Career Research Project and Presentation

Career Research Project and Presentation

_______ / 500 Points Possible

|Name: |Teacher: Mrs. Cox |

|Date of Presentation: |Career Choices: |

|Criteria |30 |20 |10 |0 |Points |

|Attire |Business / |Casual business |Partial business |Looked unprofessional| |

| |professional attire |attire worn |attire with other | | |

| |worn | |unprofessional attire| |_______ |

| | | |worn | | |

|Delivery |Presenter used an |Presenter had to be |Presenter kept a low |Presenter could not | |

| |excellent voice and |told to speak up |voice after being |be heard at all by | |

| |all students could | |asked to speak up |the back of the |_______ |

| |hear | | |classroom | |

|Listening |Excellent Audience |Good Audience Member |Poor Audience Member |Had to be removed as | |

| |Member | | |an audience member | |

| | | | | |_______ |

|Organization |Slideshow is very |Slideshow is mostly |Slideshow is poorly |Slideshow is not | |

| |organized and all |organized |organized |organized at all | |

| |slides have a title | | | |_______ |

|Posture and Eye |Student stands up |Student mostly stands|Student leans on the |Students leans on the| |

|Contact |straight and |up straight and |podium and has |podium and does not | |

| |establishes eye |establishes eye |limited eye contact |establish eye contact| |

| |contact with the |contact with the |with the audience |with the audience |_______ |

| |audience the entire |audience | | | |

| |time | | | | |

|Preparedness |Completely |Mostly |Somewhat |Entirely Unprepared | |

| | | | | |_______ |

|Research |Reflects a full |Reflects a good |Reflects a poor |Does not reflect any | |

| |understanding of each|understanding of each|understanding of each|understanding of each| |

| |career and its |career and its |career and its |career and its | |

| |requirements |requirements |requirements |requirements |_______ |

|Resources |Used at least 3 |Used 2 resources |Used 1 resource cited|Resources were not |_______ |

| |resources cited on a |cited on a slide |on a slide |cited | |

| |slide | | | | |

|Time Limit |5 Minutes or More |4 Minutes |3 Minutes |2 Minutes or Less | |

| | | | | |_______ |

|Topic Focus |Stays on topic 100% |Stays of topic most |Has trouble staying |Hard to establish the| |

| |of the time |of the time |focused and is |topic | |

| | | |unorganized | |_______ |

PowerPoint Slide Order


o Career Choice #1

o Slide 1 – Name of Occupation ( _______ )

o Slide 2 – Nature of the Work ( _______ )

o Slide 3 – Working Conditions ( _______ )

o Slide 4 – Training and Education Requirements ( _______ )

o Slide 5 – Time Requirements ( _______ )

o Slide 6 – Job Outlook ( _______ )

o Slide 7 – Earning Potential ( _______ )

o Slide 8 – Related Occupations ( _______ )

o Slide 9 – Other Interesting Facts ( _______ )

o Slide 10 – Resources ( _______ )

o Career Choice #2

o Slide 11 – Name of Occupation ( _______ )

o Slide 12 – Nature of the Work ( _______ )

o Slide 13 – Working Conditions ( _______ )

o Slide 14 – Training and Education Requirements ( _______ )

o Slide 15 – Time Requirements ( _______ )

o Slide 16 – Job Outlook ( _______ )

o Slide 17 – Earning Potential ( _______ )

o Slide 18 – Related Occupations ( _______ )

o Slide 19 – Other Interesting Facts ( _______ )

o Slide 20 – Resources ( _______ )

Career Research Slide Show Project Guidelines

Objective: Research two occupations to learn more about them and teach others.

1. Use the Career Research Guide to help with what types of information should be included in the slide show.

2. All topics should be mentioned during the presentation and in the slide show.

3. A minimum of 3 resources should be used and cited.

4. There should be 20 slides. (10 Slides Per Career)

5. Presentation should be at least 5 minutes long.

6. Be sure to follow the rubric carefully to earn the highest grade.


1. Avoid using full paragraphs.

2. Don’t read from the screen… use the slideshow as a guide.

3. Make sure the font is big enough for the entire audience to see.

4. Use light font color with dark backgrounds and dark font color with light backgrounds.

Oral Presentation:

1. Dress in business / professional attire.

a. No Shorts

b. No Sweat Pants / Shirts

c. No Jeans

d. No T-Shirts / Heavily Printed Logo Shirts

e. Collared / Button Down / Plain Dress Shirts Acceptable

f. Appropriate Dresses / Skirts Acceptable

g. Khakis / Dress Pants Acceptable

2. Speak clearly.

3. Remember to make eye contact with the audience.

4. Stand properly (don’t sit or lean) and present naturally. Practice before you present!

5. Be prepared to answer questions about your career choices.

Career Research Guide

1. Name of Occupation #1 ____________________________________________________

2. Nature of the Work (Brief Job Description) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Working Conditions (Where do people in this profession work? Are there physical, emotional, and or social demands for this job?)

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

4. Training and Education Requirements (Do you need a license? College Degree? Advanced Education? Certification? Experience? Describe the qualifications you will need for this occupation.)

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

5. Time Requirements (Approximately how many hours does this job require a day, during the week, weekends, month and/or year?)

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

6. Job Outlook (Is this job in demand or is the demand declining? Is it popular?)

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

7. Earning Potential (What is the average compensation for this profession? Are there ways to increase salary? Is it salary or hourly pay? Can you work overtime?)

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

8. Related Occupations (Name two other occupations that are similar that you could pursue.)

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

9. Other Interesting Facts About This Career

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

10. Resources (List At Least 3)

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

11. Name of Occupation #2 ____________________________________________________

12. Nature of the Work (Brief Job Description) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13. Working Conditions (Where do people in this profession work? Are there physical, emotional, and or social demands for this job?)

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

14. Training and Education Requirements (Do you need a license? College Degree? Advanced Education? Certification? Experience? Describe the qualifications you will need for this occupation.)

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

15. Time Requirements (Approximately how many hours does this job require a day, during the week, weekends, month and/or year?)

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

16. Job Outlook (Is this job in demand or is the demand declining? Is it popular?)

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

17. Earning Potential (What is the average compensation for this profession? Are there ways to increase salary? Is it salary or hourly pay? Can you work overtime?)

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

18. Related Occupations (Name two other occupations that are similar that you could pursue.)

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

19. Other Interesting Facts About This Career

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

20. Resources (List At Least 3)

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Career Research Internet Sites

1. The Bureau of Labor Statistics:

2. Career Ship (Holland Personality Types):

3. Kids Portal of the U.S. Government:

4. Career One Stop:

5. JobStar Central:

6. WetFeet:

7. Job Profiles:

8. Princeton Review:

9. Career Overview:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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