Translating Idiomatic Expressions from English into Arabic

Translating Idiomatic Expressions from English

into Arabic

By Othman SajidJuma'a

Supervisor Professor Bader Dweik

This Thesis is Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the M.A Degree in English Language and


Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of English Language and Literature

Middle East University Amman

May 31, 2014


Authorization Form

I, Othman Sajid Al-Samarraie, hereby authorize Middle East University to

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Name: Othman Sajid Al-Samarraie

Signature: Othman Al-Samarraie

Date: May 31, 2014




First and foremost, all praise and thanks are due to Allah, Lord of the worlds, who endowed me persistence and patience to finish this thesis. My parents deserve the most appreciation for their boundless love and encouragement, who never stop praying for my best. Without their support, the completion of my research would have been impossible. Special thanks are to my beloved wife and my sons, who are my life's sun.

My earnest thanks go to my supervisor, Professor Bader S. Dweik whose guidance and back-up were the assets upon which this thesis was developed to reach its current status. I owe him a depth of gratitude for his encouragement and invaluable contribution to the research whether by his time, his pieces of advice or the documents he provided me with.

I will remain very grateful to all the teaching staff who supported me with the necessary knowledge during the M.A courses: Professor Riyad Hussein, Professor Sabar Sultan, and Dr. Fatema Ja'afar.

I am greatly indebted to all my friends and colleagues in the Department of English at Middle East, especially my dear friend Hussam Abdi Al-hadi for his invaluable discussions and comments and for his limitless generosity. My gratitude and sincere thanks are also extended


to my friends Muhammed Al-bayati, Muhammed Al-jorany, Muhammed Al-Janabi, Mustafa Al-Towayjary, Tariq, Ismail and Muhammed Nawfal.

I would like to express my thanks for the panel of jurors who validated the research instruments and to the members of the discussion committee, Professor Muhammed Badea, Professor Sabar Sultan, Professor Abd Al-Baqi Alsafi, Asst. Prof, Ula Al-Dabagh and the translation expert Maisa Suleiman, Dr. Fatima Ja'afar and Dr. Ibrahim Abu Shhab.


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