Language Arts Curriculum Map Grade 3 - Michigan City Area ...

Language Arts Pacing Guide

Grade 3

To successfully complete third grade the learner will

Core Standard 1: Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary Development

• Use knowledge of common word families, word parts, synonyms and antonyms, context clues, glossaries and dictionaries to aid in word comprehension.

• Read aloud grade-level literary and informational texts with appropriate timing and change in voice.

Essential Question:

• What strategies do I use to become an independent reader?

|3.1.3 Read aloud grade-level-appropriate literary and informational texts fluently and accurately and with appropriate timing, change in voice, and expression. |

|Learning Target |

|Accurately read grade level text: |

|Total number of words read correct divided by Total words read (correct or corrected + uncorrected errors). |

|Interpretation: 99% Correct: Independent Level Reading 95% Correct: Instructional Level Reading |

|Fall 50-90 words per minute (Literary Text). |

|Winter 70-100 words per minute,( Informational Text) |

|Spring 80-110 words per minute. |

|3.1.1 Know and use more difficult word families (-ight) when reading unfamiliar words. |

|3.1.2 Read words with several syllables. |

|Learning Target |

|Know, use, define, identify word families |

|Word families |

|Multi-syllable words |

|3.7.4 Identify the musical elements of literary language, such as rhymes, repeated sounds, and instances of onomatopoeia (naming something by using a sound associated with it, such as hiss or buzz). |

|(This is not a Core Indicator, although it is supports a Core Indicator.) |

|Learning Target |

|Recognize rhymes, repeated sounds, and onomatopoeia (words that are sounds) |

|Identify the musical elements of literary language: rhymes, repeated sounds, and onomatopoeia |

|3.1.6 Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. |

|3.1.7 Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and pronunciation of unknown words. |

|Learning Target |

|Analyze word meaning using context clues. |

|Determine word meaning using context clues. |

|Apply knowledge to aid in word comprehension. |

|Apply dictionary definition and pronunciation key. |

|3.1.8 Use knowledge of prefixes (word parts added at the beginning of words such as un-, pre-) and suffixes (word parts added at the end of words such as -er, -ful, -less) to determine the meaning of words. |

|Learning Targets |

|Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words using prefixes and suffixes. |

|3.1.4 Determine the meanings of words using knowledge of synonyms (words with the same meaning), antonyms (words with opposite meanings), homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings and |

|spellings), and homographs (words that are spelled the same but have different meanings). |

|Learning Targets |

|Determine the meanings of words using knowledge of synonyms, antonyms and homophones to aid in word comprehension. |


|Concepts: Need to Know |Skills: Be Able to Do |

|(Declarative Knowledge) |(Procedural Knowledge) |

| | |

|3.1.3 |3.1.3 |

|Fluency, accuracy, changes in voice and appropriate timing. | |

| |Read Aloud: Fluency, Accuracy and Understanding |

| | |

| |Interpretation: 99% Correct: Independent Level Reading 95% Correct: |

| |Instructional Level Reading |

| |Fall 50-90 words per minute (Literary Text). |

| |Winter 70-100 words per minute,( Informational Text) |

| |Spring 80-110 words per minute. |

| | |

|3.1.1, 3.1.2 |3.1.1, 3.1.2 |

|Word families and multi-syllable words | |

| |Know, use and identify word families and multi-syllable words. |

| | |

|3.7.4 |3.7.4 |

|Rhymes, repeated sounds and onomatopoeia. | |

| |Recognize rhymes, repeated sounds and onomatopoeia. |

| | |

| |Identify the musical elements of literary language. |

| | |

|3.1.6, 3.1.7 | |

|Word meanings with context clues |3.1.6. 3.1.7 |

|Context clues and word comprehension | |

|Dictionary skills |Find word meanings using context clues. |

| |Use prior knowledge to help in word comprehension. |

| |Use dictionary as a tool to find word meanings. |

|3.1.8 | |

|Prefixes and suffixes |3.1.8 |

| | |

| |Find meaning of unfamiliar words using prefixes and suffixes |

|3.1.4 | |

|Synonyms, antonyms and homophones |3.1.4 |

| | |

| |Use knowledge of synonyms, antonyms and homophones to find meanings of unfamiliar words |

|Key Vocabulary |

| |

|Literary text Homophones Context Clues Fiction Accuracy Glossary Theme |

|Fluently Homographs Prefixes Non-fiction Literary Narrator Suffixes Expository Text |

Core Standard 2: Informational Text: Structure, Comprehension, and Analysis

• Use organization of information and text features to identify, describe and summarize the main idea and supporting details in informational texts.

• Use details from the text to support conclusions.

