Classifying Music Based on Frequency Content and Audio Data

Classifying Music Based on Frequency Content and Audio Data

Craig Dennis

ECE 539

Final Report


With the growing market of portable digital audio players, the number of digital music files inside personal computers has increased. It can be difficult to choose and classify which songs to listen to when you want to listen to specific genres of music, such as classical music, pop music and classic rock. Not only must the consumer classify their music, but online distributors must classify thousands of songs in their databases for their consumers to browse through.

How can music be easily classified without human interaction? It would be extremely tedious to go through all of the songs in a large database one by one to classify them. A neural network could be trained to determine the difference between three different genres of music, classical music, pop and classic rock.

For this project, I have taken 30 sample songs from 3 genres of music, classical music, pop music and classic rock music and analyzed the middle five seconds to classify the music. Frequency content of the audio files can be extracted using the Fast Fourier Transform in Matlab. The songs were recorded at a sampling rate of 44.1Khz, so the largest recoverable frequency is 22.05Khz. The five second samples were broken down further to take the short time Fourier transform of 50 millisecond samples. These samples were broken down into the low frequency content (0-200Hz), lower middle frequency content (201-400Hz), higher middle frequency content (400-800Hz) and into further higher bands (800-1600Hz), (1600-3200Hz) and (3200-22050Hz.) These frequency bands can help describe the acoustic characteristics of the sample. The 50ms samples were averaged within 250ms samples. This gave 120 features to classify the song. The frequency bands were chosen because they are ranges in which different musical instruments are found. Most bass instruments are within the 50-200Hz range. Many brass instruments like the trumpet and French horn are within the 200-800Hz range. Woodwinds are roughly found in 800-1600Hz. The higher frequencies were chosen because many classic rock songs and pop songs have distorted guitars which have high frequency content in their noise.

The 120 feature vectors were classified using the K-Nearest Neighbor neural network as well as the Multi-Layer Perceptron neural network.

Problem Statement

Given a specific song, I would like a neural network to classify that song in a specific genre, either classic rock, pop, or classical music.


I enjoy listening to music. I have thousands of MP3s on my computer and over a hundred CDs at home. Sometimes I feel like listening to a specific type of music, not exactly a specific song or group, but just a certain type of music. Sometimes I feel like relaxing to some smooth classical music and other times I feel like listening to some guitar solos. Most of the music is only classified by the artist, album and song name. This is excellent information, but it doesn’t help me choose a song when I’m in a certain mood. If all of my music was classified by a specific genre, it would be much easier to help me find a song to listen to.

Different genres of music can sound very different from one another. Most classical music I listen to has nice string arrangements and very little bass. The classic rock songs I listen to normally contain a big guitar solo, with a lot of distortion and noise. The pop music I listen to has groovy bass lines and great vocals. All of the instruments in the different genres are in different frequency ranges. I thought that if I was able to pick out the certain frequencies for songs, I could feed them into a neural network to help classify the songs.

Work Performed

Data Collection

To collect data for this project, I had to collect 30 songs from 3 different genres: classic rock, pop and classical music. All of the songs were extracted from a CD to a wave file on my computer. The wave files are uncompressed music from CDs that were recorded at 44.1Khz. Each song was anywhere between 30 to 90 megabytes in size. I had a total of about 4 Gigabytes of music data to analyze. I decided not to use MP3 files for my data collection because MP3s can be encoded at different bit rates with different encoders. The same song could be encoded with different encoders at the same bit rate or the same encoder with different bit rates and the MP3 files would contain different data. By choosing wave files, I eliminated that problem.

To try to classify the music, I needed to decide which features I wanted to extract from the song. The first feature I decided to extract was the song length. I used this feature since it is easy to calculate and could be very useful in classifying songs. I also wanted to find the tempo of the song. I found Matlab code online from Rice University in a project called “Beat This: A Beat Synchronization Project.” Within the Matlab code, they determine the tempo of the song by running the song through some smoothing filters which are just low pass filters. Then, they take the frequencies and pass them through a comb filter of different frequencies to determine which frequency gives the highest energy. I wanted to use this code instead of manually determining the tempo of each song because I wanted the data collection to be as automated as possible, with little human interaction.

