BUSINESS DEBUT SCRIPT for Consultant kicking off her own ...

BUSINESS DEBUT SCRIPT for Consultant kicking off her own business!

List of Supplies:

Paper Towels

Miracle set with foundation

Satin Hands and Satin Lips (optional)

Date book highlighted with dates you are available to work your business

Satin Hands

Wrapped Gifts

Tickets or Pieces of Paper for names

Profile Cards

Business Cards

Product Display next to where you will stand

$ Greet Guests as they come in. Hand them your business card and their Profile Card. Ask them to fill out the Profile Card (let them know you will be doing a drawing with the Profile cards).

“Let’s get started. We’re going to have some fun today and you’ll have a chance to win some great prizes. Later on I will tell you how you can do just that!”

I want to welcome everyone here. Thank you so much for coming and supporting me! Thank you ________ for having us in your home today, I appreciate you! I’m very excited about my business, and appreciate you all coming. This is what Mary Kay is all about, women supporting women to become the best they can be. Many women join for different reasons, whether it’s just for some girlfriend time, extra income, flexibility, or a career driving a FREE company car. The reason I started my Mary Kay business is because…..(share why you started, what you currently do, and where you are going…your goals…in Mary Kay….for example…I am so excited because with the extra income I will earn with my Mary Kay business, I will graduate from college debt free and will have earned a FREE car in Mary Kay).

At this point…you can either read the first couple pages of the FLIP CHART…or….

Mary Kay is the #1 brand in skin care and color cosmetics, not just one year but 13 years in a row! Our company philosophy is Faith first, family second, and career third! We also live by the golden rule - to do unto others as they would have them do unto you. We have balance in our lives because Mary Kay teaches us how to set priorities by putting out faith first, family second and our career third. There is nothing mandatory in Mary Kay, there are no quotas. You may hold one appt a month, get products at cost, or win your car in one month. Mary Kay is known for teaching women how to take care of their skin, applying glamour and help them with other concerns. It’s so much more than just lipstick! (State some of the facts in Mary Kay using the fact sheet) Any questions from anyone?

You are not going to take your makeup off today. You will do that at another date, at your own PMS appointment. Yes, that’s what I said, PMS. But, it’s a good type of PMS; it’s your own Personalized Makeover Session! Mary Kay has a fabulous training program. We were written up in the Wall Street Journal as being in the top 100 best well-trained women in America! I am currently going through my professional training and am now ready for my on-hands training, that is, I need some faces to practice on. My first goal in Mary Kay is to practice on 30 faces in 30 days. I will receive the prestigious PowerStart pin and will enter the Hall of Fame for our unit recognition. So, this is where you can help. By allowing me to pamper you, you can help with my training, doesn’t that sound great?! And, by sharing your appointment, you will receive FREE Mary Kay product from me!

As a special thank you for booking your PMS appointment with me today, you will receive a ticket for the drawing I am holding tonight. Additionally, I am going to share some information on our products and have you try a hand facial. If you fall in love with any of the products and want to give them a try, you are welcome to purchase them this evening. And, when you do, you will receive an additional ticket for the drawing for every $20 you purchase!

I handed you my business card when you came in. Now the great thing about purchasing product from me as your consultant is that you are purchasing from a small business owner. It’s not like going into Target or Nordstrom or wherever you shop and swiping your credit card and it going to this huge organization.

When you purchase product from me, you’re getting the #1 brand of skin care and cosmetics and you’re supporting a real person…you’re supporting me, you’re supporting my family, you’re supporting my goals and my dreams, and a lot of women really love that!

Also on my business card is my website…you can go online and purchase product from me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And you still get that personalized service—I still deliver or mail it to you, and you still get to ask me questions, so if during the winter you’re having some dryness in your skin, I can tweak your formula; I can tweak your cleanser and your moisturizer. If in the summer you’re having oily problems, I can kind of tweak what you’re doing, and so you get personalized service year-round, but the convenience of being able to shop in your home at your computer.

