901098 - Addendum R-Rep




RFP No. 901098



Specification Clarification/Modification and Recap of the Networking/Bidders Conferences

Held on October 4, 2013

|This County of Alameda, General Services Agency (GSA), RFP Addendum has been electronically issued to potential bidders via e-mail. E-mail addresses used are |

|those in the County’s Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Vendor Database or from other sources. If you have registered or are certified as a SLEB, please ensure|

|that the complete and accurate e-mail address is noted and kept updated in the SLEB Vendor Database. This RFP Addendum will also be posted on the GSA Contracting |

|Opportunities website located at . |

A mandatory networking conference has been added to the Calendar of Events.

Alameda County is committed to reducing environmental impacts across our entire supply chain.

If printing this document, please print only what you need, print double-sided, and use recycled-content paper.


The following Sections have been modified to read as shown below. Changes made to the original RFP document are in bold print and highlighted, and deletions made have a strike through.

Bidders should be aware that a new site specification sheet has been included for U.C. Berkeley’s Haas Pavilion, Site ID 93, Bundle M1, in Exhibit C.1.

Bidders should be aware that a new site specification sheet has been included for Alameda County Santa Rita Jail, Site ID 15, Bundle F1, in Exhibit C.1

These additional site specification sheets can be found at: .  Instructions for accessing the FTP are in Exhibit C.5A

Page 12 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 6 Workforce Plan has been modified as follows:


6. Workforce Plan

R-REP has the potential to have a significant positive impact on the local labor market for solar PV, solar thermal, or fuel cell system designers, installers, electricians, general contractors, and other skilled positions. Participating Agencies are interested in understanding Qualified Proposer’s plans for hiring local workers and apprentices. Workforce requirements are further described in Section IV - Instructions to Bidders. In addition, Participating Agencies may have unique contracting requirements relating to local workforce participation. Those The unique contracting requirements of each Participating Agency that relate to workforce participation are described in Exhibit E.64.

Page 13 of the RFP, Part II (Calendar of Events) has been revised as follows:



|Request Issued |September 18, 2013 |

|Bidders Conference Q & A |October 4, 2013 @ |at:  Union City Conference Room |

| |9:00am |125 12th Street, Suite 400 |

| |Completed |Oakland CA 94607-6467 |

| | |And via webconference |

| | | |

| | |Completed |

|Networking Conference |October 4, 2013 @ 1:00 |at:  Union City Conference Room |

| |p.m. |125 12th Street, Suite 400 |

| |Completed |Oakland CA 94607-6467 |

| | |Completed |

|Written Questions Due |by 5:00 p.m. on October 4, 2013 |

|Addendum 1 Issued |October 16, 2013 |

|Step 1: Pre-Qualification Questionnaire Due |October 22, 2013 by 2:00 p.m. |

|Qualified Vendor Notifications and Site Tour |October 29, 2013 |

|Logistics | |

|Site Tours |November 18 – November 25, 2013 |

|Site Tour Written Questions Due |By 5:00pm on November 27, 2013 |

|Mandatory Workforce Development Conference |December 6, 2013 @ | at: TBD |

| |TBD | |

|Addendum 2 Issued |December 10, 2013 |

|Step 2: RFP Response Due |December 26, 2013 by 2:00 p.m. |

|Evaluation Period |December 26, 2013 - February 5, 2014 |

|Vendor Interviews |January 29 – February 4, 2014 |

|Contract Negotiations |February 13, 2014 – June 18, 2014 |

|County of Alameda Board Letter Recommending |July 1, 2014 |

|Award Issued | |

|County of Alameda Board Consideration Award |Q3 2014 |

|Date | |

|Contract Start Date |Q4 2014 |

Note: Award and start dates are approximate. Each Participating Agency will determine dates following the County’s recommendation for award.

Page 14 of the RFP, Part II, Section A (NETWORKING and BIDDERS CONFERENCES) paragraph 3 states:


Bidders Conference

The bidders conference held on October 4, 2013 will have online conference option enabled for remote participation. Bidders can opt to participate via a computer with stable internet connection (the recommended Bandwidth is 512Kbps) at . In order to get the best experience, the County recommends that bidders who participate remotely use equipment with audio output capability such as speakers, headsets, or a telephone. Bidders may also attend this conference in-person.

A bidders’ conference will be held to:

a. Provide an opportunity for bidders to ask specific questions about the project and request  clarifications; and

b. Provide the County with an opportunity to receive feedback regarding the project.

The bidder’s conference will be webcast and recorded. All questions will be addressed and the list of attendees will be included in an RFP Addendum that will be posted on the County’s website following the bidders’ conference.

Networking Conference

As indicated on the schedule above, there will be a Networking Conference to provide an opportunity for interested bidders to identify subcontractors, workforce, or other project partners. Although bidders are encouraged to attend, the networking meeting is not mandatory. Participants interested in attending the bidders conference and the networking conference are strongly urged to RSVP by October 1, 2013 to: rrep@. Please include “RREP RSVP” in the subject line.

Workforce Development Conference

The Workforce Development Conference will be an opportunity for Qualified Proposers to engage with local workforce development organizations. As stated in Section E of this RFP, in addition to the specific hiring requirements of Participating Agencies, the selected Bidder will be required to make a good faith effort to hire 40% local residents on all R-REP projects. Local residents are employees who reside within the nine county Bay Area (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma Counties).

More information regarding the Workforce Development Conference will be provided to Qualified Proposers.

Page 17 of the RFP, Part III, Section A (PRE-QUALIFICATION PROCESS): (The following has been added:)


The County will conduct a competitive two-step solicitation process, including evaluating and recommending bidders for award. The process will include:

♣ Step 1: Pre-qualification of responsible and qualified Firms;

♣ Step 2: Request for Proposals during which the County will consider proposals submitted by pre-qualified Firms.

Only those Firms that are successfully qualified in Step 1 will be allowed to participate in Step 2. The County will qualify multiple bidders in Step 1.

During Step 2 of the RFP process, the County and Participating Agencies may award multiple qualified bidder(s) selected as the responsible bidder(s) and whose response conforms to the RFP and meets the County’s and Participating Agencies’ requirements on a “Best Value” basis for all bid bundles. The Bid Alternate proposals will be evaluated on a “Best Value” and site-by-site basis.

The County intends to award bidders for its own sites, and make recommendations to the Participating Agencies such that they may award and enter into contracts with bidders on sites included in the relevant Bid Bundles. Each Participating Agency will individually negotiate and execute contracts with the awarded bidder(s) for the sites included within each bid bundle.

For the Bid Alternate, the County and Participating Agencies may award to a single qualified bidder for any site listed in the Bid Alternate.



♣ Applicants are to submit one (1) original hardcopy Questionnaire (Exhibit A – REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS BIDDERS QUESTIONNAIRE), with original ink signatures, plus one (1) copy and one (1) electronic copy of the Questionnaire in PDF with optical character recognition (OCR). The electronic copy shall be an exact representation of the original hardcopy. The file must be on disk or USB flash drive. The disk or flash drive must be enclosed with the sealed original hardcopy of the Questionnaire.


