



Mrs. Peacock’s News

January 11-15, 2021


Upcoming Events

January 18 No School (holiday/ Martin Luther)

January 22 100th Day of School


• Your child may dress up in their best 100 years old attire for the 100th day of school on Friday, January 22, 2021.

• Your child needs to bring a health snack and water daily.

• Please check your child’s planner and blue communication folder every night.

• Signed papers are sent home on Tuesdays.

• Thursday is our day for the pencil store.

Weekly Game Plan

Reading: continue recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine the central message, lesson, or moral

Math: skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10, and 100s

Language: adjectives that describe numbers, sizes, and shapes

Science: movements and patterns of the sun, moon, and earth, and planets and the moon phases

Spelling: spelling of y at the end of SOME words makes the long e sound

Writing: responding to writing prompts


1. happy 11. fantasy

2. pretty 12. mystery

3. very 13. some

4. every 14. come

5. funny 15. lose

6. sorry 16. love

7. story

8. tiny

9. lonely

10. friendly



1. alarm (noun) – something that wakes people or warns them of danger

2. collect (verb) – gather things together

3. damp (adjective) something is a little wet or moist

4. insect (noun) – a small animal with three main body parts,

six legs, wings, and no backbone

5. plant (noun) – a living thing that grows in soil or in water

(verb) – when you put something such as a seed into the ground so it can grow

6. safe (adjective) – something is not in danger of being

harmed or stolen.

(noun) – a strong box in which you can lock up money and other valuable things

7. scatter (verb) – when you throw things over a large area

8. soil (noun) – the dirt or earth that plants grow in

9. team (noun) – a group of people who work together or play a sport together

10. tool (noun) – a piece of equipment used to do a certain job


Weekly Homework:

Monday: math facts, math sheet, reading sheet, and language

Tuesday: math facts, math sheet, reading sheet, and language

Wednesday: math facts, math sheet, reading sheet and language; study for spelling test

Thursday: math facts, math sheet, reading sheet, and language; study for vocabulary test

Tests this week:

Thursday_ Spelling

Friday- Vocabulary and Facts


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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