I needed to find frequency content that would help separate songs from different genres. Using a chart which displayed different musical instruments found on “Audio Topics: The Frequencies of Music,” I broke up the frequency band into 6 different ranges. The first range is from 0-200Hz which corresponds to the bass instruments such as the tuba, bass, contrabassoon and other low frequency instruments. The next frequency range is from 201-400Hz that represents instruments such as the alto saxophone and trumpet. Frequencies from 401-800Hz represent the flute, high notes on the violin and guitar. The 801-1600Hz range has instruments such as the piccolo and high notes on the harp. The next frequency range is from 1601-3200Hz that represents high frequency content and some harmonic frequencies. The frequency range from 3201-22050Hz contain the very high frequencies that humans can barely hear and is the limit of frequencies that can be heard on a CD.

To get these frequencies, I used the FFT function in Matlab to convert the wave files from the time domain to the frequency domain. Originally I wanted to convert the whole song to the frequency domain for analysis; however, Matlab ran out of memory and crashed. It was trying to use over 2 Gigabytes of memory. I decided to only sample a piece of the song to represent all of the song’s data. I decided to use the middle 5 seconds of each song. This time frame was chosen because the middle of a song is normally where the chorus is found. I did not want to take the first few seconds of a song because the introduction is not always where the main theme of the song is found. I also did not want to sample the last few seconds of a song because the song could either fade out or crescendo to a peak, neither of which really represents the song.

I wanted to try to determine how the song changed during time, so I broke the 5 second sample down to little 50ms chunks. This is similar to how Yibin Zhang and Jie Zhou sampled their songs for classification, however they used 45ms samples. I took the FFT of each 50ms sample in the 6 different frequency bands. Then, I averaged the magnitudes of the 6 frequency bands in 250ms samples to get a total of 120 different features. I had 20 different samples through time ranging through 6 different frequency bands for the 5 second sample.

Here is an example of what the data looks like:



This is an example from a pop song called “Mr. Brightside” by The Killers. Notice all of the high frequency content throughout the entire sample. Also notice that all of the frequencies are rather loud throughout the entire frequency spectrum. This sample is during the verse of the song.

Here is another example of data from another song:



This example is from a classic rock song called “Sunshine of Your Love” by Cream. This does not contain nearly as much high frequency content as “Mr. Brightside,” but it does have lots of low frequency content. This sample is during a guitar solo.

Finally, here is a sample of a classical song:


This song is “Russian Dance (Trepak) from The Nutcracker” by Tchaikovsky. Notice that this sample also does not contain all of the high frequency content as “Mr. Brightside.” It actually looks very similar to “Sunshine of Your Love;” however, there are two large pulses of sound near the end of the sample.

Feature Reduction

When I originally planned this project, I wanted to use a multilayer perceptron network because it has back propagation learning and would be able to “learn” which features would be useful for classifying music into classic rock, pop, and classical. With a total of 122 features (length of song, tempo of song and 120 frequency samples) I would need many hidden neurons in the hidden layer. The multilayer perceptron network Matlab code was a modified version of Yu Hen Hu’s code on the 539 website. By keeping the alpha value constant at 0.1 and the momentum constant at 0.8, I increased the number of hidden neurons to find the training and testing error rate. For all of the tests I scaled the input from -5 to 5 because I would get divide-by-zero errors if I didn’t. The hidden layers would use the hyperbolic tangent activation function and the output would use the sigmoidal function. To help train the network, I used the entire training set to estimate the training error. The output was also scaled from 0.2-0.8 for sigmoidal functions and -0.8 to 0.8 for hyperbolic tangent functions. The training data contained 20 songs of each genre, for a total of 60 songs and the testing set contained 10 songs of each genre. The number of epoch for each test was 1000. The classes were encoded with 1-in-3 encoding with pop music being classified as [1 0 0], classic rock being classified as [0 1 0] and classical music as [0 0 1]. I only needed to test a few different numbers of hidden neurons before I noticed a problem.