Essential Question:

• What do I use to help me understand informational text?

|3.2.1 Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, a glossary, or an index to locate information in text. |

|3.2.3 Show understanding by identifying answers in the text. |

|3.2.4 Recall major points in the text and make and revise predictions about what is read. |

|3.2.5 Distinguish the main idea and supporting details in expository (informational) text. |

|3.2.6 Locate appropriate and significant information from the text, including problems and solutions. |

|Learning Target |

|Explain how the organization of informational and text features help to identify, describe, predict, and summarize the main idea and supporting detail in informational text. |

|Defend conclusions using details from the text. |


|Concepts: Need to Know |Skills: Be Able to Do |

|(Declarative Knowledge) |(Procedural Knowledge) |

|3.2.1, 3.2.3 |3.2.1, 3.2.3 |

|Text features and book parts |Find appropriate answers using text. Use text features to find necessary information. |

| | |

|3.2.4 |3.2.4 |

|Main Idea and Predictions |Identify or recall major points from text revise predictions about what is read. |

| |3.2.5 |

|3.2.5 |Determine between main ideas and supporting details in expository text. |

|Main concepts and supporting details in expository texts | |

| |3.2.6, 3.2.8 |

|3.2.6, 3.2.8 |Identify problems in text, and make predictions about possible solutions. |

|Supporting details and conclusions |Distinguish between opinion and verifiable fact. |

|Cause and Effect | |

|Fact and Opinion | |

| | |

|Key Vocabulary |

|Glossary Problem and solution Supporting Details Sequence Conclusions |

|Index Fact and opinion Summarize/Summary Main Idea |

Core Standard 3: Literary Text: Comprehension and Analysis

• Identify and describe the speaker or narrator, main characters, main ideas, main events, and problem and solutions in literary texts.

Essential Question:

• How can I use the story elements to understand a wide variety of literature?

|3.3.4 Determine the theme or author’s message in fiction and nonfiction text. |

|3.3.8 Identify the problem and solutions in a story. |

|3.3.3 Determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them. |

|3.3.6 Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection. |

|Learning Target |

|Compare and contrast common themes in fiction and non-fiction. |

|Describe characteristics of fiction and non-fiction. |

|Identify the conflict and the steps to resolution. |

|Identify problem and draw conclusions to create a solution. |

|Identify major character traits and how they influence actions. |

|Students make predictions based on prior character knowledge and their own experiences. |

|Draw pictures to illustrate major actions in the story. |

|Distinguish betweens the roles of the characters and the narrator. |

|3.3.2 Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world. |

|3.3.1 Recognize different common genres (types) of literature, such as poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction. |

|Learning Target |

|Compare and contrast key characteristics of fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends and fables. |

|Summarize common themes of different genres identifying like traits and differences. |

|Compare and Classify different characteristics of poetry, drama, fiction and nonfiction. |

|Determine author’s purpose when selecting genre. |


|Concepts: Need to Know |Skills: Be Able to Do |

|(Declarative Knowledge) |(Procedural Knowledge) |

| | |

|3.3.1 |3.3.1 |

|Common themes of different genre. |Compare and contrast key characteristics of fairy tales, myths, legends, folktales and fables. |

|Characteristics of poetry, drama, fiction and non-fiction |Summarize common themes of different genres, identifying similarities and differences. |

| |Compare and contrast different characteristics of poetry, drama, fiction and non-fiction. |

| |3.3.2 |

| |Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, folktales, myths, fables and legends. |

| |Determine author’s purpose when selecting genre. |

|3.3.2 | |

|Characteristics of fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends and fables. |3.3.3 |

|Author’s purpose to particular genre. |Identify character traits and how they influence actions. |

| |Make predictions about prior character knowledge and their own experiences. |

|3.3.3 | |

|Story Parts (Main Characters, Narrator) |3.3.4 |

|Character traits and how they impact text. |Compare and contrast themes in fiction and non-fiction. |

|Character roles. |Describe characteristics of fiction and non-fiction. |

| | |

|3.3.4 |3.3.6 |

|Themes of Fiction and Non-fiction |Distinguish the differences between the characters and the narrator. |

|Characteristics of Fiction and Non-fiction | |

| |3.3.8 |

|3.3.6 |Identify conflict and steps to resolution |

|Speaker or narrator in a selection. |Illustrate major action from the story |

| | |

|3.3.8 | |

|Conflict and resolution, drawing conclusions. Main Idea, Main Events, Problem/Solution. | |

|Key Vocabulary |

|Genre – myths, fairy tales, folktales, legends and fables Theme Author’s purpose |

|Rhythmic patterns Roles Narrator Characteristics |

|Conflict Resolution Drawing Conclusions Character traits |

|Roles |

Core Standard 4: Writing: Informational, Research, and Persuasive Texts

• Write paragraphs that contain a topic sentence with related details.

• Write informational and persuasive pieces that contain appropriate word choices for the purpose and the intended audience.