Questionnaire will be received only at the address shown below, and by the time indicated in the Calendar of Events. Any Questionnaire received after said time and/or date or at a place other than the stated address cannot be considered and will be returned to the applicant unopened.

All Questionnaires, whether delivered by an employee of applicant, U.S. Postal Service, courier or package delivery service, must be received and time stamped at the stated address prior to the time designated. The Purchasing Department's timestamp shall be considered the official timepiece for the purpose of establishing the actual receipt of Questionnaires.

♣ Questionnaire are to be addressed and delivered as follows:


RFP No. 901098

C/O Michael Lu

Alameda County, GSA–Purchasing

1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907 *

Oakland, CA 94612

*PLEASE NOTE that on the bid due date, a bid reception desk will be open between 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. and will be located in the 1st floor lobby at 1401 Lakeside Drive.

The pre-qualification process is solely for the purpose of determining which Contractors are deemed qualified. Firms will submit a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (“Questionnaire”). The Questionnaire will be reviewed by the County which will determine whether applicants are qualified to submit proposals. The County may request a Contractor to submit additional information pertinent to the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire. The County also reserves the right to investigate and rely upon information from other available sources in addition to any documents or information submitted by the Applicant.

Responses to Written Questions

1) Can bidders propose solutions that include battery energy storage within a renewable energy system, assuming the inclusion of storage reduces the cost to the local agency and improves performance? If yes, where on the bid forms should this be added?

• Yes, bidders may propose battery energy storage solutions. However, these systems should be described as bid options and not reflected in the PV or Fuel Cell system cost. A separate section in your proposal should be included describing the battery energy storage system design/installation costs, operational costs and financial benefits. Consistent with Public Contract Code Section 4217 bidders must demonstrate savings associated with proposed battery energy storage solutions.

2) What are the criteria for direct purchase vs. Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)?

• The RFP specifies that we will use Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) to assign points to both PPA and direct purchase bid responses. See Exhibit G for details. Participating Agencies have requested pricing under both a cash acquisition and PPA method of financing. Many agencies may ultimately use a PPA financing due to budget shortfalls. However, this decision will be made by each agency based upon County Selection Committee recommendations, bid bundle pricing, and agency financial constraints. Bidders must provide pricing under each type of financing as described in Exhibit B.

3) Will the County let bidders know when geotech will be available?

• Geotech information, where it exists, will be made available to qualified bidders through the SFTP site, after notice of qualification.

4) Can the County clarify if PPA and cash acquisition offers are required for each bundle or if either is acceptable?

• Bidders must provide pricing under both types of financing for each bundle, as described in the RFP. The County Selection Committee will use Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) to assign points for direct purchase and PPA bid responses. Bidder selection will be made on the basis of the most points awarded across all criteria described in Exhibit G. The Participating Agency will then decide the type of financing that it prefers and enter into contract negotiations with the selected bidder.


Qualified Proposers will be invited to submit proposals as described in Section IV, Instructions to Bidders and as specified in Exhibit B.1. GSA – Purchasing will review proposals to ensure that all required documents have been submitted. The Alameda County Technical and Financial Consultants will review and prepare an analysis of each proposal for consideration by the County Selection Committee. The Technical Consultants will use PVsyst and other models to verify cost and production data provided on the bid forms. Bidders shall bear in mind any proposal that is considered unrealistic, will be deemed reflective of an inherent lack of competence or indicative of a failure to comprehend the complexity and risk of the County’s requirements as set forth in this RFP, and this will be reflected in the scoring as described in Exhibit G.

What version of PVsyst will be used for the evaluation? Versions later than 6.07 have presented bugs to users recently.

• If it is required to validate data submitted in a proposal, version 5.63 or version 6 of PVsyst will be used by the technical consultants. Bidders should use version 5 or higher of PVsyst and should indicate in their proposal which version of PVsyst they are using. Bidders are required to back up production estimates with a performance guarantee and should use a version of PCsyst that accurately represents the production levels offered in their proposal.

6) Will the County hold another bidder’s conference later in the RFP process? For example, if questions arise during the site visits, will the County be able to address them and if so, what would the timeline be for that next question and answer period?

• No, another bidder’s conference will not be held. However, the County will issue an addendum with responses to questions raised during site walks. See revised schedule.

7) Will the County provide energy rates? Will they be accessible on the secure FTP sites?

• The PG&E rate schedule for each site is provided in Exhibit C.1, Bundling Spreadsheet. In addition, the electrical usage data for each site is provided on the FTP site, which is available to all vendors. See Exhibit C.5A for instructions on accessing the FTP.

8) Can the County address the fact that while the proposal is looking for volume discount with bundles yet each agency may or may not select the recommended firm?

• As stated in the RFP, Participating Agencies reserve the right to determine whether to accept the Recommendation for Award and pricing as submitted. Bundle pricing as described in Exhibit B.2 – Bid Form should anticipate +/- 10% site movement within the bundle. Firms will be obligated to guarantee bundle pricing.

9) Can KNN describe how they view their role in this proposal?

• The County contracted with KNN as the financial advisor for the R-REP. KNN, along with the technical advisors, participated in the RFP development and will assist in evaluating vendor qualifications, proposals and prepare information for the County Selection Committee bid evaluation. KNN as part of the R-REP consulting team will also assist the County and agencies during the negotiations processes.


Does Prime Firm have experience with at least five (5) power purchase agreement contracts with each contract representing at least $1 million in project construction costs?

Will the County clarify the level of experience required?

• The Prime Firm shall have completed a minimum of five PPA contracts with a construction value of at least $1 million each.


Identify and provide contact information for all other firms associated with designing, building and/or operating and maintaining the R-REP projects (excluding PPA investor and/or other financing firms if a separate organization) with which your firm may partner or subcontract. Identify, and if necessary, describe each firm’s role (e.g., project integrator, system designer, construction management, post construction operations and maintenance, etc.). If needed, please add additional pages.

Will the County allow bidders the flexibility in their subcontractor selection throughout the RFP process or will the County require bidders to lock themselves into using a particular subcontractors at this stage?

• Bidders must identify their project team as described in the RFQ. We do not expect that firms will identify all their subcontractors at all tiers in the RFQ, only those associated with designing, building and/or operating and maintaining the R-REP projects. Should it become necessary to replace a subcontractor, the County will require a firm of equal or greater experience and ability. The County, at its discretion, will determine if a subcontractor is acceptable.

12) Will the R-REP team be evaluating any ground source heat pump geothermal projects?

• No. Ground source heat pump geothermal projects will not be evaluated.

13) Is there any scope for a hybrid solution using Photovoltaic (PV) with Methanol fuel cells for the R-REP project?

• Yes, bidders may propose hybrid energy solutions. However, these systems should be described as bid options and not reflected in the R-REP identified PV or Fuel Cell system cost. A separate bid form should be included describing the additional system elements, design/installation and operational costs. Consistent with Public Contract Code Section 4217 bidders must demonstrate savings associated with proposed hybrid solutions.

14) Will any of the projects in this proposal include solar thermal (hot water or heating) applications?

