|Scoring Rubric |Points |

| |Possible |

|Cover |10 |

|Title of book | |

|Author of book | |

|Student Name | |

|Date | |

|Picture book cover (be creative and original) | |

|Introduction/Setting |10 |

|Characters |15 |

|Main Character(s) | |

|Secondary Characters | |

|Plot |15 |

|Problem | |

|Summary of events | |

|Outcome |15 |

|Solution | |

|Recommendation |10 |

|Mechanics |15 |

|Spelling/Punctuation/Grammar | |

|Neatness/ quality of work | |

|Planning Sheet/ Outline |10 |

|Total |100 |

Dear Parents/Guardians,

This month’s book report will be from the genre of realistic fiction.

Due Date: Wednesday, May 17th.

What is Realistic Fiction?

• The events, people, and places may

be real, but the story is not real.

• It could happen in real life.

All students need to have their book approved by this Friday, April 28th. Students will find the planning sheet attached. Students must use these handouts to pre-write, organize and write the written report. The outline will be used when evaluating your child’s report and is intended to help students organize their information for the final report.

Use the attached planning sheet before you begin writing your report to help you focus your thoughts and to insure that all information is included in your report. Planning sheets will need to be turned in with your final report for full credit. All reports should be written using complete sentences and complete paragraphs. Each page should include the subtitles at the top of each page. All writing should be in paragraph form beginning with a topic sentence, supporting details and concluding sentence at the end of each paragraph. Please include an illustration on each page that supports what you have written in each section. Reports may be typed or hand written. Quality and neatness count! Please do your best, this is your last out of class book report of the year.


Ms. Farmer

Name ______________________________Due May 17, 2017

(Papers turned in after the due date will not receive full credit.)

Title of Book____________________________________________________

Author: ________________________________________________________


_____ Cover

Title of the book

Author of the book

Student’s name


Create a new cover for the book (Be creative and original)

_____ Page 1 Introduction and Setting

Identify and describe how this book is classified in this genre.

Give a vivid description of the setting (time and place).

Give the description, the mood, the author sets.


_____ Page 2 Characters

Identify and describe the main characters.

Describe the secondary characters and explain their relationships to the main character.


_____ Page 3 Plot

Identify the problems and describe the events in sequence that lead up to the solutions.

Describe the steps the character takes to solve the problem.


_____ Page 4 Outcome

Describe the solution to the problem. What effects did the events in the story have on the main character?

Describe how the character resolved his/her problem in detail.


_____ Page 5 Recommendation

What is your opinion of the book and would you recommend this book to others?

Justify your answer using examples for the book.


Realistic Fiction Book Report Planning Sheet

Title ________________________________________________________

Author ______________________________________________________

I. Page 1 Introduction and Setting

A. Genre ____________________

1. Example 1: _________________________________________________

2. Example 2: _________________________________________________

B. Setting ____________________

1. Time: _____________________________________________________

2. Place: _____________________________________________________

C. Mood

1. Example 1: _________________________________________________

2. Example 2: _________________________________________________

II. Page 2 Characters

A. Main Character(s) ______________________

1. Physical description (looks like)

a. _____________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________

2. Character analysis (behaviors and feelings)

a. _____________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________

B. Secondary Characters

1. Name __________________

a. Physical description _____________________________________

b. Relationship to main character ____________________________


2. Name __________________

a. Physical description _____________________________________

b. Relationship to main character ____________________________


III. Page 3 Plot

A. Problem __________________________________________________________

1. Event 1 ____________________________________________________


2. Event 2 ____________________________________________________


3. Event 3 _____________________________________________________


B. Steps character takes to solve the problem

1. Step 1 _______________________________________________________

2. Step 2 _______________________________________________________

3. Step 3 _______________________________________________________

IV. Page 4 Outcome

A. Solution ___________________________________________________________

1. Effect on main character

a. Effect 1 ________________________________________________

b. Effect 2 ________________________________________________

B. How character handles the situation ______________________________________


C. How character resolved problem ________________________________________


V. Page 5 Recommendation

A. What is your opinion of the book and would you recommend this book to other?




Reasons (connect your examples to the text)

1. __________________________________________________________________



2. _________________________________________________________________



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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