• Revise writing to improve word choice, clarity, meaning, and organization.

Essential Questions:

• How do good writers select a topic for writing?

• How do the stages of the writing process help me develop as a writer?

|3.4.1 Find ideas for writing stories and descriptions in conversations with others; in books, magazines, or school textbooks; or on the Internet. |

|3.4.2 Discuss ideas for writing, use diagrams and charts to develop ideas, and make a list or notebook of ideas. |

|3.4.3 Create single paragraphs with topic sentences and simple supporting facts and details. |

|3.4.9 Organize related ideas together within a paragraph to maintain a consistent focus. |

|Learning Target |

|Explain where ideas for writing come from, and generate a list for future pieces, using prior knowledge and personal experiences. |

|Compose topic sentences for paragraphs that clearly state the main idea. |

|Select and organize supporting facts and details that match topic sentences in each paragraph. |

|3.5.5 Write for different purposes and to a specific audience or person. |

|3.5.6 Write persuasive pieces that ask for an action or response. |

|3.5.8 Write or deliver a research report that has been developed using a systematic research process (defines the topic, gathers information, determines credibility, reports findings) and that: |

|Use a variety of sources (books, technology, pictures, charts, tables of contents, diagrams) and documents sources (titles and authors). |

|Organizes information by categorizing it into more than one category (such as living and nonliving, hot and cold) or includes information gained through observation. |

|Learning Target |

|Write research reports that categorize and apply ideas, supporting details, and observations. |

|Develop an argument for persuasive pieces and support with ideas, details, and facts. |

|Explain genre choices and how it is appropriate for the selected audience. |

|3.4.6 Review, evaluate, and revise writing for meaning and clarity. |

|3.4.8 Revise writing for others to read, improving the focus and progression of ideas. |

|Learning Target |

|Evaluate writing (own and others) to identify possible revisions in order to improve ideas and details, word choice, clarity, meaning, and organization. |

|Revise writing to improve ideas and details, word choice, clarity, meaning, and organization. |


|Concepts: Need to Know |Skills: Be Able to Do |

|(Declarative Knowledge) |(Procedural Knowledge) |

|3.4.1, 3.4.2 |3.4.1, 3.4.2 |

|Ideas for writing based on personal experiences and prior knowledge |Find ideas for writing from a variety of sources. |

| |Use graphic organizers to categorize ideas. |

|3.4.3 | |

|Topic sentences/Main Ideas |3.4.3 |

| |Create paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting details. |

|3.4.6, 3.4.8 | |

|Revise writing with specific purpose |3.4.6, 3.4.8 |

|Components of editing to improve and focus writing |Review, and edit writing for meaning and clarity. |

| |Peer editing, revise writing for others to read to improve focus. |

|3.4.9 | |

|Organization and Paragraphing |3.4.9 |

| |Organize related ideas within a paragraph |

|3.5.5 | |

|Supporting facts and details that relate to Main Idea. |3.5.5 |

|Genre and Audience |Write for different purposes and to specific audiences. |

| |Write pieces for different genres and for different reasons. |

|3.5.6 | |

|Components of persuasive writing |3.5.6 |

| |Persuasive writing for specific purpose or response |

|3.5.8 | |

|Research reports with main idea, supporting details, observations and outside sources. |3.5.8 |

| |Research Paper: use the research process (define topic, gather information and report findings), organize |

| |information into categories, use a variety of references and sources, report findings. |

| | |

|Key Vocabulary |

|Topic Sentence Online resources Editing Supporting details |

|Paragraph Clarity Audience Categorize |

|Reference Books Graphic Organizers Research |

Core Standard 5: Writing: Literary Text

• Write narrative and descriptive pieces that include important literary elements (e.g. plot or sequence of events, problem and solution, characters, setting, main idea).

• Revise writing to improve word choice, clarity, meaning, and organization.

Essential Question:

• How do good writers use writing to communicate their thoughts, and feelings, and information?

|3.3.8 Identify the problem and solutions in a story. |

|3.4.1 Find ideas for writing stories and descriptions in conversations with others; in books, magazines, or school textbooks; or on the Internet. |

|3.4.2 Discuss ideas for writing, use diagrams and charts to develop ideas, and make a list or notebook of ideas. |

|Learning Target |

|Identify the conflict and the steps to resolution. |

|Identify problem and draw conclusions to create a solution. |

|Explain where ideas for writing come from, and generate a list for future pieces, using prior knowledge and personal experiences. |

|3.5.1 Write narratives that: |

|Provide a context within which an action takes place. |

|Include details to develop the plot. |

|3.5.2 Write descriptive pieces about people, places, things, or experiences that: |