• Yes, there are solar thermal sites included in the solicitation.

15) What is the estimated amount of this project?

• As previously reported to the County of Alameda Board of Supervisors, the total estimated construction costs for all sites except the bid alternates is a maximum of $131 million using a cash acquisition methodology without any consideration for economies of scale as a result of the collaborative procurement. The County anticipates competitive pricing that takes into consideration these economies of scale.

16) Will the County offer preference points for small vendors?

• No, there are no preference points for small vendors. However, Participating Agencies may have unique contracting requirements or goals for small or local contractor participation, which are available in Exhibit E.4.

17) Will there be requirements to meet Small Business (SBE), Disadvantaged Business (DBE) and/or Minority Women Owned (MWBE) goals?

• Each Participating Agency will follow its own unique contracting requirements, which are available in Exhibit E.4. Participating Agencies may have unique contractual requirements or goals for SBE, DBE, and/or MWBE contractor participation.

18) Will the County provide the vendor list from the bidder conference?

• Yes, the vendor list is attached to this Addendum.

19) In the past, the County has encouraged SLEBs (Small, Local, Emerging Businesses) to partner with larger companies, why is that not a part of this bid?

• Due to the regional scale of the R-REP, the County’s Board of Supervisors authorized an exception from SLEB and other standard Alameda County contracting requirements for the purposes of the procurement and evaluation process. Following the recommendation for award, each Participating Agency will follow its own unique contracting requirements, which are available in Exhibit E.4. The County will follow its unique contracting requirements for the sites that it develops, and these will be required in contract documents.

20) What is state of site permits under CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act)?

• Each Participating Agency will be responsible for CEQA assessments for their own sites. In many cases, R-REP sites will be exempt from CEQA.

21) Who is CEQA’s lead agency? Will this be consistent throughout the bundles?

• Many sites included in the solicitation will be exempt under CEQA. For those sites that are not exempt, it is the responsibility of each Participating Agency to lead its own CEQA review.

22) Is PG&E expecting R-REP interconnect requests?

• The County has made efforts to keep PG&E apprised of the R-REP. We continue to meet regularly with PG&E to update them on project status.


Has the Prime Firm provided a list of 5 project references for which at least one team member from Part I has participated as part of a project team, and totaling at least 2 MW?

Will the County clarify if the County is looking for Prime Firms to have 5 projects of which 1 of the team members listed has also worked on one of these 5 projects?

• The Prime should list five (5) previously completed projects. One team member from Part I should have worked on each of the five (5) projects listed, which have a cumulative total of at least 2 Megawatts (MW).

24) Will there be a possibility to visit sites that are not on the scheduled site walks?

• No, it is not possible to conduct site walks for every site within the R-REP. The sites selected provide a representative sample of the technologies, size, technical issues, etc. that vendors may find throughout the R-REP bid bundles. Attempts by bidders to contact Participating Agencies for the purposes of conducting site walks not on the scheduled list, will be considered grounds for disqualification per the RFP.

25) Page 5 of the RFP, Item B (SCOPE), 2nd paragraph states:

The bundle pricing is intended to reflect a discounted price given the economies of scale and reduced transaction costs associated with the collaborative procurement. Although Participating Agencies have conducted site surveys and other due diligence, the Firms submitting bundle pricing should anticipate that there may be some sites within each bundle for which unforeseen conditions or other factors exist which may result in the inability to proceed with an individual site or sites as described. In such cases, Participating Agencies must have an opportunity to identify and substitute alternate sites of a similar size to those described in the relevant bid bundle within this solicitation. The site must be mutually acceptable to both the Participating Agency and the Firm. However, Participating Agencies are under no obligation to identify a substitute site. Furthermore, Participating Agencies reserve the right to determine whether to accept the Recommendation for Award and pricing as submitted. Therefore, bundle pricing as described in Exhibit B.2 – Bid Form should anticipate +/- 10% site movement within the bundle. Firms will be obligated to guarantee bundle pricing.

Will the County clarify what will happen if some agencies within a bundle choose PPA while others purchase? Participation could move by more than 10%.

• While we anticipate that most agencies will be interested in PPA financing, some agencies do have cash to acquire systems. All Participating Agencies need to provide pricing under both scenarios to their internal decision makers.

Since entire bundles will be awarded to one bidder, it is possible that some Participating Agencies will enter into contracts for direct acquisition and some will execute PPAs, all with the same bidder. It is also possible due to other factors that bidders will see more than 10% site movement. However, the County has worked extensively to educate Participating Agencies, and assessed the viability of sites included in the Bid Bundles.

26) Is site fallout of +/- 10% site by site or by MW capacity? Loss of one large site (particularly in the M1 – M4 bundles) will affect PPA pricing.

• It is site by site. The County has worked extensively to educate Participating Agencies, and assessed the viability of sites included in the Bid Bundles. Bidders will be required to guarantee bundle pricing.

27) What can the bidder assume regarding CSI [California Solar Initiative] incentives for sites where a reservation is not confirmed? There doesn’t seem to be a place to show PPA pricing with and without CSI incentives.

• The RFP and bid forms state that pricing should NOT include CSI incentive revenue. The information about CSI reservations is provided so that bidders are aware of the time sensitivity for project completion.

28) Do all of the agencies have established credit ratings?

• Yes. Agency credit ratings are listed in Exhibit C.4.

29) Will there be opportunities for small firms to participate?

• Yes, small businesses may function as Primes or as subcontractors. The purpose of the network bidders meeting held on October 4, 2013 was to provide an opportunity for Primes and subcontractors to meet. In addition, each Participating Agency will follow its own unique contracting requirements, which are available in Exhibit E.4. The County will follow its unique contracting requirements for the sites that it develops.

30) Is there a place in the RFP where bidders can demonstrate their experience and that of their partners?

• Please see Exhibit A and Exhibit B.1.

|Company Name / Address |Representative |Contact Information |

|ecoplexus |Erik Stuebe |Phone: 415-626-1802 |

|650 Townsend St., Ste. 310 | | |

|San Francisco, CA 94103 | | |

| | |E-Mail: eriks@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: No |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Vanir Construction Management, Inc. |Rober Flory |Phone: 510-663-1800 |

|1000 Broadway, Ste. 475 | | |

|Oakland, CA 94607 | | |

| | |E-Mail: robert.flory@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: No |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|SoCore Energy |Erin Gibb |Phone: 773-250-1706 |

|225 W. Hubbard St., Ste. 200 | | |

|Chicago, IL 60654 | | |

| | |E-Mail: egibb@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: No |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Sun edison |Pete Giese |Phone: 650-575-9865 |

|600 Clipper Dr. | | |

|Belmont, CA 94002 | | |

| | |E-Mail: pgiese@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: No |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|SolarCity |Anastasia Beckett |Phone: 650-918-9778 |

|3055 Clearview Way | | |

|San Mateo, CA 94402 | | |

| | |E-Mail: abeckett@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: No |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|albionpower |Mary Rodriguez |Phone: 415-558-1786 |

