Musical Theatre

Musical Theatre

Ms. Carlsen

E-mail: kcarlsen@ Website:

Course Description

Students will be introduced to both performance and production for musical theatre. We will explore various aspects of musical theatre through:

Creative activities and experimentation with the student's own material (both individual and group) through acting exercises, theatre games, improvised scenes, song analysis, and dance technique

Lectures, demonstrations, hand-outs, discussions, readings from the text book

Study of and experimentation with scripts: performing solos, duets, ensemble numbers and scenes; written assignments and quizzes; viewing and critiquing performances.

Course Objectives

In this class, you will develop the ability to:

• Generate a working vocabulary and understanding of musical theatre terminology

• Read and view various musicals and discuss dramatic and literary merits

• Identify the responsibilities of theatre personnel

• Practice various warm-up and movement techniques

• Compose written critiques of professional/amateur production

• Perform various acting, dance and vocal techniques

• Perform solos, duets, an ensemble number, and a children’s theatre piece

• Apply knowledge of musical theatre history to a performance piece from a specific time period

• Create characters through interpretation of songs and script analysis

• Participate in an audition workshop

• Audition for a school production

Classroom Expectations

o Respect each other and the space.

o Be on time for class. Multiple unexcused late arrivals will result in detention.

o Be prepared for class. Bring your notebook, paper, and a writing utensil to class every day.

o There is to be no gum, food or drink in the drama room or auditorium.

o Try your best.


▪ Journal Notebook- 1” binder

▪ Four dividers (Journals, Scripts, Classwork, Reflection)

▪ Blue or black pens, pencils, and a highlighter


Assignments will be weighted in the following manner:

• Participation (attendance, promptness, contributions to class, attitude): 20%

• Tests and Quizzes: 20%

• Written Work (daily assignments and long-term projects): 20%

• Performance (individual and group performances): 40%

Grades will be assigned as follows:

A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 E=59 or below

Students will receive a class participation grade at the end of each marking period. Only a grade with a .5 or higher will be raised to the next grade. (i.e., an 89.5 is raised to a 90-an 89.4 is not.) At this level, grades are no longer based on effort. I expect that you try hard to do well, but that doesn’t mean that your effort will result in an automatic “A”. The product is every bit as important as the process.

Late Work

Late work will only be accepted with an excused absence. Any student that was present when the assignment was given and also present when the assignment is due is expected to turn the assignment on time. Any student that was present when the assignment was given, but not present when the assignment is due may only turn in the assignment late with an excused absence. If the absence is unexcused the work will not be accepted and a zero grade will be given.

Make-up Work

You cannot pass a class if you are not there to learn. Anytime a student is absent from class it is his/her responsibility to find out what assignments were missed. Any test missed due to an excused absence will be made up after school on the designated test make-up day.

Units of Study

Vocal Technique, Solo, Duet, Ensemble Number, Broadway Dance, Contemporary and Classical Scenes, and Production

Semester Critiques

Each semester the student is required to write a review of a theatrical performance. This assignment must be turned in within ten school days of your attendance of the show. Critiques must be typed in 12 point Times New Roman font and double-spaced, unless otherwise specified. You must include a ticket stub or a program with your critique. See Critique Requirements for details.

Due Dates: First Semester- January 7th, Second Semester- May 6th

Performance Requirements

Musical Theatre will be performing at the Winter Spectacular on December 4 and 5 at 7pm and a One-Act Play Festival April 1 at 7pm. All students are required to perform in these shows. Rehearsals will be during the class period until a week before the show. Students must be at the tech rehearsals on December 1-3 from 2:30-5:00pm March 30 and 31 from 2:30-5:00pm.

Student Agreement

I have read and understand the Musical Theatre syllabus. I understand that I have to complete both a semester critique along with all other assignments. I understand that I am required to attend all Winter Spectacular and One Act Festival rehearsals and performances.

Student Signature :________________________________________________

Student Name (Print): _____________________________________________

Student Email (Print): _____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Agreement

I have read and understand the Musical Theatre syllabus. I understand that my student has to complete both a semester critique along with all other assignments. I understand that my student is required to attend all Winter Spectacular and One Act Festival rehearsals and performances.

Parent/Guardian Signature :_________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name (Print): ______________________________________

Parent/Guardian Email (Print): ______________________________________

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Carlsen at kcarlsen@.


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