|Develop a unified main idea. |

|Use details to support the main idea. |

|3.5.4 Use varied word choices to make writing interesting. |

|3.5.5 Write for different purposes and to a specific audience or person. |

|Learning Target |

|Determine the setting and plot of narrative writing. |

|Compare details in story to ensure the details support the main idea without going off-topic. |

|Write narratives that provide a well-developed plot and sequence of events, incorporating ideas and observations from prior knowledge and personal experiences. |

|Organize words by parts of speech, generating synonyms and/or antonyms for each. |

|Select interesting words (synonyms, strong verbs, adjectives, alliteration, etc) to vary word choice. |

|3.4.6 Review, evaluate, and revise writing for meaning and clarity. |

|3.4.8 Revise writing for others to read, improving the focus and progression of ideas. |

|3.4.8 Is not a core indicator for Core Standard 5, although it supports Core Standard 5. |

| |

|Learning Target |

|Evaluate writing (own and others) to identify possible revisions in order to improve ideas and details, word choice, clarity, meaning, and organization. |

|Revise writing to improve ideas and details, word choice, clarity, meaning, and organization. |

|Language conventions revisions should focus on grade level indicators found in Standard 6. |

| |

| |


|Concepts: Need to Know |Skills: Be Able to Do |

|(Declarative Knowledge) |(Procedural Knowledge) |

| | |

|3.3.8 |3.3.8 |

|Problems and Solutions in a story. |Identify conflict and steps to resolution |

|Problems and possible solutions |Identify problem and draw conclusions to create solution. |

| | |

|3.4.1, 3.4.2 |3.4.1, 3.4.2 |

|Ideas for writing |Explain where ideas for writing come from using prior knowledge and personal experience. |

| | |

| |3.4.6, 3.4.8 |

|3.4.6, 3.4.8 |Evaluate writing to identify possible revisions |

|Editing checklist |Revise writing to improve ideas and details, word choice and clarity. |

| | |

| |3.5.1 |

|3.5.1 |Determine the setting and plot of narrative writing |

|Elements of narrative writing including setting and plot |Compare details in a story to make sure details support the main idea. |

| | |

| |3.5.2 |

|3.5.2 |Write narratives that provide a well-developed plot and sequence of events |

|Elements of descriptive writing including people, places, things and experiences | |

|Main Idea and supporting details | |

| | |

| |3.5.4 |

|3.5.4 |Select interesting words to vary word choice |

|Varied word choices |Organize words by part of speech, generating synonyms and antonyms for each. |

| | |

| |3.5.5 |

| |Write for different purposes and to a specific audience |

|3.5.5 | |

|Writing for different themes (genres) to specific audiences | |

|Key Vocabulary |

|Persuasive • Response to literature Details |

|Varied word choice • Sources • Thank you notes, invitations |

|Specific audience • Salutation |

Core Standard 6: English Language Conventions

• Edit writing for grade appropriate spelling, contractions, and plural forms.

• Write and use correct punctuation for statements, commands, questions, and exclamations.

• Use correct subject/verb agreements and verb tense (present, past, future) in writing.

• Identify and correctly use pronouns, adjectives, compound nouns, and articles.

Essential Question:

• How does the use of Standard English conventions help my audience understand my writing?

|3.6.2 Write correctly complete sentences of statement, command, question or exclamation, with final punctuation. |

|Learning Target |

|Identify types of sentences based on punctuation, and change intent of sentence by changing punctuation. |

|Compose sentences that apply knowledge of sentence types using appropriate punctuation. |

|3.6.5 Identify and correctly use pronouns (it, him, her), adjectives (brown eyes, two younger sisters), compound nouns (summertime, snowflakes), and articles (a, an, the) in writing. |

|3.6.4 Identify and use past (he danced), present (he dances), and future (he will dance) verb tenses properly in writing. |

|3.6.3 Identify and use subjects and verbs that are in agreement (we are instead of we is). |

|Learning Target |

|Distinguish between the use of a/an based on vowel, vowel sound and consonant. |

|Identify and apply to writing the use of pronouns, adjectives, articles and compound words. |

|Identify patterns in verb tenses and locate within sentences. |

|Apply correct subject/verb agreement within writing and speaking. |

|3.6.7 Capitalize correctly geographical names, holidays, historical periods and special events. |

|3.6.7 is not a core indicator although it supports a core standard. |

|Learning Target |

|Use capitalization when referring to geographical names, holidays, historical periods and special events. |

|3.6.8 Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends (walk, play, blend), contractions (isn’t, can’t), compounds, common spelling patterns (qu-; changing win to winning; changing the ending of a word from –y to |

|–ies to make plural, such as cherry/cherries), and common homophones (words that sound the same but have different spellings, such as hair/hare). |

