, yearbook etc.

_____ I give permission for my child’s picture to be published in venues used by the Doerre Band.

_____ I do not wish for my child’s picture to be published in venues used by the Doerre Band.

(By checking here, please understand that your child will not be able to participate in the group pictures on band picture day, as these pictures are published in the yearbook.)


Student Name (please print)

Parent Signature ___________________________ Date ______________


I have received the 2012-2013 Doerre Band Handbook. I have read and understand the policies and requirements outlined. I will do my best to uphold the standards and principles of the Doerre Intermediate Band and fulfill my commitment to the organization of which I am a part.

Student’s Signature _________________________________ Date ___________________

I have read and understand the Doerre Intermediate Band policies and guidelines outlined in this Handbook. I understand the requirements and needs for my child’s participation in band activities, and acknowledge that the events as noted on Page 5 are required as part of the graded curriculum for this course.

Parent’s Signature __________________________________ Date ___________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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