Aaseng, Nathan—Track’s Magnificent Milers (Cunningham, Bannister, Elliott, Ryun, Keino, Walker, Bayi, Coe, Ovett, Deckeer)

Aaseng, Nathan—World-Class Marathoners (Zatopek, Bikila, Shorter, Cierpinski, Rogers, Waitz, Salazar)

Abernathy, Bruce/Vaughn Kippers/Laurel Mackinnon/Robert Neal/Stephanie Hanrahan—Biophysical Foundations of Human Movement

Agnew, Ivan--Kiwis Can Fly (JohnWalker, Dick Quax, Rod Dixon)

Agostini, Mike—Sprinting (1962)

Aitken, Alastair—The Winning Edge (interviews with many notable athletes)

Alford, J—Middle Distance Running and Steeplechasing

Alter, Michael—Science of Flexibility, 2nd Edition

Alter, Michael—Science of Stretching, 2nd Edition

Anderson, Eric –Training Games

Anderson, Barry—Track & Field Drills—Sprints and Hurdles

Anderson, Bob—Stretching

Ashe, Arthur R., Jr.—A Hard Road to Glory—The African-American Athlete in Track

& Field

Audain, Anne/John L. Parker, Jr.—Uncommon Heart

Averbuch, Gloria—World Class (Grete Waitz)

Bale, John/ --Kenyan Running

Bannister, Roger—The First Four Minutes (1955)

Bannister, Roger—The Four Minute Mile

Bascomb, Neal—The Perfect Mile

Barrett, Thomas/ --Marathoners (1981)

Bateman, Hal—United States Track & Field Olympians, 1896-1980. USA Track and Field Team (including PanAm, etc) Reference only, non-circulating

Bateman, Hal (ed.)—A Century of Stars: USA International Athletes, 1896-1998 (All members of USA National teams). Reference only, non-circulating.

Battista, Garth—The Runner’s Literary Companion

Beamon, Bob/Milana Walter Beamon—The Man Who Could Fly

Beardsley, Dick—Staying the Course: A Runner’s Toughest Race

Beck, Kevin—Run Strong

Bennett, Steve—Maintaining Running Form During Middle Distance Racing

Benson, Roy—The Runner’s Coach

Benoit, Joan—Running Tide

Benyo, Richard—Masters of the Marathon (DeMar, J.Kelley, J. Kelley, Peters, Bikila, Clayton, Shorter, Rogers, Seko, Cierpinski, Waitz, Salazar)

Bjorklund, Gary/Ken Sparks—Long Distance Runners: Guide to Training and Racing

Bloom, Marc—Cross Country Running

Bloom, Marc/Frank Shorter—Olympic Gold A Runner’s Life and Times

Bloom, Marc—Run with the Champions—Training programs and secrets of America’s 50 Greatest Runners

Bloom, Marc—Steve Scott, the Miler

Blue, Adrianne—Faster, Higher, Further. Women’s Triumphs and Disasters at the Olympics

Blue, Adrianne—Queen of the Track, the Liz McColgan Story

Bowerman, William/William Freeman—Coaching Track & Field

Boyle, Raelene/Gary Linnell—Raelene, Sometimes Beaten, Never Conquered

Bragg, Don/Patricia Doherty—A Chance to Dare. The Don Bragg Story

Brendan Foster/Cliff Temple—Brendan Foster

Brill, Debbie, with Lawton, James--Jump

Broer, Marion—The Efficiency of Human Movement (1960)

Brooks, Norman—Endurance Running Events

Brown, Skip/John Graham—Target 26, A Practical Step-by Step Guide to Running the Marathon

Bryant, John—3:59.4—The Quest to Break the 4 Minute Mile

Burfoot, Amby—The Principles of Running: Lessons from My First 100,000 Miles

Butcher, Pat—The Perfect Distance: The Ovett and Coe Rivalry

Butler, Guy—Athletics and Training (1938)

Butler, Guy—Running and Runners (1938)

Canham, Don—Field Events Technique, Strategy, & Training (1953)

Carlson, Lewis H./John J. Fogarty—Tales of Gold, an Oral History of the Olympic Games Told by Americas Gold Medal Winners

Castellini, Ottavio—Moses Tanui, a Biography

Cavanagh, Peter—Biomechanics of Distance Running

Cayleff, Susan E.—Babe, the Life and Legend of Babe Didrikson Zacharias

Chodes, John—Corbitt

Clarke, Ron/Norman Harris—The Lonely Breed

Clarke, Ron—Ron Clarke’s Running Book

Clarke, Ron—The Unforgiving Minute

Clayton, Derek—Running to the Top

Coleman, Ellen—Eating for Endurance

Coe, Peter—Winning Running, Successful 800m and 1500m Racing and Training

Coe, Peter/David Martin—Training Distance Runners

Coe, Sebastian/Nicolas Mason—The Olympians—A Century of Glory (1996)

Coe, Sebastian/David Miller—Running Free

Coffey, Wayne—Kip Keino

Coffey, Wayne—Wilma Rudolph

Colfer, George—Handbook for Coaching Cross-Country and Running Events (1977)

Connolly, Olga—Rings of Destiny

Connolly, Pat—Coaching Evelyn: Fast, Faster, Fastest Woman in the World

Costes, Nick—Interval Training

Cunningham, Glenn—Never Quit

Cuthbert, Betty—Golden Girl

Davis, Mac—Superstars of Track & Field (30 short biographies) 1968

Davis, Michael D.—Black American Women in Track and Field 1992

Daws, Ron—Running Your Best

Daws, Ron—The Self-Made Olympian

De Castella, Robert/Mike Jenkinson—Deek

De Castella, Robert—On Running

Dellinger, Bill/Bill Freeman—The Competitive Runner’s Training Book

Dellinger, Bill—Winning Running

Derderian, Tom—Boston Marathon

DeMar, Clarence—The Clarence DeMar Story

Denison, Jim—The Greatest: The Haile Gebrselassie Story

Dick, Frank W.—Sports Training Principles, 3rd ed. 1998

Dintiman, George/Robert D. Ward—Sport Speed, The #1 Speed Improvement Program for all Athletes 1988

