Microsoft Word - Cardno TEC 03FAC Catalog 9-3-13

Multiple Award Schedule

Facilities Maintenance and Management Services

(Modification PS-A824), Effective August 21, 2020)

General Services Administration, Federal Supply Service Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List

FSC Group: Facilities

FSC Classes:

561210FAC – J035

541690E – R404

541690 – R425


OLM - 0000

Contract Number: GS-21F-0135V Contract Period: 1 September 2019 –

31 August 2024

DUNS Number: 61-160-3457

CAGE Number: 0L251

General Services Administration, Federal Supply Service

Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List

Online access to contract ordering information,

Terms and conditions, up-to-date pricing, and the

Option to create an electronic delivery order is

Available through GSA Advantage! ™, a menu-

Driven database system. The INTERNET address

For GSA Advantage!™ is:

Contract Administration:

Mr. Steve Clonts

GSA FSS Contract Administrator

Cardno GS Inc.

Office: 2496 Old Ivy Road, Suite 300 Charlottesville, VA 22905

Telephone: (434) 295-4446

Fax: (434) 295-5535

Email: Steve.Clonts@cardno-

For more information on ordering from Federal Supply Schedules, click on the FSS Schedules button at:


Business Size: Large[pic]



561210FAC - Complete Facilities Maintenance and Management

541690E - Energy Services

541690 - Integrated Logistics Support

ANCRA - Ancillary Repair and Alterations

OLM - 0000

1b. Lowest Price Model Number and Lowest Unit Price: Not Applicable

1c. Description of Hourly Rates: See attached tables

2. Maximum Order: $1,000,000

3. Minimum Order: $100

4. Geographic Coverage: Worldwide

5. Points of Production: Cardno GS Inc. offices worldwide and at customer sites as appropriate.

Discount from List Prices or Statement of Net Price: Discounts from commercial labor rates are already factored into the GS-21F-0135V labor rate table below.

6. Quantity Discounts: Not Applicable

7. Prompt Payment Terms: Net 30 Days

9a/9b. Government Credit Card: Government credit card is accepted above and below the micro-purchase threshold.

10. Foreign Items: None

11a/11b/11c. Time of Delivery: To be negotiated with the customer per Task Order.

12. F.O.B. Point(s): To be negotiated with the customer per Task Order.

13/14. Ordering Address and Payment Address: Mr. Steven Clonts, GSA FSS Contract Administrator Cardno GS Inc.

2496 Old Ivy Road, Suite 300

Charlottesville, VA 22903

15. Warranty Provision: Not Applicable

16. Export Packing Charges: Not Applicable

17. Terms and Conditions of Government Purchase Card: Government credit card is accepted.

Terms and Conditions of Rental, Maintenance, and Repair: Not Applicable

18. Terms and Conditions of Installation: Not Applicable

20/20a. Terms and Conditions of Repair Parts and other Services: Not Applicable

21. List of Service and Distribution Points: Not Applicable

22. List of Participating Dealers: Not Applicable

23. Preventative Maintenance: Not Applicable 24a. Environmental Attributes: Not Applicable 24b. Section 508 Compliance: Not Applicable

25. Data Universal Number System (DUNS) Number: 61-160-3457

26. SAM Registration: Cardno GS Inc. is registered in the System for Award Management database.


Cardno GS, Inc. is a full-service engineering, architecture, planning and environmental consulting company that has served public- and private-sector clientele worldwide for over 30 years. The company has over 380 professionals with specialists that provide facilities- related services such as asset and facilities management, condition assessments, energy audits, engineering, architecture, master planning, web-based software management tools as well as environmental expertise. Cardno GS has successfully provided these services at facilities worldwide. Please visit our Web site at for more information on our capabilities.

561210FAC - Complete Facilities Maintenance and Management

This category covers services related to the complete operations, maintenance and repair of federal facilities and may include the supply or use of environmentally sustainable products such as U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-designated Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (recycled content) products, U.S. Department of Agriculture-designated BioPreferred (biobased) products, Energy Star certified or other energy efficient products, and WaterSense or other water efficient products. The following facilities maintenance services can be ordered as stand-alone or in multiple combinations.