|Learning Target |

|Spell correctly one-syllable words with blends. |

|Spell contractions, homophones, and compound words correctly. |

|Spell correctly plural forms. |

|Apply common spelling patterns. |


|Concepts: Need to Know |Skills: Be Able to Do |

|(Declarative Knowledge) |(Procedural Knowledge) |

| | |

|3.6.1 |3.6.1 |

|Cursive writing, letter and word spacing and margins. |Write legibly in cursive leaving appropriate space between words in a sentence and between words and the edges of |

| |the paper. |

| | |

| | |

|3.6.2 |3.6.2 |

|Complete sentences |Identify types of sentences based on punctuation and change intent of sentence by changing punctuation. |

|Sentence types |Compose sentences that apply knowledge of sentence type using appropriate punctuation. |

|Punctuation and end marks | |

| |3.6.3 |

| |Apply correct subject/verb agreement within writing and speaking |

|3.6.3 | |

|Subject and verb agreement |3.6.4 |

| | |

|3.6.4 |Identify patterns in verb tenses and locate within sentences. |

| | |

|Verb tenses (past, present, future) |3.6.5 |

| |Distinguish between the use of a/an based on vowel, vowel sound and consonants |

|3.6.5 |Identify and apply to writing the use of pronouns, adjectives, articles and compound words. |

|Parts of speech including pronouns, adjectives, compound nouns and articles (a, an, the) | |

| |3.6.7 |

| |Use capitalization when referring to geographical names, holidays, historical periods and special events. |

| | |

|3.6.7 |3.6.8 |

| |Spell correctly one-syllable words with blends |

|Rules of capitalization |Spell contractions, homophones, and compounds words correctly. |

| |Spell correctly plural forms |

|3.6.8 |Apply common spelling patterns |

| | |

|Spelling rules for plurals, compounds, common spelling patterns, word endings and homophones | |

Core Standard 7: Listening and Speaking

• Present narrative and descriptive pieces that include the following important literary elements: plot or sequence of events, problem and solution, characters, setting, main idea, and sensory details.

• Retell or paraphrase what a speaker has said and connect to personal experiences.

Essential Questions:

• How does listening and speaking clearly help me communicate with others?

|3.7.1 Retell, paraphrase, and explain what a speaker has said. |

|3.7.2 Connect and relate experiences and ideas to those of a speaker. |

|Learning Target |

|Retell and explain oral presentation. |

|Make self-to-oral information connections. |

|3.7.5 Organize ideas chronologically (in the order that they happened) or around major points of information. |

|3.7.6 Provide a beginning, a middle part, and an end to oral presentations, including details that develop a central idea. |

|3.7.7 Use clear and specific vocabulary to communicate ideas and establish the tone. |

|Learning Target: |

|Arrange ideas to support the understanding of information and key points. |

|Prepare introductions that hook and support the listeners’ understanding of important ideas. |

|Create a middle that bridges the information from beginning to end. |

|Prepare conclusions that restate and affirm important ideas. |

|Identify and use varied word choice to enhance presentation. |

|3.7.12 Make brief narrative presentations that: |

|Provide a context for an event that is the subject of the presentation. |

|Provide insight into why the selected even should be of interest to the audience. |

|Include well-chosen details to develop characters, setting, and plot that has a beginning, middle and end. |

|3.7.11 Distinguish between the speaker’s opinion and verifiable facts. |

|3.7.13 Plan and present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays. |

|3.7.14 Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. |

|Learning Target |

|Present narrative and descriptive pieces that include important literary elements: plot or sequence of events, problem and solution, characters, setting, main idea, and sensory details. |

|Create and deliver dramatic interpretations. |


|Concepts: Need to Know |Skills: Be Able to Do |

|(Declarative Knowledge) |(Procedural Knowledge) |

| | |

|3.7.1 |3.7.1 |

|Components of retelling and paraphrasing |Retell and explain oral presentations |

| | |

|3.7.2 |3.7.2 |

|Connections between speaker and personal experiences. |Make personal connections to presented materials |

| | |

|3.7.11 |3.7.11 |

|Speaker’s opinion and verifiable facts | |

| |Distinguish between speaker’s opinion and verifiable facts. |

| | |

| | |

|3.7.5, 3.7.6, 3.7.12 |3.7.5, 3.7.6, 3.7.12 |

|Chronological Order |Arrange ideas to support the understanding of information and key points. |

|Sequential order of events |Create a middle that bridges information from beginning to end. |

| |Prepare conclusions that restate and affirm important ideas |

| | |

| |3.7.7 |

|3.7.7 |Identify and use varied word choices to enhance presentations. |

|Tone/Word Choice | |

| |3.7.13, 3.7.14 |

|3.7.13, 3.7.14 |Create and deliver dramatic interpretations |

|Literary Elements |Present narratives and descriptive pieces that include important literary elements; plot or sequence of events, |

|Conflict resolution |problem and solution and characters. |

|Sensory Details | |

| | |

| | |

|Key Vocabulary |

|Onomatopoeia • Prose |

|Chronological |

|English Language Arts Teaching Models and Suggested supplementary materials may include: |

• Making Meaning Comprehension Curriculum and/or Harcourt Reading Collections and resources

• Four Blocks Resources

• Wilson Reading Resources

• Compass Odyssey

• Indiana State Standards ELA Resources: Curriculum Frameworks

|English Language Arts Academic Milestones to be achieved by all third graders by the end of the current school year: |

• 80% accuracy on HB Reading/Writing Performance Assessment/Making Meaning Assessment Record Book.