|214 Pierce St. | | |

|San Francisco, CA 94117 | | |

| | |E-Mail: mary@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: No |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Guida Surveying Inc. |Caleb McCallister |Phone: 925-398-0805 |

|4695 Chabot Dr., Ste. 115 | | |

|Pleasanton, CA 94588 | | |

| | |E-Mail: cmcmallister@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: No |

| | |Subcontractor: Yes |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|ergSol |Monika Weiss |Phone: 510-868-1730 |

|10033 Broadway Terrace | | |

|Oakland, CA 94611 | | |

| | |E-Mail: mweiss@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: Yes |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Company Name / Address |Representative |Contact Information |

|albionpower Co. |Charles Adams |Phone: 415-971-3155 |

|6200 Paseo Padre | | |

|Fremont, CA 94666 | | |

| | |E-Mail: cadams@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: No |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Dabri, Inc. |Domonique Kaur |Phone: 415-839-8142 |

|1904 Franklin St., Ste. 201 | | |

|Oakland, CA 94612 | | |

| | |E-Mail: dkaur@ |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|albionpower Co. |Daniel Marino |Phone: 510-967-6057 |

| | |E-Mail: danielpmarino@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: No |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Gestamp Solar |Chelsea Turner |Phone: 415-297-6775 |

|50 California St., Ste. 820 | | |

|San Francisco, CA 94111 | | |

| | |E-Mail: chelsea.turner@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: No |

| | |Subcontractor: Yes |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Solaria Corporation |Peter Zullo |Phone: 415-905-0940 |

|6200 Paseo Padre Pkwy | | |

|Fremont, CA 94555 | | |

| | |E-Mail: pzullo@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: No |

| | |Subcontractor: Yes |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Sun Light & Power |Eric Blomendale |Phone: 704-654-5239 |

|1035 Folger Ave. | | |

|Berkeley, CA 94710 | | |

| | |E-Mail: ericb@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: Yes |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Sun Light & Power |Jesse Quay |Phone: 510-809-3681 |

|1035 Folger Ave. | | |

|Berkeley, CA 94710 | | |

| | |E-Mail: jesse@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: Yes |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Vanir Construction Management, Inc. |Mike Koski |Phone: 510-557-5100 |

|1000 Broadway, Ste. 475 | | |

|Oakland, CA 94607 | | |

| | |E-Mail: mike.koski@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: No |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Company Name / Address |Representative |Contact Information |

|Sun Light and Power |Ilan Fuss |Phone: 510-809-3682 |

|1035 Folger Ave. | | |

|Berkeley, CA 94710 | | |

| | |E-Mail: ifuss@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: Yes |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|REC Solar |Ben Peters |Phone: 805-704-5190 |

|775 Fiero Lane | | |

|San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 | | |

| | |E-Mail: bpeters@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: Yes |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Cool Earl Solar |Tony Chen |Phone: 925-454-8506 |

|4659 Las Positas Rd., Ste. C | | |

|Livermore, CA 94551 | | |

| | |E-Mail: tony@ |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Precious Gleaning, Inc. |Junior Douglas |Phone: 510-815-1818 |

|1122 40th St., Ste. 106 | | |

|Emeryville, CA 94608 | | |

| | |E-Mail: preciousgleaning@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: No |

| | |Subcontractor: Yes |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Solar Frontier, Inc. |Ravi Menon |Phone: 408-916-4152 |

|3945 Freedom Circle, Ste. 360 | | |

|Santa Clara, CA 95054 | | |

| | |E-Mail: ravi.menon@solar- |

| | |Prime Contractor: No |

| | |Subcontractor: Yes |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Green Charge Networks |Steve Kelley |Phone: 650-740-3320 |

|309 Laurelwood Rd., Ste. 24 | | |

|Santa Clara, CA 95054 | | |

| | |E-Mail: skelley@ |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Enfinity America Corp. |Robin Park |Phone: 415-305-2011 |

|315 Montgomery, Ste. 100 | | |

|San Francisco, CA 94104 | | |

| | |E-Mail: rpark@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: No |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Cupertino Electric, Inc. |Jerry Ashley |Phone: 408-808-7601 |

|1132 N. 7th St. | | |

|San Jose, CA 95112 | | |

| | |E-Mail: jerry_ashley@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: No |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Company Name / Address |Representative |Contact Information |

|SunPower |Bob Redlinger |Phone: 510-260-8222 |

|1414 Harbour Way South | | |

|Richmond, CA 94804 | | |

| | |E-Mail: bob.redlinger@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: Yes |

| | |Subcontractor: No |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Solaria |Marco Miller |Phone: 510-896-9644 |

|6200 Paseo Padre | | |

|Fremont, CA 94555 | | |

| | |E-Mail: mmiller@ |

| | |Prime Contractor: No |

| | |Subcontractor: Yes |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Cupertino Electric |Saurabh Samdani |Phone: 408-808-8086 |

|1132 N 7th St. | | |

|San Jose, CA 95112 | | |

| | |E-Mail: saurabh_samdani@ |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Hamilton Solar LLC |Matthew Weinberger |Phone: 702-303-4446 |

|8995 Terabyte Dr. | | |

|Reno, NV 89521 | | |

| | |E-Mail: mweinberger@ |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|Solar City |Jennifer Jachym |Phone: 415-373-4504 |

| | |E-Mail: jjachym@ |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|CODA Energy |Matt Sloustcher |Phone: 650-867-7395 |

| | | |

| | |E-Mail: msloustcher@ |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|      |Brad Detjen |Phone:       |

| | |E-Mail:       |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|      |Christina Stanton |Phone:       |

| | |E-Mail:       |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB:       |

|Company Name / Address |Representative |Contact Information |

|      |Cynthia Christensen |Phone:       |

| | |E-Mail:       |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|      |Dakota Hahn |Phone:       |

| | |E-Mail:       |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|      |Dan |Phone:       |

| | |E-Mail:       |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB:       |

|      |Edgar Arvizu |Phone:       |

| | |E-Mail:       |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB:       |

|      |Jared Quient |Phone:       |

| | |E-Mail:       |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|      |Kristin Stafford |Phone:       |

| | |E-Mail:       |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|      |Mike Clifton |Phone:       |

| | |E-Mail:       |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |

|      |Tracy Mattley |Phone:       |

| | |E-Mail:       |

| | |Prime Contractor:       |

| | |Subcontractor:       |

| | |Certified SLEB: N/A |



RFP NO. 901098 – R-REP

Below is the Vendor Bid List for this project consisting of vendors who have responded to RFI No. 901098, and/or been issued a copy of this RFP. This Vendor Bid List is being provided for informational purposes.