Doherty, Ken—The Track & Field Omnibook

Dolson, Frank—Always Young, The Unique Story of George Young, Four-Time Olympic Runner

Dunaway, James—Track & Field: Running Events(Sprints, Hurdles, Middle and Long Distance Events)

Ecker, Tom—Track & Field Dynamics

Ecker, Tom/Fred Wilt—The International Track & Field Coaching Encyclopedia

Ecker, Tom—Olympic Facts and Fables, a History through 1980

Elliott, Herb/Alan Trengove—The Golden Mile

Elliott, Jumbo—Jumbo Elliott, Maker of Milers, Maker of Men

Elliott, Richard—The Competitive Edge: Mental Preparation for Distance Running

Emmerton, Bill—The Official Book of Running 1978

Ferstle, Jim—The Dave Wottle Story

Fogel, Julianna A.—Wesley Paul, Marathon Runner (9 year old runner)

Foreman, Ken—Coaching Track & Field Techniques

Ken Foreman—The Fragile Champion. Doris Brown Who Always Ran the Extra Mile

Foreman, Ken/John Robertson—How to Run a Marathon, 1984

Foreman, Ken/Virginia Husted—Track & Field

Foster, Brendan—Olympic Champions, 1896-1984

Foster, Jack—Tale of the Ancient Marathoner

Foster, Judy/Kay Porter—Visual Athletics: Visualization

Freeman, William/William Bowerman—Coaching Track & Field

Freeman, Bill/Bill Dellinger—The Competitive Runner’s Training Book

Galloway, Jeff—Galloway’s Book on Running

Galloway, Jeff--Marathon

Gambetta, Vern—How Women Runners Train (training programs of 39 women, including Benoit, Heritage, & Waitz)

Gambetta, Vern—Hurdling and Steeplechasing

Gambetta, Vern—TAC’s Track & Field Coaching Manual, 2nd Ed., 1989

Garfield, Charles A.—Peak Performance: Mental Training Techniques of the World’s Greatest Athletes

Giller, Norman—The Marathon—Runners and the Race (Pietri, Kolehmainen, Zatopek, Peters, Bikila, Clayton, Shorter, Cierpinski, Salazar, De Castella, Waitz, et al.)

Gilmour, Garth/Arthur Lydiard—Running the Lydiard Way

Gilmour, Garth/Arthur Lydiard—Run to the Top

Glickman, Marty—The Fastest Kid on the Block

Glover, Bob/Pete Schuder—The New Competitive Runner’s Handbook

Gordon, James—Track & Field: Changing Concepts & Modern Techniques, 1966

Graham, John/Skip Brown—Target 26, A Practical Step-by Step Guide to Running the Marathon

Greene, Larry/Russ Pate—Track For Young Distance Runners

Greenspan, Bud—100 Greatest Moments in Olympic History

Gutman, Bill—Dan O’Brien, Overcoming the Odds (young readers book)

Guttmann, Allen—Women’s Sports—A History

Halberg, Murray/Garth Gilmour—A Clean Pair of Heels

Hanley, Reid—Who’s Who in Track and Field (1973)

Hanson, Sharon Kinney—The Life Of Helen Stephens, the Fulton Flash

Harris, Norman—Lap of Honour (history of New Zealand T & F--1963)

Harris, Norman—The Legend of Lovelock

Harris, Norman—Running, the Power and the Glory

Harris, Norman--Silver Fern at Perth, New Zealand at the Empire Games 1952

Harris, Norman/Ron Pickering—The Sunday Times Book of the Olympics 1972

Hauman, Rael—Century of the Marathon—1896-1996

Heggie, Jack—Running with the Whole Body, A 30 Day Program to Running Faster with Less Effort

Heidenstrom, Peter—Athletes of the Century---100 Years of New Zealand Track & Field

Heinonen, Janet—Running for Women, 1978

Heinrich, Bernd—Why We Run, A Natural History (part biographical)

Hendershott, Jon—Track’s Greatest Women (15 primary biographies plus more than 50 others includes Ashford, Dreschler, Fuchs, Tyus, Rudolph, Didrikson, Benoit)

Henderson, Joe—Road Racers and Their Training

Henderson, Joe/James Loehr—Think Fast: Mental Toughness Training for Runners

Henkel, Cathy—Mary Decker

Higdon, Hal—Heroes of the Olympics (Nurmi, Owens, Didrikson, Mathias, Mills, Rudolph,Harold Connolly, Spiridon Loues, Ted Meredith, Herb McKenley)

Higdon, Hal—Run Fast: How to Train for a 5-K or 10-K Race

Higdon, Hal—The Marathoners 1980 (Shorter, Rodgers, Bjorklund, Kardong, early women marathoners— Roberta Gibb, Nina Kuscsik, Gayle Barron, Kim Merritt)

Higdon, Hal—Marathon: the Ulitmate Training & Racing Guide

Higdon, Hal—Masters Running Guide: Beyond Fitness: How to Get in Shape to Perform, for the Best Years of Your Life.

