Purdue University

Lab Instructor: Prof. Robertson

Course ID ## (xx) : ____ ____

Date (day/month/yr):_____/______/______

Lab Start Time: ______________________

ECET297 Lab 3

XR2206 Schematic Capture


|Prelab |

|There is no required prelab for this week. |

|Grades |

|Lab attendance------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (30) ____? |

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|Turn in the following at end of lab: |

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|The front signoff page for the lab, (this page) --------------------------------------- (70) ____? |

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|Total points (100) => ? |

Instructor Performance/information Checks

_____ 1. Capture of basic function generator circuit completed at end of lab.

Deliverables (report due at end of lab)

• This cover sheet and a printout of the schematic with all interconnections completed.

NOTE: while the lab instructor will review each student’s schematic, there is no warranty that the instructor will find all problems and/or mistakes with the circuit.

IT IS EACH STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to review his/her circuit for completeness and correctness.


XR2206 Schematic Capture

• Capture the schematic circuit for the XR2206 circuit shown as Figure 11 in the XR2206 datasheet, using the schematic capture function of PCB artist. That circuit is reproduced below. See the note on libraries on the next page.

• As you did with the op-amp circuit last week, include all necessary off-board connectors.


(Reference information from XR2206 Figure 11© and used courtesy of Exar Corp).


Use the appropriate components from the Resistor or Capacitor library:

Use the SMT components, since that is what you will be using on the PCB

SMT components are designated in the Resistor and Capacitor libraries:

Rs will need to be “0.125W” or “0.25W” components, with the lower “Package” pulldown selected to “R1206”. The 1206 size SMT components are available in lab. If the package pulldown is other than 1206 size, find an R in the 1206 size.

7 Resistor designations will look something like R 0.125W SMTF 1.8K, which means an R with a 0.125W power rating, an SMT package, and a vlaue of 1.8K ohms

Cs will need to start with “1206” in their number, designating SMT 1206 size, which is what we have available in MGL1222.

9 The value for the capacitors is coded in the 3-digit code in the center of the component i.d. in the Capacitor library. E.g., a capacitor listed as “1206CTR224YHU” means:

10 It has a 1206 size and corresponding footprint in the PCB Layout

11 It has a value of 22 x 4 zeros= 220000 picofarads, or a 0.22uf value.

• Exception: tantalum electrolytic Cs (e.g. 10µf) will be 1210 body size

BE SURE to include your name in the title block at the bottom of all PCB Artist drawings.

Save your work in your personal drive space with the name 297Lab3_ XR2206.

In the following weeks you will convert this schematic to a circuit board file, so the addition of connectors is important, since we will be doing actual tests on the PCB.

Circuit Schematic Capture

Continue with the capture of the XR2206 circuit, with all necessary supporting calculations.

1. Complete any necessary changes/corrections from the XR2206 Component Schematic andPCB Symbols you completed last week.

2. Add an on-off switch.

3. On the title block, add your name as “Client”, the schematic filename in “Filename”, and “297XR2206“ followed by your initials (e.g. 297XR2206GRB) as Project. You may add other information as you see fit, including adding the date to the “DRN” blocks as you update the schematic..

Be certain, as you add/change component values, that you DO NOT overwrite or remove the part reference designators, e.g. R3, C6.

Doing so will create problems with later work because the PCB Layout tool uses these designators to i.d. each component.

Think Ahead:

Your Function Generator – Information for Week 4 (next week, not this week) in Lab

In order to obtain full points for your design next week, you must select one or more of the following circuits to complete your function generator:

In order to obtain full points for your design in week 4, you must select one of the following add-on circuits to complete your function generator:

• Add a second timing capacitor with a switch to allow operation over 10-100KHz

• Add an FSK circuit with a switch on pin 9 and a second R network on pin 8 to allow a fixed frequency (e.g. music folks may select 440Hz for their fixed frequency) in addition to the 20Hz – 20KHz variable range. State the reason for the frequency you select.

• Low-battery indicator circuit if your function generator is battery-powered.

• OR, you may propose to do a series of measurements/tests on your basic circuit, beyond those measurements/tests that will be required of other students.

Everyone will need to add:

• Reverse polarity diode(s) and current limiting resistor.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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