|Number of hidden Neurons |Training Classification Rate |Testing Classification Rate |

|10 |33.33% |33.33% |

|50 |33.33% |33.33% |

|80 |33.33% |33.33% |

|100 |33.33% |33.33% |

These classification rates are rather unacceptable. The network was classifying all of the songs into the same genre. With 10 and 50 hidden neurons, it classified all songs as classical. With 80 and 100 hidden neurons, it classified all of the songs as pop. With only 60 training samples and 122 features to train, I did not have enough training data to fully develop the multilayer perceptron network. I needed to reduce the number of features if I wanted to make use of the multilayer perceptron network.

To reduce the number of features, I decided to use the K nearest neighbor network to classify the songs. I used the KNN network because it is a very simple network; it examines the k nearest classified samples and classifies the input into the majority of them. To determine which features to remove, I used 3-way cross validation by dividing the data into 3 groups. I took the average of the testing classification rate to determine the final classification rate. The KNN Matlab code was written by Yu Hen Hu and I created a program to do the 3-way cross validation. I started with all 122 features and determined the classification rate. Then, I removed one feature at a time to find out which feature I could remove while still maintaining the highest classification rate. Then I removed that feature and continued to find the next feature to remove. A graph of the result follows:


This graph shows which feature or set of features gave the highest average classification rate. Using the feature reduction data, I found that I could get the highest classification rate of 73% by using just 6 features. The 6 features that are the most important are features numbered 23, 24, 30, 34, 37 and 39. Features 23 and 24 represent the 401-800Hz range and the 801-1600Hz range during the 750ms portion of the sample. Feature 30 represents the 801-1600Hz range during the 1 second portion of the sample. Features 34 and 37 represent the 201-400Hz range and the 1601-3200Hz range during the 1.25 second portion of the sample. Feature 39 represents the 0-200Hz range during the 1.5 second portion of the sample. With these samples, I concluded that the midrange portions of the song around the first second of the song is what is needed to classify the songs. I was quite surprised that the tempo and the length of the songs did not seem to help classify them.


With the 6 important features selected, the next approach was to determine how well the multilayer perceptron network would classify the songs. First, I determined how many hidden neurons should be in the hidden layer of the network. Since there are 6 input features, I started with 6 hidden neurons. I ran the training and testing sets through the network 10 times and calculated the mean and standard deviation of the testing results. Here are the results with 6 through 12 hidden neurons.

|# of Hidden Neurons |Mean Training |Training Standard |Mean Testing Classification |Testing Standard Deviation|

| |Classification Rate % |Deviation |Rate % | |

|6 |71.66 |18.45 |59.66 | 12.51 |

|7 |74 |9.13 |64.33 |5.45 |

|8 |77 |9.12 |66.00 |8.28 |

|9 |75.83 |9.43 |64.33 |4.72 |

|10 |73.33 |16.34 |64.00 |12.04 |

|11 |69.16 |18.10 |60.00 |13.14 |

|12 |71.33 |16.60 |61.66 |10.91 |

I ran the tests 10 times because sometimes the training would get stuck at exactly 33%. This would happen when the training would classify all songs in just one genre. If I had more samples to train with, this situation would probably happen less frequently.

The best number of hidden neurons is about 8 because it has the highest classification rate of about 66%.

