Finance, Real Estate and Law Department


Effective Fall Quarter 2015.

|COURSE |Prerequisite |

|FRL 100 Personal Money Management (4) |Undergraduate standing; Not open to finance majors. |

|FRL 101 Law for Everyday Living 4) | |

|FRL 200 Special Study for Lower Division Students (1-4) | |

|FRL 201 Legal Environment of Business Transactions (4) |ENG 103, ENG 104, ENG 107, ENG 109, or ENG 110, Or (IGE 120, 121 & 122) |

|FRL 270 Asset Protection and Insurance (4) | |

|FRL 299/299A/299L Special Topics for Lower Division Students (4) | |

|FRL 300 Managerial Finance I (3) |ACC 207/207A, EC 201 and Microcomputer proficiency, minimum grade of C (2.0) in MAT 125, |

|FRL 301 Managerial Finance II (3) |ACC 208/208A, EC 202, FRL 300, STA 120 and minimum grade of C (2.0) or better in MAT 125.|

|FRL 302 Legal Environment of Business Organizations (4) |FRL 201. |

|FRL 306 Fundamentals of Real Estate (4) |Minimum grade of C (2.0) in ACC 207/207A, EC 201, FRL 201, FRL 300, and MAT 125. |

|FRL 315 Financial Institutions and Markets (4) |Minimum grade of C (2.0) in ACC 207/207A, ACC 208/208A, EC 201, EC 202, ENG 104 (or ENG |

| |103, ENG 107, ENG 109, or ENG 110, or (IGE 120, 121 & 122)), FRL 201, FRL 300, FRL 301, |

| |MAT 125, and STA 120. |

|FRL 325 Contract Administration (4) |FRL 201. |

|FRL 326 Contract Aspects of the Uniform Commercial Code (4) |FRL 201. |

|FRL 327 Contract Case Study/Practical Application (4) |FRL 201. |

|FRL 328 Contract Cost/Price Techniques-Negotiation (4) |FRL 201 and FRL 301. |

|FRL 330 Investment Analysis (4) |Minimum grade of C (2.0) in ACC 207/207A, ACC 208/208A, EC 201, EC 202, ENG 104 (or ENG |

| |103, ENG 107, ENG 109, or ENG 110, or (IGE 120, 121 & 122)), FRL 201, FRL 300, FRL 301, |

| |MAT 125, STA 120, and TOM 302. |

|FRL 353 International Financial Markets (4) |FRL 301 and a minimum grade of C (2.0) or better in MAT 125. (Not open to FRL Majors) |

|FRL 363 Business Forecasting and Financial Planning (4) |FRL 301, TOM 302, and a minimum grade of C (2.0) or better in MAT 125. |

|FRL 367 Corporate Finance Theory (4) |ENG 105; Minimum grade of C (2.0) in ACC 207/207A, ACC 208/208A, EC 201, EC 202, ENG 104 |

| |(or ENG 103, ENG 107, ENG 109, or ENG 110, or (IGE 120, 121 & 122)), FRL 201, FRL 300, |

| |FRL 301, MAT 125, and STA 120. |

|FRL 380 Real Estate Appraisal (4) |FRL 306; FRL 301, or CE 301, or ETT 305, or minimum grade of C (2.0) or better in MAT |

| |125. |

|FRL 383 Real Estate Finance (4) |FRL 301, FRL 306, and a minimum grade of C (2.0) or better in MAT 125. |

|FRL 386 Real Property Management (4) |FRL 380. |

|FRL 400 Special Study for Upper Division Students (1-4) | |

|FRL 401 Government Regulation of Business (4) |FRL 201. |

|FRL 403 Legal Implications of Financial Transactions (4) |FRL 201. |

|FRL 404 Financial Modeling |FRL 301, FRL 367, and a minimum grade of C (2.0) or better in MAT 125. |

|FRL 408 Law for Accountants (4) |ACC 208/208A and FRL 201. |

|FRL 420 Financing Small Business (4) |FRL 301 and a minimum grade of C (2.0) or better in MAT 125. |

|FRL 426 Legal Aspects of International Business (4) |FRL 201. |

|FRL 431 Derivatives Markets (4) |FRL 330, TOM 302 and a minimum grade of C (2.0) or better in MAT 125. |

|FRL 433 Seminar in Portfolio Management and Capital Markets (4) |FRL 330 and a minimum grade of C (2.0) or better in MAT 125. |

|FRL 440 Evaluation of Financial Policy (4) |Minimum grade of C (2.0) in ACC 207/207A, ACC 208/208A, EC 201, EC 202, ENG 104 (or ENG |

| |103, ENG 107, ENG 109, or ENG 110, or (IGE 120, 121 & 122)), FRL 201, FRL 300, FRL 301, |

| |FRL 367, MAT 125, and STA 120. |

|FRL 441, 442 Internship in Finance (1-4) |Permission from the Internship coordinator. |

|FRL 450 International Law and Dispute Settlement (4) |FRL 201 |

|FRL 453 Multinational Financial Management (4) | FRL 301and a minimum grade of C (2.0) or better in MAT 125. |

|FRL 460 Commercial Banking (4) |FRL 315 and a minimum grade of C (2.0) or better in MAT 125. |

|FRL 461, 462 Senior Project (2) (2) |Prerequisite: senior standing. Required minimum of 120 hours. |

|FRL 463 Undergraduate Seminar (2) |Prerequisites: FRL 306, 315, 330, and senior standing. |

|FRL 470 Risk Management and Insurance (4) | |

|FRL 483 Real Estate Market Analysis (4) |EC 201, EC 202, and FRL 306. |

|FRL 484 Real Estate Law (4) |FRL 201, FRL 306, and a minimum grade of C (2.0) or better in MAT 125. |

|FRL 485 Practices and Applications of Real Estate Law (4) |FRL 201. |

|FRL 486 Real Estate Investment Analysis (4) |FRL 301, FRL 306 and a minimum grade of C (2.0) or better in MAT 125. |

|FRL 490 Urban Land Development (4) |FRL 380. |

|FRL 499/499A/499L Special Topics for Upper Division Students (1-4) |Permission of instructor. |

|Students are advised to verify course Prerequisites in the Current University Catalog |


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