“YO” Project for Spanish Class

¿Quién Soy Yo? Project for Spanish Class

Objective: To create a written and visual description of myself.

• Look up any necessary words in the Spanish/English dictionary (students’ names, towns, states, and brand names do not need to be translated to Spanish).

• There may be no English on this project (except brand names, towns, states). This is meant to be simplistic, this is what we have done so far.

• Pictures may be drawings, real photos, clip art, images found online, or magazine cutouts.

• Create a book/collage about yourself. As you complete your book/collage, put a check next to each of the items below. Each of the bullets should be its own page in your book. The book must include the following information and pictures and/or drawings that correspond:

o Put the title on it(¿Quién soy yo?). Put your name and Spanish teacher’s name.

o Your name using a “Me llamo” sentence with a picture of yourself. The picture may be current or old and it may include other people as well.

o Tell when your birthday is in Spanish, writing the date in the proper way (look at how we say the date every day!!). Show your birthday visually with a picture of drawing.

o Where you are from using “Soy de” in a sentence with a picture or drawing representing this city/state/or country (maps, landmarks, state flags, state bird, state flowers, etc work great here for an image).

o Where you currently live using “Vivo en” in a sentence with a picture or drawing of your current home or hometown.

o A statement about your nationality using “soy” and visual images depicting aspects of your nationality (this could be maps, flags, symbols, foods, landmarks, etc)

o A description of what you are like using “soy” and 3 adjectives in the correct form (masculine/feminine) to describe you. Suggested images (3) for this are emoticons, clip art of tall vs. short, etc.

o A statement of 3 things that you like using either “me gusta” or “me gustan” (singular or plural items) and accompanying visual images (3) that show or represent these likes.

o A statement of 2 things you do not like using “no me gusta” or “no me gustan” (singular vs. plural items) and accompanying visual images (2) that show or represent these dislikes.

o Be creative and make it look nice. You may do more, do not do less!! Final products should not be in pencil!!

o Turn in this sheet with your final project.

| |Excelente |Bien |Así-Así |¡Ay Caramba! |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Cover |You have a cover with the |You have a cover with|You have your name |You have written |

| |title, your name, & your |the title and your |on the cover, but |the title in |

| |homeroom teacher’s name. |name. The reader may|no hr teacher. You|English, in pencil |

| |You have an appealing |be interested because|may have included |and have made |

| |picture or drawing. The |it looks nice. Some |the title but it is|little attempt to |

| |reader wants to open it and |color. |in pencil. The |make it appealing |

| |see what else you have done.| |reader doesn’t |to the reader. Your|

| |Color!! | |really get |name and hr |

| | | |interested. NO |teacher’s name not |

| | | |COLOR. |on it. |

|Spanish sentences |You have written all of your|You have written all |You have words, not|You have written in|

| |sentences in proper Spanish.|the sentences in |sentences in |Spanglish (the |

| |You have used complete |Spanish, but they are|Spanish. The words|dreaded combo of |

| |sentences. |not correct |may not be correct.|the 2 languages). |

| | |(misspellings, wrong |You have used some |This is not |

| | |verbs, etc). |English words. |correct. |

|Verbs |You used the correct forms |You used the correct |You used the |You didn’t use |

| |of your verbs 100% of the |forms of the verbs |correct forms of |verbs correctly at |

| |time |most of the time |the verbs some of |all. |

| | | |the time | |

|Vocabulary |You have the correct |You have the correct |You have most of |You have not |

| |adjectives to describe you |words, but they are |the right words. |looked up the |

| |(masculine/feminine). You |not the correct form |You may have the |proper words for |

| |have looked up the correct |(m/f). You may have |wrong number (sing |your pictures. You|

| |words for your pictures. |mislabeled some |& plural) and |have the wrong |

| | |pictures. |gender (masc/fem). |number |

| | | | |(sing/plural) and |

| | | | |gender (masc/fem). |

|Include all information|You have all 9 pieces of |You have 7-8 pieces |You have 4-6 pieces|You have less than |

| |information |of information |of information |4 pieces of |

| | | | |required |

| | | | |information |

|Images |You have images for all of |You have images for |You have images for|You have less than |

| |your information |7-9 of your sentences|4-6 of your |4 images for your |

| | | |sentences |sentences. |

|Neatness & Creativity |You have made this nice to |You made it fairly |You have slapped on|It is not neat. |

| |look at and easy to read. |nice to view. You |some pictures, & |You did not make it|

| |You used color. This really|did not write neatly.|maybe used some |unique to you and |

| |represents you. |Some color. A fair |color. Neatness is|it is written in |

| | |representation of |questionable. Not |pencil. I hope |

| | |you. |a great statement |this doesn’t really|

| | | |of who you are. |represent who you |

| | | | |are! |

|On Time |Turned in on time (by end of|Turned in after class|Turned in on Friday|Turned in after |

| |class on 12/11) w/this |on 12/11 w/rubric |12/12 or w/o rubric|12/12 with or w/o |

| |rubric | | |rubric |


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