This RFP Addendum is being issued to all vendors on the Vendor Bid List; the following revised vendor list includes contact information for each vendor attendee at the Networking/Bidders Conferences.

|RFP No. 901098 - R-REP |

|Business Name |Contact Name |Contact Phone |Address |City |State |Email |

|A123 Systems, LLC |Rick Johnson |636-534-3129 |17889 Chesterfield Airport|Chesterfield |MO |rickjohnson@ |

| | | |Rd | | | |

|AEKO Consulting, Inc. |Gboyega Aladegbami |510-763-2356 x13|1939 Harrison St, Ste 420 |Oakland |CA |Gboyega@ |

|albionpower |Mary Rodriguez |415-558-1786 |214 Pierce St. |San Francisco |CA |mary@ |

|albionpower |Charles Adams |415-971-3155 |6200 Paseo Padre Parkway |Fremont |CA |cadams@ |

|albionpower |Daniel Marino |510-967-6057 |  |  |  |danielpmarino@ |

|aItergy systems |Mickey Oros |916-458-8567 |140 Blue Ravine Road |Folsom |CA |mickey.oros@ |

|Alameda Electrical |Mike Snow |707-386-5669 |2420 Blanding Ave |Alameda |CA |msnow@ |

|Distributors and California | | | | | | |

|Service Tool | | | | | | |

|Alameda Electrical |Anne Donathan |510-566-2954 |2420 Blanding Ave |Alameda |CA |ADonathan@ |

|Distributors and California | | | | | | |

|Service Tool | | | | | | |

|Allana Buick & Bers Inc. |Tom Ball |650-223-6737 |990 Commercial St |Palo Alto |CA |tball@ |

|Allana Buick & Bers Inc. |Khatidga Khalfan |650-543-5600 |990 Commercial St |Palo Alto |CA |marketing@ |

|Allana Buick & Bers Inc. |Khatidja Khalfan |650-543-5600 |990 Commercial St |Palo Alto |CA |bd@ |

|Alternative Energy |Chris Fraga |610-909-8067 |The Radnor Corporate Ctr, |Radnor |PA |cfraga@ |

|Development Group, LLC | | |100 Matsonford Rd, Bldg 2,| | | |

| | | |Ste 410 | | | |

|Alternative Energy |Amber Ruz |530-345-6980 |PO Box 9231 |Chico |CA |amber@ |

|Development Group, LLC | | | | | | |

|AMSOLAR International |Jared Quient |760-480-7460 |420 Stevens Ave. Suite 160|Solana Beach |CA |jared@ |

|Apex Solar |Farrel Williams |408 782-0706 |6797 Croy Rd |Morgan Hill |CA |Farrel@ |

|ATI Architects and Engineers |Paul DiDonato |925-648-8800 |3860 Blackhawk Road |Danville |CA |pdidonato@ |

|Bloom Energy Corporation |Ivor Castelino |408-534-1098 |1299 Orleans Drive |Sunnyvale |CA |lvor.Castelino@ |

|Bloom Energy Corporation |Mike Fuss |408-543-1608 |1299 Orleans Drive |Sunnyvale |CA |Mike.Fuss@ |

|Bloom Energy Corporation |Lana Gee |408 543-1709 |1252 Orleans Drive |Sunnyvale |CA |lgee@ |

|Bloom Energy Corporation |Pete Henderson |408-543-1072 |1299 Orleans Drive |Sunnyvale |CA |Peter.Henderson@ |

|Bloom Energy Corporation |Ed Lieberman |408-543-1540 |1252 Orleans Drive |Sunnyvale |CA |elieberman@ |

|Bloom Energy Corporation |Alexandra Moser |408-543-1181 |1299 Orleans Drive |Sunnyvale |CA |Alexandra.Moser@ |

|Borrego Solar Services, Inc. |Matti Hirpa |540-496-8744 |360 22nd St, Ste 600 |Oakland |CA |mhirpa@ |

|Borrego Solar Systems, Inc. |Jim Brennan |510-496-8718 |360 22nd St, Ste 600 |Oakland |CA |dpotovsky@ |

|Burnham Energy, Inc. |Greg Sellers |408-603-9660 |4 N 2nd St.. Ste 625 |San Jose |CA |gsellers@ |

|California Solar Energy |Kelsea Jones |916-228-4567 |1107 9th St, Ste 820 |Sacramento |CA |kjones@ |

|Industries Association | | | | | | |

|California Solar Innovators |Jordan Jones |209-596-0350 |  |  |  |jordan@ |

|Inc. | | | | | | |

|CE2 CORPORATION |CLYDE R. Wong |925-463-7301 |6140 Stoneridge Mall Rd. |Pleasanton |CA |info@ |

| | | |Ste. 500+D179 | | | |

|CED Greentech |jan Halasz |510-352-8460 |1906 Republic Ave. |San Leandro |CA |janh@ |

|CH2MHill |Heather Abrams |510-698-2707 |  |Oakland |CA |Heather.Abrams@ |

|Clark Strategic Partners |Woodrow Clark |310-858-6886 |PO Box #17975 |Beverly Hills |CA |wwclark13@ |

|CleanFocus Energy, Inc. |Philip Mickelson |415-729-5575 |500 Sansome St. Suite 510 |San Francisco |CA |phil@ |

|CODA Energy |Matt Sloustcher |650-867-7395 |  |  |  |msloustcher@ |

|Complete Solar Solution |Mark Harnett |877-299-4943 |1065 E Hillsdale Blvd. Ste|Foster City |CA |mharnett@ |

| | | |308 | | | |

|Coneybeare |Victoria Betancourt |714-547-8546 |2003 N Broadway |Santa Ana |CA |vicky@ |

|Constellation |Zeb Wallace |310-248-0005 |50 Oak Ct, Ste 120 |Danville |CA |zeb.wallace@ |

|Constellation |Sally Nussenfeld |410-470-1579 |  |  |  |sally.nussenfeld@ |

|Continental Merchandisers, |Jodie Garcia |651-224-4000 |273 Lafayette Road S. |St.Paul |MN |JodyG@ |

|Inc. | |x2012 | | | | |

|Cool Earth Solar, Inc. |Tony Chen |925-454-8506 |4659 Las Positas Rd., Ste.|Livermore |CA |tony@ |

| | | |C | | | |

|Coronal Management, LLC |Jonathan Jaffrey |855-267-6625 |260 S Los Robles, Ste 104 |Pasadena |CA |jdj@ |

|Corporate Translations, Inc. |Richard Gronbach |310-376-1400 |1300 Aviation Blvd |Redondo Beach |CA |rwg@ |

|Cupertino Electric Inc. |Paul Aggarwal |408-808-8000 |1132 North 7th Street |San Jose |CA |Paul_Aggarwal@ |

|Cupertino Electric Inc. |Janet Clark |  |  |  |  |Janet Clark@ |

|Cupertino Electric Inc. |Christina |408-808-8212 |1132 North 7th Street |San Jose |CA |christina_hatzistratis@ |

| |Hatzistratis | | | | | |

|Cupertino Electric Inc. |Jerry Ashley |408-808-7601 |1132 North 7th Street |San Jose |CA |jerry_ashley@ |

|Cupertino Electric Inc. |Saurabh Samdani |408-808-8086 |1132 North 7th Street |San Jose |CA |saurabh_samdani@ |

|Dabri, Inc. |Domonique Kaur |415-839-8142 |1904 Franklin St., Ste. |Oakland |CA |dkaur@ |

| | | |201 | | | |

|Desert Solar Inc |Jim Emery |760-240-3888 |19153 Town Center Dr Ste |Apple Valley |CA |jim@ |