Higdon, Hal—On the Run from Dogs and People

Hill, Ron—The Long, Hard Road, Pt. 1

Hirsch, George—The Runners (short, 10 page bios of 20 runners; 1979)

Holmes, Kelly-Black, White and Gold

Hooker-Haring, Christopher—Graduated Training, A New Approach to Distance Running

Hotchkiss, Ron—The Matchless Six. The Story of Canada’s First Women’s Olympic Team

Howley, Peter—Steve Moneghetti; In the Long Run, the Making of a Marathon Runner

Humphries, John—Focus on Middle Distance Running

Husted, Virginia/Ken Foreman—Track & Field 1966

Run For Glory (Wilma Rudolph)—Linda Jacobs

Jarver, Jess (editor)--Long Distances (Contemporary Theory, Technique and Training) 1st ed., 1980

Jarver, Jess (editor)-Long Distances (Contemporary Theory, Technique and Training) 3rd ed., 1995

Jarver, Jess (ed.)—The Jumps (Contemporary Theory, Technique, & Training) 1981

Jarver, Jess (ed.)—The Throws (Contemporary Theory, Technique & Training) 1985

Jenkins, David/Peter Reaburn—Training for Speed and Endurance

Jenkinson, Mike/Robert De Castella—Deek

Jenner, Bruce/Phillip Finch—Decathlon Challenge, The Bruce Jenner Story

Jerome, John—The Elements of Effort Reflections on the Art and Scienc of Running

Johnson, Brooks—The Winning Edge—Trade Secrets of An Olympic Track Coach

Johnson, Dave/Verne Becker—Aim High: An Olympic Decathlete’s Inspiring Story

Johnson, Dick/Frederick Lewis—Young at Heart (Johnny Kelley, the “Elder”)

Johnson, Michael—Slaying theDragon

Johnson, Rafer/Phillip Goldberg—The Best That I Can Be

Jordan, Tom—PRE

Joyner-Kersee, Jackie /Sonja Steptoe—A Kind of Grace –The Autobiography of the World’s Greatest Female Athlete

Kardong, Don—Hills, Hawgs and Ho Chi Minh, More Tales of a Wayward Runner

Kidd, Bruce—Tom Longboat (Canadian Distance Runner)

Kiell, Paul J.—American Miler (biography of Glenn Cunningham)

Knudson, R.R.—Julie Brown—Racing Against the Wind

Kozik, Frantksek—Zatopek, the Marathon Victor

Krise, Raymond/Bill Squires—Improving Women’s Running

Krise, Raymond/Bill Squires—Improving Your Running

Krull, Kathleen—Wilma Unlimited (Wilma Rudolph)

Laird, Ron—Fast Walking

Landon, Charles—Classic Moments in Athletics

Lawson, Gerald—World Record Breakers in Track & Field Athletics, 1997

Lawrence, Allan/Mark Scheid—The Self Coached Runner I

Lawrence, Allan/Mark Scheid—The Self Coached Runner II: Cross Country and the Shorter Distances

Lear, Chris—Running with the Buffalos

Lear, Chris—Sub 4:00—Alan Webb and the Quest for the Fastest Mile

Lebow, Fred/Richard Woodley—Inside the World of Big-Time Marathoning

Leder, Jane—Grace and Glory A Century of Women in the Olympics

Le Masurier, John—How I Teach Better Athletics (1955)

Le Masurier, John—Shotputting Manual

Lindgren, Gerry—Gerry Lindgren’s Book on Running by the Shadow of Gerry Lindgren

Liquori, Marty/John L. Parker—Marty Liquori’s Guide for the Elite Runner

Liquori, Marty/Skip Myslenski—On the Run In Search of the Perfect Race

Loehr, James—The New Toughness Training for Sports

Lovesey, Peter—The Kings of Distance (Deerfoot, Walter George, Alfred Shrubb, Nurmi, Zatopek)

Lovesey, Peter—The Official Centenary of the Amateur Athletic Association (Great Britain) 1979

Lowe, D. G. A—Track & Field Athletics (1950) (author won 2 Olympic golds in 800m)

Lyden, Robert M.—Distance Running (2003)

Lydiard, Arthur/Garth Gilmour—Distance Training for Masters (2000)

Lydiard, Arthur/Garth Gilmour—Distance Training for Women Athletes (1999)

Lydiard, Arthur—Hit the Hills (Pamphlet)

Lydiard, Arthur/Garth Gilmour—Running the Lydiard Way

Lydiard, Arthur/Garth Gilmour—Run to the Top

Magnuson, Sally—The Flying Scotsman (Eric Liddell)

Maratta, Roy—Drills & Performances Objectives for Coaching Track & Field

Markel, Robert/Nancy Brooks/Susan Markel—For the Record Women In Sport (includes 23 short bios of track & field athletes plus athletes from other sports)

Martin, David/Roger Gynn—The Olympic Marathon—The History and Drama of Sport’s Most Challenging Event

Martin, David/Peter Coe—Training Distance Runners

McBane, Fred—Superstars of Men’s Track & Field (Mathias, Bannister, Oerter, Moses, Lewis, Michael Johnson, plus short paragraphs on 87 others)

McClimon, Dan—Practical Coahing Techniques for Middle Distance Running

McDonald, David—For the Record, a History of Canadian Women Sports Stars

McNeff, Joe D.—How High School Runners Train

Medalists Track & Field Notebook, Vol. 1 1978

Meyers, Casey—Aerobic Walking

Miles, Keith—Not for Glory, Not for Gold (1986)

Miller, Brian—Sports Psychology and Running

Miller, David—Sebastian Coe, Coming Back

Miller, Thomas S.—Programmed to Run: A biomechanical and pyschological system for peak running efficiency