541690E - Energy Services

Includes services related to energy management to include renewable energy studies and projects, energy services related training, resource efficiency management (REM) services, water conservation, building commissioning, re-commissioning and retro-commissioning, energy audits, energy consumption metering services, testing and evaluation of networked energy management systems, energy security, LEED, Green Globes, Energy Star, Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPC), Power Purchase Agreements, consulting on carbon emissions trading programs, renewable energy credits/certificates, greenhouse gas measurement and management, high performance sustainable buildings and sustainable design principles, resilience of Federal infrastructure and operations, energy services consulting etc.

541690 - Integrated Logistics Support

Services include providing advice and assistance to businesses and other organizations on scientific and technical issues (except environmental). Typical associated tasks include, but are not limited to ergonomic/human performance analysis, feasibility analysis, logistics planning, requirements determination, policy standards/procedures development, conducting research studies, long-term reliability and maintainability, training, consulting, conduct acceptance, functional and post acceptance testing, testing, integration of the payload for flight Customer Agency, support provided during launch, orbital maneuvering and satellite separation from the spacecraft.

NOTE: Services under this NAICs cannot include architect-engineer services as defined in the Brooks Act and FAR Part 2 or construction services as defined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 36 and Part 2.

ANCRA - Ancillary Repair and Alterations

Includes ancillary repair and alteration services ordered in conjunction with the delivery, or installation of products or services. These services are non-complex in nature, such as routine painting, carpeting, simple hanging of drywall, basic electrical or plumbing work, landscaping. For ordering limitations and information, refer to the Special Ordering Procedures/Ordering Guide posted on .

OLM - Order-Level Materials (OLM)

OLMs are supplies and/or services acquired in direct support of an individual task or delivery order placed against a Schedule contract or BPA. OLM pricing is not established at the Schedule contract or BPA level, but at the order level. Since OLMs are identified and acquired at the order level, the ordering contracting officer (OCO) is responsible for making a fair and reasonable price determination for all OLMs.

OLMs are procured under a special ordering procedure that simplifies the process for acquiring supplies and services necessary to support individual task or delivery orders placed against a Schedule contract or BPA. Using this new procedure, ancillary supplies and services not known at the time of the Schedule award may be included and priced at the order level.

OLM SIN-Level Requirements/Ordering Instructions:

OLMs are:

- Purchased under the authority of the FSS Program

- Unknown until an order is placed

- Defined and priced at the ordering activity level in accordance with GSAR clause 552.238-115 Special Ordering Procedures for the Acquisition of Order-Level Materials. (Price analysis for OLMs is not conducted when awarding the FSS contract or FSS BPA; therefore, GSAR 538.270 and 538.271 do not apply to OLMs)

- Only authorized for use in direct support of another awarded SIN.

- Only authorized for inclusion at the order level under a Time-and-Materials (T&M) or Labor-Hour (LH) Contract Line Item Number (CLIN)

- Subject to a Not To Exceed (NTE) ceiling price

OLMs are not:

- "Open Market Items."

- Items awarded under ancillary supplies/services or other direct cost (ODC) SINs (these items are defined, priced, and awarded at the FSS contract level)

OLM Pricing:

- Prices for items provided under the Order-Level Materials SIN must be inclusive of the Industrial Funding Fee (IFF).

- The value of OLMs in a task or delivery order, or the cumulative value of OLMs in orders against an FSS BPA awarded under an FSS contract, cannot exceed 33.33%.

NOTE: When used in conjunction with a Cooperative Purchasing eligible SIN, this SIN is Cooperative Purchasing Eligible.


Cardno GS Inc.'s GSA Approved Pricing for our MAS Facilities Maintenance and Management Services contract is shown in the table below. The table provides our consulting rates for each SIN. Under this Federal Supply Schedule, Cardno GS can provide the following services:

561210FAC - Complete Facilities Maintenance and Management

541690E - Energy Services

541690 - Integrated Logistics Support

ANCRA - Ancillary Repair and Alterations


|LABOR CATEGORIES |Rate |Rate |Rate |Rate |Rate |

|Contract Year  |Year 11 |Year 12 |Year 13 |Year 14 |Year 15 |

|Effective Dates |9/1/19-8/31/20 |9/1/20-8/31/21 |9/1/21-8/31/22 |9/1/22-8/31/23 |9/1/23-8/31/24 |

|Executive Manager |$316.72 |$323.06 |$329.52 |$336.11 |$342.83 |

|Project Manager |$186.35 |$190.07 |$193.87 |$197.75 |$201.71 |

|Senior Architect/Engineer/Planner |$165.60 |$168.91 |$172.29 |$175.74 |$179.25 |