|dba DS Energy Solutions | | |102 | | | |

|Direct Energy |Lance Henderson |403-776-2178 |Suite 1200 525 8 Ave SW |Calgary |AB |Lance.Henderson@ |

|Duggwood Enterprises, Inc. |Andrea Fullwood |  |  |  |  |duggwoodenterprises@ |

|Ecoplexus |Sasha Josephs |415-626-1802 |650 Townsend St. Suite 310|San Francisco |CA |sjosephs@ |

|Ecoplexus |Erik Stuebe |415-626-1802 |650 Townsend St, Ste 310 |San Francisco |CA |eriks@ |

|EDF Renewable Energy |Nader Jandaghi |858-521-3581 |4000 Executive Pkwy, Ste |San Ramon |CA |nader.jandaghi@edf- |

| | | |100 | | | |

|EDF Renewable Energy |Nader Jandaghi |858-521-3581 |15445 Innovation Drive |San Diego |CA |nader.jandaghi@edf- |

|Enernoc, Inc. |Douglas Chamberlin |925-826-1602 |500 Ygnacio Valley Rd.,Ste|Walnut Creek |CA |dchamberlin@ |

| | | |450 | | | |

|Enerparc, Inc |Sandra Liu |415-671-6203 |4 Embarcadero Center |San Francisco |CA |s.liu@enerparc.us |

|Enfinity America Corporation |Robin Park |415-305-2011 |315 Montgomery, Ste. 100 |San Francisco |CA |rpark@ |

|ergSol |Monica Weiss |510-868-1730 |10033 Broadway Terrace |Oakland |CA |mweiss@ |

|ergSol, Inc. |Don Rodes |916-496-8186 |10333 Broadway Terrace |Oakland |CA |drodes@ |

|Everyday Solar |Chris Sherring |609 240 4179 |3 Bellaire Drive |Princeton |NJ |csherring@ |

|Everyday Solar |Dr. Chris Sherring |609-240-4179 |3 Bellaire Drive |Princeton |NJ |csherring@ |

|Focal Point Energy, Inc. |Taber Smith |408-923-1541 |1650 Las Plumas Ave. Ste C|San Jose |CA |taber@ |

|Focal Point Energy, Inc. |Richard Tetschlag |408-896-6224 |1650 Las Plumas Ave. Ste C|San Jose |CA |dick@ |

|Free Hot Water |Tor Valenza |310-251-2763 |  |  |  |tor@ |

|Freehotwater Solar Therma |Paul Burrowes |408-432-9900 |2146 Bering Drive |San Jose |CA |paul@ |

|Solutions | | | | | | |

|FuelCell Energy, Inc |Trevor Rodd |925-303-0016 |8 Scenic Court |Danville |CA |trodd@ |

|FuelCell Energy, Inc. |Robert Keefrider |203-830-5705 |3 Great Pasture Road |Danbury |CT |rkeefrider@ |

|FuelCell Energy, Inc. |Chris Pais |925-979-1602 |1150 Lincoln Avenue |Walnut Creek |CA |cpais@ |

|Gen-X Energy Development LLC |Fred Brown |510-410-4917 |831 Longridge Road |Oakland |CA |fred.brown@gen- |

|Gestamp Solar |Chelsea Turner |415-297-6775 |50 California St., Ste. |San Francisco |CA |chelsea.turner@ |

| | | |820 | | | |

|Global Energy Partners |Claire Curtin |925-482-2000 |500 Ygnacio Valley Rd., |Walnut Creek |CA |ccurtin@ |

| | | |Ste 450 | | | |

|Green Charge Networks |Steve Kelley |650-740-3320 |309 Laurelwood Rd., Ste. |Santa Clara |CA |skelley@ |

| | | |24 | | | |

|Greensleeves Energy Solutions|John Scorsone |937-286-1149 |1995 Tiffin Ave. Suite 312|Findlay |OH |JScorsone@ |

|Guida Surveying Inc. |Caleb McCallister |925-398-0805 |4695 Chabot Dr., Ste. 115 |Pleasanton |CA |cmcmallister@ |

|Hamilton Solar LLC |Matthew Weinberger |702-303-4446 |8995 Terabyte Dr. |Reno |NV |mweinberger@ |

|Hangzhou Photovoltaic |Carol Zhao |571-873-82355 |Room 1101, Library |Zhejiang |Zhejiang |Carol.Zhao@zii- |

|Association | | |Information Building C |University |Province | |

| | | | |Hangzhou | | |

|Hanwha Q CELLS USA |Brian Lynch |310-750-7796 |8001 Irvine Center Dr. Ste|Irvine |CA |brian.lynch@ |

| | | |1250 | | | |

|Hanwha SolarOne U.S.A. Inc. |George Gisel |760-342-8168 |5163 Wisteria Dr, Ste 100 |Oceanside |CA |us.sales@hanwha- |

|HelioPower |Nick Weber |760-377-6460 |612 Howard St, Ste 100 |San Francisco |CA |nweber@ |

|Honeywell Building Solutions |Cathy Ward |650-918-3344 |353-A Vintage Park Dr |Foster City |CA |cathy.ward@ |

|HT Solar Power |Lara Mendel |303-922-7815 |2295 S. Lipan Street |Denver |CO |lara.mendel@hwy- |

|IMS |Andy Wright |858-490-8806 |945 Hornblend St. Ste G |San Diego |CA |CA2@ |

|Independent Energy Solutions,|Lindsey Darnell |760-752-9706 |1090 Joshua Way |Vista |CA |ldarnell@ |

|Inc. | | | | | | |

|ISA Corporation |Anthony Zante |510-324-3755 |3213 Whipple Road |Union City |CA |tzante@isa- |

|ISA Corporation |Tony Zante |510-324-3755 |3213 Whipple Road |Union City |CA |tzante@isa- |

|iSqFt Planroom |Irene Wernke |800-364-2059 |77738 Flora Rd. |Palm Desert |CA |iwernke@ |

| | |x7033 | | | | |

|Josephine Professional |Josephine Hughes |408-943-0111 |2158 Ringwood Ave. |San Jose |CA |josephine@jps- |

|Staffing, Inc. | |x310 | | | | |

|LEAN Energy |Shawn Marshall |  |  |  |  |shawnmarshall@ |

|Lifestyle Solar Inc |Larry Hoang |559-228-0229 |21 E Shaw Ave |Fresno, |CA |larry@ |

|Linkture Corp. |Opty Fernandez |949-589-1909 |15 Flagstone |Trabuco Canyon |CA |opty@ |

|Marubeni Corporation |Hisafumi Manabe |3-3282-7006 |4-2, Ohtemachi 1-Chome |Chiyoda-KU |Tokyo |Manabe-H@ |

|MBL & Sons, Inc. |Mark Laubach |408-590-6160 |954 Hampswood Way |San Jose |CA |mark@mbl- |

|McCalmont Engineering |Tom McCalmont |408-871-9600 |1624 Dell Avenue |Campbell |CA |tom@ |

