Mr. Daniel M. Williams Osan American High School

2015Biology Study GuideUNIT#1: Lab Safety and Experimental DesignVocabularyGive a brief definition of each of these terms. These words are likely to be used as part of questions.Homeostasis –Spontaneous Generation –Observation –Hypothesis –Experiment –Independent Variable –Dependent Variable –Constant –Experimental Group –Control Group –Probability –Sample size –Bias –Blind experiment –Peer Review –Scientific Law –Greek and Latin Vocabulary Root Words #1-30.Critical Thinking QuestionsThese questions are similar to those on the test.Match each of the characteristics of life on the left with one of the examples on the right.Characteristic of LifeExampleOrderAdaptationsResponse to StimuliHomeostasis / RegulationEnergy ProcessingReproductionGrowth and DevelopmentA jackrabbit releasing excess heat through its enlarged ears.A green plant absorbing energy in sunlight to produce sugars.All butterflies pass through the egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages.The protective hard shell on a tortoise.A bacterial cell dividing in two.Reflexively pulling your hand away after touching a hot object.The repeating hexagon shapes seen in a bee’s honeycomb.Order each of these levels of organization from largest to smallest. Give a short definition of each.Biosphere, cell, community, ecosystem, organism, organ, population, tissue.Read the following passage. Identify each of the parts of the scientific method.Dr. Edward Jenner performed some research, and noticed that dairymaids had a very low rate of contracting the deadly disease smallpox. He predicted that the exposure of the dairymaids to a similar disease called cowpox was granting them immunity to smallpox. His gardener volunteered his 8 year-old son to be intentionally exposed to cowpox, allowed to recover, then exposed to smallpox. The boy did not contract smallpox. Similar results were observed with several other children. Dr. Jenner submitted his results to the Royal Society of Medicine, resulting in the creation of the first vaccine.Observation –Hypothesis –Experiment –Data –Conclusion –Peer Review -Assume that the Royal Society of Medicine insisted that Dr. Jenner repeat his experiment, this time with a control group and experimental group. How would each group differ? What is the purpose of a control group?Two polls of an upcoming election are conducted. One questions 100 people, the other questions 500 people. Which is more likely to have accurate results? Why?Give an example of qualitative and quantitative data that could be collected from an experiment.Explain how a double-blind experiment would help to minimize bias in a drug pare a theory to a hypothesis.Could a theory or hypothesis eventually become a law? Explain why or why not.Briefly summarize what is studied in each of these fields of biology:Cell Biology –Genetics –Taxonomy –Evolution –5. Data analysis and graphing: Background: One of the most important steps that a scientist completes during an experiment is data processing and presentation. Data can be analyzed by the presentation of the data in table format (data table), or the processing of that data through graphical manipulation to visually discern the differences in the variables tested. The purpose of this worksheet is to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of these scientific skills.Reading a data table: Examine the data found in Table 1 and answer questions #A-D.Table 1: Growth of eight plants in a three week periodAmount of Light per dayAmount of Water per dayHeight Week 1 in cmHeight Week 2 in cmHeight Week 3 in cmPlant 10 hours50ml0 cm0 cm0 cmPlant 20 hours100ml0 cm0 cm0 cmPlant 34 hours50ml1 cm3 cm6 cmPlant 44 hours100ml0.5 cm1 cm1.5 cmPlant 58 hours50ml1.5 cm4 cm8 cmPlant 68 hours100ml1 cm3 cm6 cmPlant 716 hours50ml1 cm2 cm3 cmPlant 816 hours100ml1.5 cm5 cm10 cmIn this plant growth experiment, what were the two variables tested? What conclusions can you draw in regards to the amount of light a plant was exposed to and how tall the plant grew?What conclusions can you draw in regards to the amount of water given to a plant and how tall the plant grew?Describe which plant or plants did he best and develop a hypothesis on plant growth based on the date you examined.6. Data Tables: Use the following information to create a data table, and then answer the five questions below.On an expedition around the world, scientists collected the venom of ten snakes. The scientists determined the toxicity of the venom of each snake by looking at the mortality percent from the victims of the snake bites.The snakes observed were the southern United States copperhead with a mortality percent of less than 1%, the western diamondback rattlesnake with 5-15% mortality, the eastern coral snake with 5-20% mortality, the king cobra with greater than 40% mortality, the Indian krait with 77% mortality, the European viper with 1-5% mortality, the bushmaster with usually 100% mortality, the fer-de-lance with 10-20% mortality, the black-necked cobra with 11-40% mortality, and the puff adder with 11-40% mortality.Which snake venom has the highest mortality rate?Which snake venom has the lowest mortality rate?Which two snakes have the same mortality percentage?How many snakes were observed?From the information recorded can you determine the snake whose venom works the most rapidly? The least rapidly? Explain. ................

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