To see if having multiple layers would affect the multilayer perceptron network, I had the first hidden layer fixed at 8 neurons and created a second layer ranging from 6 to 12 neurons. I fixed the alpha value at 0.1 and the momentum value at 0.8 which are the default values. I ran each test 10 times and calculated the mean and standard deviation.

|# of Hidden Neurons in |Mean Training |Training Standard |Mean Testing |Testing Standard |

|Second Layer |Classification Rate % |Deviation |Classification Rate % |Deviation |

|6 |79.33 |1.165 |68.33 |4.77 |

|7 |79.00 |1.95 |68.66 |4.76 |

|8 |77.00 |5.76 |66.66 |4.96 |

|9 |80.50 |1.93 |67.33 |4.097 |

|10 |76.5 |8.10 |66 |3.44 |

|11 |75.66 |10.31 |64.66 |10.08 |

|12 |69.16 |15.17 |63.33 |11.65 |

Increasing the number of hidden layers from 1 to 2 seemed to improve the results. The best classification rate increased to 68.66% by adding a hidden layer of 7 neurons. The results did not improve as much as I thought they would since it still only classifies about 2 out of 3 songs.

With the number of hidden neurons fixed at 8 and with only 1 hidden level, and the momentum fixed at 0.8, I modified the learning rate, alpha, to go from 0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8. I ran each test 10 times and found the mean and standard deviation.

|Alpha value |Mean Training |Training Standard |Mean Testing |Testing Standard |

| |Classification Rate % |Deviation |Classification Rate % |Deviation |

|0.01 |90.16 |2.28 |64.66 |4.49 |

|0.1 |74.33 |13.79 |63 |10.47 |

|0.2 |39.00 |9.26 |38 |8.77 |

|0.4 |33.33 |0.00 |33.33 |0.00 |

|0.8 |33.33 |0.00 |33.33 |0.00 |

The classification rate was the best with an alpha value of 0.01. The small learning rate means that the step size is small so the network is learning a little bit at a time. As the learning rate increases, the classification rate decreases.

Now to see how changing the momentum value changes the classification rate, I fixed alpha to the default of 0.1 with 8 hidden neurons and I changed momentum to 0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8. The momentum will reduce the gradient change if the gradient changes violently. It will also increase the change if the gradient keeps going in the same direction. Again I ran each test 10 times and calculated the mean and standard deviation.

|Momentum value |Mean Training |Training Standard |Mean Testing |Testing Standard |

| |Classification Rate % |Deviation |Classification Rate % |Deviation |

|0 |82.16 |2.08 |67.66 |2.74 |

|0.2 |81.83 |0.94 |68.33 |3.92 |

|0.4 |82.33 |2.38 |69 |1.61 |

|0.8 |80.00 |6.52 |70 |4.15 |

It seems that the best momentum is 0.8 with a classification rate of 70%. However, all of the other momentums were rather close, so it would seem that momentum has less of an effect than the learning rate. But an increased momentum value increased the classification performance.

Conclusion and Discussion

Classifying music is a very difficult process. There is no “default” sound that a specific style or genre sounds like. However, people can hear a difference between genres and between different songs. These sounds are created by the different frequencies that specific instruments use. I attempted to classify music based on a small portion of the frequency spectrum and I have produced decent results.

I originally thought that I would need many features from the frequency domain to be able to accurately classify music from different genres. However, I did not have enough samples to fully train a multilayer perceptron network with the number of features I wanted. Since I had too few training samples, the network would classify all music in the same genre. If I had more hard drive space and more processing power, I would have created more samples and I would have increased the number of frequency bands.

The best multilayer perceptron network configuration which had the highest classification rate had 1 hidden layer with 8 neurons, a learning value of 0.1 and a momentum of 0.8. Its classification rate was 70%. Of the 30 test samples, it classified about 21 songs into the correct genre.

The learning rate seemed to have a negative impact on the classification rate when it is increased. When the learning rate was increased to 0.4 and 0.8, the mean testing classification rate decreased to 33%. It seems that the network learned the data better by learning a little bit at a time. However, the momentum seemed to have a positive impact on the classification rate. When the momentum was increased to 0.8, the mean testing classification rate peaked at 70%.