|Morrow - Meadows Corporation |Jeff Coleman |909-594-4161 |620 Reyes Drive |Walnut |CA |jcoleman@morrow- |

|MP2 Capital, LLC |Casey Keenan |415-985-5333 |500 Sansome St. Suite 750 |San Francisco |CA |casey@ |

|N2 Electric,Inc. |Nicholas McDaid |925-447-8882 |3589 First Street, Suite C|Livermore |CA |n2electric@ |

|New Energy and Industrial |Aya Iwasuji |408-567-8033 |3945 Freedom Cir, Ste 790 |Santa Clara |CA |aya.iwasuji@ |

|Technology Development | | | | | | |

|Organization | | | | | | |

|New Energy and Industrial |Sean Kagiyama |408-567-8033 |3945 Freedom Cir, Ste 790 |Santa Clara |CA |sean.kagiyama@ |

|Technology Development | | | | | | |

|Organization | | | | | | |

|Oak Leaf Energy Partners |Michael McCabe |303-893-6945 |2645 E. 2nd. Ave, Ste 206 |Denver |CO |mike@ |

|OHR Energy - Otto H. |Kenneth Rosentreter |562-946-3381 |13039 E Florence Ave |Santa Fe Springs|CA |ken@ |

|Rosentreter Co. | | | | | | |

|OHR Energy - Otto H. |Ken Rosentreter |562-946-3381 |13039 E Florence Ave |Santa Fe Springs|  |ken@ |

|Rosentreter Co. | | | | | | |

|PanelClaw |Ashan Walpita |978-688-4900 |155 Montgomery St |San Francisco |CA |awalpita@ |

| | |x207 | | | | |

|Perpetual Power |Paul Townsend |415-990-0027 |6724 Preston Ave. |Livermore |CA |paul@ |

|Photon Finance LLC |Reid Rutherford |650-472-0026 |2570 W El Camino Real, Ste|Mountain View |CA |reid@ |

| | | |500 | | | |

|PHYchip Corporation |Dhaval J. Brahmbhatt|408-561-1594 |25, N. 14th Street, Ste |San Jose |CA |dhaval@ |

| | | |400 | | | |

|Precious Gleaning |Constance Marie |  |  |  |  |preciousgleaning@ |

| |Connie | | | | | |

|Precious Gleaning |Junior Douglas |510-815-1818 |1122 40th St., Ste. 106 |Emeryville |CA |preciousgleaning@ |

|Pristine Sun |Kevin White |650-387-7261 |649 Mission St, 5th Floor |San Francisco |CA |kevin.white@ |

|Prologis |Blake Kelley |909-673-8725 |2817 E. Cedar St. Ste 200 |Ontario |CA |bkelley@ |

| | |909-673-8700 | | | | |

|Pure Power Solutions |Rebecca Lipski |707-433-6556 |1083 Vine St, Ste 279 |Healdsburg, |CA |rebecca@ |

|Quality Transformer and |James Nealon |408-263-8444 |963 Ames Avenue |Milpitas |CA |James.Nealon@ |

|Electronics, Inc. | | | | | | |

|Quantum Energy Services & |Marc McDonald |510-540-7200 |2001 Addison St, Ste 300 |Berkeley |CA |mmcdonald@quest- |

|Technologies, Inc. | | | | | | |

|Raycon Industries, Inc |David Chang |408-467-1101 |2010 Hartog Drive |San Jose |CA |davidc@ |

|REC Solar Inc. |Ben Peters |805-704-5190 |775 Fiero Lane, Ste. 200 |San Luis Obispo |CA |bpeters@ |

|Red Dipper, LLC |Doug Parrish |510-746-6041 |1008 Webster Street |San Francisco |CA |doug@ |

|Red Top Electric |Michael Curran |925 667-2900 |6751 Southfront Road |Livermore, |CA |mike@ |

|Regeneration Finance |  |  |  |  |  |wshippee@ |

|Regeneration Finance |Nick Stoker |  |  |  |  |Nick.Stoker@ |

|ReneSola |Haris Anjum |415-852-7421 |301 Howard St., Ste. 850 |San Francisco |CA |haris.anjum@ |

|Renewable Social Benefit | |  |  |  |  |jdj@ |

|Funds, L3C A Panasonic Eco | | | | | | |

|Solutions North America | | | | | | |

|Partner | | | | | | |

|RGS Energy |Eric Yamami |415-295-4951 |  |  |  |eric.yamami@ |

|Robert L. Brown Construction,|David Brown |925-228-4944 |4878 Sunrise Drive |Martinez, |CA |dbrown@ |

|Inc. | | | | | | |

|Safari Energy, LLC |Jessica Elengical |212-935-2500 |989 6th Ave, 5th floor |New York |NY |jelengical@ |

|SAGE |Tom Williard |650-592-7243 |BE1519 Solana Dr |Belmont |CA |tom@ |

|Siemens |Kelly Fergusson |510-731-3069 |25821 Industrial Blvd, Ste|Hayward |CA |kelly.fergusson@ |

| | | |300 | | | |

|Siemens Industry, Inc. |Scott Meinzen |510-305-0967 |25821 Industrial Blvd, Ste|Hayward, |CA |scott.meinzen@ |

| | | |300 | | | |

|Skyline Innovations |Grant Manning |202-719-5297 |411 S.Hewitt St. |Los Angeles |CA |gmanning@ |

|Skyline Innovations, Inc. |Sandra Lee |925-270-7634 |411 S Hewitt St |Los Angeles |CA |slee@ |

|Smart Energy Capital, LLC |Christina Stanton |914-269-8023 |  |  |  |christina@ |

|smith and sons electric |david smith |510-651-4994 |44081 Grimmer Blvd |Fremont, |Ca |djsmith@ |

|SoCore Energy |Rob Federighi |773-913-4401 |225 W Hubbard St, Ste 302 |Chicago |IL |rfederighi@ |

|SoCore Energy |Stephen Kelley |650-740-3320 |1037 Alameda De las Pulgas|Belmont, |CA |skelley@ |

|SoCore Energy |Erin Gibb |773-250-1706 |225 W Hubbard St, Ste 200 |Chicago |IL |egibb@ |

|Solar Frontier Americas, Inc.|Ravi Menon |408-916-4152 |3945 Freedom Cir, Ste 360 |Santa Clara |CA |Ravi.Menon@solar- |

|Solar Tech |Marianne Walpert |408-943-7061 |3081 Zanker Road |San Jose |CA |mwalpert@ |

|SolarBOS, Inc. |Sean Thai |925-456-7744 |310 Stealth Court |Livermore, |CA |sean@ |

|SolarCity |Shouvik Banerjee |650-963-5874 |  |  |  |sbanerjee@ |

|SolarCity |Anastasia Beckett |650-918-9778 |3055 Clearview Way |San Mateo |CA |abeckett@ |

|SolarCity |Jennifer Jachym |415-373-4504 |  |  |  |jjachym@ |

|SolarCity |Andrew Lutkus |925-785-7567 |  |  |  |alutkus@ |

|SolarCraft Services, Inc. |Bill Stewart |415-382-7717 |285-d Bel Marin Keys Blvd |Novato, |CA |bstewart@ |

