Regina Chamber of Commerce Paragon Awards (logo)

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Strictly Confidential

This award will be presented to a young person(s) who has/have established or expanded a business. The applicant(s) must be aged 35 or under as of December 31, 2019.

It is important the Young Entrepreneur(s) has/have demonstrated signs of success and viability in the venture. All information supplied must be true and accurate and can be substantiated if required.

Please complete this application in its entirety, point form may be used. Please restrict your comments to the specified word count as defined, point form may be used. Microsoft Word Documents will be accepted in electronic format. Any attachments, other than the requested references, will not be reviewed.

This application is available on-line at . Please call the Regina Chamber office at (306)757-4658 if you have any questions. Application deadline is January 31, 2020.

Applications may be submitted by email to jtonita@.

1. Name of Applicant: ___________________________ Position:__________________________

Date of Birth: ________________ Contact Email: __________________________________


Name of Co-Applicant: _______________________ Position: ___________________________

Date of Birth: ________________ Contact Email:___________________________________


Name of Company:________________________________________________________________


City:____________________________________ Postal Code:_____________________________

Telephone #:____________________ Company Email: ___________________________________

Facebook:_____________________________ Twitter: ___________________________________

General Information:

2. Provide a brief description of the business. (100 Words Maximum)


3. What is the young entrepreneur’s role in the business? (50 Words Maximum)


4. What is the young entrepreneur’s interest in the business? (ie. decision making, problem solving, hiring authority) (50 Words Maximum)


5. Number of employees when business started: Full time: ____ Part time: ____

Current number of employees: Full time: ____ Part time: ____

6. Check the activity that best describes your business activity sector:

Retail ( Wholesale ( Consulting ( Import/Export ( Manufacturing ( Technical ( Service ( Training (

Other ( (specify) ____________________________________________________

7. Tell us about your products/services:

Product/Service: % of sales/business

____________________________________________________________ _______________

____________________________________________________________ _______________

____________________________________________________________ _______________

____________________________________________________________ _______________

____________________________________________________________ _______________

____________________________________________________________ _______________

8. Reasons for establishing or expanding the business. (50 Words Maximum)



9. What were the business’ objectives at inception or expansion (please include dates)? (75 Words Maximum)



10. To date, how many of these objectives have been achieved? Include a brief description of how they were achieved. (75 Words Maximum)


11. List the strengths of the business (include sales successes). (50 Words Maximum)


12. What challenges and risks have been encountered in the new or expanded business? (Consider the source of financing, market research, building a business plan and/or marketing plan, as well as other challenges that may have presented themselves). Indicate how these challenges were overcome. (75 Words Maximum)



13. Describe your target market(s) (who, what, where, why, and how). Who are your clients?

(75 Words Maximum)


14. Describe your competition (size, location, strengths, weaknesses). (75 Words Maximum)


15. Describe your vision for the future of your business. Include any strategies that would apply in obtaining this vision. (50 Words Maximum)


16. Describe any involvement in your community through your business. Do you retain memberships in business organizations? Are there other associations or organizations your business is active in that should be mentioned? Is your business active in charitable work or events? (50 Words Maximum)


17. Is there any extraordinary fact or strategy linked to the young entrepreneur’s success that should be noted here? (50 Words Maximum)


18. Business Reference:

Please provide an additional reference such as a major supplier or a customer who is familiar with your business.

Business Name: ________________________________________________________________

Contact Name: _________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________ Postal Code:__________________________

Phone #: ____________ Fax #: ____________ Email:__________________________________

*Please include up to two letters of reference in addition to the above.

_________________________ _____________________________

Date Applicant Signature


Co-Applicant Signature


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