The best performance came with the simplest network. The K-nearest neighbor with only 6 features using 3-way cross validation was able to get a 73% classification rate. This surprised me since the K-nearest neighbor should be the base performance measurement. The multilayer perceptron network was able to double its performance once the number of features was reduced from 122 to 6.

Unfortunately, my results do not perform as well as others. Shihab Jimaa et. al. were able to classify music with an accuracy rate as high as 97.6%. They used 170 audio samples of rock, classical, country, jazz, folk and pop of music recorded at 44.1Khz, which is CD quality. They were able to randomly select 5 second samples through out the song and extract their features. They extracted 14 octave values over 3 frequency bands to get 42 different distribution values. They then used a linear discriminant analysis based classifier to classify their music. They used digital signal processing techniques that are more advanced than I have ever worked with so they were able to classify their music better. However, my technique of sampling the frequency content of the songs was not a bad attempt since it was able to classify music at a 73% accuracy rate with the simple K-nearest neighbor network.


Alghoniemy, Masoud. Tewfik, Ahmed H. “Rhythm And Periodicity Detection in Polyphonic Music.” Pg 185-190.

“Audio Topics: The Frequencies of Music” PBS International 633 granite Court

Cheng, Kileen. Nazer, Bobak. Uppuluri, Jyoti. Verret, Ryan. “Beat This A Synchronization Project.”

Jimaa, Shihab. Krishnan, Sridhar. Umapathy, Karthikeyan. “Multigroup Classification of Audio Signals Using Time-Frequency Parameters.”

Zhang, Yibin. Zhou Jie. “A Study Of Content-Based Music Classification.” pg 113-116. Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Appendix A: Source Files:

getData.m - This computes all of the data from the sound files listed in the file named "files". It creates the length, beats per minute and the short time frequency transform on the songs. It saves the data to "dataFile." This will not work unless you have the wave files used to collect the data. The name of the input files and the name of the saved output files were changed from classical, classic rock, and pop.

Stft.m - This computes the FFT of a 5 second sample. It averages the FFT over 250ms samples.

getSongAndLength.m - This gets the length of the song and the 5 second sample of the song.

Control.m, filterbank.m, hwindow.m, diffract.m, timecomb.m – All of these files were written by Kileen Cheng, Bobak Nazer, Jyoti Uppuluri, and Ryan Verret and were used to get the tempo of the songs.

FeatureReduction.m - This was used to reduce the 122 features down to the most important features using 3-way cross validation and the KNN.

MakeMLPData.m – This creates the multilayer perceptron data from the reduced features.

bpAlpha.m and bpconfigAlpha.m – These files were used to test different values of alpha on the multilayer perceptron network. The results were saved in crateTrainArray and createTestArray.

bpMom.m and bpconfigMom.m – These files were used to test different values of momentum on the multilayer perceptron network. The results were saved in crateTrainArray and createTestArray.

bpHiddenLayers.m and bpconfigHiddenLayers.m – These files were used to test different number of hidden neurons on the second hidden layer of the multilayer perceptron network. The results were saved in crateTrainArray and createTestArray.

bpNumberOfHidden.m and bpconfigNumberOfHidden.m – These tests different numbers of hidden neurons on the first hidden layer of the multilayer perceptron network. The results were saved in crateTrainArray and createTestArray.

Classicalfiles, classicrockfiles, popfiles – These files list the names of the wave files used in classical, classic rock and pop.

classicalData, classicRockData, popData – These files contain the 122 features of the 30 different songs in each genre.

mlpTrainData, mlpTestData – These files contain the reduced features of the different wave files and were used in training and testing the multilayer perceptron network.

All other files were used for the K nearest neighbor network or the multilayer perceprton network and were written by Professor Yu Hen Hu.

