Science Fair Due Dates, Check List, Point Value and Parent ...

Dear Parents / Guardians,

As many of you may know 6th, 7th and 8th grade students will be participating in the CPS Student Science Fair, this year. This is an excellent chance for every student to not only increase their understanding of scientific inquiry, but develop and undertake their own experiments. These projects allow our students to investigate topics of their own choice, undergo experimentation, align finding with current research, and increase their overall knowledge of the scientific world. This will provide our students will an amazing learning experience and a chance to move on to the area and city events. Along with these benefits this project will be a large part of their first and second quarter grades and in so will entail a great deal of work, to guarantee success. The following is a detailed list of assignments and due dates. I am asking that you take a close look at these and make sure that your student stays up to date. It is important that they do not fall behind, if they wish to be successful. I will be available to answer any questions or provide support as it is needed; my contact information is listed in the following pages. I am confident that if we strive for success this project will be fun, educational, and greatly enriching for our students. Thank you for your help and assistance in this endeavor and I ask that you sign and return this letter so that I know you have been informed.


Stevenson Middle School Science Department

Students Name:______________________________________________________

Parent Signature:_____________________________________________________


Estimados Padres / Tutores,

Como muchos de ustedes saben los estudiantes de 6to, 7mo y 8vo grado estarán participando en la Feria de Ciencias CPS Estudiante, este año. Esta es una excelente oportunidad para que todos los estudiantes para aumentar no sólo su comprensión de la investigación científica, sino a desarrollar y llevar a cabo sus propios experimentos. Estos proyectos permiten a nuestros estudiantes a investigar temas de su propia elección, se someten a la experimentación, la búsqueda se alinean con las investigaciones actuales, y aumentar su conocimiento general del mundo científico. Esto proporcionará a nuestros estudiantes harán una experiencia de aprendizaje increíble y una oportunidad de pasar a los eventos de la zona y de la ciudad. Junto con estos beneficios que este proyecto será una gran parte de sus calificaciones del primer y segundo trimestre y en lo implicará una gran cantidad de trabajo, para garantizar el éxito. La siguiente es una lista detallada de las tareas y las fechas de vencimiento. Estoy pidiendo que usted echa un vistazo de cerca a estos y asegúrese de que su hijo se mantenga actualizado. Es importante que no se queden atrás, si quieren tener éxito. Estaré disponible para contestar cualquier pregunta o proporcionar apoyo que sea necesario; mi información de contacto aparece en las páginas siguientes. Estoy seguro de que si nos esforzamos para el éxito de este proyecto va a ser divertido, educativo, y en gran medida enriquecedora para nuestros estudiantes. Gracias por su ayuda y asistencia en este esfuerzo y le pido que firme y devuelva esta carta para que sepa usted ha sido informado.


Stevenson Departamento de Ciencias de la Escuela Intermedia

Firma de Estudiante:______________________________________________________

Firma de Padre:__________________________________________________________

|Part # |Due Date |Items Due: |Point Value: |Parent Signature: |

| |(Day) | | | |

|~ |Sept. 6, 2019 |Projects must be approved by teacher, and students should |Topic, Hypothesis, and Procedure (1st draft) | |

| |(Fri.) |begin their experiments. | | |

|1 |Sept. 12, 2019 |1. Parent Sheet Signed |Parent Sheet - 10pts | |

| |(Fri.) |2. Experiment Overview (Title, Purpose, Hypothesis, |Experiment Overview – 25pts. | |