• Achieve targeted RIT score on Fall and Spring NWEA test.

• Earn minimum rubric scores of 4 in Ideas and Content, Organization, Style and Voice and a score of 3 in Language Conventions as measure by the MCAS Writing Rubric on quarterly District Writing Assessments.

• Read and comprehend grade-level materials.


• The quarter in which a standard is listed is when is the standard is EMPHASIZED. It is assumed these standards will be taught throughout the school year.

|Time-fram|Content/Performance Standard Indicators Addressed |Assessment Suggestions |

|e | | |

|On-going |3.1.1 Know and use more difficult word families (-ight) when reading unfamiliar words. |HB Quarterly Reading/Writing Performance Assessment |

| |3.1.3 Read aloud grade-level-appropriate narrative text (stories) and expository text (information) fluently and |Making Meaning Assessment Records |

| |accurately and with appropriate timing, change in voice, and expression. |Teacher Observations/Anecdotal Records |

| |3.1.6 Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words. | |

| |3.2.1 Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, a glossary, or an index to locate information in text. |Daily Assignments |

| |3.2.2 Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information from the text. |Daily Oral Language |

| |3.2.3 Show understanding by identifying answers in the text. |Vocabulary/Spelling Tests |

| |3.2.4 Recall major points in the text and make and revise predictions what is read. |Student self- selected reading records |

| |3.2.6 Locate appropriate and significant information from the text, including problems and solutions. |Accelerated Reading Records |

| |3.5.5 Write for different purposes and to a specific audience or person. |STAR Testing |

| |3.5.7 Write responses to literature that: demonstrate an understanding of what is read, support statements with |Curriculum Frameworks |

| |evidence from the text. Example: Write a description of a favorite character in a book. Include examples from the | |

| |book to show why this character is such a favorite. |United Streaming Assignment builder and quiz builder |

| |3.4.1 Find ideas for writing stories and descriptions in conversations with others, and in books, magazines, | |

| |school textbooks, or on the Internet favorite. |Responding to Literature |

| |3.4.6 Review, evaluate, and revise writing for meaning and clarity. |Narrative, Descriptive, and Expository Writing |

| |3.6.8 Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, contractions, compounds, common spelling patterns |Journal Writing |

| |changing win to winning, and changing the ending of a word form –y to ies to make a plural and common |Summary Writing |

| |homophones. | |

| |3.4.7 Proofread one’s own writing, as well as that of others, using an editing checklist or list of rule. |Oral Presentations |

| |3.4.8 Revise writing for others to read, improving the focus and progression of ideas. | |

| |3.7.3 Answer questions completely and appropriately. |Compass Odyssey Learning Paths created using Indiana State Standards |

| | | |

| | |NWEA Fall and Spring Assessments |

Highlighted items: “Power/Critical Standard Indicators”

|Time- |Content/Performance Standard Indicators Addressed |Teaching Timeline With Resources And Teaching Models |Assessment Suggestions |

|frame | | | |

|First |3.1.2 Read words with several syllables | |HB Quarterly Reading/Writing Performance |

|Quarter |3.1.8 Use knowledge of prefixes and suffixes to determine the meaning of words. |Reading: Exact testing dates to be determined by |Assessment |

| |3.7.15 Follow three- and four-step oral directions. |individual school. |Making Meaning Assessment Records |

| |3.2.7 Follow simple multiple-step written instructions. |Making Meaning (MM): Units 1-2 |Teacher Observations/Anecdotal Records |

| |3.2.9 Identify text that uses sequence or other logical order (alphabetical, time, |Hartcourt Brace (HB) Themes 1 & 3 | |

| |and categorical.) |Focus: Narrative and Visualization, Text to Self and |Daily Assignments |

| |3.3.6 Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection. |listining |Daily Oral Language |

| |3.4.2 Discuss ideas for writing, use diagrams and charts to develop ideas, and make a|Assessments: HB Holistic Test or HB Reading/Writing |Vocabulary/Spelling Tests |

| |list or notebook of ideas. |Performance Assessment for Theme 1 and or 3 |Student self- selected reading records |

| |3.4.9 Organize related ideas together within a paragraph to | |Accelerated Reading Records |

