
EC-6 ESL/Bilingual Lesson Plan Format (From Field Experience Handbook, p. 46-48)Background InformationName: Bethany WileyContent Area: Science Topic: Short Sun, Earth and MoonGrade: 5Goals and ObjectivesTEKS:(8) Earth and space. The student knows that there are recognizable patterns in the natural world and among the Sun, Earth, and Moon system. The student is expected to: (B) explain how the Sun and the ocean interact in the water cycle; (C) demonstrate that Earth rotates on its axis once approximately every 24 hours causing the day/night cycle and the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky; and (D) identify and compare the physical characteristics of the Sun, Earth, and Moon.Content Objective:TLW be able to identify how the sun and ocean interact in the water cycle.TLW be able demonstrate different purposes of the sun, earth and moon. TLW be able to identify and compare the physical characteristics of sun, earth and moon.ELPS:ELP Standard 1.1An ELL can identify key words and phrases.ELPS Standard 2-3.5An ELL can gather information from provided sources Language Objective: TLW be able to communicate and identify facts about the sun, moon and earth 90% accuracy.TLW be able to demonstrate understanding of the sun, moon and earth with 100% accuracy. Materials Needed:Construction paperWriting utensils (pen, pencil, markers or colored pencils)Handouts of sun, earth and moon factsscissorsTechnology Needed: DocCam/projector Computer Pre-Assessment related to TEKS and Objectives Students will be asked to discuss facts that they have already learned about the earth, sun and moon. They will each need to write out three facts on a single sheet of paper for each topic. Key Vocabulary:orbitaxisgravityNeil ArmstrongTemperatureSolar windSolar eclipseSolar systemCore (inner and outer)AtmosphereMantleCrust Instructional Procedures Introduction of the TopicAs a class, we will go over the facts on the handouts for the sun, earth and moon. We will popcorn read each fact as a class. They will be told to remember these facts, because they will be important later in the class.Development of the Topic (Short and precise)Teaching: Input – Students will watch a short video to review facts on the sun, earth and moon. we watch the videos, we will discuss as a class what they learned about each topic and how it can be applied and useful. Teaching: Modeling – Using the DocCam, I will show them an example of a “fact teller” (which is a fortune teller but rather than telling a fortune, it tells facts). Under each flap, there is a question and an answer regarding either the sun, moon, or earth. I will demonstrate how to make a fortune teller and show the students the steps in correctly writing out the facts and other steps of the fortune teller. Guided Practice – The students will each be provided with a sheet of construction paper and scissors. As a class, we will fold and create the fortune teller together. The words on the top of the fortune teller must be words that describe their topic (sun, moon or earth). For example, if they chose the sun, they should use words such as hot, bright, large, etc. Checking for Understanding– The students will go around the classroom and use their fact teller with their peers. They will ask the question to their peers and check for understanding by having their peer answer the question (they will have both the question and answer on their fact teller). They will explain the answer to their peer and then that peer with ask their question, and so forth. Re-Teaching If the student still does not understand the concept of the lesson, they will be given a matching worksheet. They will be asked to match the fact to either the sun, moon or earth. They will be able to use their handouts/notes for this re-teaching, but will be asked to highlight or write where in the notes they found it. Modifications DyslexiaRepeat directions to check for understandingUse large-print text on sortsProvide extra time ELL Students- BeginnerExtend time for assessmentsCue student before asking a question during discussionUse pictures/visuals when possible.ELL Students- Intermediate Write instructions at the beginning of the lesson for the student to refer to.Use emphasis.Allow them to express their opinion and communicate.ELL Students- Advanced Have a model of the assignment available.Visual aids (T-charts, graphic organizer)Extensions Ask the students higher level questions.Invite students to come up with their own ways of forming a T-chart using tally marks. F. AssessmentIndependent Practice – For this formative assessment, the students will be given a sheet of paper with “sun, moon, earth” listed across the top. They will need to come up with three new facts that they learned without using their notes. Summary for the Students of What Has Been Learned Closure –The teacher will restate the objective to the students. In conclusion, the teacher will replay the video that were shown to the students at the beginning of the lesson. As an exit ticket, the students will need to write on a little slip of paper the benefits the sun, moon and earth have on our everyday lives. ReferencesTexas Education Agency - Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills." Texas Education Agency - Welcome to the Texas Education Agency. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.19 TAC Chapter 74, Subchapter A. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2016, from http:/ ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter074/ch074a.htmlNelson provided materials used for the lesson (personal communication, November 1st, 2016) ................

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