Moorcroft, Dave/Cliff Temple—Running Commentary

Moore, Kenny—Best Efforts

Morris, Frank—Practical Coaching Techniques for the Discus Throw

Multi-Media Partners, Ltd—Grace & Glory—A Century of Women in the Olympics

Murphy, Frank—A Cold, Clear Day (Buddy Edelen)

Myers, Larry—Training with Cerutty

Myslenski, Skip/Marty Liquori—On the Run In Search of the Perfect Race

Nabokov, Peter—Indian Running

Nankeville, Bill—The Miracle of the Mile (1956)

Neimark, Paul/Jesse Owens—Jesse, The Man Who Outran Hitler

Nelson, Bert—Olympic Track & Field, Complete Men’s and Women’s Results, 1896- 1976, Plus a Wealth of Other Olympic Esoterica

Nelson, Cordner—Advanced Running Book

The Great Ones—Cordner Nelson (13 Biographies: Nurmi, Owens, Warmerdam, Dillard, Zatopek, Mathias, O’Brien, Rafer Johnson, Glenn Davis, Oerter, Elliott, Brumel, Snell)

Nelson, Cordner—The Jim Ryun Story

Nelson, Cordner—The Miler

Nelson, Cordner/Roberto Quercetani—Running and Races: 1500/Mile

Nerurkar, Richard—Marathon Running, the Complete Guide

Newman, Matthew/Howard Schroeder—Mary Decker Slaney

Newton, Joe—Coaching Cross Country Successfully

Newton, Joe—Running to the Top of the Mountain

New York Road Runners Club—Complete Book of Running

Nigg, Benno M.—The Biomechanics of Running Shoes

Noakes, Tim—The Lore of Running

O’Brien, Dan—Dan O’Brien’s Ulitmate Workout

O’Connor, W. Harold—Motivation & Racing Tactics in Track & Field

O’Connor, Terry—The Four Minute Smiler—the biography of Derek Ibbotson

Olson, Leonard--Masters Track & Field—A History

Osler, Tom—Serious Runner’s Handbook 1978 (Hundreds of questions answered)

Ovett, Steve—Ovett, an Autobiography

Owens, Jesse/Paul Neimark—Jesse, The Man Who Outran Hitler

Oxendine, Joseph—American Indian Sports Heritage (has chapter on running, plus bios of Billy Mills, Tom Longboat, Tarzan Brown, among others)

Pack, Robert—Run, Bullet, Run (Bob Hayes)

Parker, John L. (ed.)—And Then the Vulture Eats You. True Tales about Ultramarathons and Those Who Run Them

Parker, John L.—The Frank Shorter Story

Parker, John L.—Once a Runner (novel)

Parker, John L.—Runners and Other Dreamers

Pate, Russ/Larry Greene—Track For Young Distance Runners

Payne, Howard—Hammer Throwing

Peach, Susan—Improve Your Running Skills

Peters, J.H./Johnny Johnson/Joseph Edmundson—In the Long Run (Jim Peters)

Petracic, Bozo/Franz-Joachim Rottgermann/Kurt-Christian Traenckner—Successful Running (how to look after your body, feet,ankles, legs, etc)

Philips, Bob—Za-to-pek, Za-to-pek, Za-to-pek

Phillips, Mike/Jim Ryun—In Quest of Gold

Pierson, Donald—Renaldo Nehemiah: Bionic Hurdler

Pirie, Gordon—Running Wild 1961

Plowden, Martha Ward/Ronald Jones—Olympic Black Women (with 24 biographies)

Porter, Kay/Judy Foster—Visual Athletics: Visualization

Pound, Dick—Inside the Olympics A Behind-The-Scenes Look at the Politics, the Scandals, and the Glory of the Games

Pfitzinger, Pete—Road Racing for Serious Runners: Training for 5K—the Marathon

Quercetani, Roberto/Cordner Nelson—Running and Races: 1500/Mile

Quercetani, Roberto—World History of Track & Field Athletics 1864-1964

Radcliffe, James C./ Robert C. Farentinos—Plyometrics,Explosive Power Training

Radcliffe, James C./ Robert C. Farentinos—High-Powered Plyometrics

Radcliffe, Paula/David Walsh—Paula, My Story So Far (2005)

Raevuori, Antero/Rolf Haikkola (Matti Hannus, translator)—Lasse Viren, Olympic Champion

Rambali, Paul—Barefoot Runner: The Life of Marathon Champion Abebe Bikila

Rankin, Joyce—RRCA Children’s Running—A Guide for Teachers and Coaches

Rapoport, Ron—She How She Runs, Marion Jones and the Making of a Champion

Rasch, Philip/ Roger K. Burke—Kinesiology and Applied Anatomy, The Science of Human Movement (1959)

Reaburn, Peter/David Jenkins—Training for Speed and Endurance

Rogers, Bill/Joan Benoit—Your Performance Edge

Rodgers, Bill/Joe Concannon—Marathoning

Robertson, John/Ken Foreman—How to Run a Marathon, 1984

Robertson, John—Sports Medicine Manual for Distance Running

Robinson, Roger—Heroes and Sparrows, A Celebration of Running

Rodda, John--Ovett

Romanos, Joseph—Arthur’s Boys, The Golden Age of New Zealand Athletics

Rosen, Mel & Karen—Track: Championship Running 1988

Rudolph, Wilma—Wilma—The Story of Wilma Rudolph

Rudow, Martin—Advanced Race Walking, The Serious Race Walker’s Guide to Competitive Success

Runyan, Marla—No Finish Line: My Life As I See It

The Runner’s Editors—Runners: How Champions Train, Race and Persevere—A Sucess Formula for All Runners (with short discussion about the development of great distance runners—Shorter, Rogers, Rono, J. Walker, Bannister, Barron, Corbitt, Waitz, Mueller, Bjorklund, Martha Cooksey, Marita Koch, Decker, Stack)

Runner’s World—The Complete Marathoner

Runner’s World—1974 Marathon Handbook

Runner’s World—New Guide to Distance Running 1978

Runner’s World—The Varied World of Cross Country

Ryan, Dr. Frank—High Jump (1969)

Ryun, Jim/Mike Phillips—In Quest of Gold

Sachs, Michael H. /Michael L. Sachs—Psychology of Running

Salazar, Alberto/Rick Lovett—Alberto Salazar’s Guide to Running

Sandrock, Michael—Running Tough. 75 Challenging Runs

Sandrock, Michael—Running with the Legends (21 biographies, including Barrios, Pippig, Shorter, Kristiansen, Coe, Viren, Keino, Seko,Moeller, Mota, etc.)