| |maintain a consistent focus. |Writing |STAR Testing |

| |3.5.1 Write narratives (stories) that: provide a context within which an action takes|Focus: Narrative Writing— |Curriculum Frameworks |

| |place; include details to develop the plot. |HB Theme 1 | |

| |3.7.6 Provide a beginning, middle, and an end to oral presentations, including |Being A Writer |United Streaming Assignment builder and |

| |details that develop a central idea. |Write Source |quiz builder |

| |3.7.12 Make brief narrative (story) presentations that: provide a context for an event| | |

| |that is the subject of the presentation; provide insight into why the selected event |Grammar/Language Conventions: |Responding to Literature |

| |should be of interest to the audience; include well-chosen details to develop |HB Grammar/Spelling Lessons in Themes 1 &3 and |Narrative, Descriptive, and Expository |

| |characters, setting, and plot. | |

| |3.7.2 Connect and relate experiences and ideas to those of a speaker. |tml |Journal Writing |

| |3.7.5 Organize ideas chronologically (in the order that they happened) or around | |Summary Writing |

| |major points of information. | |

| |3.6.2 Write correctly complete sentences of statement, command, question, or |sforwriters/gr3/menu3.html |Oral Presentations |

| |exclamation, with final punctuation: Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative, and | | |

| |Exclamatory. | |Compass Odyssey Learning Paths created |

| |3.6.6 Use commas in dates, locations, and addresses and for items in a series. | |using Indiana State Standards |

| |3.6.7 Capitalize correctly geographical names, holidays, historical periods, and | | |

| |special events. | |NWEA Fall and Spring Assessments |

| |3.6.9 Arrange words in alphabetical order. | | |

Highlighted items: “Power/Critical Standard Indicators”

|Time- frame|Content/Performance Standard Indicators Addressed |Teaching Timeline With Resources And Teaching Models |Assessment Suggestions |

|Second |3.1.7 Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and pronunciation of unknown words. | |HB Quarterly Reading/Writing |

|Quarter |3.1.9 Identify more difficult multiple-meaning words (such as puzzle or fire). |Reading: Exact testing dates to be determined by |Performance Assessment |

| |3.1.4 Determine the meanings of words using knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, |individual school. |Making Meaning Assessment Records |

| |homophones, and homographs. |Making Meaning: Units 3 & 4 |Teacher Observations/Anecdotal Records |

| |3.3.1 Recognize different common genres (types) of literature, such as poetry, drama, |HB Themes 2 & 4 | |

| |fiction, and nonfiction. |Focus: Narrative Text, Making Inferences, Making |Daily Assignments |

| |3.7.9 Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and timing, using |Judgments, Figurative Language, and questioning and |Daily Oral Language |

| |appropriate changes in the tone of voice to emphasize important passages of the text |wondering |Vocabulary/Spelling Tests |

| |being read. |Assessments: HB Holistic Test or HB Reading/Writing |Student self- selected reading records |

| |3.3.5 Recognize that certain words and rhythmic patterns can be used in a selection |Performance Assessment for Theme 2 and/or 4 |Accelerated Reading Records |

| |to imitate sounds. | |STAR Testing |

| |3.7.4 Identify the musical elements of literary language, such as rhymes, repeated |Writing |Curriculum Frameworks |

| |sounds, and instances of onomatopoeia |Focus: Descriptive Writing— | |

| |3.5.2 Write descriptive pieces about people, places, things, or experiences that: |Being A Writer |United Streaming Assignment builder and |

| |develop a unified main idea; use details to support the main idea. |Write Source |quiz builder |

| |3.5.4 Use varied word choices to make writing interesting. | | |

| |3.7.14 Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth |Grammar/Language Conventions: |Responding to Literature |

| |and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences |HB Grammar/Spelling Lessons in Themes 2 & 4 and |Narrative, Descriptive, and Expository |

| |3.6.3 Identify and use subjects and verbs that are in agreement (we are instead of we | |

| |is). |ml |Journal Writing |

| |3.7.13 Plan and present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or | |Summary Writing |

| |plays. | |

| | |forwriters/gr3/menu3.html |Oral Presentations |

| | | | |

| | | |Compass Odyssey Learning Paths created |

| | | |using Indiana State Standards |

| | |Oxford Sadlier Vocabulary: | |

| | | Fall and Spring Assessments |

Highlighted items: “Power/Critical Standard Indicators”

|Time- frame|Content/Performance Standard Indicators Addressed |Teaching Timeline With Resources And Teaching Models |Assessment Suggestions |

|Third |3.3.2 Comprehend basic plots of classic fairytales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables | |HB Quarterly Reading/Writing |

|quarter |from around the world. |Reading: Exact testing dates to be determined by |Performance Assessment |

