The 100 Most Common SAT Words - Waunakee High School

The 100 Most Common SAT Words

Effective Writing 2010


We've all heard the phrase "SAT words," referring to the pesky vocabulary words that appear on Analogies and Sentence Completions. Where else in the world might you be required to figure out that LEGERDEMAIN is a skill required by CONJURERs?

Extensive reading is the best way to develop your command of tough vocabulary. But getting familiar with the appropriate level of vocabulary can also be extremely helpful. To help you get a handle on those ten-cent words, Kaplan has analyzed the top 100 SAT vocabulary words of all time.

1. abate -- (v)

2. abdicate- (adj)

3. abstain-- (n)

4. arid-- (adj)

5. capitulate-- (v)

6. deleterious-- (adj)

7. digression-- (n)

8. discredit-- (v)

9. enervating-- (adj)

10. ephemeral-- (adj)

11. evanescent-- (adj)

12. hackneyed-- (adj)

13. reclusive-- (adj)

14. parched-- (adj)

15. procrastinate-- (v)

16. restrained-- (adj)

17. spurious-- (adj)

18. superficial-- (adj)

19. suppress-- (v)

20. transient-- (adj)

21. amicable-- (adj)

22. assiduous-- (adj)

23. benevolent-- (adj)

24. conformist-- (n)

25. demagogue-- (n)

26. diligent-- (adj)

27. frugal-- (adj)

28. haughty-- (adj)

29. hedonist-- (n)

30. impetuous-- (adj)

31. intrepid-- (adj)

32. nonchalant-- (adj)

33. perfidious-- (adj)

34. precocious-- (adj)

35. prudent-- (adj)

36. querulous-- (adj)

37. rancorous-- (adj)

38. submissive-- (adj)

39. tactful-- (adj)

40. tenacious-- (adj)

41. aberration-- (n)

42. clairvoyant-- (adj)

43. exemplary-- (adj)

44. forbearance (n)

45. intuitive-- (adj)

46. orator-- (n)

47. pragmatic (adj)

48. resilient-- (adj)

49. sagacity-- (n)

50. scrutinize-- (v)

51. venerable-- (adj)

52. asylum-- (n)

53. brazen (adj)

54. impute-- (v)

55. extenuating-- (adj)

56. fortuitous-- (adj)

57. inconsequential-- (adj)

58. mundane-- (adj)

59. prosaic-- (adj)

60. subtle-- (adj)

61. substantiate-- (v)

62. collaborate-- (v)

63. compassion-- (n)

64. compromise-- (v)

65. convergence-- (n)

66. empathy-- (n)

67. emulate-- (v)

68. foster (v)

69. fraught

70. jubilation-- (n)

71. lobbyist-- (n)

72. reconciliation-- (n)

73. vindicate-- (v)

74. brusque (adj)

75. wary -- (adj)

76. conditional-- (adj)

77. hypothesis-- (n)

78. renovation-- (n)

79. inevitable-- (adj)

80. longevity-- (n)

81. anachronistic-- (adj)

82. abhor (v)

83. capacious (adj)

84. condescending-- (adj)

85. disdain-- (v)

86. divergent-- (adj)

87. circuitous-- (adj)

88. exasperation-- (n)

89. provocative-- (adj)

90. spontaneity-- (n)

91. superfluous-- (adj)

92. surreptitious-- (adj)

93. adversity-- (n)

94. aesthetic-- (adj)

95. opulent-- (adj)

96. ostentatious-- (adj)

97. pretentious-- (adj)

98. prosperity-- (n)

99. reverence-- (n)

100. florid-- (adj)


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