Scheid, Mark/Allan Lawrence—The Self Coached Runner I

Scheid, Mark/Allan Lawrence—The Self Coached Runner II: Cross Country and the Shorter Distances

Schmolinski, Gerhardt—Track & Field

Schuder, Pete/Bob Glover—The New Competitive Runner’s Handbook

Schul, Bob—In the Long Run (autobiography)

Sheehan, George—On Running

Sheridan, Michael—A Gentle Cyclone-The Running Career of Sydney Wooderson

Shorter, Frank/Marc Bloom—Olympic Gold A Runner’s Life and Times

Shorter, Frank—Frank Shorter’s Running For Peak Performance

Sing, Robert F.—The Dynamics of the Javelin Throw

Smith, George—All Out for the Mile (1955)

Snell, Peter/Garth Gilmour—No Bugles, No Drums

Sparks, Ken—The Runners Book of Training Secrets

Sparks, Ken/Gary Bjorklund—Long Distance Runners Guide to Training and Racing

Spitz, Barry—Dipsea, the “Greatest Race”

Squires, Bill/Raymond Krise—Improving Women’s Running

Squires, Bill/Raymond Krise—Improving Your Running

Steffny, Manfred—Marathoning

Stewart, Mark—Gwen Torrence

Subotnick, Steven—Cures for Common Running Injuries

Stampfl, Franz—On Running: Sprint , Middle Distance & Distance Events

Sullivan, George—Superstars of Women’s Track (Decker, Ashford, Manning, Waitz, Candy Young, Julie Shea)

Tames, Roger—Steve Cram

Tanser, Toby—Train Hard, Win Easy, the Kenyan Way

Tassin, Myron—Bob Mathias, The Life of the Olympic Champion

Temple, Cliff/Brendan Foster—Brendan Foster

Temple, Ed/B Lou Carter—Only the Strong in Heart Survive

Thurlow, David—Sydney Wooderson, Forgotten Champion

Tobin, Christopher—Lovelock, New Zealand’s Olympic Gold Miler

Turnbull, Colin—Ovett

Track & Field News—January 1967 (Jim Ryan 1966 Athlete of the Year)

Track & Field News Editors—Olympic Track & Field, 1979

Tricard, Louise Mead—American Women’s Track & Field, A History 1895-1980

Tulloh, Bruce—The Complete Distance Runner 800 Meters to the Marathon

Turnbull, Simon--Ovett

Turner, Chris—Viljo Heino—Flying Finn, Floating Finn

Tutko, Thomas/Umberto Tosi—Sports Psyching, Playing Your Best Game All of the Time

Ullyot, Joan—Women’s Running (1976)

Vigil, Joe—Road to the Top

Vine, Brian—Zola, the Official Biography

Ward, Antony—Modern Distance Running

Watman, Melvyn—The History of British Athletics (1968)

Watman, Mel—Olympic Track & Field History (2003)

Watts, Denis, Wilson, Harry, and Horwill, Frank—The Complete Middle Distance Runner

Weissenfeld, Murray—The Runner’s Repair Manual

Will-Weber, Mark—The Quotable Runner

Williams, J.P.R.—Sports Injuries Handbook Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment

Williston, Floyd—Johnny Miles, Nova Scotia’s Marathon King

Wilson, Harry—Running Dialogue

Wilson, Harry—Running My Way

Wilt, Fred—How They Train. Half Mile to Six Mile 1959

Wilt, Fred—The International Track & Field Coaching Encyclopedia

Wilt, Fred—Motivation & Coaching Psychology

Wilt, Fred—Run, Run, Run

Winter, Bud (Lloyd)—Relax and Win

Zarnowski, Frank—American Decathletes: A 20th Century Who’s Who

Zarnowski, Frank—The Decathlon A Colorful History of Track & Field’s Most Challenging Event

By Category

Youth Interest

Anderson, Eric –Training Games

Davis, Mac—Superstars of Track & Field (30 short biographies) 1968

Fogel, Julianna A.—Wesley Paul, Marathon Runner (9 year old runner)

Greene, Larry/Russ Pate—Track For Young Distance Runners

Henkel, Cathy—Mary Decker

Jacobs, Linda--Run For Glory (Wilma Rudolph)

Krull, Kathleen—Wilma Unlimited (Wilma Rudolph)

Pate, Russ/Larry Greene—Track For Young Distance Runners

Peach, Susan—Improve Your Running Skills

Rankin, Joyce—RRCA Children’s Running—A Guide for Teachers and Coaches

Sullivan, George—Superstars of Women’s Track (Decker, Ashford, Manning, Waitz, Candy Young, Julie Shea)

Nelson, Cordner—The Miler

Field Events

Alford, J—Middle Distance Running and Steeplechasing

Anderson, Barry—Track & Field Drills—Sprints and Hurdles

Bowerman, William/William Freeman—Coaching Track & Field

Canham, Don—Field Events Technique, Strategy, & Training (1953)