| |3.3.3 Determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or |individual school. |Making Meaning Assessment Records |

| |illustrator portrays them. |Making Meaning: Units 5 |Teacher Observations/Anecdotal Records |

| |3.3.4 Determine the theme or author’s message in fiction and nonfiction text. |HB Theme 5 | |

| |3.2.5 Distinguish the main idea and supporting details in expository (informational) text. |Focus: Narrative Text, Prediction Outcomes, |Daily Assignments |

| |3.3.7 Compare and contrast versions of the same stories from different cultures. |Expository Text |Daily Oral Language |

| |3.4.3 Create single paragraphs with topic sentences and simple supporting facts and |Assessments: HB Holistic Test or HB Reading/Writing |Vocabulary/Spelling Tests |

| |details. |Performance Assessment for Theme 5 |Student self- selected reading records |

| |3.4.4 Use various reference materials (such as a dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, | |Accelerated Reading Records |

| |encyclopedia, and online resources |Writing: |STAR Testing |

| |3.4.5 Use a computer to draft, revise, and publish writing. |Focus: Narrative Writing— |Curriculum Frameworks |

| |3.6.1 Write legibly in cursive, leaving space between letters in a word, words in a |Michigan City Analytical Writing Rubric | |

| |sentence, and between words and the edges of the paper. | |United Streaming Assignment builder and |

| |3.6.5 Identify and correctly use pronouns, adjectives, compound nouns, and articles in |Grammar/Language Conventions: |quiz builder |

| |writing. |HB Grammar/Spelling Lessons in Theme 5 and | |

| | | to Literature |

| | |_3.html |Narrative, Descriptive, and Expository |

| | | |Writing |

| | | Writing |

| | |ideasforwriters/gr3/menu3.html |Summary Writing |

| | | | |

| | | Presentations |

| | |l | |

| | | |Compass Odyssey Learning Paths created |

| | |Oxford Sadlier Vocabulary: |using Indiana State Standards |

| | | |

| | |green |NWEA Fall and Spring Assessments |

Highlighted items: “Power/Critical Standard Indicators”

|Time- |Content/Performance Standard Indicators Addressed |Teaching Timeline With Resources And Teaching Models |Assessment Suggestions |

|frame | | | |

|Fourth | | |HB Quarterly Reading/Writing Performance |

|Quarter |3.5.3 Write personal, persuasive and formal letters, thank you notes, and invitations |Reading: Exact testing dates to be determined by |Assessment |

| |that: show awareness of the knowledge and interests of the audience and establish a |individual school. |Making Meaning Assessment Records |

| |purpose and context; include the date, proper salutation, body, closing, and signature. |Making Meaning: Units 6 and 7 |Teacher Observations/Anecdotal Records |

| |3.5.6 Write persuasive pieces that ask for an action or response. |HB Theme 6 | |

| |3.7.1 Retell, paraphrase, and explain what a speaker has said. |Focus: Inferences, Cause and Effect, Important Details |Daily Assignments |

| |3.7.7 Use clear and specific vocabulary to communicate ideas and establish the tone. |Assessments: HB Holistic Test or HB Reading/Writing |Daily Oral Language |

| |3.7.10 Compare ideas and points of view expressed in broadcast, print media or the |Performance Assessment for Theme 6 |Vocabulary/Spelling Tests |

| |Internet. | |Student self- selected reading records |

| |3.5.8. Write or deliver a research report that has been developed using a systematic |Writing |Accelerated Reading Records |

| |research process. |Focus: Narrative Writing— |STAR Testing |

| |3.7.8 Clarify and enhance oral presentations through the use of appropriate props, |Michigan City Analytical Writing Rubric |Curriculum Frameworks |

| |including objects, pictures, and charts. | | |

| |3.7.11 Distinguish between the speaker’s opinions and verifiable facts. |Grammar/Language Conventions: |United Streaming Assignment builder and |

| |3.7.16 Evaluate different evidence used to support claims. |HB Grammar/Spelling Lessons in Theme 6 and |quiz builder |

| |3.6.4 Identify and use past, present, and future verb tenses properly in writing. | |

| |3.1.5 Demonstrate knowledge of grade-level appropriate words to speak specifically about |l |Responding to Literature |

| |different issues. | |Narrative, Descriptive, and Expository |

| |3.2.8 Distinguish between cause and effect and between fact and opinion in informational | |

| |text. |forwriters/gr4/menu4.html |Journal Writing |

| | | |Summary Writing |

| | | | |

| | | |Oral Presentations |

| | |Oxford Sadlier Vocabulary: | |

| | | Odyssey Learning Paths created |

| | | |using Indiana State Standards |

| | | | |

| | | |NWEA Fall and Spring Assessments |

Highlighted items: “Power/Critical Standard Indicators”


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