|Solaria Corporation |David Hochschild |510-270-2531 |6200 Paseo Padre Pkwy |Fremont |CA |dhochschild@ |

|Solaria Corporation |Peter Zullo |415-905-0940 |6200 Paseo Padre Pkwy |Fremont |CA |pzullo@ |

|Solaria Corporation |Marco Miller |510-896-9644 |6200 Paseo Padre Pkwy |Fremont |CA |mmiller@ |

|Solar-Klean |Phillip D. Green |650-539-4718 |210 S. Ellsworth Ave. #667|San Mateo |CA |pgreen@solar- |

|SolarVision Co |Andy Skumanich |408-377-0545 |412 Los Gatos Almaden Rd. |Los Gatos |CA |askumanich@ |

|SolarWorld Americas LLC |Carol A Smith |805-388-6279 |4650 Adohrs Lane |Camarillo |CA |carol.smith@ |

|SolEd Benefit Corporation |David Kunhardt |415-322-0644 |30 Castro Ave. |San Rafael |CA |david@sol- |

|Sprig Electric |James Conlow |408-298-3134 |1860 S. 1011 St |San Jose |CA |jconlow@ |

| | |X308 | | | | |

|Sprig Electric |Tony Sarti |408-298-3134 |1860 S. 1011 St |San Jose |CA |tsarti@ |

| | |X208 | | | | |

|state energy office, nc |Bob Leker |919-733-1907 |  |  |  |bleker@ |

|Sun Light and Power |Eric Blomendale |704-654-5239 |1035 Folger Ave |Berkeley |CA |ericb@ |

|Sun Light and Power |Jesse Quay |510-809-3681 |1035 Folger Ave |Berkeley |CA |jesse@ |

|Sun Light and Power |Patch Garcia |510-845-2997 |1035 Folger Ave |Berkeley |CA |patch@ |

| | |x127 | | | | |

|Sun Light and Power |Ilan Fuss |510-809-3682 |1035 Folger Ave |Berkeley |CA |ifuss@ |

|Sundial-Western |Jon Kramer |240-463-3688 |518 Walnut St |Pacific Grove |CA |jk2surf@ |

|SunEdison |Sam Youneszadeh |949-892-7594 |600 Clipper Dr |Belmont |CA |syouneszadeh@ |

|SunEdison |Pete Giese |650-575-9865 |600 Clipper Dr |Belmont |CA |pgiese@ |

|Sunpods Inc |Dan Jaeger |408-464-5899 |1922 The Alameda Ste 104 |San Jose |CA |djaeger@ |

|SunPower Corporation |Bill Kelly |510-260-8203 |1414 Harbour Wy S |Richmond |CA |bill.kelly@ |

|SunPower Corporation |Bobby Ram |408-240-5519 |3939 N. 1 st Street |San Jose |CA |bobby.ram@ |

|SunPower Corporation |Beberly Velasquez |510-260-8384 |1414 Harbour Wy S |Richmond, |CA |beberly.velasquez@ |

|SunPower Corporation |Kevin Gardiner |510-439-4609 |1414 Harbour Wy S |Richmond |CA |kevin.gardiner@ |

|SunPower Corporation |Bob Redlinger |510-260-8222 |1414 Harbour Wy S |Richmond |CA |bob.redlinger@ |

|SunSpec Alliance |John Nunneley |831-334-5567 |225 Nelson Rd |Scotts Valley |CA |John@ |

|Suntrek Industries Inc. |Janelle Clark |949-348-9276 |5 Holland Dr. Ste 215 |Irvine |CA |jclark@ |

|Suntrek Industries Inc. |David W. Haskell |415-342-8123 |25 Glen Drive Suite 1 |Fairfax |CA |dhaskell@ |

|Suntrek Industries Inc. |Phil Negro |949-348-9276 |2021 Las Positas Ct. |Livermore |CA |phil@ |

|SunWize Technologies, Inc. |Colelene Clark |408-510-5073 |111 W St. John St., Ste |San Jose |CA |cclark@ |

| | | |1200 | | | |

|Sustainable Technologies |Ernesto Montenero |510-523-1122 |1800 Orion St Ste 101 |Alameda |CA |ernesto@ |

|Swanrock DBA Skytech Solar |Colin Swan |415-826-2503 |1501 Mariposa St Ste 319 |San Francisco |CA |info@ |

|Synapse Electric |Coleen Curry |415-819-0692 |280 Pacific Way |Muir Beach |CA |coleen@ |

|Tetra Tech, Inc. |Daniel Jordan |609-58-6283 |3475 E Foothill Blvd |Pasadena |CA |daniel.jordan@ |

|The Dow Chemical Company |Jim Perteet |408-391-1682 |  |  |  |JPerteet@ |

|The Solar Company, Inc. |John Bernal |916-384-9053 |  |  |  |john@ |

|The Solar Company, Inc. |Steve Aphugh |925-206-3170 |20861 Wilbeam Ave. |Castro Valley |CA |steve@ |

|Tioga Energy |Andy Sinnott |916-983-2276 |2755 Campus Dr, Ste 145 |San Mateo |CA |asinnott@ |

|TRA Environmental Sciences, |Taylor Peterson |650-400-5767 |545 Middlefield Rd, Ste |Menlo Park |CA |peterson@ |

|Inc. | | |200 | | | |

|Unirac, Inc. |Greg Barnes |505-242-6411 |1411 Broadway Blvd NE |Albuquerque |NM |gregb@ |

|UTC Power Corporation |Mark Carmichael |860-727-2022 |195 Governor's Hwy |South Windsor |CT |Mark.Carmichael@ |

|UTC Power Corporation |Neal Montany |860-727-2152 |195 Governor's Hwy |South Windsor |CT |Neal.Montany@ |

|Vanir Construction Mgmt,Inc. |Terri Cruz |510-663-1800 |1000 Broadway, Ste 475 |Oakland |CA |teri.cruz@ |

|Vanir Construction Mgmt,Inc. |Robert Flory |510-663-1800 |1000 Broadway, Ste 475 |Oakland |CA |robert.flory@ |

|Vanir Construction Mgmt,Inc. |Mike Koski |510-557-5100 |1000 Broadway, Ste 475 |Oakland |CA |mike.koski@ |

|Veteran Solar Inc. |Ray Piontek |650 969-2100 |1061 Seena Ave |Los Altos |CA |Ray@ |

|Vista Solar |Jaymes Callinan |408-844-7199 |2985 Kife Road |Santa Clara |CA |jaymes@vista- |

|Vista Solar |Patrick Callinan |408-844-7149 |2985 Kifer Road |Santa Clara |CA |contactus@vista- |

|Vista Solar |Mark Frederick |408-844-7140 |2985 Kifer Road |Santa Clara |CA |markf@vista- |

|Wesco |Diana Sobol |714-875-4262 |  |  |  |dsobol@ |

|  |LJ Junior |  |  |  |  |ljjunior144@ |

|  |smita khoot |510-406-4112 |10 south 3rd St, 5th Floor|San Jose |CA |smita@ |


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