Doherty, Ken—The Track & Field Omnibook

Ecker, Tom—Track & Field Dynamics

Ecker, Tom/Fred Wilt—The International Track & Field Coaching Encyclopedia

Foreman, Ken—Coaching Track & Field Techniques

Foreman, Ken/Virginia Husted—Track & Field

Gambetta, Vern—Hurdling and Steeplechasing

Gambetta, Vern—TAC’s Track & Field Coaching Manual, 2nd Ed., 1989

Gordon, James—Track & Field: Changing Concepts & Modern Techniques, 1966

Jarver, Jess (ed.)—The Jumps (Contemporary Theory, Technique, & Training) 1981

Jarver, Jess (ed.)—The Throws (Contemporary Theory, Technique & Training) 1985

Johnson, Brooks—The Winning Edge—Trade Secrets of An Olympic Track Coach

Maratta, Roy—Drills & Performances Objectives for Coaching Track & Field

Medalists Track & Field Notebook, Vol. 1 1978

Morris, Frank—Practical Coaching Techniques for the Discus Throw

Payne, Howard—Hammer Throwing

Rosen, Mel & Karen—Track: Championship Running 1988

Ryan, Dr. Frank—High Jump (1969)

Schmolinski, Gerhardt—Track & Field

Sing, Robert F.—The Dynamics of the Javelin Throw

Wilt, Fred—The International Track & Field Coaching Encyclopedia

Zarnowski, Frank—The Decathlon A Colorful History of Track & Field’s Most Challenging Event

General Track & Field

Anderson, Barry—Track & Field Drills—Sprints and Hurdles

Bowerman, William/William Freeman—Coaching Track & Field

Dick, Frank W.—Sports Training Principles, 3rd ed. 1998

Doherty, Ken—The Track & Field Omnibook

Dunaway, James—Track & Field: Running Events(Sprints, Hurdles, Middle and Long Distance Events)

Ecker, Tom—Track & Field Dynamics

Ecker, Tom/Fred Wilt—The International Track & Field Coaching Encyclopedia

Foreman, Ken—Coaching Track & Field Techniques

Foreman, Ken/Virginia Husted—Track & Field

Gambetta, Vern—TAC’s Track & Field Coaching Manual, 2nd Ed., 1989

Gordon, James—Track & Field: Changing Concepts & Modern Techniques, 1966

Jarver, Jess (editor)--Long Distances (Contemporary Theory, Technique and Training) 1st ed., 1980

Jarver, Jess (editor)-Long Distances (Contemporary Theory, Technique and Training) 3rd ed., 1995

Jarver, Jess (ed.)—The Jumps (Contemporary Theory, Technique, & Training) 1981

Jarver, Jess (ed.)—The Throws (Contemporary Theory, Technique & Training) 1985

Johnson, Brooks—The Winning Edge—Trade Secrets of An Olympic Track Coach

Landon, Charles—Classic Moments in Athletics

Lawson, Gerald—World Record Breakers in Track & Field Athletics, 1997

Maratta, Roy—Drills & Performances Objectives for Coaching Track & Field

Medalists Track & Field Notebook, Vol. 1 1978

Rosen, Mel & Karen—Track: Championship Running 1988

Schmolinski, Gerhardt—Track & Field

Stampfl, Franz—On Running: Sprint , Middle Distance & Distance Events

Wilt, Fred—How They Train. Half Mile to Six Mile 1959

Wilt, Fred—The International Track & Field Coaching Encyclopedia

Wilt, Fred—Motivation & Coaching Psychology

Of special interest to Women

Audain, Anne/John L. Parker, Jr.—Uncommon Heart

Averbuch, Gloria—World Class (Grete Waitz)

Benoit, Joan—Running Tide

Blue, Adrianne—Faster, Higher, Further. Women’s Triumphs and Disasters at the Olympics

Blue, Adrianne—Queen of the Track, the Liz McColgan Story

Brill, Debbie, with Lawton, James--Jump

Cayleff, Susan E.—Babe, the Life and Legend of Babe Didrikson Zacharias

Coffey, Wayne—Wilma Rudolph

Connolly, Pat—Coaching Evelyn: Fast, Faster, Fastest Woman in the World

Cuthbert, Betty—Golden Girl

Davis, Michael D.—Black American Women in Olympic Track & Field 1992

Ken Foreman—The Fragile Champion. Doris Brown Who Always Ran the Extra Mile

Guttmann, Allen—Women’s Sports—A History

Hanson, Sharon Kinney—The Life Of Helen Stephens, the Fulton Flash

Heinonen, Janet—Running for Women, 1978

Hendershott, Jon—Track’s Greatest Women (15 primary biographies plus more than 50 others includes Ashford, Dreschler, Fuchs, Tyus, Rudolph, Didrikson, Benoit)

Henkel, Cathy—Mary Decker

Holmes, Kelly-Black, White and Gold

Hotchkiss, Ron—The Matchless Six. The Story of Canada’s First Women’s Olympic Team

Joyner-Kersee, Jackie /Sonja Steptoe—A Kind of Grace –The Autobiography of the World’s Greatest Female Athlete

Knudson, R.R.—Julie Brown—Racing Against the Wind

Leder, Jane—Grace and Glory A Century of Women in the Olympics

Markel, Robert/Nancy Brooks/Susan Markel—For the Record Women In Sport (includes 23 short bios of track & field athletes plus athletes from other sports)

Multi-Media Partners, Ltd—Grace & Glory—A Century of Women in the Olympics

Newman, Matthew/Howard Schroeder—Mary Decker Slaney

Plowden, Martha Ward/Ronald Jones—Olympic Black Women (with 24 biographies)

