Kindergarten Essential Question(s): How does counting ... - Schoolwires

Math Curriculum Kindergarten

Essential Question(s): How does counting help us in our everyday lives?

21st Century Theme: Business

21st Century Skills: Communication and Collaboration/ Integrating Technology


Counting and Cardinality


A. Know number names and the count sequence.


Instructional Procedures





1. Count to 100 by ones and Model counting using decod Formative Assessment Number chats

Music: Dr. Jean Songs

by tens

words with and without pictures. Open- ended Problem Calendar

Literature: Reese's

Counting with manipulatives Self Assessment

Problem of the day Pieces Count by Tens

Clapping out numbers

Teacher Observation


by: Jerry Pallotta


Benchmark Assessment Manipulatives

Homework Review


Classwork Review


Project-Based Assessment SmartBoards/Table

Timed Drills



End of the Year Benchmark Center


Ten Frame

Math Software (ex. Study Number Line


Group &

cooperative work


Numbers More/Less Same/ Different Left/ Right

2. Count forward beginning Ask children to finish sequence Same as above

from a given number within when starting with a random

the known sequence (instead number


of having to begin at 1).

Number line Fingers Oral discussion Calendar

File folder Games Math Stories Center Activities

Sequence First, Second, Third... Before/ After

3. Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects).

Math Curriculum Kindergarten

Write numbers for a purpose Same as above (Such as taking the lunch count.) Students will write/form written numerals 0-20 Students illustrate objects based on that number Count to tell number of objects

Manipulatives SmartBoards Small chalkboards or white boards

Songs & number writing Number Vocabulary poems a/elementary/songspo ems72.html Art Center activitymake a number book and illustrate Science-counting nature objects, pinecones, seeds, etc. Journal writing

Essential Question(s):


Counting and Cardinality

21st Century Theme:


B. Count to tell the number of objects.


Instructional Procedures

Math Curriculum Kindergarten



Interdisciplinary Connections


4. Understand the relationship Connec counting to cardinality

between numbers and

Pairing objects with number

quantities; connect counting name

to cardinality.

Understanding each successive

When counting objects, say number name refers to a

the number names in the quantity that is one larger

standard order, pairing each

object with one and only one

number name and each

number name with one and

only one object.

Understand that the last

number name said tells the

number of objects counted.

The number of objects is the

same regardless of their

arrangement or the order in

which they were counted.

Understand that each

successive number name

refers to a quantity that is one


Math Curriculum Kindergarten

Formative Assessment SmartBoard/ Table Science Center:

More/ less

Open- ended Problem Counting Objects Collecting and counting

Self Assessment


leaves or other objects

Teacher Observation


from nature

Benchmark Assessment

Physical Education:

Homework Review

Counting jumping jacks,

Classwork Review

sit ups, etc.

Project-Based Assessment

Timed Drills

End of the Year Benchmark

Assessment Math

Software (ex. Study Island)

Group & cooperative work

Math Curriculum Kindergarten

5. Count to answer "how

Provide opportunities to look at Same as above

many?" questions about as a group of items to determine

many as 20 things arranged in the quantity

a line, a rectangular array, or a Classify/ sorting objects and then

circle, or as many as 10 things counting

in a scattered configuration;

given a number from 1?20,

count out that many objects.

Dominoes Blocks Manipulatives Objects to count

World Languages:

How many

Saying numbers in

different languages

Science: Classifying and

sorting objects from

nature ex. Leaves, sea

shell, etc.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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