Okay, there’s one more thing that I want to tell you that’s really, really important. Mary Kay has a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. You’re going to love this! This means that you’re never going to walk into a store, buy a lipstick that looks super good in the case, get home, try it on in your bathroom light, and it looks fluorescent orange! And then you throw it in the back of your drawer and you never use it again. Because whether it’s a cleanser or a lipstick or an eye cream, if you are not 100% satisfied, you return the product to me, and I replace the product or give you your money back, no questions asked. Isn’t that great? And I’m not penalized! So you never have to feel bad about returning your product to me, because I will send the product back to Mary Kay, they ship me a new product, and we’re good to go! So it’s always a no-risk purchase with Mary Kay, so keep that in mind as well. ready to try it? Tonight we’re going to go ahead and try our famous face skin care system, but on your hand for today only. And, when we get together in person, you’ll be able to personally experience the Mary Kay facial and much more pampering! At the end of the presentation, I’ll come around so we can get your date scheduled.


Go around to each individual, squirt a small (pea-size) amount of Normal-to-Dry cleanser on the back of their hand. Have them massage into skin. Use wet paper-towel to remove. Then, squirt small, pea-size amount of Day Solution on the same area. As you are applying to everyone’s hand, recap the benefits of the products. Next, apply the Normal-to-Dry moisturizer over the same area (over the Day Solution). Lastly, apply the foundation. If using liquid, apply the foundation to both hands so they can compare the two. Otherwise, apply the mineral powder foundation over the same area. Have them compare the feeling/look between their two hands. The skin that used the TW products looks nice and smooth; refreshed!

Draw everyone’s attention to the difference between their hands. “Remember, this was with just one application, wait till you see the results after just 2 weeks, 8 weeks, and ultimately 12 weeks. Your skin will be transformed, a more radiant and younger-looking skin!

Okay, now I’m going to show you some sets that we have available. Review the beauty book insert….or read about the products from the FLIP CHART!

Now when you’re looking at price point, I want you to remember that this set will last you on average four months. Some women use it in three, some women use it in six, but on average it’s going to last you four months…..that’s a really good deal for your price point. The special that I’m running tonight is that if you purchase the Ultimate Miracle Set, you get this travel roll-up bag for free.

I love this travel roll-up bag….I take it everywhere I go! This actually rolls up…you can hang it on the back of your shower door, it Velcros open, and each pocket also Velcros out. So let’s say that you had your color in one of the sections and you wanted to re-do your color before going out…pull off this section, put it in your purse, and you’re good to go! Plus, it’s clear, so you’re no longer digging for your skin care or your color, it’s all right there. This is a $30 value, but if you purchase the Ultimate Miracle Set tonight, you get it for free. I also like to give you the option if you already own the travel roll-up bag or if you would like another option, you can get the Satin Hands set for free, either one. So the travel roll-up bag or the Satin Hands for free with the Ultimate Miracle Set.

Now I am running a special for $199 you will get any 4 sets. The UMS is 3 sets, the MS is 2 set and the basic is 1 set.

Now I would love to see you each leave with an anti-aging skin care program that you’re confident in and that’s going to make you feel your best and maybe you came here to buy all your skin care, or maybe some of your skin care or maybe you came just to have some fun with your friends. It doesn’t matter to me, I am just glad you came out and tried our products.

Now, I have one more thing I would like to do. Please turn your profile card over again. Now right 1, 2, 3 in the pink area going down.

1 - For our next appointment (your PMS appointment) would you like to meet privately or one on one? Recap what a party is and what my hostess credit is. For those of you that choose party, I will give you an extra ticket for the drawing! Who chose party? (give ticket)

2- If money were no object, I want you to create your wish list. If you want to pamper yourself and want the roll-up bag, just write that!

3 - Give our business opportunity a grade. You got to see what I did here this evening and hear a little about our Mary Kay business, and I want you to give me a grade…A – for $100 absolutely I’d like to buy a Starter Kit. B – buy me a cup of coffee, I have some questions….I’m a little curious C - Nothing I want to try right now, I’m just excited about becoming a happy customer (so A is absolutely, B is buy me some coffee, C is like to be a customer). You can be a plus or minus….B+

4 - I build my business on referrals so if you can think of anyone that would enjoy some pampering please write down their name and number. Can write this at the top of the profile, where #4 is. I won’t call until I talk to you first. Now think of FRANK, Friends, Relative, Acquaintances, Neighboors, Kids or Clubs. For those of you that list at least 3 referrals, I will give you an extra ticket for the drawing!! Who has 3 already?? Great…give ticket.

So, what I would like to do is start meeting with you individually. I take cash, I take check, I take credit cards…I take it all!

When we wrap up, I’ll do the drawings! Thank you sooo much for coming!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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