Appendix B: Songs Used

Pop songs:

Green Day - American Idiot

Matchbox 20 - Real World

The Wallflowers - Heros

Tracy Chapman - Give Me One Reason

Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know

Eric Clapton - Change The World

The Killers - Mr Brightside

Goo Goo Dolls - Iris

Green Day - Holiday

Matchbox 20 - 3 AM.

Sheryl Crow - All I Wanna Do

Alanis Morissette - Ironic

Coldplay - Fix You

Coldplay - The Scientist

Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

Madonna - Ray of Light

Matchbox 20 - Push

The Killers - Somebody Told Me

Coldplay - Clocks

Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood

Shania Twain – You’re Still The One

Coldplay - Trouble

Garbage - Stupid Girl

Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc

REM - Losing My Religion

Coldplay - Speed Of Sound

Jewel - Who Will Save Your Soul

Natalie Imbruglia - Torn

Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends

Eric Clapton - My Fathers Eyes

Classic Rock Songs

Eric Clapton - I Feel Free

Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze

Led Zeppelin - Black Dog

Eric Clapton - Sunshine Of Your Love

Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe

Led Zeppelin - Rock and Roll

Eric Clapton - White Room

Jimi Hendrix - The Wind Cries Mary

Led Zeppelin - The Battle of Evermore

Eric Clapton - Crossroads

Jimi Hendrix - Fire

Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven

Eric Clapton - Badge

Jimi Hendrix - Highway Chile

Led Zeppelin - Misty Mountain Hop

Eric Clapton - Presence Of The Lord

Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced

Led Zeppelin - Four Sticks

Eric Clapton - Blues Power

Jimi Hendrix - Burning of the Midnight Lamp

Led Zeppelin - Going to California

Eric Clapton - After Midnight

Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing

Led Zeppelin - When the Levee Breaks

Eric Clapton - Let It Rain

Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower

Eric Clapton - Bell Bottom Blues

Eric Clapton - Layla

Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child Slight Return

Eric Clapton - I Shot The Sheriff

Classical Songs

Alan Silvestri - Main Title

Beethoven - Symphony No 5 in C minor, Op. 67 , I. Allegro con brio

Leonard Bernstein - R. Strauss- Also sprach Zarathustra

Alan Silvestri - It's Clara (The Train Part II)

Beethoven - Symphony No 5 in C minor, Op. 67 , II. Andante con moto

Leonard Bernstein - Bernstein- Overture to Candide

Alan Silvestri - Hill Valley

Beethoven - Symphony No 5 in C minor, Op. 67 , III. Allegro

Leonard Bernstein - Copland- Hoe-down, Allegro from Rodeo

Alan Silvestri - The Hanging

Beethoven - Symphony No 5 in C minor, Op. 67 , IV. Allegro

Leonard Bernstein - Smetana- Dance of the Comedians from The Bartered Bride

Alan Silvestri - At First Sight

Beethoven - Overtures , Coriolan, Op. 62

Leonard Bernstein - Offenbach- Cancan from Gaite parisienne

Alan Silvestri - Indians

Beethoven - Overtures , The Creatures of Prometheus, Op. 43

Leonard Bernstein - Mozart- Overture to The Marriage of Figaro

Alan Silvestri - Goodbye Clara

Beethoven - Overtures , Leonore II, Op. 72

Leonard Bernstein - Bizet- March of the toreadors from Carmen Suite No. 1

Alan Silvestri - Doc Returns

Leonard Bernstein - Grieg- Norwegian Dance, Op. 35, No. 2

Alan Silvestri - Point Of No Return (The Train Part III)

Leonard Bernstein - Rimsky-Korsakov- Dance fo the Tumblers from The Snow Maiden

Alan Silvestri - The Future Isn't Written

Leonard Bernstein - Tchaikovsky- Russian Dance (Trepak) from The Nutcracker

Alan Silvestri - The Showdown

Leonard Bernstein - Humperdinck- Children's Prayer from Hansel und Gretel

Alan Silvestri - Doc To The Rescue


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