|Senior Auditor /Assessor/Analyst |$144.91 |$147.81 |$150.77 |$153.78 |$156.86 |

|Staff Architect/Engineer/Planner |$124.25 |$126.73 |$129.27 |$131.85 |$134.49 |

|Staff Auditor /Assessor/Analyst |$103.53 |$105.60 |$107.71 |$109.86 |$112.06 |

|Junior Architect/Engineer/Planner |$82.81 |$84.46 |$86.15 |$87.88 |$89.63 |

|Junior Auditor /Assessor/Analyst |$62.10 |$63.34 |$64.61 |$65.90 |$67.22 |

|Technical Editor/Publications Specialist|$67.30 |$68.65 |$70.02 |$71.42 |$72.85 |

|Contract Administrator |$82.81 |$84.46 |$86.15 |$87.88 |$89.63 |

|Clerical** |$46.59 |$47.52 |$48.47 |$49.44 |$50.43 |

|Laborer** |$58.35 |$59.52 |$60.71 |$61.92 |$63.16 |

In accordance with Cardno GS’s DCAA approved audited rates, G&A is applied to travel and ODCs and material handling and G&A on the material handling is applied to subcontractor costs. IFF is included on the rates above. Annual 2% escalation is included in the rates above.

** The Service Contract Act (SCA) is applicable to this contract and it includes SCA applicable labor categories. The prices for the indicated (**) SCA labor categories are based on the U.S. Department of Labor Wage Determination Number(s) identified in the SCA matrix. The prices awarded are in line with the geographic scope of the contract (i.e. nationwide).


| | |Minimum Years of| |

|Labor Category Offered |Minimum Education |Experience |Description |

| |Master’s degree OR Bachelor’s degree | |Provides highest level strategic advice and consulting. |

|Executive Manager |and professional |25 | |

| |registration/certification | | |

| |Master’s degree OR Bachelor’s degree | |Responsible for implementing specific task orders under |

|Project Manager |and professional |10 |this contract. Provides strategic advice and consulting. |

| |registration/certification | | |

| | | |Experience involving responsible management and execution |

| |Master’s degree OR Bachelor’s degree | |of project and delivery order tasks in support of Project |

|Senior Architect/Engineer/Planner|and professional |10 |Managers and other team members. Professional registration |

| |registration/certification | |in field of practice is typical. |

| | | |Experience involving responsible management and execution |

| |Master’s degree OR Bachelor’s degree | |of project and delivery order tasks in support of Project |

|Senior Auditor/Assessor/Analyst |and professional |10 |Managers and other team members. Professional registration |

| |registration/certification | |in field of practice is typical. |

| | | |Professional practice in supporting Senior Staff and |

|Staff Architect/Engineer/Planner |Bachelor’s Degree |5 |Project Managers with applied leadership and consulting |

| | | |skill on projects, delivery orders and task orders. |

| | | |Professional practice in supporting Senior Staff and |

|Staff Auditor/Assessor/Analyst |Bachelor’s Degree |5 |Project Managers with applied leadership and consulting |

| | | |skill on projects, delivery orders and task orders. |

| | | |Degree in science, engineering or related field, with |

|Junior Architect/Engineer/Planner|Bachelor’s Degree |2 |professional practice supporting Staff and others on |

| | | |projects, delivery orders and task orders. |

| | | |Degree in science, engineering or related field, with |

|Junior Auditor/Assessor/Analyst |Bachelor’s Degree |2 |professional practice supporting Staff and others on |

| | | |projects, delivery orders and task orders. |

|Technical Editor/Publications | | |Proofreads and edits technical reports, prepares figures, |

|Specialist |Bachelor’s Degree |2 |illustrations, report covers. |

| | | |Responsible for monitoring compliance with and |

|Contract Administrator |Bachelor’s Degree |5 |administration of contractual terms and conditions. |

| | | |Responsible for filing, word processing and general |

|Clerical |High School |2 |secretarial duties in support of managers, consultants and |

| | | |analysts. |

| | | |Performs routine and non-routine repair, alteration, |

| | | |delivery, or installation of products or services also |

|Laborer |None (High School preferred) |1 |purchased under this Schedule. Includes basic electrical or|

| | | |plumbing work, landscaping, and similar noncomplex |

| | | |services. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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