| | |Materials, and Finalized Procedure. | | |

|2 |Oct. 11, 2019 |First Draft Due containing: |Title Page – 5 pts | |

| |(Fri.) |1. Title Page |Safety Sheet – 5 pts | |

| | |2. Safety Sheet |Table of Contents – 10 pts | |

| | |2. Table of Contents |Purpose & Hypothesis – 10 pts | |

| | |3. Purpose and Hypothesis |Materials & Procedure – 10 pts | |

| | |4. Materials and Procedure |Review of Literature – 50 pts | |

| | |5. Review of Literature |References – 10 pts | |

| | |6. References | | |


|4 |Oct. 28, 2019 |Second Draft Due Containing: |Title Page – 5 pts | |

| |(Mon.) |1. Title Page (corrections) |Safety Sheet – 5 pts | |

| | |2. Safety Sheet (corrections) |Table of Contents – 5 pts | |

| | |3. Table of Contents (corrections) |Purpose & Hypothesis – 5 pts | |

| | |4. Purpose and Hypothesis (corrections) |Materials & Procedure – 5 pts | |

| | |5. Materials and Procedure (corrections) |Review of Literature – 20 pts | |

| | |6. Review of Literature (corrections) |References – 5 pts | |

| | |7. References (corrections) |Results – 25 pts | |

| | |8. Results (New) |Data Tables and Graphs – 15 pts | |

| | |9. Data Tables and Graphs (New) |Conclusion – 10 pts | |

| | |10. Conclusion (New) | | |

|5 |Nov. 12, 2019 |Final Draft Due Containing: |Abstract – 20 pts | |

| |(Mon.) |1. Abstract |Title Page – 5 pts | |

| | |2. Title Page (corrections) |Safety Sheet – 5 pts | |

| | |3. Safety Sheet (corrections) |Table of Contents – 5 pts | |

| | |4.Table of Contents (corrections) |Purpose & Hypothesis – 5 pts | |

| | |5.Purpose and Hypothesis (corrections) |Materials & Procedure – 5 pts | |

| | |6.Materials and Procedure (corrections) |Review of Literature – 20 pts | |

| | |7.Review of Literature (corrections) |References – 5 pts | |

| | |8. Conclusion (New) |Results – 25 pts | |

| | |9. Results (corrections) |Data Tables and Graphs – 15 pts | |

| | |10.Data Tables and Graphs (corrections) |Conclusion – 10 pts | |

| | |11. References (corrections) | | |

|7 |Dec. 2, 2019 |Display Boards are Due and Presentations Begin |Display Boards – 100 pts. | |

| |(Mon.) | |Presentation – 100 pts. | |

|8 |Dec. 9, 2019 |Students who will be attending School Science Fair will be Announced |

|9 |Dec. 11, 2019 |Stevenson Middle School’s Annual Science Fair |

* Student should create a Science fair folder so that materials are organized *

** Parents are required to check assignments and provide Signatures on spaces above **

*** These Items should be completed on a Word Processor. Please make sure that all items are complete and turned in by the Due Date. ***

Contact Information For Middle School Science Teachers

8th Grade Sci. Teacher: Mrs. Amro Email:

7th Grade Sci. Teacher: Mr. Loszach Email:

6th Grade Sci. Teacher: Mrs. Gavin Email:



• First page of paper

• Three (3) paragraphs with headings: Purpose, Procedure, and Conclusion

• Typed single-spaced

• 200 words or less

• Exhibit number in the upper right corner if going to the city fair


• Second page of paper

• Lists possible hazards, precautions described

• If no hazards were possible a statement indicating this is included

• Signed by student and sponsor

• Exhibit number in the upper right corner if going to the city fair


• Formatted as on page 48

• Approval signed by both the sponsor and school coordinator

• Exhibit number in the upper right corner if going to the city fair


• Project title and exhibitor’s last name typed at the top left corner

• Pagination is accurate


• Credit is given to those who have helped with the research


• States precisely what the investigation was attempting to discover

• Hypothesis is present


• Provides information that supports the hypothesis and if necessary, the procedure

• Provides adequate background information about the topic

• Use of third person is evident

• Logical and/or related grouping of information

• Accurate spelling, grammar, quotations and citations50 Chicago Public Schools Student Science Fair, Inc.


• All equipment and materials are listed

• Drawings and photographs are present if they enhance and clarify the project

• Step-by-step, chronological procedures are present and replicable

• A control or comparison group is present and appropriate

• Number of trials within each test group is adequate

• Control of variables is evident


• All data is presented, including results inconsistent with the hypothesis, if applicable

• Data and calculations are clear and accurate

• Data is quantitative and correct units of measurement (metric) are used

• Data is organized into clear & informative tables or charts with accompanying graphs


• Evaluation and interpretation of data is present

• Refers back to purpose and hypothesis

• Answers the original question

• Is valid and limited to the results of the experiment


• References in this list are actually cited in the paper

• References from a variety of at least 12 sources and are current (copyright within the last seven years)

• Reference list is alphabetical

• Proper APA format is used for all references

• Titled “Reference List” or “References Cited” not “Bibliography”


• Nine (9) copies of the Science Project Paper are needed to register for the City Science Fair


• Science Project Paper clearly and concisely explains the project in short, simple sentences

• Project title & exhibitor’s last name typed at top left corner of all pages after Table of Contents

• Typed double-spaced, one inch margins on all sides, single-sided

• All pages are numbered and referenced in the Table of Contents

• Standard type font and size (ex. Times New Roman and 10- or 12- point font)

• Science Project Paper (Abstract, Safety Sheet, and Research Summary) is no more than 30 pages (31 if an endorsement is included)

• Paper is well typed, with correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and consistent point of view

Display Boards

• Neat and Well Organized

• Clearly Details Experiment

• Includes Photographs and Data Charts

• Shows Students undertaking Experiments


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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