Radcliffe, Paula/David Walsh—Paula, My Story So Far (2005)

Rapoport, Ron—She How She Runs, Marion Jones and the Making of a Champion

Rudolph, Wilma—Wilma—The Story of Wilma Rudolph

Sedlak V--The Walking Woman 1988

Squires, Bill/Raymond Krise—Improving Women’s Running

Stewart, Mark—Gwen Torrence

Sullivan, George—Superstars of Women’s Track (Decker, Ashford, Manning, Waitz, Candy Young, Julie Shea)

Tricard, Louise Mead—American Women’s Track & Field, A History 1895-1980

Ullyot, Joan—Women’s Running (1976)

Vine, Brian—Zola, the Official Biography


Agnew, Ivan--Kiwis Can Fly (JohnWalker, Dick Quax, Rod Dixon)

Audain, Anne/John L. Parker, Jr.—Uncommon Heart

Averbuch, Gloria—World Class (Grete Waitz)

Bannister, Roger—The First Four Minutes (1955)

Bannister, Roger—The Four Minute Mile

Beamon, Bob/Milana Walter Beamon—The Man Who Could Fly

Beardsley, Dick—Staying the Course: A Runner’s Toughest Race

Benoit, Joan—Running Tide

Benyo, Richard—Masters of the Marathon (DeMar, J.Kelley, J. Kelley, Peters, Bikila, Clayton, Shorter, Rogers, Seko, Cierpinski, Waitz, Salazar)

Bloom, Marc—Steve Scott, the Miler

Blue, Adrianne—Quen of the Track, the Liz McColgan Story

Boyle, Raelene/Gary Linnell—Raelene, Sometimes Beaten, Never Conquered

Bragg, Don/Patricia Doherty—A Chance to Dare. The Don Bragg Story

Brill, Debbie, with Lawton, James--Jump

Castellini, Ottavio—Moses Tanui, a Biography

Cayleff, Susan E.—Babe, the Life and Legend of Babe Didrikson Zacharias

Chodes, John—Corbitt

Clayton, Derek—Running to the Top

Coe, Sebastian/David Miller—Running Free

Connolly, Olga—Rings of Destiny

Coffey, Wayne—Kip Keino

Coffey, Wayne—Wilma Rudolph

Cunningham, Glenn—Never Quit

Cuthbert, Betty—Golden Girl

Davis, Mac—Superstars of Track & Field (30 short biographies) 1968

Daws, Ron—The Self-Made Olympian

De Castella, Robert/Mike Jenkinson—Deek

DeMar, Clarence—The Clarence DeMar Story

Denison, Jim—The Greatest: The Haile Gebrselassie Story

Dolson, Frank—Always Young, The Unique Story of George Young, Four-Time Olympic Runner

Elliott, Herb/Alan Trengove—The Golden Mile

Ferstle, Jim—The Dave Wottle Story

Hanson, Sharon Kinney—The Life Of Helen Stephens, the Fulton Flash

Ken Foreman—The Fragile Champion. Doris Brown Who Always Ran the Extra Mile

Foster, Brendan/Cliff Temple—Brendan Foster

Foster, Jack—Tale of the Ancient Marathoner

Giller, Norman—The Marathon—Runners and the Race (Pietri, Kolehmainen, Zatopek, Peters, Bikila, Clayton, Shorter, Cierpinski, Salazar, De Castella, Waitz, et al.)

Gutman, Bill—Dan O’Brien, Overcoming the Odds (young readers book)

Halberg, Murray/Garth Gilmour—A Clean Pair of Heels

Harris, Norman—The Legend of Lovelock

Hendershott, Jon—Track’s Greatest Women (15 primary biographies plus more than 50 others includes Ashford, Dreschler, Fuchs, Tyus, Rudolph, Didrikson,Benoit)

Henkel, Cathy—Mary Decker

Higdon, Hal—The Marathoners 1980 (Shorter, Rodgers, Bjorklund, Kardong, early women marathoners— Roberta Gibb, Nina Kuscsik, Gayle Barron, Kim Merritt)

Hill, Ron—The Long, Hard Road, Pt. 1

Hirsch, George—The Runners (short, 10 page bios of 20 mainly distance runners; 1979)

Holmes, Kelly-Black, White and Gold

Howley, Peter—Steve Moneghetti; In the Long Run, the Making of a Marathon Runner

Jacobs, Linda--Run For Glory (Wilma Rudolph)

Jenkinson, Mike/Robert De Castella—Deek

Jenner, Bruce/Phillip Finch—Decathlon Challenge, The Bruce Jenner Story

Johnson, Dave/Verne Becker—Aim High: An Olympic Decathlete’s Inspiring Story

Johnson, Dick/Frederick Lewis—Young at Heart (Johnny Kelley, the “Elder”)

Johnson, Michael—Slaying theDragon

Johnson, Rafer/Phillip Goldberg—The Best That I Can Be

Jordan, Tom—PRE

Joyner-Kersee, Jackie /Sonja Steptoe—A Kind of Grace –The Autobiography of the World’s Greatest Female Athlete

Kidd, Bruce—Tom Longboat (Canadian Distance Runner)

Kiell, Paul J.—American Miler (biography of Glenn Cunningham)

Knudson, R.R.—Julie Brown—Racing Against the Wind

Kozik, Frantksek—Zatopek, the Marathon Victor

Krull, Kathleen—Wilma Unlimited (Wilma Rudolph)

Lindgren, Gerry—Gerry Lindgren’s Book on Running by the Shadow of Gerry Lindgren

Lovesey, Peter—The Kings of Distance (Deerfoot, Walter George, Alfred Shrubb, Nurmi, Zatopek)

Magnuson, Sally—The Flying Scotsman (Eric Liddell)

Miller, David—Sebastian Coe, Coming Back

Moorcroft, Dave/Cliff Temple—Running Commentary

Murphy, Frank—A Cold, Clear Day (Buddy Edelen)

The Great Ones—Cordner Nelson (13 Biographies: Nurmi, Owens, Warmerdam, Dillard, Zatopek, Mathias, O’Brien, Rafer Johnson, Glenn Davis, Oerter, Elliott, Brumel, Snell)

Nelson, Cordner—The Jim Ryun Story

Newman, Matthew/Howard Schroeder—Mary Decker Slaney

O’Connor, Terry—The Four Minute Smiler—the biography of Derek Ibbotson

Owens, Jesse/Paul Neimark—Jesse, The Man Who Outran Hitler

Ovett, Steve—Ovett, an Autobiography

Pack, Robert—Run, Bullet, Run (Bob Hayes)

Parker, John L.—The Frank Shorter Story

Peters, J.H./Johnny Johnson/Joseph Edmundson—In the Long Run (Jim Peters)

Philips, Bob—Za-to-pek, Za-to-pek, Za-to-pek

Pierson, Donald—Renaldo Nehemiah: Bionic Hurdler

Pirie, Gordon—Running Wild 1961

Plowden, Martha Ward/Ronald Jones—Olympic Black Women (with 24 biographies)

Radcliffe, Paula/David Walsh—Paula, My Story So Far (2005)

Raevuori, Antero/Rolf Haikkola (Matti Hannus, translator)—Lasse Viren, Olympic Champion

Rambali, Paul—Barefoot Runner: The Life of Marathon Champion Abebe Bikila

Rapoport, Ron—She How She Runs, Marion Jones and the Making of a Champion

Rodda, John--Ovett

Rodgers, Bill—Marathoning

Rudolph, Wilma—Wilma—The Story of Wilma Rudolph

Runyan, Marla—No Finish Line: My Life As I See It

Ryun, Jim/Mike Phillips—In Quest of Gold

Sandrock, Michael—Running with the Legends (21 biographies, including Barrios, Pippig, Shorter, Kristiansen, Coe, Viren, Keino, Seko,Moeller, Mota, etc.)

Schul, Bob—In the Long Run

Sheridan, Michael—A Gentle Cyclone-The Running Career of Sydney Wooderson

Shorter, Frank/Marc Bloom—Olympic Gold A Runner’s Life and Times

Snell, Peter/Garth Gilmour—No Bugles, No Drums

Stewart, Mark—Gwen Torrence

Sullivan, George—Superstars of Women’s Track (Decker, Ashford, Manning, Waitz, Candy Young, Julie Shea)

Tames, Roger—Steve Cram

Tanser, Toby—Train Hard, Win Easy, the Kenyan Way (includes short biographies)

Tassin, Myron—Bob Mathias, The Life of the Olympic Champion

Temple, Cliff/Brendan Foster—Brendan Foster

Temple, Ed/B Lou Carter—Only the Strong in Heart Survive

Thomas, Wendy/Robin Mednick—Heroes in Our Midst: Top Canadian Athletes Share Personal Stories from Their Lives in Sport (distance runners Bruce Kidd & Peter Fonesca, hurdler James Worrell, sprinter Hilda Young, & middle distance runners Leah Pells, Rick Brant, Charmaine Crooks, Bill Crothers and Graham Hood)

Thurlow, David—Sydney Wooderson, Forgotten Champion

Tobin, Christopher—Lovelock, New Zealand’s Olympic Gold Miler

Turnbull, Simon--Ovett

Turner, Chris—Viljo Heino—Flying Finn, Floating Finn

Vine, Brian—Zola, the Official Biography

Williston, Floyd—Johnny Miles, Nova Scotia’s Marathon King

Zarnowski, Frank—American Decathletes: A 20th Century Who’s Who

Race Walking

Carlson B and Seiden OJ--Health Walk 1988

Davis S and Carey D--The US National Record Progression for Women from 1892-1991

Dix E--Race Walking and Fitness Walking Manual 1985

Denman E--Anthology of the Olympic Games 2001

Gale, B--The Wonderful World of Walking 1979

IAAF New Studies in Athletics (on race walking--good photos) 1990

Jacobson H--Racewalk to Fitness 1980

Kortge C--The Spirited Walker 1998

Laird R--Competitive Race Walking 1972

Laird R--The Art of Fast Walking 1996

Laird R--Fast Walking 2000

McGovern D--The Complete Guide to Racewalking 1998

Meyers C--Aerobic Walking 1987

Meyers C--Walking, a Complete Guide to the Complete Exercise 1992

Peterson M and Peterson K--Eat to Compete 1988

Rudow, M--Advanced Race Walking 1987

Rudow M--Advanced Race Walking (4th ed) 1994

Sedlak V--The Walking Woman 1988

Strangman, D--Annotated Bibliography of Race Walking and Related Subjects, with

Particular Reference to the Young Athlete Australian Sports Commission) 1990

Van Raalte J and Brewer B (eds)--Exploring Sport and Exercise Psychology 1996

Waddell, P--Race Walking in Australia 1991

Wallace, G--Race Walking in America 1989 PhD dissertation Univ. Texas

Wallace G--The Valiant Heart 1979

Ward E--Introduction to the Technique of Racewalking

Ward, E—How to Walk Faster, 1990 IAAF Video Guide for RWing Judges, Coaches, Athletes

Ward E--Masters Racewalking 1996

Zarnowski, Frank—Decathletes: A 20th Century Who’s Who


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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